Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Unlock My Pc For Games

November 21, 2010 Parish family of 14 November 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010
XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings
: Ml 3, 19-20, Ps 97, 2 Thessalonians 3 , 7-12, Lk 21, 5-19

The time of the Church

In the eschatological discourse, Jesus explains the meaning of his messianic intervention, using the vocabulary and themes of apocalyptic literature, language difficult for us . The historical action of the Son of man opens the last time. The fullness of life is granted. The work of the Messiah is placed under the banner of universalism. He must unite tutti gli uomini dai quattro venti, perché tutti sono chiamati ad essere figli dei Padre. Gerusalemme è condannata perché ha tradito la sua missione trasformando in privilegio per sé il servizio da rendere a tutti i popoli: essa non ha rinunciato al suo particolarismo.
Il regno del Figlio dell’uomo non è il trionfo sui nemici del popolo ma il suo cammino di obbedienza fino alla morte sulla croce. La via per giungere alla pienezza sperata è diversa da quella attesa: bisogna passare attraverso la morte per entrare nella vita eterna: perché la morte, accettata nell’obbedienza, può essere la realtà dove si realizza il più grande amore per Dio, e per gli uomini.
Intervenendo nella storia in modo diverso by expectations of the people, Jesus of Nazareth did not make a full and fully made. It is not a magical intervention that removes responsibility from the man. It 's true, but the full promise has come to expect to be accomplished. It 's a gift, but with a commitment.
"Sometimes you would want the results were outside, without lifting a finger, like a miracle. The action of God in the Kingdom is not manifested as an external power: it is because there is currently provided through the historical signs are in themselves obscure and often ambiguous and fragmentary, and because God wants to involve the man in the coming of Kingdom "(SO, p.. 54). The fullness will really last yet the meeting of two fidelity.
After the resurrection of Christ, the gathering of humanity into a loving communion with God takes place gradually and the world is entering a decisive phase of its growth, with a view to universal recapitulation in Christ Jesus.
the center of this dynamic, the Church has a major part, as is the body of Christ. And as such, must follow the path of the Master: death for life. It still has to continually overcome the temptation to identify with the kingdom and close in the final particularism.
The walls of separation that peoples and cultural areas are continuing to increase among them are basically the greatest obstacle to meeting the universe. The Church's mission is to overcome this obstacle. The medium is the love of enemies that breaks down the barriers posed by man. Today more than ever we realize the extraordinary magnitude of the task of the Church.
You can also measure the relation between, while distinct, mission and work of civilization. One of the fundamental problems of our time is the meeting of cultures. E 'political, social, economic, and more. Without the selfless love and universal, can not start a solution.
"The Church's prophetic mission serves a double purpose: to give meaning to human history and also denounce the ambiguities and errors. Who in the Church as the first warning of danger sometimes need to see everything that is new is always a good thing, and who feels more the second one can be led to refuse any renewal. E 'therefore of paramount importance that the Church is guided by the Spirit to discern the events of history: in fact, when he least expects it, open up unexpected opportunities for growth for the coming of the Kingdom. The Spirit moves the church to bear witness to the fact that the whole story of the world is a force to the work of purification and liberation that all projects into the Christ "(SO, p.. 174).

weeks PARISH NOTICES dal 14 novembre al 21 novembre

domenica 14

• Durante la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, i bambini del primo anno di catechismo vivranno la prima tappa del cammino catechistico parrocchiale: la Consegna del Padre Nostro.
• Subito dopo la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, incontro del Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie. Ci si ritrova in oratorio, per un momento di formazione, riflessione e preghiera insieme e si conclude con il pranzo al sacco. Possono partecipare sia le famiglie e le coppie giovani, come quelle più “mature”; con figli piccoli o già “sistemati”. L’incontro è rivolto non solo agli sposati, ma anche alle coppie di fatto che desiderano dare un senso cristiano alla loro unione. È garantito il servizio di baby-sitter.
lunedì 15

• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio. “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.

martedì 16

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo per bambini e ragazzi.
• Ore 21.00, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

mercoledì 17

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per adulti.

giovedì 18 Festa di S. Elisabetta d’Ungheria,
patrona del Ordine Francescano Secolare.
• Ore 17.30, incontro dell’OFS.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Friday 19

• 15:30 pm, at the Church Cemetery, S. Mass for all the deceased of our parish community.
Some volunteers are available to accompany those who have difficulty in car navigation. Information and reservations in the sacristy.

Saturday 20

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children and activities for adolescents and Scout Group.

Sunday 21

• Feast of Our Lady of Health, at the Church of St. Maria Maggiore. All times on posters at the bottom of the celebrations of the Church.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from November 14 to November 21

Sunday, November 14

8.30 - Ermanno Parovel
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Sante and Stella Lovisetto
- def. Families will Gozzi and Rachamin
- John
18.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano
- Giulio Tomasi

Monday, November 15

8.30 - Maria def.ta
- def.ta Maria Pia Zerial
18.00 - Domenico def.ti and Mario Spinelli
- Nives def.ta Driul (obitus)

Tuesday, November 16

8.30 - Vittorio
18.00 - Ada def.ta Innocent
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino

Wednesday November 17

8.30 - Massimo Del Blacks
18.00 - def.ti Paolo Sechi and Etna

Thursday, November 18

8.30 - Family def.ti Russignan
- Duilio Campagnol
18:00 - Luigi def.ta Bajc
- def.ti Carolina and Umberto

Friday, November 19

8.30 - def.ti Vittorio and Anna Fleg
18.00 - Mario Rossini (obitus)

Saturday, November 20

8.30 - Andrea and Ottavio def.ti Querzola
18:00 - Fiorentina def.ta Balzacchi
- Ferruccio Furlani
- Gianna def.ta Angiolillo

Sunday, November 21

8.30 -
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- Guido Grioni
def.ti and Juliet - Maria def.ta
18.00 - def.ti Mario and Argia Davanzo
- def.ti Lovisetto Families and Baggio


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