That is, a study of fussiness
We start with Chapters 1 and 2, study well it is Christmas and all are good, and we? We do not want mica ... disgrace?
"The leader of the Members of the PDL, Fabrizio Cicchitto , yesterday said in parliament since 1994, taking place in Italy a" hate campaign "against Silvio Berlusconi . Fortunately, the Prime Minister intervened and suffered from 'San Raffaele hospital , where he was admitted after the shameful and inexcusable attack suffered Sunday evening, said that "love conquers hate." This is demonstrated by, among other things, the hundreds of interventions and members of his center-right in the last 15 years have always been based on common sense and moderation. Here then is a necessarily brief anthology of the best sentences of what might be called the Party of Love.
The bon ton with opponents
"Veltroni is a jerk" (Berlusconi, 03/09/1995). "Veltroni is a miserable" (Berlusconi, 04/04/2000). "Giuliano Amato, the useful idiot who sits at Palazzo Chigi" (Berlusconi, 04/21/2000). "Prodi? A borrowed leaders (Berlusconi, 22/02/1995)." The Bindi and Prodi are like thieves Pisa: argue day and night to steal "(Berlusconi, 09/29/1996)." Prodi is the mask Communists "(Berlusconi, 22/05/2003)." Prodi is a liar dangerous for us all "(Berlusconi, 10/21/2006)." Before the election I was able to meet only twice on television, my opponent, and with only two and a half minutes to answer the questions of the journalist and the bullshit that said Prodi. "(Berlusconi at the school of political education of Forza Italy, July 2, 2007)." With Prodi at Palazzo Chigi is right to say it rains Government thief "(Berlusconi, 04/10/2008)." The center? insane, miserable at the barrel of the gas "(Berlusconi, 04/04/2000)." Mr. Schulz, I know that in Italy there is a producer who is assembling a film about Nazi concentration camps. Suggest the for the role of Kapo (inaugurating the Italian Presidency of the European Union and responding to a question from the Social Democratic leader, German Martin Schulz, on conflict of interest, July 2, 2003). "I am in politics because the good prevail over evil . If the left would go to the government, the outcome would be this: misery, terror and death. As with the communist governments everywhere (Berlusconi, 17/01/2005).
Respect for voters
"She has a beautiful face bitch!" (Mrs. Anna Galli Rimini, who complained, 24 / 7 / 2003). "I do not think voters are stupid enough to rely on People like D'Alema and Fassino, who has a moral complicity with those who did the most serious crimes such as Comrade Pol Pot "(Berlusconi, 14 December 2005). "I have too much esteem for the intelligence of Italians to think that there are around so many balls that are permitted to vote by their lack of interest" (Berlusconi's speech in front of the Confcommercio 04/04/2006). "Our three" I ": English, Internet, business. Those of the Olive: insult, insult and insult "(27/05/2004). "
The following lessons can be found here (at your own risk).
Image taken from 'r pisanaccio !
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