In 2011 Italy will celebrate its 150 years. Unitas An Italy in the Risorgimento, thanks to the diplomacy of Cavour, Garibaldi's courage and, above all, the work of Giuseppe Mazzini. Writer, thinker, politician, founded the Young Italy, a secret association founded with the intention of reaching the coveted national unity. Celebrations the anniversary is upon us. Since then, there have been many historical events. But they were also sacrificed many young lives in the wars of independence and conflicts worldwide. From the Kingdom of Italy is then passed to the Republic, a prosperous era that knew how to conduct a culturally and economically backward country to be part of the first industrial power in the world.
A path is also characterized by setbacks and defeats, as the years of lead. Massacres and terrorism reached its peak with the assassination of one of the finest statesmen of which Italy has ever received: Aldo Moro. There followed the era of corruption and fall of the First Republic. But the institutions were not ready to change the template removal.
Today, politics is still trying to develop a constructive "bipolar." Too bad this is identified only with who is in favor of Berlusconi, and with whom he opposes. Nothing else. The ideals, policy proposals, the reality of institutional projects have been replaced with the only media tussle, the decadence of the style, trying to bring down the enemy at any cost. All this thanks to a radio-television distorts reality and makes breakthrough in a population now unable to think. The national problems are reduced to trying to understand if Berlusconi is guilty or not prescribed in the crimes, whether or not Fini has a home in Monaco, who may have donated the house to Scajola. Or, if Bertolaso \u200b\u200bis involved in the procurement of reconstruction or how it could revive the P2, in fact, the P3. It runs well, including D'Addario and Dell'Utri, in a frenzied whirlwind that hides the real problems: school, research, new technologies, health, transport, not to speak of meritocracy and protection of talents.
Of course, as these political handlers for the public depositories of the trust our election as well as administrators of the taxes we pay, these aspects are important. But what is disconcerting is that we do not realize that this product is - consciously or unconsciously - from full vacuum to navigate and political institutions.
In any country of this world shall submit to the characters within it questionable, if not real criminals. In democratic countries is the elective system and administrative structure that must deal with this. Who is able to produce to the people is, who wants to treat only their own personal interests to be at home, "dismissed" by the people in the next election. If the people are not able to act and react, perhaps in the country means that there is more democracy. We must therefore ask ourselves whether or not we are at this level. But if the political decay had destroyed democracy achieved by the sacrifice of millions of Italians, so be it, then, a new Renaissance. Ben is a new Mazzini.
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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