All of us humans, but also every living being originates and develops from a single cell. It is clear that cell and that their daughters must be intrinsically information and skills needed to replicate and transform, rather specialize in all the different cells and tissues that characterize the adult organism. These are the stem cells, known as "totipotent" non-specialized, sensitive to the aging process, with infinite replicative potential.
cells and then characterized by a high capacity to generate and then to regenerate tissues. But cells with characteristics of autonomy and freedom of action similar to cancer cells. During the growth of the embryo these cells give rise to various organs, moving into position, keeping only readable information relevant to the function that has been predetermined for them, "forget" progressively everything that they do not begin to compete and grow old : turn into somatic cells that characterize the adult organism.
Risulta evidente quindi che la possibilità di utilizzare, controllare e direzionare cellule staminali proprie o di altri individui possa essere una grande opportunità terapeutica nelle malattie degenerative, come in quelle genetiche, ma anche in tutte quelle caratterizzate da morte cellulare come ictus ed infarto. È la nuova frontiera della medicina che dopo aver ottenuto grandi risultati con i farmaci “chimici” e un po’ meno con quelli “biologici”, ha oggi a disposizione la possibilità di coltivare delle cellule che possano riprodurre i meccanismi fisiologici dell’organismo, modulare la risposta immune, riparare i danni tissutali e trasformarsi in tessuti di altri individui evitando il rischio del rigetto.
But to achieve this we must overcome many obstacles. The most effective results could be obtained from cells "totipotent," capable of turning into mean any fabric we want.
To do this we should use embryonic cells, with serious ethical implications of the need to withdraw from a human embryo, especially without having the full ability to control directionality and their development. Our knowledge on the phases of operation, reading, transcription of the genetic cell is in fact still far from a genuine understanding of the steps. The real risk and evidence, as mentioned intrinsic to embryonic stem cells, therefore, is to insert cellule senza adeguato controllo e di stimolare anche la nascita di neoplasie nell’individuo ricevente.
Nell’organismo adulto possiamo però trovare cellule con caratteri di multipotenza chiamate staminali adulte. Possono essere prelevate soprattutto dal cordone ombelicale, dal midollo osseo e dal grasso corporeo. Queste cellule hanno caratteristiche di trasformazione e differenziazione molto minori a quelle embrionali, possono specializzarsi in un numero limitato di tessuti, spesso simili a quelli nelle quali sono state prelevate. Sono anche in parte sensibili ai processi di invecchiamento, ma hanno caratteristiche meno vicine alle cellule tumorali e quindi sono utilizzabili con un rischio maggiormente accettabile. Gli scienziati hanno then decided to turn these adult stem cells by increasing its transforming ability.
This could happen with the manipulation of genes that allowed the regression to a pluripotent ottenedo so genetically reprogrammed adult somatic cell-like embryonic (IPS). In the future it is hoped that the "cell therapy" and especially with adult stem cells could take a prominent place in studies, research and experiments, and in this sense, the legislature and the Italian and European regulations provide for this feasibility. Because medical science can progress it is necessary to maintain a given therapeutic use that has been proven be effective to prevent, in addition to brain drain abroad, including that of patients.
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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