Monday, October 5, 2009

Response To Turn Down Letter For Employment

Piccoli ritocchi

It 's a bit of time trying to put order in my life, but if indeed there is a higher power that guides us, obviously on my browser has loaded the maps wrong, or has a sense of' somewhat quirky humor ...

also walk my way a little 'trial and error, trying to avoid the hardest holes (ah Battisti, how many times I remove the hindrances metaphorical), but also leave fewer deaths and injuries as possible along the route. But every time I think I'm finally on track, a truck that comes out in full m'investe, pointing straight at me with blind predestination of fate. And I have regularly left the air bag at home ...

The same thing happens, more or less, when the antithesis of the geek tries to figure out how to edit your blog, to make things that go wrong (or to follow undefined itching for change, after all this concern has always the same root, no?) However, both in the blog as often happens in life to believe they have solved the problems, and instead find themselves faced with the fact that the last change has messed around more than before.

Ergo today, thanks laid off, loneliness (voluntary) and a beastly cold, I plugged in the house, I disconnected from my brain umanae story and I started hacking away at something less dangerous: the HTML of my blog!

Aware did not know nothing about CSS, HTML tags and anything else (ah, all those lost years back to literature and philosophy, damn my humanistic tendencies), I was assigned to San Google, patron self-taught, and I started to read instructions to create space by dragging columns to change templates. With very clear instructions that I found online, I must say that I enjoyed it enough, and I have blossomed between the synapses also some ideas for additions and changes to make in the next few days (but first I have to find a camera that image galleries free on line does not have my own taste). But I can not tell if the blog is now clearly legible, even to those who use browsers and different views from mine, or if they see it all Squaderno.

Appeals to mariners: how the new layout? It 's all in order or there are pieces of columns and pieces of banners that roam the wild for the monitor? Let me know if you like.


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