Sunday, December 27, 2009

Navy Neckerchief Rolling Tips

"Death Penalty" means a prison in Italy

In Italian prisons each year die of natural causes more than 100 detainees. The newspapers rarely give news. Sometimes, the cause of death is cardiovascular disease, other times, marks the culmination of a chronic illness or hunger strike or even a suicide, in prison that has a frequency 19 times higher.

Other deaths, however, are suspected of abuse by staff on duty or violence by other detainees. The tragic case of Stephen Cucchi is just the latest in a series that originated in past years. The Judiciary is already dealing with the death of Louis Acquaviva, Julian Costantini, Francesco Romeo, Mauro Fedele. E 'plausible the hypothesis of murder, but, pending the outcome of the judicial investigation, these deaths are still classified as "natural causes".

often these plays are located in dilapidated structures, with little re-education activities, which is low even volunteering. These deficiencies must be added the cuts and the reduction of prison health staff. The detainee does not are guaranteed the rights to health and dignity.

latter actually destroyed in people in prison awaiting trial. Today, just because a notice of a newspaper and television destroy the life of the suspect, without taking into account the presumption of innocence guaranteed by the laws and the State, until a final ruling. Persons under investigation, that 50% of cases will eventually acquitted ... But now their name has been associated with criminal events and that's what stays in people's memories. Not the sentence of acquittal or correction of the paragraph in the newspapers.

another critical is that of reintegration into society, at the end of the sentence. There are bodies responsible for supporting people released from prison, the councils of social welfare, required by the Prison Reform Act of 1975. There are also offices for the Criminal Execution External (UEPE), with the dual function of monitoring and support during the implementation of alternative measures. But often, everything remains on paper. The penalty is just retribution, rehabilitation is rejected. It follows that the addict will return to drugs, the thief to steal, to kill the murderess.

course, the solutions do not come magically from the cylinder. But it could promote projects prevention of suicide and self harm, monitor - making use of associations prison and newspapers - the deaths in prisons, provide access to health care volunteers to accompany the medical staff on duty. The foreign prisoners, more numerous, and require targeted health education, socio-cultural mediation ...

In this bleak landscape, become emblematic, and dramatically present the words of Adriano Sofri written in 1999 in "il Foglio" "I want to return to this avoidance of shame. In the last three months have escaped from Rebibbia and one from Milan Opera. old people, with knotted sheets ... But the most common form of evasion and insidious, because they form so as to be ignored in the statistics criminals, is suicide. A hundred criminals a year if they go well, sometimes the sheets with their administration.
It's time to say enough. "

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Multi-camera Frame? Mode = Motion

STEM CELLS: Stem cell therapy in the laws of life

All of us humans, but also every living being originates and develops from a single cell. It is clear that cell and that their daughters must be intrinsically information and skills needed to replicate and transform, rather specialize in all the different cells and tissues that characterize the adult organism. These are the stem cells, known as "totipotent" non-specialized, sensitive to the aging process, with infinite replicative potential.

cells and then characterized by a high capacity to generate and then to regenerate tissues. But cells with characteristics of autonomy and freedom of action similar to cancer cells. During the growth of the embryo these cells give rise to various organs, moving into position, keeping only readable information relevant to the function that has been predetermined for them, "forget" progressively everything that they do not begin to compete and grow old : turn into somatic cells that characterize the adult organism.

Risulta evidente quindi che la possibilità di utilizzare, controllare e direzionare cellule staminali proprie o di altri individui possa essere una grande opportunità terapeutica nelle malattie degenerative, come in quelle genetiche, ma anche in tutte quelle caratterizzate da morte cellulare come ictus ed infarto. È la nuova frontiera della medicina che dopo aver ottenuto grandi risultati con i farmaci “chimici” e un po’ meno con quelli “biologici”, ha oggi a disposizione la possibilità di coltivare delle cellule che possano riprodurre i meccanismi fisiologici dell’organismo, modulare la risposta immune, riparare i danni tissutali e trasformarsi in tessuti di altri individui evitando il rischio del rigetto.
But to achieve this we must overcome many obstacles. The most effective results could be obtained from cells "totipotent," capable of turning into mean any fabric we want.

To do this we should use embryonic cells, with serious ethical implications of the need to withdraw from a human embryo, especially without having the full ability to control directionality and their development. Our knowledge on the phases of operation, reading, transcription of the genetic cell is in fact still far from a genuine understanding of the steps. The real risk and evidence, as mentioned intrinsic to embryonic stem cells, therefore, is to insert cellule senza adeguato controllo e di stimolare anche la nascita di neoplasie nell’individuo ricevente.

Nell’organismo adulto possiamo però trovare cellule con caratteri di multipotenza chiamate staminali adulte. Possono essere prelevate soprattutto dal cordone ombelicale, dal midollo osseo e dal grasso corporeo. Queste cellule hanno caratteristiche di trasformazione e differenziazione molto minori a quelle embrionali, possono specializzarsi in un numero limitato di tessuti, spesso simili a quelli nelle quali sono state prelevate. Sono anche in parte sensibili ai processi di invecchiamento, ma hanno caratteristiche meno vicine alle cellule tumorali e quindi sono utilizzabili con un rischio maggiormente accettabile. Gli scienziati hanno then decided to turn these adult stem cells by increasing its transforming ability.

This could happen with the manipulation of genes that allowed the regression to a pluripotent ottenedo so genetically reprogrammed adult somatic cell-like embryonic (IPS). In the future it is hoped that the "cell therapy" and especially with adult stem cells could take a prominent place in studies, research and experiments, and in this sense, the legislature and the Italian and European regulations provide for this feasibility. Because medical science can progress it is necessary to maintain a given therapeutic use that has been proven be effective to prevent, in addition to brain drain abroad, including that of patients.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

When To Report Accident To Police In Alberta

was 1958 when he started a project of the Ministry of Defence of the United States called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) in an attempt to counter the technological development of 'Soviet Union. In 1966 ARPANET, the first network, launches its first cry and 1971 can not connect with each other 23 computers. But we must wait until 1982 because the word Internet is born: with the creation of TCP / IP sets the standard that would allow interconnections multiple. The shift, however, has in 1991 when CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) announces the birth of the World Wide Web (www). Begin to proliferate and service providers in 1992 are already connected to the network of one million computers, which become 600 million in 2008 with more than 600 million active websites and 120,000 blogs are born every day.

Internet is now the main form of communication, storage, consulting, advertising and information. No one had expected, no one has managed to contain it, nobody can control it. The nature of the Internet, since its inception, is in fact to circumvent any possible obstacle. ARPANET was designed specifically to maintain active communication between the "nodes" in the event of war or nuclear holocaust. The system hardware and software has been set with this function and it remains today. The network of networks, as an autonomous entity, grows, expands, always finds new ways to allow connections and ways to circumvent government filters or commercial purposes.

As a social brain, which already has a number of addresses twenty times higher than the number of existing neurons in our brain, has become the most powerful and revolutionary man-made. After merging with each other Western countries, has extended to developing countries, becoming the largest social phenomenon, cultural and democratic history. In many countries allow freedom of expression and democracy, guarantees to the people around the world to see and know everything, even what you would like to keep hidden.

Today, thanks to the Internet, you can have access to information from anywhere on the planet and get answers in seconds. In just over ten years, mankind has accumulated such a large amount of information to transform the entire network in the universal knowledge: from research and studies made by many on-line American universities encyclopedia Wikipedia that has reached one million items, from newspapers to the minute updated information to the operations held non-stop, from personal blogs to the considerations of each of us.

