Saturday, October 16, 2010

Can You Smoke Ciggs After Having Hernia Surgery

Family parish

Domenica 17 ottobre 2010
Domenica XXIX° del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Es 17, 8-13a; Sal 120; 2 Tm 3, 14-4, 2; Lc 18, 1-8

Pregare non è forzare Dio a fare la nostra volontà
La preghiera cristiana prima che parola implorante è silenzio profondo per ascoltare e accogliere in sé la parola di Dio. Le persone entrano in comunione ascoltandosi. Noi entriamo in comunione con Dio e ci disponiamo a fare la sua volontà ascoltandolo. Come la fede, anche la preghiera nasce dall'ascolto: è a vital response, but also verbal. This will take several forms: an act of thanksgiving, a contemplation full of admiration, a profession of faith, a declaration of commitment, a question. The prayer of petition is to recognize the limits of the human condition is to note that the total liberation and full self-realization does not depend solely on the man. Man can not save himself. Expressions of God 'all' own needs and desires and submit to its light, is to see if they are legitimate or not. The man is really what I demand, the requests are spontaneously say to God, and to explore and purify them. The prayer of petition is a sign of confidence in God when we are certain that it takes a person really well, with the spontaneity ask everything we need and that is good. St. John's defines faith as "believing in God's love for us." Well, the believer has such great confidence in his God, that he questions everything with ease and he gets back. The parable of the unjust judge and the widow's persistent calls to disarm without the need to pray, even though the late Lord and seems deaf to all our prayers. The subject of Jesus is simple: if an unjust judge eventually give in to the widow, as God is just listen to our cries for help. Christian prayer is not a call for immediate intervention of God, not is a magic formula that resolves the problems, but accepts and adheres to the freedom of God's patience and Elsewhere in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells us that God will give us not so much what we ask, but the Holy Spirit to understand the meaning of what we happen to be his witnesses. "If ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him." Prayer of Petition "exemplary" is that of Jesus in Gethsemane: "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me! Nevertheless not my will, but thine. " The believer does not want to 'bend' God to do His will, use it to fulfill their own desires, but to obtain the grace to conform his will to his. He knows what is really our own good. The prayer of petition, true, is a source of commitment to start doing what we ask. Praying for peace, urges us to commit ourselves to peace, pray for an end to suffering, leads to help those ... For this does not relieves man ever, even the more responsible. "Who do you pray first of all attentive to the word of God, to be available in faith to welcome the call that comes from him. Manifested at the same time hope for the future of God that prayer somehow anticipates and promotes. It also gives a witness of charity so is the close link between the one who prays to God finally took part in the life of the world, because they feel involved in everything that makes you the kingdom. In this way, prayer is the most significant act of Christian living. "

Catechesis for youth and adults, after the S. Mass on Wednesday evening
Catechesis for youth and adults on Wednesday evening, held by the monks, will address two issues. The first concern on the issue of faith, according to the development presented by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while the second will be biblical catechesis on the text of the Gospel passage of the Sundays of Advent and Lent.

weeks PARISH NOTICES from October 17 to October 24 Sunday, October 17

• Happy birthday and remembrance in prayer to the Father Gildo on his birthday.

Monday, October 18. •

15.30 in the Hall of the Oratory, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly

Tuesday, October 19

• 16.30, in oratory, parish catechism.

Wednesday, October 20

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday, October 21

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday, October 23

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.
• At 19.00, while S. Mass profession in the SFO Maura Casorati.

Sunday, October 24

• At the end of S. 10:00 am Mass, the rite of the Scout promise.

renew the invitation to all to offer some 'of their time, skills and generosity for the management and the life of the parish community.
It can work for the cleaning and decoration of the church, the leaders of the liturgy by singing and reading and ensure the presence and the opening of the Oratory, participation in parish catechesis and liturgical moments and the insertion in a specific way of training and human and Christian growth: Catechists, Secular Franciscan Order, Catholic Action, Adult, Youth Group, Teens and After-Confirmation, Scouts, Families Group and St. Vincent Parish, Parish life ...
need for a large commitment to collaboration and cooperation, but also offers a number of areas of inclusion and participation.
Just a little 'time and good will and the Lord ... ...
knows how to reward those who give with joy.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 17 to October 24

Sunday, October 17

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino

10.00 - For assembly

11.30 - def.ti Livia De Doro Rinaldini
- def.ti Andrea and Ottavio Querzola

19.00 - def.ti Josephine and Polidoro
- Louis Baiz

Monday, October 18

8.30 - def.ta Romilda Pretotto
- Luigi Bajc

19.00 - Massimo Del Blacks
- def.ta Anna
- Luigi Baiz

martedì 19 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Giampaolo e Fabio
- def.ti Luigi e Rodolfo

ore 19.00 - def.ta Laura Esperti
- Luigi Baiz

mercoledì 20 ottobre

ore 8.30 - Bruno
- Fredy Blincowe

ore 19.00 - Bernardo Nobile
- Ferruccio Furlani
- Luigi Baiz

giovedì 21 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Pietro e Gabriella Bartole

ore 19.00 - Giuseppe Lombardi
- Luigi Baiz

venerdì October 22

8.30 -
Marco Rosa - Domenico Bosio

19.00 - Osvaldo Gentile
- Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 23

8.30 - Catherine def.ta Sponza

19.00 - Family def.ti Trimboli
- Louis Baiz
- According to the intention of the tenderer

Sunday, October 24

8.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti

10.00 - For assembly

11.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti

19.00 - Louis Baiz


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