Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Build A Bbq Propane Burner

Family Parish 11/07/2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010
XXIIIrd Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings
: 2 Mac 7, 1-2. 9-14, Psalm 16, 2 Th 2.16 to 3.5, Lk 20, 27-38

Witnesses of the Resurrection

What will be the man after death?
And the fundamental problem of existence. The future can recover the apparent failure of the existence or ratify his inconsistency and vanity? If this life is all about, if there is no hope beyond death, it is clear that everything is lost forever.
There is no project that could establish itself, if all of them have a term that level. The progress seems to have a fatal and final blow, if anything ending in death.
commitment, work, have a value if the joy with them is our own creation. But if it all ends with death and we can not enjoy it, we can not sit at the table so we sacrificed a whole life, everything seems to have a radical inconsistency.
If the dialogue of love always ends up with people, love is no longer the fulcrum of human life, but just one thing among many. The problem posed by the Sadducees was not a question of marginal They asked Jesus a sense of what is to be the man in the world. The answer is categorical: any solution would be precarious and constantly denied if God really did not love the world. His love for us would be an illusion if we were to miss the moment of our salvation. It could be called the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, e dei tanti che ci hanno preceduto, se questi non fossero più che un nome vano. Se Abramo fosse morto definitivamente mentre Dio si proclama suo salvatore, questa salvezza sarebbe una delusione.
La rivelazione di Cristo appare dunque fondamentale come il problema che era stato posto. Dio è un Dio vivo per uomini vivi. E la sicurezza della nostra vita oggi. Da questa certezza nasce la gioia e la pace. La vita non fallisce perché è salva dalla morte.
Dio stesso darà compimento all’impegno dell’uomo nella storia al di là della storia, al di là della morte, la quale non è il limite ma la manifestazione, l’inizio della definitività di ciò che si è realizzato e a cui Dio ha fatto il dono dei completion.
For us living in the making, it is difficult to imagine a life ultimately. But we look forward with hope that God really loves us and has promised us eternal comfort and hope happy.
Jesus rejects absolutely any representation that the human imagination can be the kingdom of God when he says: "The children of this age marry and are given in marriage, but those who are considered worthy of the world and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor be married, and neither can they die any more, because they are like angels, and they are the children of the resurrection, are children of God "(Gospel).
Today, many find it difficult to believe the afterlife. This in part due to a critical ideologies that see in expectation of eternal life, an escape from the responsibility to transform this world, and the other the civilization of the whole being intended to propose a hedonistic happiness in this world. We Christians are the witnesses of the resurrection, saying that our God is the God of the living and the dead, we will make a statement not only about the afterlife, but also the present.
of the living God, who today is really living life fully committed to improving the situation of humanity. Life that can not end because it is the very life of God, then life continues beyond the physical death.

week from November 7 to 14 November Monday 8

• 15.30, in Oratory. "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.

Tuesday 9

• At 16.30, in oratory, catechism classes for children and teens.

Thursday 11

• 9.30 am, meeting of the S. Vincent Parish.
• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic adults.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday 13

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.
• At 18.00, our Bishop Giampaolo administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to 7 children in our community: Thomas, Irma Francis, Nicholas, Matthew, Lisa and Aurora. To them our best wishes and prayers for them.

Sunday 14

• During S. 10:00 am Mass, the children of the first year of catechism live the first leg of the parish catechetical journey: the delivery of the Our Father. • Immediately after
S. Mass 10.00, Couples and Families Group meeting. We find ourselves in oratory, for a moment of training, reflection and prayer together and ends with a picnic lunch. They can participate in both families and young couples, as the more "mature" with young children or already "fixed". The meeting is intended not only to married people, but also to unmarried couples who want to give a Christian meaning to their union. Guaranteed is the baby-sitter.
invite everyone to always take the view of the many activities and initiatives taking place in the city and diocese, and which are advertised in leaflets and posters on display boards at the bottom of the Church, as well as to take the weekly Diocesan New Life and other publications are available on the table of the press. Thanks.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from November 7 to November 14

Sunday, November 7

8.30 - def.ti
John and Josephine - Luke and Linda def.ti Kirchmayr
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Final . to P. Valentino Lovisetto
- def.ti Francis and Mary
- Francesca def.ta
18.00 - Angelica def.ta Parenzan
- Vincenzo Indrigo
- P. Valentino Lovisetto

Monday, November 8

8.30 - def.ti Fam saw, Lazzara, and Leo Naiaretti
18.00 - def.ti Families Fornasier and Linardi

Tuesday, November 9

8.30 - def.ti John and Josephine
- def.ta Hedwig Vellam
18.00 - def.ti Lucia and Francesco Fonda
- def.ta Isa Santese

Wednesday, November 10

8.30 - According to the intention of the tenderer
18.00 - Antonio Grassi
- Paolo Perosa

Thursday, November 11

8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Joseph and Guido
- Marco Coslovich
- def.ti and Juliet Guido Grioni
18.00 - def.ti Lina and Pompey Marinò

Friday, November 12

8.30 - def.ti Thomas, Francis and John
18.00 - Suzzi
Renato - Renato Di Bacco

Saturday, November 13

hours 8.30 - Mario and Danilo def.ti Rebes
- Rolando
18.00 - Vinicio Apollinaria
- Cadelli
Sergio - Sergio Strudthoff

Sunday, November 14

8.30 - Ermanno Parovel
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Sante and Stella Lovisetto
- def.ti Rachamin
Gozzi and Families - John
18.00 - Dell def.ta Beatrice ' Antonio
- Giulio Tomasi


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