An immense work, created for free by millions of people. Without any coordination, was achieved something that no plan could ever achieve production company and, most importantly, no funding could support. Internet lends it a significance far beyond the possibility of grants with its use. He questioned everything: the control of information, propaganda policy, freedom of thought and speech, the rules of market economy and based on an outdated and anachronistic GDP and, of course, even the legality of the surveillance systems, which must necessarily change and evolve to prevent the use of criminal network.

But above all, was the only instance in history in which each of us, like bees in a hive, has used time and energy to cooperate rather than compete, in an area in which one can never tell who is at the center and the periphery, especially those who are at the top or at the base of the system.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Counter Strike Source Launch Options -dxlevel

Amor Vincit Omnia

That is, a study of fussiness

As result of the previous post, to continue study sull'inspiegabile hatred that pervades psychos, journalists, judges, politicians, protestors and balls, and much to worry about the Italian government is doing, I put here a clear example of what would otherwise the right tone to use the political arena, to tone down, keep social calm, spread a culture of love.

We start with Chapters 1 and 2, study well it is Christmas and all are good, and we? We do not want mica ... disgrace?

"The leader of the Members of the PDL, Fabrizio Cicchitto , yesterday said in parliament since 1994, taking place in Italy a" hate campaign "against Silvio Berlusconi . Fortunately, the Prime Minister intervened and suffered from 'San Raffaele hospital , where he was admitted after the shameful and inexcusable attack suffered Sunday evening, said that "love conquers hate." This is demonstrated by, among other things, the hundreds of interventions and members of his center-right in the last 15 years have always been based on common sense and moderation. Here then is a necessarily brief anthology of the best sentences of what might be called the Party of Love.
The bon ton with opponents
"Veltroni is a jerk" (Berlusconi, 03/09/1995). "Veltroni is a miserable" (Berlusconi, 04/04/2000). "Giuliano Amato, the useful idiot who sits at Palazzo Chigi" (Berlusconi, 04/21/2000). "Prodi? A borrowed leaders (Berlusconi, 22/02/1995)." The Bindi and Prodi are like thieves Pisa: argue day and night to steal "(Berlusconi, 09/29/1996)." Prodi is the mask Communists "(Berlusconi, 22/05/2003)." Prodi is a liar dangerous for us all "(Berlusconi, 10/21/2006)." Before the election I was able to meet only twice on television, my opponent, and with only two and a half minutes to answer the questions of the journalist and the bullshit that said Prodi. "(Berlusconi at the school of political education of Forza Italy, July 2, 2007)." With Prodi at Palazzo Chigi is right to say it rains Government thief "(Berlusconi, 04/10/2008)." The center? insane, miserable at the barrel of the gas "(Berlusconi, 04/04/2000)." Mr. Schulz, I know that in Italy there is a producer who is assembling a film about Nazi concentration camps. Suggest the for the role of Kapo (inaugurating the Italian Presidency of the European Union and responding to a question from the Social Democratic leader, German Martin Schulz, on conflict of interest, July 2, 2003). "I am in politics because the good prevail over evil . If the left would go to the government, the outcome would be this: misery, terror and death. As with the communist governments everywhere (Berlusconi, 17/01/2005).

Respect for voters
"She has a beautiful face bitch!" (Mrs. Anna Galli Rimini, who complained, 24 / 7 / 2003). "I do not think voters are stupid enough to rely on People like D'Alema and Fassino, who has a moral complicity with those who did the most serious crimes such as Comrade Pol Pot "(Berlusconi, 14 December 2005). "I have too much esteem for the intelligence of Italians to think that there are around so many balls that are permitted to vote by their lack of interest" (Berlusconi's speech in front of the Confcommercio 04/04/2006). "Our three" I ": English, Internet, business. Those of the Olive: insult, insult and insult "(27/05/2004). "

The following lessons can be found here (at your own risk).
Image taken from 'r pisanaccio !

Monday, December 14, 2009

Flagyl Cough Mixture For Dogs

Il Premier più bersagliato degli ultimi 150 anni

That is, a study on hate.

A mentally ill person throws a brick on the teeth of a man . Such news is likely to remain limited to purely local, with unanimous expressions of solidarity with the victim and some mild debate about madness and the difficulty of managing people with severe mental illness, often left alone with their families.

A mentally ill person throws a brick on the teeth of a man rich, famous and very controversial, which has made many enemies over the years . In this case the news would certainly have a much greater spread in proportion to the fame of VIP involved. His friends would be outraged and would seek to make the guilty pay dearly and who should be cared for. His enemies are divided between fair trade (because the violence is never an acceptable choice ethically) and carrion ("oh finally someone got there"). Here's an example

vippissimo: Fabrizio Corona you this?

omnipresent, a lover of the saying "talk to me for better or worse, just that you continue to talk about myself, always surrounded by beautiful women, self-confident to the point of encroaching into attitude, rude, verbally and sometimes even physically violent, prosecuted (and convicted) extortion, fraudulent bankruptcy and criminal association and other amenities? Well, all you can say except that the Corona is a type that goes unnoticed or let other people indifferent.
People like him have such an ego, such a cult of personality , which leads them to spill over from all limits "conventional", and therefore also draws extreme reactions: you love them or hate them, they are not idolatrous or they can suffer. This extremism is not accidental: The Crown will also have a temper, but he uses it with skill to cultivate an image of himself that satisfies him. Being the most famous and most controversial celebrity of the moment is his desire and his choice. Se ciò comporta avere un nutrito gruppo di detrattori a controbilanciare (ed esaltare) i suoi ammiratori, a lui va benissimo.
" Molti nemici molto onore ": parola di un altro famoso superuomo italiano.

Se una persona come lui ricevesse una mattonata sui denti da un folle, mia nonna direbbe semplicemente "mi dispiace per lui, la violenza è sempre sbagliata, ma chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta". Ossia: non condivido la mattonata, anzi la condanno, ma secondo me non è un caso che la mattonata se la sia presa proprio lui. Non credo che nessuno considerebbe mia nonna una feroce fomentatrice d'odio, una mandante morale della violenza. Le eventuali carogne che si facessero una risata soddisfatta alla notizia would be considered bad and cynical, but never, ever be accused of being guilty of aggression.

But now say a sentence like that could cost you dear, dear! Because it just so happens that yesterday a mentally ill person has actually pulled a blunt object on the teeth of a man rich, famous and very controversial, which is called Silvio Berlusconi and is our Prime Minister. pictures of his bloodied face had not yet been fully deployed, which was already the controversy flared up!
In a normal society, the debate (except for some inevitable slide) is essentially limited to two points: 1 - why a mentally unstable, under the care of 20 years, has not been recognized as potentially dangerous and 2 - because, although it was clearly altered , managed to approach the Premier potergli so much to throw directly on the face of a blunt object? For the second time?

(okay, a cynical bastard like me also note the incredible retaliation of the head of this government, which has strengthened controls against illegal immigrants and set up patrols to protect citizens against violence, struck by the representation of the Cathedral Milan shot by an Italian speech to his audience ...)

Clearly there is a problem of national security and private molto molto grave! Negli USA, ogni aggressione ad un esponente politico (e ce ne sono state) hanno sollevato questo problema. Idem in tutti gli altri paesi del mondo!

Invece in Italia, la polemica verte sul clima d'odio che, secondo i partiti al Governo, sarebbe stato generato ed alimentato dall'opposizione. Ed io ieri sera ho dovuto passare due ore a difendermi, perchè, in qualità di antiberlusconiana convinta, sarei parimenti responsabile di quanto accaduto in quanto il mio essere contro Berlusconi (come persona e come politico) alimenterebbe questo clima d'odio che ha armato la mano dell'aggressore.


