Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lumps By Last Rib? Tissue Fat?

Linux Day, sabato anche a Senigallia

these days is out Windows 7. We hope to have suffered a double-locked the door closed to keep her back!

jokes aside, I developed an allergy non tanto per i prodotti Microsoft (colpa anche di Vista, che mi sono ritrovata mio malgrado sul nuovo pc e mi sta facendo vedere i pixel verdi), quanto per la strategia commerciale che sta dietro di loro: lo strapotere di Bill & Co non si basa sull'oggettiva superiorità dei loro programmi, quanto sulla diffusione capillare e coercitiva per cui tu, semplice utente di computer che ne capisci poco o niente, vai a comperarti un normalissimo pc e il 98% di quelli in vendita ha già installata una delle tante versioni di Windows. Se ti è andata male, ti ritrovi con Vista.

La cosa non è irrimediabile, se Microsoft proprio non ti piace puoi cambiarlo, ma quanti si prendono la briga di formattare un pc nuovo To install a different operating system? I do not, for example, also because, once you do, you are still faced with many other programs or devices developed by or on behalf of Microsoft, which are not compatible with other software or operating system, and you are breaking into a sweat if you did not pay a pledge to the ubiquitous Bill (which in fact has been fined over and over again antitrust ).
In short, this is a monopoly. But if our

end user does not give anything to look for the best operating system (perhaps with Microsoft there is also good) and then he slams his freedom and the programmer (the comfortable to work without being forced to bow to the business strategies of Bill & Co.), I would consider other aspects: first, when begged a PC already filled with Microsoft programs and products, we pay more just because of the presence of these programs. It is not an expense inevitable: there are free alternatives, the so-called open source software.
In addition, some users' most savvy people know that Microsoft products are rigid, unalterable, non-transferable, and not very safe: for the latter, so I do not mean to bug or vulnerability to external attacks, as to whether that their source, their DNA information, is not available to the buyer so that it can not know what's inside ... A trivial example: if you have windows word 2000, type = rand (3,99) and see what comes out. Obviously it is a harmless joke program, but it clarifies the fact that we buyers really have no control and no power on what we bought.

against the excessive power of Microsoft, and to defend freedom of information, you can use the Linux operating system and related programs. What did different Linux? First of all, in fact, free (which often means also free, but in general must be taken in its broadest, philosophical, of the term): Linux is developed in accordance with four basic freedoms, which is to run the program for any purpose, to study it and modify it (without penalty nor copyright) to copy and distribute it, but also to improve and deploy the changes to make benefit to the community.

We had already discussed the advantages and the (temporary) disadvantages of Linux in an evening of Senigallia 2.0, here you can find two videos where the guys from the local Linux User Group tells us about the philosophy and functionality of free software. Now, in conjunction with the Linux Day 2009, will be available to anyone who is interested to know more, to explain that "Free Software is not merely a set of applications and technologies, but rather a cultural and economic paradigm: it is a model of software development focused on the free sharing of ideas and knowledge on cooperation between private and businesses, users and developers, with the aim of building a collective good, the software, the result of the joint work of multiple intelligences. "

SenaLUG The boys, in collaboration with the Municipality of Senigallia, await Saturday, October 24 in the meeting room of the local library (via Manni, 1)


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