Friday, December 24, 2010

The Last Blade Sprite

Family Parish

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Readings: Is 52.7-10, Ps 97 Heb 1.1 to 6; Jn 1:1-18

From the Gospel according to John

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ... In him was life and the life was the light of men, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness could not overpower ... Word was the true light that enlightens every man. It was in the world and the world was made through him, yet the world did not recognize him. He came to his and his people received him not. But to those who received him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name, who, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but by God they were created. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.


O Jesus, I've waited so your Christmas! I have been so busy in the preparations: the crib, the flowers on the altar, confessions, subsidies, homilies
... Now here I am, on this night, before your altar, filled with a call from a mysterious and intense nostalgia for you.

I carry in my heart, along with the burden of the weaknesses, expectations and hopes for a new life. I want to go in front of your baby crib, listen once again the message of that night that changed the history of the world and let themselves be infected by the joy of the angels and shepherds.
I adore you, Jesus, God made my child, and bless, the Saviour of the world. You are the Christ, the Son of God, you came into the world to defeat death and sheds light on life through the gospel. You are my hope and my joy, you only have parole di vita eterna, ai tuoi piedi depongo le mie lacrime e le mie speranze. Fammi uscire dalle nebbie del compromesso,
liberami dal fariseismo e dalla voglia di apparire, aiutami a vivere nella coerenza e nel pulito, anche se è faticoso.

Mio Dio, mio piccolo Dio, povero come l’amore, umile come la grotta in cui sei nato… Sei uno come me, sei entrato nella vita con il grido di ogni bambino che invoca attenzione e protezione…

Grazie, o Dio bambino, che vieni per diventare pane e vino, festa e vita per la mia inappagata ricerca di felicità. Grazie, o Dio bambino, perché con il Natale il tuo nome diventa sulle mie labbra un nome amato e il tuo volto è tenero come quello di un bambino a cui si guarda con occhi pieni di stupore.


Vorrei irrompere nelle vostre vite per portare a tutti gli auguri di un gioioso e sereno Natale, ricco di pace, consolazione e armonia nei vostri cuori, nelle vostre case e nelle vostre famiglie, ma mi permetto solo di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione per chiedere un aiuto. In questi ultimi mesi la Parrocchia ha affrontato numerose e consistenti spese dovute a lavori di manutenzione straordinaria (campanile; impianto di riscaldamento; messa a norma e sicurezza; tetto della Chiesa; servizi dell’Oratorio …). A ciò vanno aggiunte le ordinarie spese che una parrocchia come la nostra affronta quotidianamente e la cooperazione con la S. Vincenzo parrocchiale per aiutare i poveri della nostra comunità. Ecco perché mi permetto solamente di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione, delle vostre possibilità e della vostra generosità per chiedere un aiuto e un sostegno per questa nostra comunità parrocchiale. Al centro della Chiesa c’è la cassetta delle offerte e sul tavolo della stampa i vaglia per chi vuole avere un documento fiscale. Agli uomini sfuggono tante cose, ma il Signore tiene conto perfino dell’umile bicchiere d’acqua che abbiamo donato a chi era assetato. A tutti la mia più profonda e sincera gratitudine per la vostra attenzione e che la benedizione del Signore sia la più grande ricompensa per la vostra generosità.

week from December 25 to January 2

Saturday 25
Solemnity of Christmas Time
S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.

Sunday 26 Sunday
S. Family
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.

Tuesday 28
• In the afternoon you can take the cribs for the preparation of the exhibition hall in the Oratory.

Thursday 30
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Friday, 31
• At 18.00, S. Thanksgiving Mass and singing of the Te Deum at the end of the calendar year.

Saturday, January 1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and
Day of Prayer for Peace
schedule S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.

Sunday Second Sunday after Christmas
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.


Father Andrew, Father, Father Vittorio and Gildo turn to the most dear and loving wishes for a happy and holy Christmas. As Christ came into the world in simplicity and poverty of cave of Bethlehem, to, today and forever, to be reborn in our daily lives to illuminate our lives with its light, warm with his love, fill it with His peace.
born Jesus is joy for all, consolation for those who are lonely, comfort for those in grief support for those who live in situations of crisis; courage for those who are in despair; mercy for those who are crushed by his own sin.
All the hope and prayer that Christ, born in the world, become the true light that enlightens the heart and mind of every person who seeks it and to respond to his infinite love.
Bring all your loved ones and especially to the lonely, elderly and sick our hope and remembrance in prayer.

Visit the crib erected in the crypt and the exhibition of nativity scenes will be made by Tuesday, December 28 in Oratory. During the celebrations, has suspended the visit of the crib in the Crypt.

The brothers of Our Lady of the Sea

week from December 25 to January 2

Saturday 25th 10.00 - 11.30 For the assembly
- def.ti News and Angelo Ferruccio
16.00 - 18.00 Corrado - def. Family Limoncino you

Sunday 26 8.30 - def.ti Francesco and Francesca
10.00 - For the assembly
ore 11.30 - Antonio Onofrio
- Vittorio Coronica
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pasquale e Laura

lunedì 27
ore 8.30 - Gildo Milocco
- def.ti Filippo e Maria
ore 18.00 - Salvatore Cipressi
- def.ti Alba ed Enzo Arculeo
- def.ti Tano, Francesco e Mariolina

martedì 28
ore 8.30 - Vittorio Hlaca
- def.ti Antonio, Palmira e Antonia
ore 18.00 - Stelio

mercoledì 29
ore 8.30 -
ore 18.00 - def.ti Giuseppe, Rosa, Jose ed Emilia Trento

giovedì 30
ore 8.30 - Roberto Scherli
ore 18.00 - Def.te Francesco and Luigi Antonini
- Marcella def.ta Visintin (obitus)

Friday 31
8.30 - def.ta Francesca Leone
18.00 - def.ti Vascotto
Bruno Lucia - def.ti Family Bettaccini

Saturday 10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ta Maddalena Cirone
16.00 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - def.ta News Furlani

2 hours 8.30 - Italo Sartini
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Doro and Lidia De Rinaldini
18.00 - Renato Suzzi

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Six People Sit At A Circular Table

December 25, 2010 December 19, 2010 Family Parish

Sunday December 19, 2010

Fourth Sunday of Advent Readings: Isaiah 7.10 to 14, Ps 23, Rom 1.1 to 7, from 1.18 to 24 Mt

From the Gospel according to Matthew

So it was generated Jesus Christ: His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child through the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, because he was a righteous man and did not want to accuse her publicly, she thought of her away secretly.
But while he was considering these things, behold, an angel appeared in his dream the Lord and said: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. In fact the baby is born in lei viene dallo Spirito Santo; ella darà alla luce un figlio e tu lo chiamerai Gesù: egli infatti salverà il suo popolo dai suoi peccati».
Tutto questo è avvenuto perché si compisse ciò che era stato detto dal Signore per mezzo del profeta: «Ecco, la vergine concepirà e darà alla luce un figlio: a lui sarà dato il nome di Emmanuele», che significa “Dio con noi”.
Quando si destò dal sonno, Giuseppe fece come gli aveva ordinato l’angelo del Signore e prese con sé la sua sposa.


La tua venuta, o Gesù, non avviene nella quiete.
C'è scontro tra il tuo irrompere nella vita e i miei progetti e le mie visuali.
Tu sei l'altro, il diverso. Lo avevi detto per bocca del profeta Isaia: "I miei pensieri non sono i vostri pensieri, le vostre vie non sono le mie vie.
Quanto il cielo sovrasta la terra, tanto le mie vie sovrastano le vostre vie,
i miei pensieri sovrastano i vostri pensieri" (Is 55,8-9).

È una costante nella storia della salvezza: tutti coloro che collaborano con te
debbono superare questa crisi. Domenica scorsa Giovanni Battista si domandava: "Sei tu colui che deve venire o dobbiamo aspettare un altro?" Oggi tocca a Giuseppe superare le stesse difficoltà.

Tu, o Gesù, sei entrato nella sua vita in un modo inatteso,
imprevedibile, inimmaginabile. Quanti problemi in così poco tempo!
Giuseppe intuisce che quello che sta avvenendo è qualche cosa di misterioso
e umilmente si chiede quale sia il suo compito: da una parte non può avere Maria tutta per sé, dall'altra non può "giustamente" ripudiarla, non essendovi in lei alcuna colpa. Che cosa fare? Da uomo "giusto", qual è, non giudica secondo le apparenze; rifugge dalle prese di posizione: possono ferire, lacerare, umiliare. "Mentre sta pensando a queste cose" è raggiunto dalla parola di Dio che gli annuncia il mistero che si compie e gli indica le scelte da fare. L’ascolto diventa scelta, decisione concreta: "Giuseppe fece come gli aveva ordinato l'angelo". Con tutti i rischi che questo comporta, con all obstacles and dangers ahead. Without further explanation, no request for specific guarantees, without requiring a more conspicuous role.