No. Il morigerato Ignazio La Russa, colui che dava del pedofilo and that a protester his left to punch another , she said: " when doing demonstrations for a party but not against one person and hate-this is the result. This is the result of the politics of hate. " Maroni is ready to launch a series of measures to obscure sites that glorify violence and hatred , but mind you, only those against Berlusconi. Those who advocate the death penalty of two cruel masters, the ones no, that's not hatred. Too bad, could be an opportunity for reflection on violence, rather than be just another maneuver on a personal basis!

Apart from the fact that, now that Berlusconi has been physically attacked, it seems that no one can express more dissatisfaction with himself and to his politics ... But what does the opposition and those who, like me, who professes antiberlusconiano with the attack of a madman? Obviously, I'm sorry it was hit, but I remain deeply antiberlusconiana and my opinion to him as a person and as a policy, does not change!

If anyone has turned into a political uproar unworthy to blows and insults to all opponents at all levels ( BALLS , you remember it?), Machismo, the cult of personality, racism and sessisimo , dumb jokes and verbal violence, that's Silvio Berlusconi. He managed to look like a superman, constantly in the spotlight and always over the top, to love or hate no half measures. And most has surrounded himself with people who use the same relentless verbal abuse continues. If

now comes a Madonite teeth for more during a rally in which they let go and newly to the usual verbal excesses against the protesters, my grandmother would say that if you went looking. But my grandmother would wrong, because everyone seems to forget that "the bomber" is not a political activist, a communist jerk, a protester violates anti-b-day, an angry unemployed, an immigrant irregular and not an evil rom ... No, this is a mentally unstable person, who has targeted the most VIP of the moment. He could very well be John Lennon instead of Berlusca. The only difference is, while Lennon would continue to like the Berlusca (unless you change its policies and attitude) will continue to dislike, and I have every right to say it and think no one dares to even insinuate that this makes me a co-responsible what has happened.

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COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Dear Mr. Travaglio, I swear I did not copy its arguments , I had already used them both last night that this morning, I have witnesses ... Of course she tells her very best ... But there is a certain harmony ... how about to hire me as a collaborator? :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

How Quick Do Nystatin Work On Diaper Rash

Wounded Knee (people are fragile things, you should know by now)

The Editors are right: people are fragile, we should know and be careful of what we submit that the. I always try to keep that in mind, but unfortunately sometimes I forget. Especially when it concerns myself, let's say I have a tendency to overestimate my strength!

This time, deaf to the entreaties of my meniscus, I dragged my old Silent and tired limbs in a three-day fire in Rome, winning the Editors of the concert, a tour of the capital and the manifestation of B Day No In theory it should not be nothing too athletic: we had booked a B & B close to Theatre concert, which was located on the map Urbe ass, and then move increasingly using public transport. But we did not come to terms with the landlord, in the literal sense!
As you arrive by train, we expect to solertissimo the hotel, that in a Aho and a pat on the back of the taxi drivers in a row there kept us very happy to announce posto, allo stesso prezzo stracciato, in un suo nuovissimo hotel proprio in centro. L'albergo è effettivamente centralissimo, la camera a dir poco lussuosa, il personale gentilissimo... solo che quando chiediamo indicazioni su come raggiungere il teatro, suscitiamo reazioni preoccupate: "ah regà, q.lla zona llà nun è pproprio bbella 'a notte, sete sicuri che c'avete pproprio d'annà?" Si, siamo sicuri. "Vabbè, è fascile: prennete er tram n.14, scennete ar capolinea d'a prenestina, annate su dritti pe viale tojatti e poi traversate. Ma me raccomanno, regà, non date confidenza, non state a sentì a nessuno!"

Ok, prendiamo il cestino da portare alla nonna, pull on the red cap and we start jumping. Scennemo ar terminus, Annam on straight avenue, not Damo confidence wolf (anfame!), and after a good Sgambati in the middle of a tundra species (which littered mollichine for the trip), we finally arrive at the theater. We jumped in, and our boldness is rewarded by an enjoyable concert with performances by groups already shoulder Wintersleep and Maccabees, which give two very different but compelling interpretations of alternative rock (the first I liked most from the echoes of indie rock, the latter would not disfigured at the Summer Jamboree).

On stage, decorated with strange Pupino (Gormiti lovers too? mah...), arrivano poi Tom Smith & Co. Un'ora e mezza di musica e divertimento, fra vecchi successi e nuovi pezzi più elettronici che, dal vivo, rendono decisamente meglio: in this light and on this evening, an end has a start, you don't know love, bones, bullets, the boxer, the big exit, escape the nest, eat raw meet=blood drool, smokers outside the hospital doors, like treasure, when anger shows, the racing rats, you are fading, bricks and mortar, walk the fleet road; e come bis munich, papillon, fingers in the factories. Ho cercato di stare buonina, ma quando hanno attaccato la mia preferita non sono riuscita a trattenermi ed ho iniziato a saltare come the rest of the audience, which is heated gradually, but then he has not stopped since. Result: large-scale production of endorphins, but spitefully patella kneecap out of place ...

Following mollichine under a nagging drizzle we go back (more or less limping) at the bus stop and discover with horror that no longer pass trams, buses are all directed to the warehouse, and that night there is no trace. We look a bit ', then we must accept the sad reality and started to walk toward the center. 7 km of oaths avoided thanks to the great heart of the Romans and my face cu .. riosona: we meet a fact which is petrol and I wonder if you can give us a shamelessly tear in the center. Unfortunately, it is practically got home, he says, and confirms, however, that the direction is right. Small consolation, we thank him and leave again. But we feel sorry for him, because after we hear a car that combines a few meters: it is he who is moved to pity, it brings us to the Termini station. Too bad not to know his name, but thanks anyway again, dear motorist blonde you picked up four chilled creatures, telling us that you would have married Saturday and then so you would not have stayed, even one thousand one thousand GRAZIEEE!

The next day, after the disorientation to awaken in a room of stucco and studded with red brocade curtains, we leave to visit Rome Capoccia. Rains, try to do the indifferent with our raincoats, but eventually give in to the weather and we Refugees from friends emigrants home for an afternoon dedicated to upgrading the native village gossip. Back at the hotel in an atmosphere of Blade Runner, including rain, illuminated windows for Christmas with the homeless huddled under a few passers-by shivering at the mercy of crazy traffic, and an impressive array of police in riot gear have to be vigilant empty squares. .. Rome, the nun is stupid tonight!

Saturday but the gods of civil protest are definitely on our side, a sign that the weather is a lump of subversive left. It approfittiamo per fare un giro veloce ad ammirare Fori e Colosseo baciati dal sole e fingerci tranquilli vacanzieri. Tuttavia qualcosa ci tradisce (non so se il capello lungo da dissidente di Silent oppure la mia mise viola da capo a piedi), tanto che veniamo accostati da due impavidi rappresentanti dell'ordine che ci chiedono i documenti, li osservano, ci intimano di aspettare e spariscono per un quarto d'ora buono! Dopo essere stati doverosamente schedati, ci rechiamo in Piazza della Repubblica, dove il popolo viola inizia a radunarsi. Ci raggiunge il più grande blobber da manifestazione che la blogosfera ricordi, armato di macchina fotografica e spirito critico, e ci avviamo.

Apart from the well organized nuclei of the few parties that have officially joined the event, there is everything from kids to old people, men women children, with posters of all types (most home-made undeniable wit) and all shades of purple. The atmosphere is festive but combative, there is music and dancing but also sound invective against our Prime Minister and the whole Italian political class in general. I look around and see people swarming from all sides, and already sogghignamo at the thought of the ridiculous numbers that give the police: the fact that, according to them there were only 90,000 , but I was there and on arrival at Piazza San Giovanni we can not even to enter, dobbiamo raggiungerla dalla strada laterale ma anche così avvicinarsi al palco è impossibile.

