The HIV born in sub-Saharan Africa, and questa regione costituisce la prima causa di morte. Da questo territorio, la malattia si è diffusa in ogni area geografica della Terra.
Oggi, nel mondo ci sono 33,2 milioni di persone sieropositive. Ogni anno, quasi 80.000 persone contraggono il virus, e circa 25.000 muoiono di AIDS (Sindrome da Immunodeficienza Acquisita). Negli Stati Uniti, l'AIDS è la seconda causa di morte fra i giovani, subito dopo gli incidenti stradali. Diversamente da altre patologie, quali il cancro e le malattie cardiache, l’AIDS colpisce prevalentemente bambini e ragazzi. Questi da neoanati possono essere infettati durante la gravidanza, in occasione del parto o nel periodo dell'allattamento. Nella giovane età il contagio the case for the use of drugs or unprotected sex. HIV-positive children under the age of 15 years are 2.1 million and every day, another 1,500 are infected. 90% of them live in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The tragedy is caused by the inability to access adequate care. In 2006 only 23% of pregnant women had access to antiretroviral prophylaxis to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child and no more than 10% of HIV-positive children could benefit from appropriate treatment. The result of all this is the prevalence of AIDS deaths in people under the age of 25. In Western countries, with high income per capita, has failed to contain the epidemic, thanks to the efficiency of the monitoring and prevention but also the possibility of using antiretroviral therapy made available by advances in pharmaceutical research and government health systems.
Lately, the situation is improving in some Asian countries, especially China and India, and also in some African nations such as Nigeria, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Here the population is beginning to have access to appropriate care and prevention. For this reason, statistics on new infections and deaths resulting from AIDS in recent years, a slight improvement. But it is also necessary that children living in remote tribal areas and have access to tests and antiviral drugs. We must also train and educate doctors, nurses, teachers, volunteers, public officials and village leaders. Very difficult undertaking. In these countries, often, HIV is not considered because there are other health priorities: 25% of the population lives below the poverty line and two and a half million children die each year from malnutrition, pneumonia or diarrhea.
But in recent years, thanks to the services provided by international NGOs in various countries in the developing world has been able to test for HIV children within the first two months of life. In 2008 they received antiretroviral medications, 45% of HIV positive pregnant women and 38% of HIV-positive children. As provided in the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), for children at risk of HIV infection is set to co-trimoxazole therapy within the first two months of life in twice the rate than in previous years . The nations of the world have decided that one of the main goals of the "Millennium Development Goal" is to combat AIDS. It is therefore imperative that efforts to prevent this epidemic could further tear the social fabric, cultural and economic of people have already been tested, casualties of industrialized countries. Victims of our prosperity.
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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