was 1958 when he started a project of the Ministry of Defence of the United States called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) in an attempt to counter the technological development of 'Soviet Union. In 1966 ARPANET, the first network, launches its first cry and 1971 can not connect with each other 23 computers. But we must wait until 1982 because the word Internet is born: with the creation of TCP / IP sets the standard that would allow interconnections multiple. The shift, however, has in 1991 when CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) announces the birth of the World Wide Web (www). Begin to proliferate and service providers in 1992 are already connected to the network of one million computers, which become 600 million in 2008 with more than 600 million active websites and 120,000 blogs are born every day.
Internet is now the main form of communication, storage, consulting, advertising and information. No one had expected, no one has managed to contain it, nobody can control it. The nature of the Internet, since its inception, is in fact to circumvent any possible obstacle. ARPANET was designed specifically to maintain active communication between the "nodes" in the event of war or nuclear holocaust. The system hardware and software has been set with this function and it remains today. The network of networks, as an autonomous entity, grows, expands, always finds new ways to allow connections and ways to circumvent government filters or commercial purposes.
As a social brain, which already has a number of addresses twenty times higher than the number of existing neurons in our brain, has become the most powerful and revolutionary man-made. After merging with each other Western countries, has extended to developing countries, becoming the largest social phenomenon, cultural and democratic history. In many countries allow freedom of expression and democracy, guarantees to the people around the world to see and know everything, even what you would like to keep hidden.
Today, thanks to the Internet, you can have access to information from anywhere on the planet and get answers in seconds. In just over ten years, mankind has accumulated such a large amount of information to transform the entire network in the universal knowledge: from research and studies made by many on-line American universities encyclopedia Wikipedia that has reached one million items, from newspapers to the minute updated information to the operations held non-stop, from personal blogs to the considerations of each of us.
An immense work, created for free by millions of people. Without any coordination, was achieved something that no plan could ever achieve production company and, most importantly, no funding could support. Internet lends it a significance far beyond the possibility of grants with its use. He questioned everything: the control of information, propaganda policy, freedom of thought and speech, the rules of market economy and based on an outdated and anachronistic GDP and, of course, even the legality of the surveillance systems, which must necessarily change and evolve to prevent the use of criminal network.
But above all, was the only instance in history in which each of us, like bees in a hive, has used time and energy to cooperate rather than compete, in an area in which one can never tell who is at the center and the periphery, especially those who are at the top or at the base of the system.
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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