Salutiamo il blobber e ripartiamo con un dubbio ed una speranza. Il dubbio riguarda la reale incisività della manifestazione: ok eravamo una marea, ma nulla comunque in confronto alla maggioranza silenziosa degli italiani, quella che crede a tutto quello che passa la TV e che coltiva un il proprio orticello ostentando ermetico menefreghismo agli ideali ed ai problemi del paese (salvo non esserne direttamente toccati, nel qual caso trovano facilmente un capro espiatorio negli immigrati, nei comunisti, nel nemico pubblico di turno additato dai mass media). Loro non manifestano, non partecipano, non domandano: sanno benissimo che il re è nudo (And goes to whores with public money) but they do not care (even envy him) until the ration provides the right amount of promise amazing, well-being micragnoso and reassuring stability. To them we will always be the protesters girotondini pathetic, and as long as they vote at the polls will be compact as we continue to disintegrate in a constellation of minor stars: just to say, the B Day No abbreviations were as Marxist-Leninist Party of Italian, Collectives Communists, the Brigades of Resistance ... were already old in 1946, someone update them please!

Hope we respect your pathetic girotondini: maybe this event so unusual, and by people born from the Net common in stark contrast to the moldy opposition parties (all so taken by exchanges of favors and power struggles by not being able to see how real people are now totally alienated from their politics) will serve to shake them from their haughty complacency, and force them to think that the upcoming votes, the party could win the purple card. My hope (weak, naive, idealistic as you want) is that the purple people has given a jolt, not so much to Berlusca (capirai. ..) when our mummified opposition "" Queen of the world "- ie the force public opinion as it is defined in a beautiful book of the French sociologist Jacques Julliard (Princeton) - went away with the scene, has closed to parties, has made her run after those. And if you lag behind those of the aged on their own feet and limped twentieth century, the "queen" has run move with great strength and agility thanks to its super-turbo called web .

so be careful, you mummies you can not even pretend to do more in opposition to oust Berlusconi might fail, but you will ... The electorate of the left is fragile, you should know: Think carefully about what you're doing go look at the e. .. consequences !

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cruisy Spots In Orlando For Gay Men

Shantosissimo Matrimonio Indu

Or how to spend a weekend festive and decidedly alternative among enlightened divine incarnations, yoga meditation teachers, families, fair trade, scholars philosophy, hippies of all nations, mantra singers, instrument players eastern markets of incense, floral wreaths and bouquet of spices without having to go to India. Yes, because I mean for a Hindu wedding celebration of love with Hindu ritual (clarification needed for my local readers, who may misunderstand and tease saying "eccerto, ciambotta, if a marriage is always in du '"). Archived

the worst joke of the century, step to relate this particular event. We leave Sunday morning, a delegation of three women and one man, henceforth known as the stoic, because the railroad strike, we had to put up 400 km closed in a car and progestogens saturated with emotion talk! If there is proof of this friendship ...
After hours and hours of merciless spetteguless, rain, asphalt, stopping plin plin, gray Po valley and blocked highways full of Milanese neurasthenic, we arrive at the hotel. We park through a hole that makes us understand the meaning the word "optimism" and deposited their meager luggage in two rooms that embody the style "scalcagned recicling" (but then we Marches, our motto is "if they're clean), so we sling to the place of the meeting.

In arena, where many people are already waiting patiently in line to receive a pass to attend the ceremonies, the couple immediately intercept, to work as volunteers for the nonprofit organization that organizes the event. Before we explain in detail how to play things, examine whether we really understood (we have), check whether we are dressed properly (we are), encourage us to enjoy the evening and dentro di loro sperano che non gli faremo fare brutte figure: saranno dei genitori meravigliosi!

Prima di metterci in fila per il pass (tanto dobbiamo prendere i numeri finali perchè i matrimoni si fanno per ultimi), ci portano a mangiare alla mensa interna insieme agli altri invitati, dove pizza e pasta al forno si accompagnano al riso al curry e insalata di tofu in un tripudio di sapori e colori rigidamente vegetariani. Alcuni degli ospiti sono titubanti (tra paura dell'H1N1 e diffidenza dei sapori insoliti): io mi sacrifico e lascio a loro il monopolio della pasta al forno per lanciarmi nell'eroica impresa di spazzolare tutto quello che abbia un vago aspetto o sentore esotico. L'assenza di reazione della mia colite mi convince di aver fatto the right choice.

bodies refreshed, it's time to think of the spirit, we receive the pass and enter the room where he, very kindly, we are asked to take off our shoes and sit in silence. Everyone was prepared for the arrival of "holy ", the Hindu spiritual leader considered by some teacher of life and meditation, a missionary in the service of others abandoned (whether they are afflicted by poverty, economic or spiritual), but for more faithful she is the embodiment of pure and perfect deity (this, however, in every living being, according to their beliefs). From what I read before leaving, are already very well prepared to meet this persona: una che parla di tolleranza ed uguaglianza, che invita le persone a farsi tramite dell'amore e della compassione iniziando lei per prima con un caldo abbraccio, che apre ospedali, difende le donne e si fa portavoce di istanze ecologiche non può che starmi simpatica, indipendentemente dal mio cinismo religioso.

Il cerimoniale inizia con i riti di purificazione, a cui segue una breve meditazione e poi il discorso della santa, tutto incentrato sull'amore per gli altri e la consapevolezza di sè, che mi fa pensare come tutte le guide spirituali parlino la stessa lingua, indipendentemente dal contesto storico/culturale in cui si trovano a vivere, ma mi fa anche sorridere per le sue parabole prese dal mondo moderno (senza ricerca mistica siamo come computer senza password, cellulari senza campo). Durante la meditazione, mentre tutti intorno a me cantano OM ad occhi chiusi, io tengo i miei ben aperti e guardo: vedo gente che piange ed altri con un sorriso incredibilmente sereno, signori attempati in tenuta da nonni compiere gli stessi gesti rituali del rasta trasandato, del giovane asceta in tunica bianca e della coppia fighetta, oltre a quattro goffi corinaldesi vagamente spaesati.

Dopo il discorso, inizia la parte centrale dell'evento: l'abbraccio. Quelli che hanno ricevuto il pass si mettono in fila e, tra canti, mantra e meditazioni, vengono tutti abbracciati dalla holy person, practically invisible on stage, surrounded by aides and loyal. From ten in the evening until seven in the morning, an uninterrupted river of people lined up for a hug. While the numbers run, we will take the opportunity to review the procedure room with the couple and, around midnight, sneak to the hotel for a few hours sleep. Holy no, it makes all the sleepless night, but we do not feel guilty: after all she is the incarnation of God, we just four unbelievers who do not make it longer keep my eyes open. Time to rest the weary little head on the pillow, soft and white as a cloud, and it's already dawn! The metro is still closed (but quan'è soon?) arrive breathless at the palace, where we find that our numbers have already been exceeded, but no one is telling (everything here is love and tolerance) and there we queued to take the embrace of the Divine Mother.