In your logic, Jesus, do not serve the master and Nobel laureates
to be employees of salvation. You call people, simple people, real, available as Mary, like Joseph. They have changed their lives and oriented according to your host. Understand and carry out their vocation with loving fidelity: Joseph will be his father but not a parent, you will be mother and mother Maria.

O Jesus, if you into my life, I really celebrate your Christmas. Give me, please, a true faith, a faith that is embodied in everyday life, a faith that is translated in the works.
unexpected or painful situations in life are not tripping on my way, but become a growth opportunity.

You, Jesus, salvation does not build in the abstract, but through the concreteness of life. Give me wisdom and discernment, because I understand your desire, and implement it fully, overcoming doubts and concerns. Give me a faith that makes abandonment, obedience to your commandments, because only you have plans for peace.

week from December 19 to December 26

Sunday 19
• 20.00, in the Church, Christmas concert.

lunedì 20
• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 21.00, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 21

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo per bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 22
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, celebrazione del sacramento della confessione per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 23

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.

venerdì 24
• Orario Ss. Messe: 8.30 and 24.00. The Church will be opened at 23.30.

Saturday 25
Solemnity of Christmas

• Time changed the Holy Mass, just for today:
10:00 to 11:30 - 16.00 - 18.00.

Sunday 26 Feast of St.
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.


Father Andrew, Father, Father Vittorio and Gildo turn to the most dear and loving wishes for a happy and holy Christmas. As Christ came into the world in simplicity and poverty of the cave of Bethlehem, to, today and forever, to be reborn in our daily lives to illuminate our lives with its light, warm with his love, fill it with His peace.
born Jesus is joy for all, consolation for those who are lonely, comfort for those in grief support for those who live in situations of crisis; courage for those who are in despair; mercy for those who are crushed by his own sin.
All the hope and prayer that Christ, born in the world, become the true light that enlightens the heart and mind of every person who seeks it and to respond to his infinite love.

The brothers of Our Lady of the Sea

week from December 19 to December 26

Sunday, December 19

8.30 - Antonio Creglia
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Roberto Vascotto
18.00 - Alessandro Fornasier

Monday, December 20

8.30 - 18.00 Adriano Buzzi - def.ti and Ferruccio Maria Furlani
- Gildo Milocco

Tuesday, December 21

8.30 - def.ta Carolina Cap
18.00 - def.ti Albino and Fabio

Wednesday, December 22

8.30 - Andrea and Ottavio def.ti Querzola
18.00 - Mario Giorgi

Thursday, December 23

8.30 - Linda def.ta Zoch
18.00 - Gabriel and Renzo Benedetti def.ti

Friday, December 24

8.30 - def.ta Clara Rossi
- According to the intention of the tenderer
24.00 - S. Mass of the Nativity of the Lord

Saturday, December 25

10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti News and Angelo Ferruccio
16.00 - 18.00 Conrad - Family def.ti Limoncino

Sunday, December 26

8.30 - def.ti Francesco and Francesca
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 -
Onofrio Antonio - Vittorio Coronica
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pasquale e Laura

Saturday, December 11, 2010

2010 Impala On 24 Inch Rims

DISABILITY ': Inclusive education in human rights and victims of AIDS money

Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights specifies how important education is for each individual and how this should allow the development of personality and "the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. " Our legal system must therefore take into account these principles and recognize that a disabled person an absolute personal right designed to promote a suitable school placement. In Italy there are more than 160,000 students with disabilities certified by the local health services, compared to about 90,000 support teachers, 40,000 temporary workers. But according to analysis conducted by Centro Studi Erickson, there is an additional 15-20% of pupils who have difficulty learning and education. The controversy rained down on the minister Gelmini in relation to cuts to education have increased in intensity when you are not found traces of the problem of disability in the "urgent measures in education and universities' and as a result of a directive, 69, economically inadequate for "building initiatives of training and qualification of integration ': Less than € 64 per student and teacher to just over 96. In 2009, during a confrontation between officials and experts from the Ministry of Education and further to the participation of associations of persons with disabilities, have been drafted the guidelines, then spread to all schools. These collect a set of directives aimed at improving the integration of students with disabilities. Examines the constitutional evolution Italian law, the organization of the Regional School Office for optimizing use of resources, establishment of GLIRA (regional inter-institutional working groups), the need to acquire, by schools, legal status (L.59/97).
This is an important step to support a policy of inclusive education advanced, based also on the bio-psycho-social called ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health), encoded by the World Health Organization. It is a classification that focuses on the context in which you place the handicapped, to promote their involvement in social activities. But to achieve this goal it is necessary to facilitate teaching and enhance learning tools, and using new technologies. Students and families should therefore receive adequate training on the use of new information technologies. Pupils should be involved in the attention to the teaching materials, conduct of the class, the activities of reinforcement learning. And in the process of integration there must be participation by all teachers, even those in charge of the curriculum to pupils with disabilities, as a support teacher. The education of students with disabilities is always been a strength of our educational system.
The Italian school has always been a welcoming community where all pupils, irrespective of their functional diversity, have been able to experience personal growth and social development. But we must ask ourselves how it is possible that, in recent years, many parents of handicapped children, both physical and psychological, have been forced to recourse to the courts because they were entitled to enjoy the hours of support due. It is the task of this paper provide the reply, but those who justify certain behaviors in terms of cost reduction knows that the right of disabled people to school support is configured in our legal system, the fundamental human right, not compressible and not subject to relations with other interests, such as budget. A Massimiliano Fanni


How Is Garnier Light Fairness Face Wash

Family Parish of December 12, 2010

Domenica 12 dicembre 2010
Terza Domenica di Avvento
Letture: Is 35,1-6a. 8a.10; Sal 145; Gc 5,7-10; Mt 11,2-11

Dal vangelo secondo Matteo

In quel tempo, Giovanni, che era in carcere, avendo sentito parlare delle opere del Cristo, per mezzo dei suoi discepoli mandò a dirgli: «Sei tu colui che deve venire o dobbiamo aspettare un altro?». Gesù rispose loro: «Andate e riferite a Giovanni ciò che udite e vedete: I ciechi riacquistano la vista, gli zoppi camminano, i lebbrosi sono purificati, i sordi odono, i morti risuscitano, the poor have proclaimed the Gospel. And blessed is he who does not find me a source of scandal. " While they were leaving, Jesus began to speak to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go to see in the desert? A reed shaken by the wind? So, what did you go see? A man dressed in clothes of luxury? Here, those who wear luxury clothing are in kings' palaces! Well, what did you go see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, in fact, more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written: "Behold, before thee I send my messenger before you, he will prepare your way." Verily I say unto you, among those born of women there has been none greater than John il Battista; ma il più piccolo nel regno dei cieli è più grande di lui».


Giovanni Battista, il profeta dalle parole dure come sassi e taglienti come asce, non grida più né minaccia castighi.
Masticato dalla vita, spazzato via dall'arroganza del potere, nella buia prigione di Erode, si interroga: "Ho visto giusto? Ho fatto bene?".

Giovanni si aspettava che tu, o Gesù, saresti stato il più forte, avresti separato i giusti dai peccatori, giudicando tutti con severità.
E perché non divampasse l'ira di Dio, con tutte le sue forze aveva invitato il popolo a convertirsi e fare frutti degni di penitenza.
Tu, But when you started the mission, you had no fan to clean your yard or an ax to cut the roots of the tree fruitless, but sinners welcome you with love and mercy.
a true man of faith, John does not take these doubts in his heart.
sends you to say
"Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?"

You, Jesus, you are the Messiah, the Messenger of God, your work does not occur in
force that humiliates and crushes, but the love that heals and forgives.
you became a man, you came into our history
not to judge and punish, but to all life.
You are the Messiah, according to the heart of God, who "does not have the death the sinner, but he wants that he be converted and live "(cf. Ez 18:23).

Two thousand years later, the question is the same, even if the formula are men and women of different races and cultures.
sometimes emerges in my heart.
You know, Jesus, I am tempted to think that nothing has changed with your coming.
If you say that you are the King of the universe, the one true savior,
those who live near me, I consider dreamer dreamer.
Then, with hearts full of bitterness, I am tempted to declare:
"I was wrong, I have to wait for another savior."

