Saturday, October 2, 2010

Island Def Jam In La Internship

Family Parish Family Parish 26/09/2010 03/10/2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010
° of Sunday XXVII in Ordinary Time Readings
Sunday: Ab 1.2 to 3, 2, 2-4, Ps 94, 2 Tim 1,6-8.13-14 , Lk 17, 5-10
Reads S. Francis, Sir 50, 1.3 to 7; Ps 15; Gal 6.14 to 18, from 11.25 to 30 Mt

conversion to Christ by a joyful and carefree youth, Francis takes literally the words of the Gospel and makes his life a poor imitation of Jesus and all intent on doing the will of the Father. In a turnaround that shape and that "Christ took the final seal," as Dante (Paradiso, 11, v.107): "bear the stigmata of Passion in his body "(cf. Gal 6:17). Francis moves away from the ancient and traditional conception of monastic life. He creates a "fraternity" in which Francis is more than a rule, a way of life. The form of holiness lived by Francesco has spread throughout the world and unites all those who put the spirit above the letter first and love of justice. His missionary work, preaching the gospel of peace and well went to the heart of peoples and social classes, often at war with each other. Few men have had so much influence in the society of their time and beyond, as Francis. His optimistic view of creation expressed in the Canticle of Brother Sun, his love for 'madonna Poverty, its evangelical spirit and inherently dynamic and innovative reformer in full adherence to the Church, are living messages for today's world. With St. Catherine of Siena is the main patron of Italy.


Prayer before the Crucifix

O high and glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart
Give me right faith, certain hope, perfect charity and profound humility. Give me, O Lord, wisdom and discernment to make your true and holy will. Amen.

Praises of God Most High

You are holy, Lord God only, who work miracles. You are strong. You are great. You are very high. You are king Almighty, thou Holy Father, King of heaven and earth. You are Three and One, Lord God of gods, You are good, all good, supreme good, Lord God living and true. You are love, charity. You are wisdom. You are humility. You are patient. You are beauty. You are gentleness. You are safe. You are quiet. You are joy and gladness. You are our hope. You are justice. You are temperance. You are all our riches enough. You are beauty. You are gentleness. You are a protector. You are our guardian and defender. You are the fortress. You are cool. You are our hope. You are our faith. You are our charity. You are our full sweetness. You are our eternal life, Great and wonderful Lord, God Almighty, Merciful Saviour.

Greetings to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Hail Lady, Holy Queen, Holy Mother of God, Mary, who art the Virgin made Church

elected by the most holy and heavenly Father, who has anointed you
together with his most holy beloved Son and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, where you was and is all fullness of grace and every good.

Ave, his palace, hail, his tabernacle, hail, his home.
Ave, his attire, hail, his handmaid, hail, his mother.

and greet all you holy virtues,
for grace and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit come infused into the hearts of the faithful believers to unbelievers because God makes them.

Preghiera "Absorbeat"

Rapisca, ti prego, o Signore,
l'ardente e dolce forza del tuo amore la mente mia
da tutte le cose che sono sotto il cielo, perché io muoia per amore dell'amor tuo, come tu ti sei degnato morire per amore dell'amor mio.

settimana dal 3 ottobre al 10 ottobre

domenica 3 settembre
• Ore 16.00, in Cattedrale, assemblea diocesana, in preparazione al Sinodo Diocesano. È invitato in modo particolare il Consiglio Pastorale Parrocchiale.

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, celebrazione della “Memoria del Transito di San Francesco d’Assisi”.

lunedì 4 ottobre
Solennità di San Francesco

• Ore 12.00, sul piazzale antistante la Chiesa, benedizione degli animali.
• Ore 15.30, nel Salone dell’Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 19.00, S. Messa solenne.

martedì 5 settembre
• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo parrocchiale.
• Ore 20.30, nel salone con entrata da P.le Rosmini, incontro con i genitori i cui figli frequentano il catechismo parrocchiale.

mercoledì 6 settembre
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 7 settembre
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.

sabato 9 ottobre
• Nel pomeriggio, incontro dei ragazzi del dopo-cresima.

In occasione della solennità del nostro Padre San Francesco, auguro a tutti i più cari e fraterni auguri a nome della famiglia dei frati: fra Vittorio, fra Gildo, fra Lorenzo e il sottoscritto.
In modo particolare, che l’augurio di Pace nel Signore, sia benedizione per le Sorelle Francescane del Vangelo, per i membri dell’Ordine Francescano Secolare ma anche per tutti coloro che guardano a San Francesco con ammirazione and devotion, as well as the whole parish community.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 3 to October 10

Sunday, October 3 8:30 am - According to the intention of the tenderer
10.00 - For assembly
11:30 - Adriano Parenzan
- Marcello
- Manuel
19.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano
- Louis Baiz

Monday, October 4
8.30 - def.te Francesca Fanni
- Raffaele Altomare
19.00 - Antonio Fantini
- Louis Baiz

Tuesday, October 5
8.30 - Oddone
- According to the intention of the tenderer
19:00 - Maria Pia def.ta Margherita (obitus)
- def.ta Chiara Longo
- Louis Baiz

Wednesday, October 6
8.30 - Lorenzo de Lorenzi
19.00 - Family def.ti Cominotti
- Louis Baiz

Thursday, October 7
8.30 - Alberto Biloslavo
19.00 - George and Stephanie def.ti Glavina
- Louis Baiz

Friday, October 8
8.30 - Antonio Sestan
19.00 - Irene def.ta Sai (obitus)
- Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 9
8.30 - def.ta Concetta
Anania - According to the intention of the tenderer
19.00 - Anna def.ta
- def.ti Families and Sfreddo Ukmar
- Louis Baiz

Sunday, October 10
8.30 - Peter Bendagli
- def.ti Paul and Lucia Drius
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Marisa def.ta Ravalico
- def.ti Giugonaz
hours and Rosa Clemente 19:00 - Paolo Perosa
- Louis Baiz


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