When I reach the stage, are prepared by the assistants that make me kneel, I take off my glasses, I purify touching the face and neck with a white handkerchief ... I fear the same as for the person before me and that before that and who knows how many others, and a vague little voice whispers in my mind like a mantra "H1N1", but the feeling is still very soothing (and then me to go trance just me touching your hair and do not understand anything). Arriving in front of the holy I look up to my mischievous smile from "not here to be authentic but sincerely appreciate what you do" and finally I see an Indian lady in his sixties, with graying hair but without a wrinkle, despite the high natural fiber hat silver, plump, with a wonderful smile and a look so sweet. A nanosecond is another hard-working assistant puts me in the right arm around the saint's life (er, no wait, all st'intimità, I do not ... maybe it's not the AC-) and I literally sank his face in necklaces flowers that adorn the holy, who hugs me tight! Not a hint, a formality, no, this woman hugs you really tight around the neck and breast! And murmurs of the sentences (I really can not, ah if only I was a bit 'more careful when there was a course of Sanskrit philology as the committee!) With a beautiful vibrant voice that seems to rock you for a few moment, then I leave by hand in a candy ... Lemon! Really beginning to think that she'll read inside ...

get off the stage with an incredulous smile ... I do not know what they have tried others, I do not know what we've done moved my friends. I had the feeling of having embraced my mother and my grandmother put together very spiritual, very tender. The row comes to an end: our friends come along with five other couples, beautiful in their colorful saris, and agitated as all married couples of any denomination. When their turn comes, we return to the stage and the saint blesses them while they perform a short ritual, symbolic and intense ( you can see one here). The event ends with the bride and groom greeted by the entire assembly then paraded to the stage while the holy sprinkled with flower petals. One thing that continues to impress me (in addition to loving forces of the increasingly diligent assistants) is the scent: 10/15 thousand people (scalze!), many of whom have spent all night there, and anyway there is always a good smell . Even in the most pressing interest, as the final stage.

Holy took leave flowers and songs, la gente inizia a defluire (sono le 9 di lunedì mattina, molti si sbrigano per andare al lavoro) e sotto il palco restano solo i sempre più alacri assistenti (se li avesse visti Brunetta sarebbe schiattato di invidia) e un gruppo eterogeneo di fricchettoni che continuano imperterriti a cantare e ballare in estasi... una specie di woodstock in salsa al curry, insomma. Noi recuperiamo le scarpe e ci rechiamo in mensa dove gli sposi hanno preparato un piccolo buffet, sempre vegetariano, semplice ma buono. Forte della positiva esperienza della sera prima, mi accingo ad addentare un tramezzino quando mi accorgo di uno strano fenomeno: lentamente si avvicina l'incarnazione del fricchettone per antonomasia (a piedi nudi, con dreadlocks, beard, a few tattoos, necklaces loose, torn jeans, faded shirt lisa with Indian symbols, etc. etc.), middle-aged, probably Anglo-Saxon, with a huge smile and clasped hands in a gesture of good wishes. He looks at us all with a benevolent gaze (in a bit empty in truth), and always with clasped hands raised a long, lean leg crossing over the bench and approaches the table, separating the hands just enough to grab a couple of sandwiches and a mug of tea, and always smiling blissfully goes to a table away to eat in quiet solitude, love and brotherhood ooze from every pore, and then repeat the same operation to another nuptial party, and so on ...

And after him, he began a trickle to sneak that leave us between the nervous and exhilarated. Some will infiltrate and then also call friends, but the maximum it reaches an Italian woman who first eats anything it can, then start with calm determination to prepare portions of the fine to be wrapped in napkins to take home for dinner, making the 'inventory, "oh how nice, I take even this small piece of cheese so I do not miss anything" ... At this point I burst with laughter but I try to contain myself because my friends have the look of the murderess champion who defends the territory from invaders. The Stoic Meanwhile, thanks to the training the day before, will test the skills of dialectical infiltrated by pointing out that their is a marriage and were not invited, and noting the answers best. But in the end because they complain, if spouses and freeloaders are united by the awareness that everything is love and sharing? Take another piece of pie, the brother with dreadlocks, but then let me eat, ok?

Eventually, all good or bad they are filled, and we can enjoy a little 'company of the newlyweds before returning home. We are happy, excited and tired (especially the stoic, the thought of what awaits him in the long return trip), but we are already planning to return to the next opportunity to better understand the spirituality and Indian culture, let us embrace a little '(as the affection is never enough), and maybe sneak a few refreshing radiant!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cancerous Growth On The Tonsil

London Eye

If these days you are catapulted across the Channel for the event, business or love and, after visiting all the attractions of bustling London, you are looking for new prospects, you could go to the show "Myths and Fairytales " which opens from today until November 22. Entered in the

photomonth , ie the festival of photography in East London, the exhibition exposes the particular point of view of three artists on the myth, folklore and imagination. Our darling Francesca Tilio is part of the trio, with its picture in which reinterprets a masterpiece of French theater, " Les Bonnes" by Jean Genet. His unique style captures the intense contradictions and perversions that lead to tragedy when people confuse fiction and reality, dreams and desires. More information

also sull'immancabile librodifacce. Enjoy e. .. Eye: If you see a beautiful brunette with a camera pointing at you, smile!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Preparation H With Bio Dyne Sold In Mexico

Il giorno di dolore che uno ha

There are those days when life is so much carrion but also we give a big hand, and it happens almost always when in fact you were convinced that perhaps maybe you'll make it to sfangarla. Be careful, that's the time to fear when they begin to hope. Why just bullshit, you get distracted and you get your ass on the floor in the puddle, with the exhaustion that overcame you as a sudden and unstoppable retching, and slumps. Would you like to send all fuck off, go to bed and wake up in spring 2012, just to check if the Maya c'avevano reason. Someone does. Someone else left everything and fled to an atoll in Hawaii. I'm back home, I made a couple of frantic affairs came badly and left half, trying in vain to hold off the anxiety, then I skiantata on the couch and I gave self-pity throughout the evening.

Meanwhile, a part of me I like the railing mistreats Sergeant Hartman (bad spineless, pulled up and stop sfrignare, or I'll unscrew the head from the neck etc etc) because after having held out for so long I let debase trivial errors, avoidable, but above all self-inflicted!

Like, today I forgot to make an important call. Why? Well, I have a deluge of excuses why I have called the company rushed in to speak again and again and again precarissima fate of our work, a day after we were in garrison, while the bosses decide our fate, after the old days we had tried to work against all odds while chasing rumors and denials and accusations, and so now every day for two months. Because in the meantime, the stress level also increases the tensions between us, between departments considered elite and other populated by dead men walking who should have the decency to go to the slaughterhouse without breaking the boxes too. However, because when I get home find my personal problems that I can not relegate a corner in the meantime that system Rogne most urgent (is not true that ubi major minor cessat, no no, indeed, add up) ...

short, a brothel. Sommiamoci And the fact that today I was not even that well. Among all, I forgot di fare questa semplicissima telefonata per avvisare che non sarei andata ad un appuntamento. Quando ho richiamato, in ritardissimo, dall'altra parte della cornetta ho trovato la Siberia, gelida come il senso di colpa che mi strusciava da qualche parte giù, nelle mie sempre agitate viscere.

Ora, se c'è una cosa che m'ammazza, è il senso di colpa. Perchè posso nascondermi dietro a tutte le scuse che riesco a trovare, ma una parte di me sa benissimo che io mi sono dimenticata di fare quella telefonata perchè ho trascurato il fatto che delle persone stessero aspettando me. E non importa che io sia stressata e che abbia dei problemi (chi non ne ha? dai, su, quanto ci vuole a fare una telefonata?). Resta il fatto che mi sono Forgot to tell, I made a figure of crap, hath been the person who was waiting for me and probably rightly pissed me depennerà from the list of possible collaborators, thus precluding a series of contacts that could prove fruitful.

not the end of the world, I know, but it was one of those horrible moments where I find myself like a moron hoping to be able to go back, even just two hours, and put everything in place ...

After hours of complaining, however, are finally adivenuta the distillate of wisdom: Okay Serena, you've done a shit, is neither the first nor the last, unfortunately, in addition to the sincere apology that you have not already done recoverable so stop chew! The important thing is to have learned their lesson and remember it tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day so now get up and bring that ass beyond the obstacle, Serole ball! If God wanted you to pass effortlessly, you made you appear miraculous and the wings in the ass! You can move your ass down 'on the other hand, come on! (Word of Ross O'Hartman)

What can I say? Yes sir!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lumps By Last Rib? Tissue Fat?