Your reply, Jesus, is banal and disturbing fragile and heroic
"Be patient and do not despair. Watch the farmer, examines the history and life,
grasp the signs of the presence of the Kingdom: the blind see, the dumb speak, the lepers are cleansed
... ".
Yes, O Jesus, I too have seen the explosive power of the gospel,
I have seen people change, heal, see.
Wrinkle in corrupt world, and I discovered restless gestures of total gratuity, lives consumed in the gift and hope, tears of brotherhood in hell of loneliness and selfishness.
Is this the problem?
An inner myopia that prevents me from enjoying the hidden and subtle presence of God?

week from December 12 to December 19

domenica 12

• Durante la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, Seconda Tappa del Cammino Catechistico Parrocchiale: Consegna del Vangelo ai ragazzi del 2° anno di catechismo.
• Al termine della S. Messa delle 10.00, incontro per coppie e famiglie. Conclusione con pranzo al sacco condiviso in Oratorio. C’è il servizio di baby-sitter.

lunedì 13

• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 20.30, Centri d’Ascolto della Parola di Dio presso le famiglie: Prato, via Combi 12; Querzola, via De Amicis 2/1.
• Ore 20.30, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 14

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo per bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 15

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per gli adulti sulla Parola di Dio, tenuta dal parroco.

giovedì 16

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.
• Ore 20.30, Centro d’Ascolto della Parola di Dio presso la famiglia: Valentini, Via Romanin, 7.

sabato 18

• Ore 10.30, matrimonio di Giampaolo Scaramagli e Anna Crismani. Tanti auguri.
• Ore 12.30, in Oratorio, Christmas lunch for the assisted S. Vincent parish.
• 16.00 pm, in church, prayer meeting in preparation for Christmas for the children of the Catechism, along with their parents.

Sunday 19

• At 20.30, in the Church, "Palio of Christmas" festival of choirs of the district and the city will perform a Christmas concert.

• Who has withdrawn the card to the poll on our ward, it can put it out in the box at the center of the Church.
• In the sacristy is available to mark your calendar for the intentions of the Holy Mass for the year 2011. •
remember the change of time of the Holy Mass for the only Christmas Day and New Year's not 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 and 18.00, but 10.00, 11.30, 16.00 and 18.00.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from December 12 to December 19

Sunday, December 12

8.30 - def.ta Francesca Leone
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.te Catherine and Josephine
- def.te Sabina and Fernanda Bastiani
18.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano

Monday, December 13

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ta Mulig
Lucia - Lucia def.ta Piccini
18.00 - Final . ta Maria Di Simone
- def.ta Iolanda Mersic
- def.ta Lucia Milocco

Tuesday, December 14

8.30 - def.ti Claudio, and Antonio Wilhelmina

Torcello - Maria Pia def.ta Zerial
18.00 - def. you Natalia and Mark Coslovich

Wednesday, December 15

8.30 - def.ta
Maria - Giuseppe Polvara
18.00 - Antonio Bartolotta (obitus)

Thursday, December 16

hours 8.30 - Massimo Del Blacks
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino
18.00 - def.ti Iso and Angelo
Rates - def.ta Maria Trinca-Scherl

Friday, December 17

8.30 - 18.00 Aldo Orlandi - Norman Farndon
- def.te Nives and Derna
- def.ta Giuseppina D'Agostini

Saturday, December 18

8.30 - Louis Bajc
18.00 - Antonio

Sunday, December 19

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Roberto Vascotto
18.00 - Alessandro Fornasier

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amplifiers Genesis Vs Kicker

Family Parish

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Second Sunday of Advent Readings: Isaiah 11.1-10, Ps 71, Rom 15.4-9, 3.1 to 12 Mt

From the Gospel according to Matthew

In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." For he is the one of whom had spoken by the prophet Isaiah when he said: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
... Seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father. "
Why I say that from these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you in water for repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. He holds the shovel and clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. "


O Jesus, together with the whole Church, I am continuing the journey of Advent. Sunday
your word has made me aware of the danger in letting him spend his life without realize your salvation, your child's smiling face of God.

Today invited me to go to John the Baptist, because it put me under his guidance. You have sent ahead to prepare your hearts to come. He claims to be the voice crying in the wilderness. His words are strong and scary, hard and aggressive, and shake my false peace.

John, I received on the banks of the Jordan, in the Judean Desert. And there, in the desert, there is no place for goods, friendships, role, they give me the illusion of solidity and security. John brings me back to basics, it makes me touch that only a poor creature, unable to subsist without a providential help and liberating. He shakes my indifference, my crumble fragile truth. "It is time - I cry, to remove the mask, and drop the illusions and honestly ask yourself who you really are. It is time to pave the way to welcome the God in your life always unexpected and always different. It is time for real change, a serious life choice. "

O Jesus, help me to do some 'of the desert in my life, taking away the superfluous and ephemeral. There are too many things that clutter my heart. There are words that profane the inner silence, dreams and desires are dictated by vanity. Fa 'unable to accept that your Word, which leads to hope
and floods the mind of unspeakable consolation. Oh, if only to blind eyes to the many dazzling images and false, I could discover the true image of myself and of others! So clear the road for all the obstacles that prevent you from being my God Then experience the joy of meeting you and all around me and I would flourish in a new world.

O Lord, let me dream with the Prophet Isaiah, let me see the wolf grazes with the lamb, swords beaten into plowshares, dirt changed to white. Let me dream, because you and with you I begin to realize that these new heavens and new earth, that you want to give us. For this you give me the time of Advent, the time of waiting, not for watching, but because it operates so that the dream becomes everyday reality and the utopian history.

improve our District

for several years, the parish is working with the "Micro Project Areas" and the "Good Practices, non-profit organization, to create, promote and organize gatherings, meetings, parties and help people in our ward of St. Vito, also trying to activate the areas and projects to improve the quality of life. For better work and propose something concrete is a questionnaire, which is in the table of the press. It is a simple sheet to fill out, anonymously and without ulterior motives. You can fill it here or take it home and then back to church in the box at the center of the Church, or seek help from professionals outside the Church.

weeks from December 5 to December 12

Sunday 5

• A memory and recall of the Mission Parish, will be P. Federico with some other missionaries: the groups will meet Holy Mass and enlivening.

• Monday, 6 hours 15.30, "Afternoon Together" to the elderly, Oratorio, with the Missionaries. •
20.30, Centers Listening to the Word of God in the family: Viviani, via Goineo, 5; Dean, Piazzale Rosmini, 7.

Tuesday 7

• At 16.30, in oratory, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday 8 - Immaculate Conception
• Timetable of Holy Mass: 8:30 to 10:00 - 11.30 - 18.00.
• Sale of cakes and sweets. Those who wish may make and donate the sweets to be sold before the Church for the benefit of S. Vincent parish. Each must have a sweet piece of paper with writings and brought the ingredients used in the parish Tuesday afternoon. For further information contact the volunteers of the St. Vincenzo.
• 11.30 am, Adhesion of Catholic party.

Thursday 9

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.
• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic Parish. •
20.30, Center for Attention to the Word of God in the family: Spizzamiglio, via Combi, 22, IV fl

Friday 10 • h. 20.00, evidence of the choir singing for young people.

Saturday 11

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children and activities for kids.

Sunday 12

• During S. 10:00 am Mass, Catechetical Second Step of the Way Parrocchiale: Consegna del Vangelo ai ragazzi del 2° anno di catechismo.
• Al termine della S. Messa delle 10.00, in Oratorio, secondo incontro per coppie e famiglie. Conclusione con pranzo al sacco condiviso. C’è il servizio di baby-sitter.

Prendete dal tavolo della stampa il programma per l’Avvento, le preghiere da recitare in famiglia e il giornale Vita Nuova.

