Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Preparation H With Bio Dyne Sold In Mexico

Il giorno di dolore che uno ha

There are those days when life is so much carrion but also we give a big hand, and it happens almost always when in fact you were convinced that perhaps maybe you'll make it to sfangarla. Be careful, that's the time to fear when they begin to hope. Why just bullshit, you get distracted and you get your ass on the floor in the puddle, with the exhaustion that overcame you as a sudden and unstoppable retching, and slumps. Would you like to send all fuck off, go to bed and wake up in spring 2012, just to check if the Maya c'avevano reason. Someone does. Someone else left everything and fled to an atoll in Hawaii. I'm back home, I made a couple of frantic affairs came badly and left half, trying in vain to hold off the anxiety, then I skiantata on the couch and I gave self-pity throughout the evening.

Meanwhile, a part of me I like the railing mistreats Sergeant Hartman (bad spineless, pulled up and stop sfrignare, or I'll unscrew the head from the neck etc etc) because after having held out for so long I let debase trivial errors, avoidable, but above all self-inflicted!

Like, today I forgot to make an important call. Why? Well, I have a deluge of excuses why I have called the company rushed in to speak again and again and again precarissima fate of our work, a day after we were in garrison, while the bosses decide our fate, after the old days we had tried to work against all odds while chasing rumors and denials and accusations, and so now every day for two months. Because in the meantime, the stress level also increases the tensions between us, between departments considered elite and other populated by dead men walking who should have the decency to go to the slaughterhouse without breaking the boxes too. However, because when I get home find my personal problems that I can not relegate a corner in the meantime that system Rogne most urgent (is not true that ubi major minor cessat, no no, indeed, add up) ...

short, a brothel. Sommiamoci And the fact that today I was not even that well. Among all, I forgot di fare questa semplicissima telefonata per avvisare che non sarei andata ad un appuntamento. Quando ho richiamato, in ritardissimo, dall'altra parte della cornetta ho trovato la Siberia, gelida come il senso di colpa che mi strusciava da qualche parte giù, nelle mie sempre agitate viscere.

Ora, se c'è una cosa che m'ammazza, è il senso di colpa. Perchè posso nascondermi dietro a tutte le scuse che riesco a trovare, ma una parte di me sa benissimo che io mi sono dimenticata di fare quella telefonata perchè ho trascurato il fatto che delle persone stessero aspettando me. E non importa che io sia stressata e che abbia dei problemi (chi non ne ha? dai, su, quanto ci vuole a fare una telefonata?). Resta il fatto che mi sono Forgot to tell, I made a figure of crap, hath been the person who was waiting for me and probably rightly pissed me depennerà from the list of possible collaborators, thus precluding a series of contacts that could prove fruitful.

not the end of the world, I know, but it was one of those horrible moments where I find myself like a moron hoping to be able to go back, even just two hours, and put everything in place ...

After hours of complaining, however, are finally adivenuta the distillate of wisdom: Okay Serena, you've done a shit, is neither the first nor the last, unfortunately, in addition to the sincere apology that you have not already done recoverable so stop chew! The important thing is to have learned their lesson and remember it tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day so now get up and bring that ass beyond the obstacle, Serole ball! If God wanted you to pass effortlessly, you made you appear miraculous and the wings in the ass! You can move your ass down 'on the other hand, come on! (Word of Ross O'Hartman)

What can I say? Yes sir!


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