Linux Day, sabato anche a Senigallia

these days is out Windows 7. We hope to have suffered a double-locked the door closed to keep her back!

jokes aside, I developed an allergy non tanto per i prodotti Microsoft (colpa anche di Vista, che mi sono ritrovata mio malgrado sul nuovo pc e mi sta facendo vedere i pixel verdi), quanto per la strategia commerciale che sta dietro di loro: lo strapotere di Bill & Co non si basa sull'oggettiva superiorità dei loro programmi, quanto sulla diffusione capillare e coercitiva per cui tu, semplice utente di computer che ne capisci poco o niente, vai a comperarti un normalissimo pc e il 98% di quelli in vendita ha già installata una delle tante versioni di Windows. Se ti è andata male, ti ritrovi con Vista.

La cosa non è irrimediabile, se Microsoft proprio non ti piace puoi cambiarlo, ma quanti si prendono la briga di formattare un pc nuovo To install a different operating system? I do not, for example, also because, once you do, you are still faced with many other programs or devices developed by or on behalf of Microsoft, which are not compatible with other software or operating system, and you are breaking into a sweat if you did not pay a pledge to the ubiquitous Bill (which in fact has been fined over and over again antitrust ).
In short, this is a monopoly. But if our

end user does not give anything to look for the best operating system (perhaps with Microsoft there is also good) and then he slams his freedom and the programmer (the comfortable to work without being forced to bow to the business strategies of Bill & Co.), I would consider other aspects: first, when begged a PC already filled with Microsoft programs and products, we pay more just because of the presence of these programs. It is not an expense inevitable: there are free alternatives, the so-called open source software.
In addition, some users' most savvy people know that Microsoft products are rigid, unalterable, non-transferable, and not very safe: for the latter, so I do not mean to bug or vulnerability to external attacks, as to whether that their source, their DNA information, is not available to the buyer so that it can not know what's inside ... A trivial example: if you have windows word 2000, type = rand (3,99) and see what comes out. Obviously it is a harmless joke program, but it clarifies the fact that we buyers really have no control and no power on what we bought.

against the excessive power of Microsoft, and to defend freedom of information, you can use the Linux operating system and related programs. What did different Linux? First of all, in fact, free (which often means also free, but in general must be taken in its broadest, philosophical, of the term): Linux is developed in accordance with four basic freedoms, which is to run the program for any purpose, to study it and modify it (without penalty nor copyright) to copy and distribute it, but also to improve and deploy the changes to make benefit to the community.

We had already discussed the advantages and the (temporary) disadvantages of Linux in an evening of Senigallia 2.0, here you can find two videos where the guys from the local Linux User Group tells us about the philosophy and functionality of free software. Now, in conjunction with the Linux Day 2009, will be available to anyone who is interested to know more, to explain that "Free Software is not merely a set of applications and technologies, but rather a cultural and economic paradigm: it is a model of software development focused on the free sharing of ideas and knowledge on cooperation between private and businesses, users and developers, with the aim of building a collective good, the software, the result of the joint work of multiple intelligences. "

SenaLUG The boys, in collaboration with the Municipality of Senigallia, await Saturday, October 24 in the meeting room of the local library (via Manni, 1)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Most Comfortable Slippers

Ma quanti eravamo alla manifestazione? Te lo dice Occhio di Lynce!

(photo Maddechè, The Plague of the Velvet )

And 'one of the great questions of our civilization, those who provoke a frenzy of hypotheses, most of the UFO , most of the crop circles and episodes of Voyager . But now even
Giacobbo will finally close at least an investigation, among the hundred thousand left to wander in suspense, with triumphant certainty: they have developed a program that can count the exact number of people present at a given event.

This is a system developed by the company Lynce and already tested in the latest anti-government demonstration in Spain (damn, lately always give us three times, that envy!). The idea is simple enough: take a helicopter, you fly over the area of \u200b\u200bthe event taking photos to high definition, complete with images taken from fixed locations, and you analyze a specific program that is able to numerically identify each participant.

Simple but probably costosetta: service, although I was born with the aim of giving value highly democratic expression of public opinion ( El Proyecto LYNCE quiere poner en valor la expresión pública de las opiniones ofreciendo rigor a la medición de los participantes en este tipo de actos públicos ), ha tariffe che variano a seconda della tipologia e della durata della manifestazione da esaminare, come pure la presenza di striscioni, spettatori eccetera.

Il margine di errore dichiarato è del 15%, che su grandi numeri può portare ad uno scarto importante, ma sicuramente resta più affidabile del simpatico gioco fra organizzatori e questura , che solitamente sparano numeri talmente discordi da lasciare storditi perfino i partecipanti. Chiediamo che questo metodo sia applicato a tutte le manifestazioni: lasciamoci contare bene, perchè noi contiamo! (argh, che chiusura infame, ma se solo fossi unagnoccolonacolossale potrebbero farne uno slogan per shampoo...)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can I Renew Drivers License In Different County

La Doppia Ora

Le 16.16: un'ora doppia, lo stesso numero che si ripete. Un momento magico in cui il tempo sembra duplicarsi, ed offrire la possibilità di lasciare da parte il tracciato della propria vita per addentrarsi in nuove strade, nuove possibilità. E' un attimo in cui tutto sembra possibile, e allora nasce l'impulso di esprimere un desiderio, come quando si vede una stella cadente, anche in coloro che non credono più ai miracoli.

Questo weekend I went to see the first feature film by Giuseppe Capotondi , my fellow director, but for which I had never heard of it until his film was screened at the center of national and international level, with the warm welcome Critics and the prize last female interpreter Show International Film Festival in Venice.

Smuficchiando curious before I go to the movies, I discovered that I had actually already known and appreciated his special approach to film, which observes the anguished insecurity of human life outside attention, but never a stranger, in some of the music videos the most beautiful that I know (as Crystal Ball Keane ).

share the same view on the contradictions and feelings of people (which is combined with an increased sensitivity to light and photograph, and a taste for the psychological thriller for many critics described as "Hitchcockian") it is found The Double Time: a movie with talented actors (including the now famous Filippo Timi, actor and writer of great talent as well, in spite of himself, new sex-symbol of the Italian blogosphere ) than with their intense participation in the body and give credibility to a story that weaves meetings and loneliness, trust and disillusionment angoscia e speranza, in cui niente è come sembra e di cui mi rifiuto tassativamente di raccontare anche in minima parte la trama, altrimenti lo spettatore non riuscirebbe a partecipare alla ricerca di senso e significato che pervade la storia. Vi dirò solo che sembra un noir, sembra un horror, sembra una storia d'amore, e alla fine ti lascia con la sensazione che la vita è esattamente come descritta nel film, e che per viverla davvero ci vuole il coraggio, nonostante tutto, di restare umani.

Todo aquel que piense que la vida siempre es cruel,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que tan solo hay momentos malos, y todo pasa.
Todo aquel que piense que esto nunca va a cambiar,
tiene que saber que no es asi, mal tiempo buena
this to my dear, y todo pasa.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Response To Turn Down Letter For Employment

Piccoli ritocchi

It 's a bit of time trying to put order in my life, but if indeed there is a higher power that guides us, obviously on my browser has loaded the maps wrong, or has a sense of' somewhat quirky humor ...

also walk my way a little 'trial and error, trying to avoid the hardest holes (ah Battisti, how many times I remove the hindrances metaphorical), but also leave fewer deaths and injuries as possible along the route. But every time I think I'm finally on track, a truck that comes out in full m'investe, pointing straight at me with blind predestination of fate. And I have regularly left the air bag at home ...