Fra Andrea, parroco

settimana dal 5 dicembre al 12 dicembre

domenica 5 dicembre

ore 8.30 - Oddone
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Gino e Maria Gnan
18.00 - Nicholas handle

Monday, December 6

8.30 - Nicholas Deponte
18.00 - Giuseppe Barbaro

Tuesday, December 7

8.30 - Orazio
Leone - According to the intention of the tenderer
18.00 - def.ti Lucia and Angela Madrussani
- Angelina def.ta

Wednesday, December 8

8.30 - Maria def.ta
10.00 - For ' Assembly
11.30 - def.ti Armida and Guido Suzzi
18:00 - Thursday, December 9

8.30 - Matilda Cappeccino
- def.ti Family Cominotti
18.00 - Antonio

Friday, December 10

8.30 - def.ta White Bendagli
18.00 - Paolo Perosa
- Antonio and Nina def.ti

Saturday, December 11

8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Joseph and Guido
18.00 - Bruna def.ta Peresan
- Marco Coslovich
- Luciano Nacuz

Sunday, December 12

8.30 - def. ta Francesca Leone
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.te Catherine and Josephine
- def.te Sabina and Fernanda Bastiani
18.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prosumer Camcorder Media

05/12/2010 Family Parish 28 November 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Sunday of Advent Readings: Is 2.1 to 5, Ps 121, Rom 13.11-14; Mt 24.37-44

From the Gospel according to Matthew

In that time, Jesus told his disciples:
"How were the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and took her husband until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept all: so shall also the coming of Son of Man. Then two men in the field: one will be brought the other left off. Two women grinding at the mill: one will be taken away and the other left.
Watch therefore, for ye know on what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: if the householder had known at what hour of the night the thief, have watched and would not have let his house be broken. Therefore you also be ready for, hour you do not, is the Son of Man. "


Thank you, Jesus, so give me a chance to start with the whole Church a new journey of faith, enlightened by your grace.
path is essentially identical to that of the previous year, but is also a new path, because there are different situations where my faith will have to measure, especially different is my person.

Immediately call me to watch, I urge you to be ready, because the hour that I do not guess, you're coming.
With all my soul I pray thee, O Lord, scrollami off my torpor, open my sleepy eyes, warms my heart cold and numb.
not let sink in the swamp of consumerism, in the mists of laziness or selfishness in the mud.

beginning of this Advent I promise I'll try to meditate with more love your word resound so strongly in my life and push me on the path of 'waiting and hope. Deliver me from the guilty
myopia that makes living in a normal opaque and flat, so it's time to leave the surface of the skin lead to the existence, without addressing the hard work of passionate research, of 'careful listening and comparison with your true Word.

Fa 'who does not live by the day, is' I do not like being reduced to a wreck driven by the river of time, the inexorable passage.
How true and the Apostle's exhortation that the apostle Paul spoke to the Christian community of Rome: "Brothers, it is time to wake up, because our salvation is nearer than when we first believed."
Yes, it's time to "get out from sleep, it's time to abandon that lifestyle that keeps me from seeing what is happening deep in my life and the life of the Church and the world.

early years of the new liturgy want to commit to go all ' essential, in the middle of the day I put my relationship with you, O Jesus, who is constantly and one day you'll come in glory to judge the world and every person.
Fa 'that the desire of your presence, will not be stifled by grief and daily tasks.

Help me to always try to find time for you to listen with love to talk and celebrate your love. There is a risk, or Jesus, who lives in a normal opaque e piatta, fatta di azioni abituali che alimentano la vita fisica e sociale, senza tener conto di tutto il resto.

Questo per te è un errore madornale, una colpevole miopia.
Riservare attenzione a tutti gli aspetti della vita, è un obbligo, non un optional. Non posso vivere alla giornata, non devo ridurmi a un rottame che viene trascinato dal fiume del tempo che scorre inesorabile. Amen.

settimana dal 28 novembre al 5 dicembre

lunedì 29
• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 20.30, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 30
• At 16.30, in oratory, catechism classes for children and teens.
• A prayer for Father In Andrea's day.

Wednesday, December 1
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for adults.

Thursday 2
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

• Friday, 3 hours 20.00, evidence of the choir singing for young people.

Saturday 4
• Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday, in memory and recall of the Mission Parish, will be present P. Federico con alcuni altri missionari: incontreranno i gruppi e animeranno le Ss. Messe.
• Nel pomeriggio, in Oratorio, “Laboratorio Creativo” per i bambini.

Prossimi appuntamenti

Mercoledì 8 dicembre, ci sarà la vendita di torte e dolci, il cui ricavato andrà a beneficio della S. Vincenzo parrocchiale. Chi desidera, può realizzare e donare i dolci che verranno venduti davanti alla Chiesa. Ogni dolce deve essere accompagnato da un foglietto che riporta gli ingredienti usati e portato in parrocchia nel pomeriggio di sabato. Per ogni altra informazione contattare i volontari della S. Vincenzo.

Domenica 12 dicembre, al termine della S. Messa delle 10.00, in Oratory, the second meeting for couples and families. Conclusion shared with a packed lunch. There is a baby-sitter.

Take from the table of the press the fold with the proposed liturgical, catechetical and educational programs for the season of Advent and the paper with the prayers to be recited in a family in this time in preparation for Christmas.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from November 28 to December 5

Sunday, November 28

8.30 - def.ti Michael and John Rozzo
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Beatrice and Lino Damiani
- Renato Zampa
18.00 - Luigi Coppola

lunedì 29 novembre

ore 8.30 - Claudio Montenesi
ore 18.00 - Gianni Prodan

martedì 30 novembre

ore 8.30 - Guido Zorzet
ore 18.00 - def.ti Andrea e Ottavio Querzola
- def.te Anita e Maria

mercoledì 1 dicembre

ore 8.30 - def.ta Novella Furlani
- Paolo Sardos
- Ernesto e defunti Famiglia Tirello
ore 18.00 - def.ti Fausto e Marino Zubin

giovedì 2 dicembre

ore 8.30 - Mario Benedetti
ore 18.00 - Rolando

venerdì 3 dicembre

ore 8.30 - Lucio Talamo
- def.ta Bianca Bendagli
ore 18.00 - def.ta Elida Quarantotto

sabato 4 dicembre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Eugenio, Elisabetta e Silvana
- def.ta Iside Bendagli
ore 18.00 - Antonio

domenica 5 dicembre

ore 8.30 - Oddone
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Gino e Maria Gnan
ore 18.00 - Nicolò Maniglia

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Does It Cost For Nature Stone

Family Parish

Domenica 21 novembre 2010
Domenica XXXIV° del Tempo Ordinario
Cristo, Re dell’Universo
Letture: 2 Sam 5, 1-3; Sal 121; Col 1, 12-20, Lk 23, 35-43

Christ, King of forgiveness, came to serve

Like everything important in the Mosaic law, it is necessary for the enthronement is recognized by two witnesses. But while the witnesses to the royal investiture of transfiguration are two of the main characters of the Old Testament (Luke 9:28-36) and are also mysterious witnesses to the resurrection (Luke 24.4), the two witnesses dell'intronizzazione of Golgotha are only two brigands vulgar.
ridiculous Investiture of the man who will not be king if you not going to the bottom of the prank!
Luke makes this track to follow the story of the two robbers, almost indicate that the way for Christ to exercise his kingship over all men, including his enemies, is to offer their forgiveness (vv. 34a.39-43). Luke is very sensitive to this idea throughout the passion narrative, but here it touches the top. With this forgiveness, Christ is presented as a new Adam, who can help humanity to restore the lost paradise from the first man (cf. Lk 3:38).
must still accept this new humanity that God's forgiveness and it folds in on itself proudly. Christ comes at the time of his life when he will inaugurate a new humanity, freed from the alienation of sin, he offers to be part of the good thief, because his will di perdono è senza limiti. Il regno di Cristo si esercita su dei convertiti.
I termini Re e Messia risuonano intorno alla croce in frasi beffarde e provocanti. In questa situazione Gesù compie un gesto veramente regale e assicura al malfattore pentito l’ingresso nel regno del Padre.
Anche nei confronti degli avversari più accaniti, Gesù dirà parole di perdono: «Padre, perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno».
Gesù, quindi, esercita e manifesta la sua regalità non nella affermazione di un potere dispotico, ma nel servizio di un perdono che tende alla riconciliazione.
Egli è il primogenito di tutte le creature (seconda lettura) e come tutte le cose sono state create in lui, so it has pleased God to reconcile to himself through him all things, establishing peace in the blood of his cross. "
Christ is King because forgiving and dying for the remission of sins, it creates a new unity among men. Breaking the spiral of hatred offers the possibility of a new future.
recognizing that Jesus is king, we believe that God revealed to him so that the full realization of man can only take place in obedience to his will. There is no human action that is not under the verdict of God, there is no place in history that can do without the relationship with God through Jesus' doctrine of worship Christ teaches us again that life we \u200b\u200bare called is the same life that Jesus Christ lived: a life of service to others. Living out his lordship, and we confess in our turn we become people of peace and reconciliation.
In the Church of Christ, as in every community, the ministry (= service) the authority is given not for personal success, but in terms of unity and charity. Christ, Good Shepherd, came not to be served but to serve (Mt 20:28, Mk 10:45) and to give His life (Jn 10:11).
These statements help to avoid the ambiguities inherent in the concept of royalty is not in the sense of Christ.

week from November 21 to November 28

Monday 22
• 15.30, in Oratorio, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.
• At 20.30, a meeting of the Youth Group.

