Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cancerous Growth On The Tonsil

London Eye

If these days you are catapulted across the Channel for the event, business or love and, after visiting all the attractions of bustling London, you are looking for new prospects, you could go to the show "Myths and Fairytales " which opens from today until November 22. Entered in the

photomonth , ie the festival of photography in East London, the exhibition exposes the particular point of view of three artists on the myth, folklore and imagination. Our darling Francesca Tilio is part of the trio, with its picture in which reinterprets a masterpiece of French theater, " Les Bonnes" by Jean Genet. His unique style captures the intense contradictions and perversions that lead to tragedy when people confuse fiction and reality, dreams and desires. More information

also sull'immancabile librodifacce. Enjoy e. .. Eye: If you see a beautiful brunette with a camera pointing at you, smile!


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