That is, a study on hate.
A mentally ill person throws a brick on the teeth of a man rich, famous and very controversial, which has made many enemies over the years . In this case the news would certainly have a much greater spread in proportion to the fame of VIP involved. His friends would be outraged and would seek to make the guilty pay dearly and who should be cared for. His enemies are divided between fair trade (because the violence is never an acceptable choice ethically) and carrion ("oh finally someone got there"). Here's an example
vippissimo: Fabrizio Corona you this?
omnipresent, a lover of the saying "talk to me for better or worse, just that you continue to talk about myself, always surrounded by beautiful women, self-confident to the point of encroaching into attitude, rude, verbally and sometimes even physically violent, prosecuted (and convicted) extortion, fraudulent bankruptcy and criminal association and other amenities? Well, all you can say except that the Corona is a type that goes unnoticed or let other people indifferent.
People like him have such an ego, such a cult of personality , which leads them to spill over from all limits "conventional", and therefore also draws extreme reactions: you love them or hate them, they are not idolatrous or they can suffer. This extremism is not accidental: The Crown will also have a temper, but he uses it with skill to cultivate an image of himself that satisfies him. Being the most famous and most controversial celebrity of the moment is his desire and his choice. Se ciò comporta avere un nutrito gruppo di detrattori a controbilanciare (ed esaltare) i suoi ammiratori, a lui va benissimo.
" Molti nemici molto onore ": parola di un altro famoso superuomo italiano.
Se una persona come lui ricevesse una mattonata sui denti da un folle, mia nonna direbbe semplicemente "mi dispiace per lui, la violenza è sempre sbagliata, ma chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta". Ossia: non condivido la mattonata, anzi la condanno, ma secondo me non è un caso che la mattonata se la sia presa proprio lui. Non credo che nessuno considerebbe mia nonna una feroce fomentatrice d'odio, una mandante morale della violenza. Le eventuali carogne che si facessero una risata soddisfatta alla notizia would be considered bad and cynical, but never, ever be accused of being guilty of aggression.
But now say a sentence like that could cost you dear, dear! Because it just so happens that yesterday a mentally ill person has actually pulled a blunt object on the teeth of a man rich, famous and very controversial, which is called Silvio Berlusconi and is our Prime Minister. pictures of his bloodied face had not yet been fully deployed, which was already the controversy flared up!
In a normal society, the debate (except for some inevitable slide) is essentially limited to two points: 1 - why a mentally unstable, under the care of 20 years, has not been recognized as potentially dangerous and 2 - because, although it was clearly altered , managed to approach the Premier potergli so much to throw directly on the face of a blunt object? For the second time?
(okay, a cynical bastard like me also note the incredible retaliation of the head of this government, which has strengthened controls against illegal immigrants and set up patrols to protect citizens against violence, struck by the representation of the Cathedral Milan shot by an Italian speech to his audience ...)
Clearly there is a problem of national security and private molto molto grave! Negli USA, ogni aggressione ad un esponente politico (e ce ne sono state) hanno sollevato questo problema. Idem in tutti gli altri paesi del mondo!
Invece in Italia, la polemica verte sul clima d'odio che, secondo i partiti al Governo, sarebbe stato generato ed alimentato dall'opposizione. Ed io ieri sera ho dovuto passare due ore a difendermi, perchè, in qualità di antiberlusconiana convinta, sarei parimenti responsabile di quanto accaduto in quanto il mio essere contro Berlusconi (come persona e come politico) alimenterebbe questo clima d'odio che ha armato la mano dell'aggressore.
No. Il morigerato Ignazio La Russa, colui che dava del pedofilo and that a protester his left to punch another , she said: " when doing demonstrations for a party but not against one person and hate-this is the result. This is the result of the politics of hate. " Maroni is ready to launch a series of measures to obscure sites that glorify violence and hatred , but mind you, only those against Berlusconi. Those who advocate the death penalty of two cruel masters, the ones no, that's not hatred. Too bad, could be an opportunity for reflection on violence, rather than be just another maneuver on a personal basis!
Apart from the fact that, now that Berlusconi has been physically attacked, it seems that no one can express more dissatisfaction with himself and to his politics ... But what does the opposition and those who, like me, who professes antiberlusconiano with the attack of a madman? Obviously, I'm sorry it was hit, but I remain deeply antiberlusconiana and my opinion to him as a person and as a policy, does not change!
If anyone has turned into a political uproar unworthy to blows and insults to all opponents at all levels ( BALLS , you remember it?), Machismo, the cult of personality, racism and sessisimo , dumb jokes and verbal violence, that's Silvio Berlusconi. He managed to look like a superman, constantly in the spotlight and always over the top, to love or hate no half measures. And most has surrounded himself with people who use the same relentless verbal abuse continues. If
now comes a Madonite teeth for more during a rally in which they let go and newly to the usual verbal excesses against the protesters, my grandmother would say that if you went looking. But my grandmother would wrong, because everyone seems to forget that "the bomber" is not a political activist, a communist jerk, a protester violates anti-b-day, an angry unemployed, an immigrant irregular and not an evil rom ... No, this is a mentally unstable person, who has targeted the most VIP of the moment. He could very well be John Lennon instead of Berlusca. The only difference is, while Lennon would continue to like the Berlusca (unless you change its policies and attitude) will continue to dislike, and I have every right to say it and think no one dares to even insinuate that this makes me a co-responsible what has happened.
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COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Dear Mr. Travaglio, I swear I did not copy its arguments , I had already used them both last night that this morning, I have witnesses ... Of course she tells her very best ... But there is a certain harmony ... how about to hire me as a collaborator? :)
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