Tuesday 23
• At 16.30, in oratory, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday 24
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for adults.

Thursday 25
• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic adults.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Friday 26

• At 20.00, evidence of the choir singing for young people.

Saturday 27
• National Food Collection Day. Go shopping in supermarkets participating in the initiative to give your support and assistance for the associations that assist the poor and needy families, like ours S. Vincent parish.
• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children.

Sunday 28
• Beginning of new liturgical year and the first Sunday of Advent.

Upcoming events

Sunday, December 8th, there will be a sale of cakes and pastries, the proceeds will benefit St. Vincent parish. For any information contact the volunteers of the same association.

Sunday, December 12, at the end of S. Mass at 10.00, in oratory, the second meeting for couples and families. Conclusion shared with a packed lunch. There is a baby-sitter.

Next week there will be a leaflet with the proposed liturgical, catechetical and educational programs for the season of Advent.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from November 21 to November 28

Sunday, November 21

ore 8.30 - def.ti Giuseppe e Antonia
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Giulietta e Guido Grioni
- def.ta Maria
ore 18.00 - def.ti Mario e Argia Davanzo
- def.ti Famiglie Lovisetto e Baggio
- Giorgio Vidali

lunedì 22 novembre

ore 8.30 - Paolo Roccaro
ore 18.00 - def.ta Sibilla Prezzi
- Mario Giorgi

martedì 23 novembre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Alma e Romano
ore 18.00 - def.ti Antonio e Caterina Lenuzzi

mercoledì 24 novembre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Cristina e Giorgio
18.00 - def.ta Firmina Suzzi

Thursday, November 25

8.30 - Corrado
18.00 - Mario Petti

Friday, November 26

8.30 - def. you Stephen and Catherine Basanello
18.00 - Roger and Mary def.ti Seriani

Saturday, November 27

8.30 - Armida def.ta
18.00 - def.ta Elvira D'Angelo (obitus)
- final .

to Luigi Radin

Sunday, November 28

8.30 - def.ti Michael and John Rozzo
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Beatrice and Lino Damiani
- Renato Zampa
18.00 - Luigi Coppola

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Unlock My Pc For Games

November 21, 2010 Parish family of 14 November 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010
XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings
: Ml 3, 19-20, Ps 97, 2 Thessalonians 3 , 7-12, Lk 21, 5-19

The time of the Church

In the eschatological discourse, Jesus explains the meaning of his messianic intervention, using the vocabulary and themes of apocalyptic literature, language difficult for us . The historical action of the Son of man opens the last time. The fullness of life is granted. The work of the Messiah is placed under the banner of universalism. He must unite tutti gli uomini dai quattro venti, perché tutti sono chiamati ad essere figli dei Padre. Gerusalemme è condannata perché ha tradito la sua missione trasformando in privilegio per sé il servizio da rendere a tutti i popoli: essa non ha rinunciato al suo particolarismo.
Il regno del Figlio dell’uomo non è il trionfo sui nemici del popolo ma il suo cammino di obbedienza fino alla morte sulla croce. La via per giungere alla pienezza sperata è diversa da quella attesa: bisogna passare attraverso la morte per entrare nella vita eterna: perché la morte, accettata nell’obbedienza, può essere la realtà dove si realizza il più grande amore per Dio, e per gli uomini.
Intervenendo nella storia in modo diverso by expectations of the people, Jesus of Nazareth did not make a full and fully made. It is not a magical intervention that removes responsibility from the man. It 's true, but the full promise has come to expect to be accomplished. It 's a gift, but with a commitment.
"Sometimes you would want the results were outside, without lifting a finger, like a miracle. The action of God in the Kingdom is not manifested as an external power: it is because there is currently provided through the historical signs are in themselves obscure and often ambiguous and fragmentary, and because God wants to involve the man in the coming of Kingdom "(SO, p.. 54). The fullness will really last yet the meeting of two fidelity.
After the resurrection of Christ, the gathering of humanity into a loving communion with God takes place gradually and the world is entering a decisive phase of its growth, with a view to universal recapitulation in Christ Jesus.
the center of this dynamic, the Church has a major part, as is the body of Christ. And as such, must follow the path of the Master: death for life. It still has to continually overcome the temptation to identify with the kingdom and close in the final particularism.
The walls of separation that peoples and cultural areas are continuing to increase among them are basically the greatest obstacle to meeting the universe. The Church's mission is to overcome this obstacle. The medium is the love of enemies that breaks down the barriers posed by man. Today more than ever we realize the extraordinary magnitude of the task of the Church.
You can also measure the relation between, while distinct, mission and work of civilization. One of the fundamental problems of our time is the meeting of cultures. E 'political, social, economic, and more. Without the selfless love and universal, can not start a solution.
"The Church's prophetic mission serves a double purpose: to give meaning to human history and also denounce the ambiguities and errors. Who in the Church as the first warning of danger sometimes need to see everything that is new is always a good thing, and who feels more the second one can be led to refuse any renewal. E 'therefore of paramount importance that the Church is guided by the Spirit to discern the events of history: in fact, when he least expects it, open up unexpected opportunities for growth for the coming of the Kingdom. The Spirit moves the church to bear witness to the fact that the whole story of the world is a force to the work of purification and liberation that all projects into the Christ "(SO, p.. 174).

weeks PARISH NOTICES dal 14 novembre al 21 novembre

domenica 14

• Durante la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, i bambini del primo anno di catechismo vivranno la prima tappa del cammino catechistico parrocchiale: la Consegna del Padre Nostro.
• Subito dopo la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, incontro del Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie. Ci si ritrova in oratorio, per un momento di formazione, riflessione e preghiera insieme e si conclude con il pranzo al sacco. Possono partecipare sia le famiglie e le coppie giovani, come quelle più “mature”; con figli piccoli o già “sistemati”. L’incontro è rivolto non solo agli sposati, ma anche alle coppie di fatto che desiderano dare un senso cristiano alla loro unione. È garantito il servizio di baby-sitter.
lunedì 15

• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio. “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.

martedì 16

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo per bambini e ragazzi.
• Ore 21.00, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

mercoledì 17

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per adulti.

giovedì 18 Festa di S. Elisabetta d’Ungheria,
patrona del Ordine Francescano Secolare.
• Ore 17.30, incontro dell’OFS.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Friday 19

• 15:30 pm, at the Church Cemetery, S. Mass for all the deceased of our parish community.
Some volunteers are available to accompany those who have difficulty in car navigation. Information and reservations in the sacristy.

Saturday 20

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children and activities for adolescents and Scout Group.

Sunday 21

• Feast of Our Lady of Health, at the Church of St. Maria Maggiore. All times on posters at the bottom of the celebrations of the Church.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from November 14 to November 21

Sunday, November 14

8.30 - Ermanno Parovel
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Sante and Stella Lovisetto
- def. Families will Gozzi and Rachamin
- John
18.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano
- Giulio Tomasi

Monday, November 15

8.30 - Maria def.ta
- def.ta Maria Pia Zerial
18.00 - Domenico def.ti and Mario Spinelli
- Nives def.ta Driul (obitus)

Tuesday, November 16

8.30 - Vittorio
18.00 - Ada def.ta Innocent
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino

Wednesday November 17

8.30 - Massimo Del Blacks
18.00 - def.ti Paolo Sechi and Etna

Thursday, November 18

8.30 - Family def.ti Russignan
- Duilio Campagnol
18:00 - Luigi def.ta Bajc
- def.ti Carolina and Umberto

Friday, November 19

8.30 - def.ti Vittorio and Anna Fleg
18.00 - Mario Rossini (obitus)

Saturday, November 20

8.30 - Andrea and Ottavio def.ti Querzola
18:00 - Fiorentina def.ta Balzacchi
- Ferruccio Furlani
- Gianna def.ta Angiolillo

Sunday, November 21

8.30 -
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- Guido Grioni
def.ti and Juliet - Maria def.ta
18.00 - def.ti Mario and Argia Davanzo
- def.ti Lovisetto Families and Baggio

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Buying Bulk Dry Beans Ontario

