Thursday, October 14, 2010

General Pituitary Gland

October 17, 2010 October 10, 2010 Family parish of St. Francis in 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010
XXVIII Anniversary of Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday
Reading: 2 Kings 5, 14-17, Ps 97, 2 Timothy 2: 8-13, Lk 17, 11-19

Faith is' giving thanks

The announcement of the kingdom of God is the proclamation of salvation made not only with words but with actions.
manifest the essentially voluntary, as they say in clear that salvation is not a human achievement but a gift of God and aim to kindle faith in the person of Jesus and to the burst of thanksgiving. The message of the readings for this Sunday is not a simple teaching on the moral duty of human gratitude. Naaman Siro switch from healing to faith: he longer recognizes no god but the God of Israel (first reading).
The leper of the gospel back "praising God with a loud voice." The miracle has opened his eyes to the meaning of the mission and person of Jesus He gives thanks to God not so much because his desire to heal has been met, but because he understands that God is present and active in Jesus Christ He acknowledges that is the Savior that God is present and active not only the health of the body but the total salvation of man. And that's faith. In Jesus he saw manifest the glory of God (Gospel). So
Luke concludes the story with the words of Jesus: "Get up and go ', your faith has saved you." Saved
not leprosy, but saved in the Christian sense of the word. Salvation from leprosy is just another sign of salvation.
thanksgiving is born of the leper healed so first of all by faith and not by the utility: it's free and joyous contemplation of God before the savior of love happiness health regained.
Only later includes the recognition, but not the simple kind thanks for a benefit received.
The gospel does not want to give us a lesson in etiquette but wants to tell us that Thanksgiving is the basic attitude of the man who in faith has discovered that his salvation comes only by God in Christ. If
human gratitude and thanksgiving to God are not identical, it is also true that there is continuity between them.
When personal relationships are all based on profits and pleasure, it is hardly open to the contemplation of God's free Indeed, the utilitarian and self-centered mentality distorts religious acts. If we have lost the sense of free, if the actions we have the motive or the law in the hope of reward, most likely we can not have the experience of the Eucharist.
Today's man must discover the meaning of "received" to open at Thanksgiving.
The Eucharist is not so much a law to be observed to have a clear conscience, nor only the nourishment of the fellowship. But it is, as the term says, thanksgiving without other benefits, without any other purpose than itself: it is the joy that blossoms from the contemplation of God's great love, which arises from the discovery to be saved for free.

Catechesis for youth and adults, after
S. Mass on Wednesday evening

Catechesis for youth and adults on Wednesday evening, held by the monks, will address two issues. The first concern on the issue of faith, according to the development presented by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while the second will be biblical catechesis on the text of the Gospel passage of the Sundays of Advent e Quaresima.

settimana dal 10 ottobre al 17 ottobre

lunedì 11 ottobre

• Ore 15.30, nel Salone dell’Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.

martedì 12 ottobre

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo parrocchiale.

mercoledì 13 ottobre

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 14 ottobre

• Ore 15.30, incontro dell’Azione Cattolica Adulti.
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.

sabato 16 ottobre

• Nel pomeriggio, in Oratorio, “Laboratorio Creativo” per i bambini.
• Nel pomeriggio, incontro adolescenti e ragazzi del dopo-cresima e attività scout.
• Ore 20.30, presso la Chiesa parrocchiale di S. Giacomo, Veglia Missionaria di Preghiera.

domenica 17 ottobre

• Tanti auguri e il ricordo nella preghiera a Padre Gildo nel giorno del suo compleanno.

All’inizio di questo nuovo anno pastorale, rinnoviamo l’invito a tutti per offrire un po’ del proprio tempo, capacità e generosità per la gestione e la vita della comunità parrocchiale.
Si può collaborare per la pulizia e il decoro della chiesa, per l’animazione delle liturgie con il canto e la lettura; garantire la presenza e l’apertura dell’Oratorio, la partecipazione alle catechesi e ai momenti liturgici parrocchiali e l’inserimento in un cammino specifico di formazione e crescita umana e cristiana: Catechisti, Ordine Francescano Secolare, Azione Cattolica Adulti, Gruppo Giovani, Adolescenti e Dopo-Cresima, Scout, Gruppo Famiglie e San Vincenzo Parrocchiale, …
La vita della Parrocchia necessità di un grande impegno nella collaborazione e cooperazione, ma anche offre numerosi ambiti di inserimento e partecipazione.
Basta un po’ di tempo e buona volontà e…
… il Signore sa come ricompensare chi dona con gioia.

Fra Andrea, parroco

settimana dal 10 ottobre al 17 ottobre

domenica 10 ottobre

ore 8.30 - Pietro Bendagli
- def.ti Paolo e Lucia Drius
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ta Marisa Ravalico
- def.ti Clemente e Rosa Giugonaz
ore 19.00 - Paolo Perosa
- Luigi Baiz

lunedì 11 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Carmela Guido and Giuseppe
19.00 - Marco Coslovich
- Louis Baiz

Tuesday, October 12

8.30 - Father Gabriele
19.00 - def.ti Antonio and Antonia
Tirelli - votive BV
del Pilar - Louis Baiz

Wednesday, October 13

8.30 - Rolando
- Alex Benci
19.00 - Louis Baiz

Thursday October 14

8.30 - Maria Pia def.ta Zerial
19.00 - Mario Lucchini
- Stefania def.ta Braini
- Louis Baiz

Friday, October 15

8.30 - Maria def.ta
19.00 -
Matthew Dumas - Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 16

8.30 - Theodore Novac
19.00 - def.ti Lucia Fiore
Cason - Pierina def.ta Bembich
- Louis Baiz
- for the souls in Purgatory

Sunday, October 17

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Livia De Doro Rinaldini
- def.ti Andrea and Ottavio Querzola
19.00 - def.ti Josephine and Polidoro
- Louis Baiz


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