The same thing happens, more or less, when the antithesis of the geek tries to figure out how to edit your blog, to make things that go wrong (or to follow undefined itching for change, after all this concern has always the same root, no?) However, both in the blog as often happens in life to believe they have solved the problems, and instead find themselves faced with the fact that the last change has messed around more than before.

Ergo today, thanks laid off, loneliness (voluntary) and a beastly cold, I plugged in the house, I disconnected from my brain umanae story and I started hacking away at something less dangerous: the HTML of my blog!

Aware did not know nothing about CSS, HTML tags and anything else (ah, all those lost years back to literature and philosophy, damn my humanistic tendencies), I was assigned to San Google, patron self-taught, and I started to read instructions to create space by dragging columns to change templates. With very clear instructions that I found online, I must say that I enjoyed it enough, and I have blossomed between the synapses also some ideas for additions and changes to make in the next few days (but first I have to find a camera that image galleries free on line does not have my own taste). But I can not tell if the blog is now clearly legible, even to those who use browsers and different views from mine, or if they see it all Squaderno.

Appeals to mariners: how the new layout? It 's all in order or there are pieces of columns and pieces of banners that roam the wild for the monitor? Let me know if you like.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ideas For Wedding Seating Chart

Come capire quando è giunto il momento

to change jobs? Eh

know, now you think I'm faithful blog readers is becoming a bit monotonous, and c'avete absolutely right ... but what can I do if I have to worry about how to make the loaf, because unfortunately I was born heiress, I married a rich man, e non è probabile che io vinca al superenalotto (colpa mia che non ci gioco)? Lo so, lo so, Tvemonti mi guavdevebbe scvollando il capino, è tutto sbagliato e con un atteggiamento psicologico così negativo io stessa alimento la cvisi mondiale che s'impenna!!

Comunque, per coloro che hanno perso, stanno per, o hanno paura di perdere, il lavoro: cantiamo tutti insieme il mantra della crisi, che ci porterà fortuna!

" la crisi sta finendo, ma un anno se ne va,
sto per andare in cassa, lo sai che non mi va!
In ditta di colleghi non ce ne sono più,
è vuoto anche il parking lot, and miss you too.

The languid-bri-bride
burn like ice when I open my wallet '...
Pa-pa-pay me!
three months that I do not see more money!

is time for the rich people start to pay.
The crisis is ending, but a year goes !
I'm still broke, is not new ...
You already who will pay, but I think who?
The languid-bri-chills etc etc "

For rather lucky that we have a job (and, if hold tight), I submit that this movie, in a professional, will help you analyze your degree to work and see if it is time for you to find a new job.
Maybe on your own, which is less traumatic (trust).
Enjoy and good luck!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Genital Warts Can I Get On Kiss

Esempio di comunicazione strategica

Today I'm making up a story a bit 'slaughters, something that explores the depths of the human soul, the unexpected perversions that may result from a tormented psyche and unstable ... And given that our largest finance and policy experts continue to repeat che l'attuale crisi economica non è affatto reale, bensì solo psicologica, colgo la palla al balzo per ambientare uno psicotriller in un ambientazione very business!

Immaginiamo una situazione in cui il protagonista (che per ora chiamerò Mad Max) stia lavorando per una ditta che, nonostante gli enormi sforzi fatti da tutti i lavoratori, sta andando a rotoli a causa della cattiva gestione dei proprietari, i quali per mesi e mesi non si sono degnati di dare comunicazione alcuna ai dipendenti sullo stato reale delle cose e sui piani futuri.

Un'agonia di -boh, diciamo- quattro anni -mi sembra un periodo di tempo che possa giustificare una certa incazzatura, no?- durante i quali il nostro Mad è stato trattato come a beast of burden, including overwork is not recognized, various casseintegrazioni, salaries in fits and starts, accusations of all kinds ( your negativity is damaging the company , if you do not agree that the door is , and do not break boxes etc etc), as more money was diverted into the pockets of the owners or new supersupermanagers the great titles and a few facts.

Now Mad joined their colleagues in their first real strike, finally forcing the sole purpose of the Management to share key information. Knowing, then, if and when the ax will fall on the heads of workers.
Days of stress anxiety and panic passed a word to wait outside the gates of the company, while we witness the sad procession of colleagues who bring out the boxes where they sadly packed their belongings, pending the final ruling in the company of a thousand questions and a more depressing the other: but when we will know what they decided? sell? escape? and meanwhile, as I pay the mortgage? what to eat for dinner? no money to spend as I do my duty as a citizen and run the economy?

Then psychodrama, Mad start to feel a great pain in the liver combined with a growing desire for bad language, but still tries to restrain himself, to trust in the ethics of employers, There will be so dry because of the greedy & Industrial, but they can not understand that their decisions now no longer depends on only the greater or lesser prosperity of their bank account, but also the health (physical and mental) of all their employees! ! "On the not so mica are assholes! (Oh fuck, I said shit, oh shit, I said fuck oh fuck's sake, I said shit ... Noooooo ....)"

Nothing to be done, the china is now irreversible, the mental balance of our hero begins to crumble!

Finally, the moment of maximum anxiety, there comes a sign! For the first time an exponent of the Department sends a written communication officer to all employees. You hear a frantic rustling of paper, a ticking trembling on the keyboard, reads all holding our breath. The letter begins with words that already presage the tragedy: "with great regret ..." (well at least the end they are human, they realize what they are doing and pass it displease) "... I must tell you that in these days of strikes has been stolen laptop from his office of the CEO . (casserole dish, you see that they now use is that they must excuse to suspend the negotiations under way again!) We are each of us responsible for our PC and it is a personal problem. (so what? Cazziatone AD careless?) It 'still very sad to think that we can not always trust everyone. (eh?? Mica mica're suggesting?) If "by mistake" any of us (U.S. ABOUT?) had taken the PC, please return it and we thank you from now on on behalf of all. "

cccccerto And I ERROR I shove a PC on the stock exchange (ah, that careless), then strike all day and when I go home and sadly I start to put things on shelves that I taken away from my desk maybe-ex-TOH I realize that there is a pc, who knows what is done inside, who can be??
very plausible hypothesis! In their infinite subtlety (which gave us so many proofs and shining in recent years) that the Directorate will be immediately ruled out the crazy idea that it was just one of them to move (like the time he was no longer the product to display all pitted by hand, which they would have aroused the greed of some dependent on the questionable taste and then it was discovered to have been given to a major customer ... bad thing as Alzheimer's!)
Strange that have not been touched by the suspect,
slightly pissed off as we are, being accused of theft from those who do not pay the salary and is about to throw in the road (dopo aver messo in salvo il bottino) potrebbe suscitare reazioni ostili... Brutta cosa l'arroganza quando si unisce alla stupidità!

Considerazioni che attraversano il cervello del nostro eroe in una frazione di secondo, mentre un'emozione nasce irrefrenabile dalle sue viscere, sale su su per il gargarozzo ed esplode in una dichiarazione diretta, liberatoria e definitiva:

(voi, i vostri pc e le vostre pidocchiose comunicazioni)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Places To Get Dresses In Stuttgart

sempre in merito alle PMI locali

(cartoon Natangelo )

First I thank all those who are contributing to the debate about competitiveness of the much-praised Marche economic model, and I would add a couple of food for thought more personal this time: it seems to me that these family firms are born as little more than small craft shops. The whole family is involved and directly controls all stages of processing. Once the idea nock and / or the right product, get bigger without changing its structure. The mentality remains craft, so the boss (and family) controls everything, do not delegate anything, and therefore the greater the size of the company plus the normal course of business slows. And if you do not fit in the end s'incricca!