The HIV born in sub-Saharan Africa, and questa regione costituisce la prima causa di morte. Da questo territorio, la malattia si è diffusa in ogni area geografica della Terra.
Oggi, nel mondo ci sono 33,2 milioni di persone sieropositive. Ogni anno, quasi 80.000 persone contraggono il virus, e circa 25.000 muoiono di AIDS (Sindrome da Immunodeficienza Acquisita). Negli Stati Uniti, l'AIDS è la seconda causa di morte fra i giovani, subito dopo gli incidenti stradali. Diversamente da altre patologie, quali il cancro e le malattie cardiache, l’AIDS colpisce prevalentemente bambini e ragazzi. Questi da neoanati possono essere infettati durante la gravidanza, in occasione del parto o nel periodo dell'allattamento. Nella giovane età il contagio the case for the use of drugs or unprotected sex. HIV-positive children under the age of 15 years are 2.1 million and every day, another 1,500 are infected. 90% of them live in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The tragedy is caused by the inability to access adequate care. In 2006 only 23% of pregnant women had access to antiretroviral prophylaxis to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child and no more than 10% of HIV-positive children could benefit from appropriate treatment. The result of all this is the prevalence of AIDS deaths in people under the age of 25. In Western countries, with high income per capita, has failed to contain the epidemic, thanks to the efficiency of the monitoring and prevention but also the possibility of using antiretroviral therapy made available by advances in pharmaceutical research and government health systems.
Lately, the situation is improving in some Asian countries, especially China and India, and also in some African nations such as Nigeria, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Here the population is beginning to have access to appropriate care and prevention. For this reason, statistics on new infections and deaths resulting from AIDS in recent years, a slight improvement. But it is also necessary that children living in remote tribal areas and have access to tests and antiviral drugs. We must also train and educate doctors, nurses, teachers, volunteers, public officials and village leaders. Very difficult undertaking. In these countries, often, HIV is not considered because there are other health priorities: 25% of the population lives below the poverty line and two and a half million children die each year from malnutrition, pneumonia or diarrhea.

But in recent years, thanks to the services provided by international NGOs in various countries in the developing world has been able to test for HIV children within the first two months of life. In 2008 they received antiretroviral medications, 45% of HIV positive pregnant women and 38% of HIV-positive children. As provided in the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), for children at risk of HIV infection is set to co-trimoxazole therapy within the first two months of life in twice the rate than in previous years . The nations of the world have decided that one of the main goals of the "Millennium Development Goal" is to combat AIDS. It is therefore imperative that efforts to prevent this epidemic could further tear the social fabric, cultural and economic of people have already been tested, casualties of industrialized countries. Victims of our prosperity.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Build A Bbq Propane Burner

Family Parish 11/07/2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010
XXIIIrd Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings
: 2 Mac 7, 1-2. 9-14, Psalm 16, 2 Th 2.16 to 3.5, Lk 20, 27-38

Witnesses of the Resurrection

What will be the man after death?
And the fundamental problem of existence. The future can recover the apparent failure of the existence or ratify his inconsistency and vanity? If this life is all about, if there is no hope beyond death, it is clear that everything is lost forever.
There is no project that could establish itself, if all of them have a term that level. The progress seems to have a fatal and final blow, if anything ending in death.
commitment, work, have a value if the joy with them is our own creation. But if it all ends with death and we can not enjoy it, we can not sit at the table so we sacrificed a whole life, everything seems to have a radical inconsistency.
If the dialogue of love always ends up with people, love is no longer the fulcrum of human life, but just one thing among many. The problem posed by the Sadducees was not a question of marginal They asked Jesus a sense of what is to be the man in the world. The answer is categorical: any solution would be precarious and constantly denied if God really did not love the world. His love for us would be an illusion if we were to miss the moment of our salvation. It could be called the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, e dei tanti che ci hanno preceduto, se questi non fossero più che un nome vano. Se Abramo fosse morto definitivamente mentre Dio si proclama suo salvatore, questa salvezza sarebbe una delusione.
La rivelazione di Cristo appare dunque fondamentale come il problema che era stato posto. Dio è un Dio vivo per uomini vivi. E la sicurezza della nostra vita oggi. Da questa certezza nasce la gioia e la pace. La vita non fallisce perché è salva dalla morte.
Dio stesso darà compimento all’impegno dell’uomo nella storia al di là della storia, al di là della morte, la quale non è il limite ma la manifestazione, l’inizio della definitività di ciò che si è realizzato e a cui Dio ha fatto il dono dei completion.
For us living in the making, it is difficult to imagine a life ultimately. But we look forward with hope that God really loves us and has promised us eternal comfort and hope happy.
Jesus rejects absolutely any representation that the human imagination can be the kingdom of God when he says: "The children of this age marry and are given in marriage, but those who are considered worthy of the world and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor be married, and neither can they die any more, because they are like angels, and they are the children of the resurrection, are children of God "(Gospel).
Today, many find it difficult to believe the afterlife. This in part due to a critical ideologies that see in expectation of eternal life, an escape from the responsibility to transform this world, and the other the civilization of the whole being intended to propose a hedonistic happiness in this world. We Christians are the witnesses of the resurrection, saying that our God is the God of the living and the dead, we will make a statement not only about the afterlife, but also the present.
of the living God, who today is really living life fully committed to improving the situation of humanity. Life that can not end because it is the very life of God, then life continues beyond the physical death.

week from November 7 to 14 November Monday 8

• 15.30, in Oratory. "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.

Tuesday 9

• At 16.30, in oratory, catechism classes for children and teens.

Thursday 11

• 9.30 am, meeting of the S. Vincent Parish.
• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic adults.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday 13

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.
• At 18.00, our Bishop Giampaolo administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to 7 children in our community: Thomas, Irma Francis, Nicholas, Matthew, Lisa and Aurora. To them our best wishes and prayers for them.

Sunday 14

• During S. 10:00 am Mass, the children of the first year of catechism live the first leg of the parish catechetical journey: the delivery of the Our Father. • Immediately after
S. Mass 10.00, Couples and Families Group meeting. We find ourselves in oratory, for a moment of training, reflection and prayer together and ends with a picnic lunch. They can participate in both families and young couples, as the more "mature" with young children or already "fixed". The meeting is intended not only to married people, but also to unmarried couples who want to give a Christian meaning to their union. Guaranteed is the baby-sitter.
invite everyone to always take the view of the many activities and initiatives taking place in the city and diocese, and which are advertised in leaflets and posters on display boards at the bottom of the Church, as well as to take the weekly Diocesan New Life and other publications are available on the table of the press. Thanks.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from November 7 to November 14

Sunday, November 7

8.30 - def.ti
John and Josephine - Luke and Linda def.ti Kirchmayr
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Final . to P. Valentino Lovisetto
- def.ti Francis and Mary
- Francesca def.ta
18.00 - Angelica def.ta Parenzan
- Vincenzo Indrigo
- P. Valentino Lovisetto

Monday, November 8

8.30 - def.ti Fam saw, Lazzara, and Leo Naiaretti
18.00 - def.ti Families Fornasier and Linardi

Tuesday, November 9

8.30 - def.ti John and Josephine
- def.ta Hedwig Vellam
18.00 - def.ti Lucia and Francesco Fonda
- def.ta Isa Santese

Wednesday, November 10

8.30 - According to the intention of the tenderer
18.00 - Antonio Grassi
- Paolo Perosa

Thursday, November 11

8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Joseph and Guido
- Marco Coslovich
- def.ti and Juliet Guido Grioni
18.00 - def.ti Lina and Pompey Marinò

Friday, November 12

8.30 - def.ti Thomas, Francis and John
18.00 - Suzzi
Renato - Renato Di Bacco

Saturday, November 13

hours 8.30 - Mario and Danilo def.ti Rebes
- Rolando
18.00 - Vinicio Apollinaria
- Cadelli
Sergio - Sergio Strudthoff

Sunday, November 14

8.30 - Ermanno Parovel
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Sante and Stella Lovisetto
- def.ti Rachamin
Gozzi and Families - John
18.00 - Dell def.ta Beatrice ' Antonio
- Giulio Tomasi

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Where Is Shoulder Pain In Ectopic Pregnancy

Family Parish October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010
XXIIIrd Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings
Sunday: 11.22 to 12.2 Sap, Sal 144; 2 Th 1.11-2, 2, Lk 19: 1-10

readings of "All Saints": Rev. 7,2-4.9-14, Ps 23, 1 Jn 3.1-3, Matthew 5.1-12a

L 'encounter with Christ

The external gesture of giving, as every human action, is inherently ambiguous. The gift of a man closed in on itself, completely turned to self-assertion is self-interest in disguise. The charity can be many times the coverage of exploitation, rather the means to continue. The gesture Instead of Zacchaeus, which returns four times to those who had cheated and gives half of its assets "to the poor", comes from a "conversion" within, a change of course, happened in the encounter with Jesus met the love and found to be loved, one becomes able to meet others. Looks at them with different eyes, not as subjects to be enjoyed, but as people to love. And that's because he can finally look at himself and his life through the eyes of those to whom he had done wrong. So even money changes direction: the gesture dell'arraffare replaces the act of giving for free. And so the money becomes a prey sign of communion. Christ, now the guest of Zacchaeus, illuminates and interprets this change in the sense of grace and liberation, "Today salvation has come to this house." Christ is truly the evangelization of all: rich and poor. His preference is for the poor, the latter: "He sent me to proclaim good news to the poor." "The salvation wrought by Christ is total and complete. That extends to the whole man and all men, including the release from sin and death and the gradual possession of all that is good and authentically human. The freedom brought by Christ is not only freedom "from" servitude internal and external conditions, but most of all freedom "to" be more, to love, to build peace and communion with God and with men brothers. " The evangelization of the rich exploiters courageous involve the denunciation of their situation and the appeal to a real conversion. Even the rich can become citizens of the kingdom, provided they like Zacchaeus.

The Holiness of God and the sanctity of human

At first, the Bible reserves for Jehovah, the title of "Holy," a word that then had a meaning very close to that of 'sacred' God is' 'Other', so transcendent and so far that the man non può pensare di partecipare alla sua vita. Davanti alla sua santità l’uomo non può provare che rispetto e timore. In una religione di salvezza come quella d’Israele, Dio doveva comunicare la sua santità al popolo, il quale diviene esso pure «altro», manifestando nella sua vita quotidiana, e soprattutto nel suo culto, un comportamento diverso da quello di altri popoli. Ma per attuare questa santità alla quale Dio lo chiamava, il popolo eletto non aveva altro che mezzi legali e pratiche di purificazione esteriore. Gli uomini più impegnati presero ben presto coscienza della insufficienza di tali mezzi, e cercarono la «purezza di cuore» capace di farli partecipi della vita di Dio. Essi posero la loro speranza in a holiness that would be communicated directly from God This longing is fulfilled in Christ, he radiates the holiness of God rests upon him "the Spirit of holiness, and he claims the title of" saint. " In fact it is to sanctify the whole of humanity. Jesus Christ, who became "Sir, it sends its holiness to the Church through the sacraments that bring life to the man of God This doctrine was so alive in the early centuries, the church members did not hesitate to call themselves" saints " and the Church itself was called the "communion of saints." This expression, which are still in the creed has its origins in the Eucharistic Assembly, during which "the saints participate in the "holy things." Christian holiness is, therefore, as a participation in the life of God, which is realized by the means which the Church offers us, especially through the sacraments. Holiness is not the result of human effort that attempts to reach God with his strength, it is a gift of God's divine initiative and human response.

week from October 31 to November 7

Sunday, October 31

• 16.30, the Temple Mount Grisa Marian rosary and expectations of the pastoral year at Mary Mother and Queen. It is an additional service provided by bus from Piazza Oberdan.
• Tonight we have moved to winter. The only change concerns the S. Evening Mass: weekdays, weekends and holidays will be at 18.00.

Monday, November 1 - Solemnity of All Saints
• The time of the Mass is the celebration: 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 and 18.00. • 15:30 pm
, S. Mass in the cemetery, led by the Bishop.

Tuesday, November 2 - Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
• The time of the Holy Mass is as follows: 8.30, 10.00 and 18.00.

Wednesday 3 - Feast of St. Giusto, the patron of Diocesi e della Città
• Ore 10.00, solenne celebrazione in Cattedrale.
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 4

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.
• Ore 20.30, Consiglio Pastorale Parrocchiale.

venerdì 5

• Ore 16.30, prove in Chiesa per i Cresimandi.
• Ore 20.30, incontro per i genitori dei Cresimandi.

sabato 6

• Nel pomeriggio, in Oratorio, “Laboratorio Creativo” per i bambini e, negli altri ambienti parrocchiali, incontro adolescenti e ragazzi del dopo-cresima e attività scout.

Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie

Domenica 14 novembre, inizia il cammino del Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie. Ci si ritrova in oratorio, dopo la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, per un momento di formazione, riflessione e preghiera insieme e si conclude con il pranzo al sacco. Possono partecipare sia le famiglie e le coppie giovani, come quelle più “mature”; con figli piccoli o già “sistemati”. L’incontro è rivolto non solo agli sposati, ma anche alle coppie di fatto che desiderano dare un senso cristiano alla loro unione. È garantito il servizio di baby-sitter.
Andrea, pastor

week from October 31 to November 7

Sunday, October 31

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Families Balbi and Spehar
18.00 - def.ta Lucia Piccini

Monday, November 1

8.30 - Ernesto dead and Family Tirelli
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Renato, Mario and Firmina
- Irma def.ta
18.00 - News def.ta Furlani
- Luciano Scabar

Tuesday, November 2

8.30 - Family def.ti Mullig
10.00 - 18.00
Bendagli def.ti Family - Family def.ti
Antonini - def.ti Novella, Rene, Charles and Mercedes

Wednesday, November 3

8.30 - Final . ta Elida Forty
- def.ti Ida and Joseph Suplina
18.00 - Free def.ti and Margaret Ruzzier
- Elio Climich

Thursday, November 4

8.30 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - Vittorio Gasparini
- Mario Giorgi
- def.ta Chiara Indrigo

Friday, November 5

8.30 - Anna def.ta
- Oddone
hours 18.00 - Mario Giraldi

sabato 6 novembre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Eugenio, Elisabetta e Silvana
- def.ta Maria Ierman
ore 18.00 - Giulio Babini

domenica 7 novembre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Giovanni e Giuseppina
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Francesco e Maria
- def.ta Francesca
ore 18.00 - def.ta Angelica Parenzan
- Vincenzo Indrigo

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Position Of Cervix 6 Days Before Period

Family Parish October 24, 2010

Domenica 24 ottobre 2010
Domenica XXX° del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Sir 35, 15-17.20-22 Sal 33; 2 Tm 4,6-8.16-18; Lc 18, 9-14

La fede sorgente di una vita nuova

Nella parabola ci sono due modi di concepire l’uomo e il suo rapporto con Dio. La preghiera del fariseo è un rendimento di grazie a Dio. Solo apparente però. In realtà è un pretesto per lodare se stesso e non Dio, compiacersi di sé per la mancanza di ogni peccato e per il merito delle buone opere, in forza delle quali si ritiene giustificato ed «esige» da Dio la ricompensa. La preghiera del fariseo non è preghiera, anzi è l’opposto.
Il pubblicano invece è «nella verità»: è consapevole della sua colpa e di non avere meriti davanti a Dio. Chiede grazia. La sua è vera preghiera.
Perciò behind the two characters of the parable we can see the opposition between two types of justice: the man who believes it can be realized with the perfect fulfillment of the law and that God grants the sinner who recognizes that and convert. The theme of the Pauline justification by faith is already outlined in this parable.
The Christian is really a man justified by faith in Jesus Christ, who is both the gift of the Father and substantial man among men who have built the only human response is pleasing to God
E ' This is why faith in Jesus saves. In fact, Jesus inaugurated the kingdom in his person of the Father which fulfilled the destiny of man. For him, as for his brothers, Jesus demands absolute surrender implies that loyalty to the condition of creature: the waiver is to the death and, if necessary, until his death on the cross. And 'the savior of the world that speaks well.
How can this man who drove up to the last consequences of the revelation of the human condition at the same time proclaiming himself the savior of humanity? To this question there is only one answer: this man really is the Son of God, God so loved the world that he gave his only Son for it, and at the same time he is a man among men, and his loyalty creature is, identity, una fedeltà filiale. La risposta attiva di questo uomo raggiunge perfettamente l’iniziativa divina a salvezza.
L’unione a Cristo ci rende capaci della stessa «fedeltà filiale» fino alla croce.
L’uomo è «giustificato» perché la fede in Cristo gli dà accesso al Padre in qualità di figlio adottivo. La salvezza è dono divino, diventa nell’uomo sorgente di una attività filiale in cui si compie oltre ogni misura la fedeltà alla nuova legge dell’amore.
Paolo, l’araldo della giustificazione mediante la fede, è anche il grande testimone della vita nuova che sboccia dalla fede in Cristo. Ormai vecchio, in carcere, in attesa della condanna a morte, riflette sulla sua vita (seconda lettura). La sua esperienza di Cristo si conclude con un fallimento umano: tutti lo hanno abbandonato, nessuno in giudizio lo ha difeso. Ma egli ha «conservato la fede», ha gareggiato per Cristo ed è rimasto fedele fino alla mèta. La sua speranza lo conduce alla certezza della «ricompensa» che riceverà da Cristo per la sua vita di dedizione e di amore sull’esempio di Gesù.
Oggi la sufficienza farisaica non è più l’osservanza di una legge, ma prende altri nomi.
In molti c’è la convinzione che l’uomo possa salvarsi come uomo facendo appello unicamente alle sue risorse. L’uomo salva l’uomo mediante la scienza, la politica, l’arte...
E 'therefore more necessary than ever for Christians to proclaim Christ as the savior of the world. The salvation he brings is not antagonistic to human salvation. Indeed leads to fulfillment. With the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, they show the need of divine intervention on human life, are put under the action of God present with his spirit, and they obtained the privileged experience of justification by faith in Jesus Christ. Must therefore be constantly vigilant to not participate in the sacraments with self-righteous spirit.

week from October 24 to October 31

Sunday 24

• At the end of S. 10:00 am Mass, the rite of the Scout promise.