And even vaguely feudal mentality, so the family was surrounded by vassals-managers who, in most cases never make critical analysis for convenience or because a vassal must not contradict the feudal lord, otherwise exile. Men who never can take into account the demands of the workers often, though, to see the first signs of letting up. To give a practical example: I work in a department where they are operating strictly to comb all the knots of the company. If something the system does not work, we see it now. Neither management nor the management have never wanted to listen to our warning, and even analyze the discomfort of many of the workers now that emerged from all sides. In fact, we were branded as defeatist. Imagine now that we finally began to protest (and it took us four years before losing patience and take to the streets), employees have accused us of being responsible for the defeat ... As if a disaster of this magnitude could be caused 5-day strike!
We can not even taste the bitterness of "we told you so"!

Marches in SMEs, not just the general feeling is that the employee is nothing more than part of a mass of interchangeable and should be thankful for the honor of being accepted in such company, until the owners decide not to close or sell (I have created, I will decide the tide) with no thought for the workers, for whom would rather precise social responsibilities.
In part because these patrons, these families of industrialists, have no perception of the value of their employees do not realize that, as the company still managed to craft level, many orders fail to be completed by employees who, every time that the mechanism jams, put us a piece. For a minimum fee later, notwithstanding the great professional preparation, continuous effort, so much overtime provided free of charge, maximum flexibility to cover periods of closure during the holidays, and the praises of leaders, colleagues and clients. Nada, niet, nicht! In their eyes we are worth 0: better streamline "the company's first operational firing, give subcontract tasks (often without analyzing the costs first, and then found to pay them three times) and take yet another overpaid superdirigente, which just always say yes (regardless of whether they might have already had devastated other companies, and is always ready to recycle everywhere, because he has the resume with the right schools, the titles right, the right contacts ...)

addition, SMEs are not taken into account in any responsibility and reciprocity of the contract work. Why should we thank? For giving us a job (even when we were old enough to work and training contracts "attractive" to many other companies, and there was no crisis that increases the competition among the unemployed) and then removed for bringing this to their incompetence? ? Many thanks when someone "gives" something. Unlike the feudal world, the relationship between employee and company are regulated by a contract that is binding on both parties: the employee works to its full capacity, the company puts it in the best condition to perform his work and it pays regularly. I and my colleagues our contractual obligations we have always honored and thoroughly, even after the company had failed to fulfill, I believe that if someone deserves your thanks, well that is up to us.

The emperor has no clothes, but you can not say ...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Does Skoal Cause Cancer


Reported by eloquent Livefast , I made this psicotest based on the studies of Jung and later developments, and the result is: ENFJs, or temperament idealistic, kind teacher, but not too extrovert, intuitive, empathic!
Satisfactory, I would say;)

If you like the test pretty well chewed and English, non vi resta che cimentarvi!
Per altre informazioni e per decrittare le sigle, potete leggere qui .

Buon divertimento

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Okay To Shower After Waxing


Ho trovato un sito facile facile carino carino dove anche una spastica come me può creare vignette :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

What Do I Need For Pub Golf?

In morte del modello industriale marchigiano

Avete presente il miracolo economico marchigiano?

Quello che ha spinto la nostra regione a lasciarsi alle spalle un retaggio di povertà contadina e arretratezza tecnologica per lanciare un modello industriale basato su un microcosmo di piccole ma agguerritissime imprese a conduzione familiare, che sfruttavano i "metalmezzadri" (In the brilliant definition of our illustrious countryman Fua ) without creating incurable wounds in the social and industrial plants in their areas without infrastructure, but also without fractures, ie without creating agglomerations that have upset the North. Small companies that have grown thanks to the foresight of the founders and the incredible passion for the work of the Marches (which Stakhanovism if playing on a par with the Chinese, and I say this from personal experience) and that, sneaking, they climbed the heights of market and the charts of well-being, coming to give jobs to thousands of people and open offices throughout Italy and then abroad. A model so

efficient to be studied and analysis that highlights the winning features: flexibility, and efficient organizational, entrepreneurial dynamism. A model that the Marches have become synonymous with excellence in many areas (from clothing to furniture, musical instruments from household goods, from shoes to electronics, yacht, etc.), and embodied by real industrial dynasties .

Well, forget it, is dead.

was already in crisis some years ago, with the new global economic scenario and the advance of mass production at low cost in developing countries. Our firms found themselves facing a dilemma: focus on quality craftsmanship, or try to defend, to increase their market share? The majority of employers chose the second route, abandoning the paternalistic relationship with its employees to take the road of relocation, cuts, restructuring, involving the increasing use of redundancies and / or laid off and the various social safety nets. According to the detailed dossier "SOS Brands" published today on Manifesto, which analyzes your current local crisis, "the study center in September CGIL announced that workers in layoffs (ordinary, extraordinary), in mobility or sottoposti a contratti di solidarietà, nei primi sei mesi dell'anno, sono passati da 20.060 a 36.930, l'84% in più ".

E non è ancora finita, presto a queste fredde percentuali si aggiungeranno altre unità, altre persone senza lavoro, per un motivo non ricollegabile ai meccanismi economici, bensì biologici. In questa situazione già problematica, molte ditte devono anche fare i conti con l'invecchiamento dei padri fondatori. Eh già, le nostre ditte sono nate più o meno tutte a cavallo degli anni 50/70, grazie alle intuizioni e alla volontà individuali dei vari patron che ora si ritrovano a dover fare (o aver già fatto) i conti con la vecchiaia e sora nostra morte corporale. The generational shift is pointed out by experts as one of the most critical for continuity of business , and there is a plethora of training and preparation. In vain.
Just the incredible tenacity and determination that led them to success now brings them to ruin, because the old owner did not know how to delegate authority and responsibilities over time based on an objective criterion of merit: typically, a company in the Marche-style family does not enter the bridge unless you have direct ties of blood or affection with the "clan", and at the decisions that matter are made solely by the owner until the health assist him, then go to his collaborators più stretti, che in genere sono fratelli, figli, cognati. Altrettando tipicamente, le seconde generazioni non sono in grado di raccogliere il testimone, perchè non hanno la necessaria preparazione, o perchè mai coinvolti prima nelle decisioni, oppure semplicemente non interessati (magari la ditta di famiglia si occupa di elettronica e invece i figli si interessano di moda, di cinema, di turismo eccetera). Niente di male in tutto questo, basterebbe avere l'umiltà e la generosità di riconoscere che, anche se la ditta è nata per volere dell'imprenditore, non è un giocattolo da usare a proprio piacimento e sussistono anzi delle precise responsabilità nei confronti di tutti quelli che ci lavorano.

Come nelle antiche tragedie greche, la hubris originaria del fondatore causa il collasso dell'intera comunità: al ritiro del vecchio patron i "clan" imprenditoriali si sfasciano sotto la spinta dei contrasti interni, con gli attori che non riescono a trovare una linea comune e spesso cercano solo di accaparrarsi quanto più possibile, e le ditte, indebolite da delocalizzazioni e tagli, prima o poi si paralizzano per la mancanza di direttive chiare e infine chiudono oppure vengono assorbite da multinazionali o cordate di altri imprenditori, a cui magari preme solamente tenere il marchio, il know-how, ma non hanno alcun interesse nel salvaguardare posti di lavoro.

Molte sono le soluzioni proposte dagli analisti. Sono ignorante in materia and so I'm not ruling on the economy, but I'm living from this situation and I personally believe that the disorganization of our firms, born as small craft and have adapted to new levels never achieved, is one of the most underrated. In fact, all talk about global economic recession, but I, for example, I have a desk full of mail orders and overflowing with requests from customers all over the world, yet we are one step away from closing, perhaps the worst enemy of small Marches and medium enterprises lies in their genes.