Monday 25

• 15:30 pm in the Hall of the Oratory, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.

Tuesday 26

• At 16.30, in oratory, parish catechism.

Wednesday 27

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday 28

• 15:30 pm, a meeting of Catholic Parish. • After
S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday 30

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.

Sunday 31

• On the night between Saturday and Sunday, we move from summer to winter: the clocks are moved back one hour. The only change concerns the S. Evening Mass: on working days than in those weekends and holidays will be at 18.00.

Pastoral Council Parish

Thursday, November 4, at 20:30, at the parish hall, with entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council.


renew the invitation to all to offer some 'of their time, skills and generosity for the management and the life of the parish community. Parish life need a great commitment to collaboration and cooperation, but also offers a number of areas of inclusion and participation. Just a little 'time and good will ... and the Lord knows how to reward those who give with joy. Thanks.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 24 to October 31

Sunday, October 24

8.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 19.00
def.ta Nidia Giusti - def. to Louis Baiz

Monday, October 25

8.30 - Corrado
19.00 - Welcome
def.ta Maria - Louis Baiz
Tuesday, October 26

8.30 - Ezio Longo
- Peter Bendagli
19.00 - John Pieri (obitus)
- Louis Baiz

Wednesday, October 27

8.30 - Antonio Servello
- def.ti
Claudio and John 19:00 - Bruno Redolfi
- Louis Baiz

Thursday, October 28

8.30 - 19.00
def.ta Maria Vidal - def. Caramel to Tiberon
- Aldo Canzutti
- Louis Baiz

Friday, October 29

8.30 - def.ta Annamaria Rizzian
- In def.ti and Silvio Suplina
19.00 - def. to Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 30

8.30 - Marco
19.00 - Ada def.ta Tura
- Louis Baiz

Sunday, October 31

8.30 -
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Famiglie Balbi e Spehar
ore 18.00 - def.ta Lucia Piccini

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Can You Smoke Ciggs After Having Hernia Surgery

Family parish

Domenica 17 ottobre 2010
Domenica XXIX° del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Es 17, 8-13a; Sal 120; 2 Tm 3, 14-4, 2; Lc 18, 1-8

Pregare non è forzare Dio a fare la nostra volontà
La preghiera cristiana prima che parola implorante è silenzio profondo per ascoltare e accogliere in sé la parola di Dio. Le persone entrano in comunione ascoltandosi. Noi entriamo in comunione con Dio e ci disponiamo a fare la sua volontà ascoltandolo. Come la fede, anche la preghiera nasce dall'ascolto: è a vital response, but also verbal. This will take several forms: an act of thanksgiving, a contemplation full of admiration, a profession of faith, a declaration of commitment, a question. The prayer of petition is to recognize the limits of the human condition is to note that the total liberation and full self-realization does not depend solely on the man. Man can not save himself. Expressions of God 'all' own needs and desires and submit to its light, is to see if they are legitimate or not. The man is really what I demand, the requests are spontaneously say to God, and to explore and purify them. The prayer of petition is a sign of confidence in God when we are certain that it takes a person really well, with the spontaneity ask everything we need and that is good. St. John's defines faith as "believing in God's love for us." Well, the believer has such great confidence in his God, that he questions everything with ease and he gets back. The parable of the unjust judge and the widow's persistent calls to disarm without the need to pray, even though the late Lord and seems deaf to all our prayers. The subject of Jesus is simple: if an unjust judge eventually give in to the widow, as God is just listen to our cries for help. Christian prayer is not a call for immediate intervention of God, not is a magic formula that resolves the problems, but accepts and adheres to the freedom of God's patience and Elsewhere in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells us that God will give us not so much what we ask, but the Holy Spirit to understand the meaning of what we happen to be his witnesses. "If ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him." Prayer of Petition "exemplary" is that of Jesus in Gethsemane: "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me! Nevertheless not my will, but thine. " The believer does not want to 'bend' God to do His will, use it to fulfill their own desires, but to obtain the grace to conform his will to his. He knows what is really our own good. The prayer of petition, true, is a source of commitment to start doing what we ask. Praying for peace, urges us to commit ourselves to peace, pray for an end to suffering, leads to help those ... For this does not relieves man ever, even the more responsible. "Who do you pray first of all attentive to the word of God, to be available in faith to welcome the call that comes from him. Manifested at the same time hope for the future of God that prayer somehow anticipates and promotes. It also gives a witness of charity so is the close link between the one who prays to God finally took part in the life of the world, because they feel involved in everything that makes you the kingdom. In this way, prayer is the most significant act of Christian living. "

Catechesis for youth and adults, after the S. Mass on Wednesday evening
Catechesis for youth and adults on Wednesday evening, held by the monks, will address two issues. The first concern on the issue of faith, according to the development presented by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while the second will be biblical catechesis on the text of the Gospel passage of the Sundays of Advent and Lent.

weeks PARISH NOTICES from October 17 to October 24 Sunday, October 17

• Happy birthday and remembrance in prayer to the Father Gildo on his birthday.

Monday, October 18. •

15.30 in the Hall of the Oratory, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly

Tuesday, October 19

• 16.30, in oratory, parish catechism.

Wednesday, October 20

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday, October 21

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday, October 23

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.
• At 19.00, while S. Mass profession in the SFO Maura Casorati.

Sunday, October 24

• At the end of S. 10:00 am Mass, the rite of the Scout promise.

renew the invitation to all to offer some 'of their time, skills and generosity for the management and the life of the parish community.
It can work for the cleaning and decoration of the church, the leaders of the liturgy by singing and reading and ensure the presence and the opening of the Oratory, participation in parish catechesis and liturgical moments and the insertion in a specific way of training and human and Christian growth: Catechists, Secular Franciscan Order, Catholic Action, Adult, Youth Group, Teens and After-Confirmation, Scouts, Families Group and St. Vincent Parish, Parish life ...
need for a large commitment to collaboration and cooperation, but also offers a number of areas of inclusion and participation.
Just a little 'time and good will and the Lord ... ...
knows how to reward those who give with joy.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 17 to October 24

Sunday, October 17

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino

10.00 - For assembly

11.30 - def.ti Livia De Doro Rinaldini
- def.ti Andrea and Ottavio Querzola

19.00 - def.ti Josephine and Polidoro
- Louis Baiz

Monday, October 18

8.30 - def.ta Romilda Pretotto
- Luigi Bajc

19.00 - Massimo Del Blacks
- def.ta Anna
- Luigi Baiz

martedì 19 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Giampaolo e Fabio
- def.ti Luigi e Rodolfo

ore 19.00 - def.ta Laura Esperti
- Luigi Baiz

mercoledì 20 ottobre

ore 8.30 - Bruno
- Fredy Blincowe

ore 19.00 - Bernardo Nobile
- Ferruccio Furlani
- Luigi Baiz

giovedì 21 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Pietro e Gabriella Bartole

ore 19.00 - Giuseppe Lombardi
- Luigi Baiz

venerdì October 22

8.30 -
Marco Rosa - Domenico Bosio

19.00 - Osvaldo Gentile
- Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 23

8.30 - Catherine def.ta Sponza

19.00 - Family def.ti Trimboli
- Louis Baiz
- According to the intention of the tenderer

Sunday, October 24

8.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti

10.00 - For assembly

11.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti

19.00 - Louis Baiz