Saturday, October 23, 2010

Position Of Cervix 6 Days Before Period

Family Parish October 24, 2010

Domenica 24 ottobre 2010
Domenica XXX° del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Sir 35, 15-17.20-22 Sal 33; 2 Tm 4,6-8.16-18; Lc 18, 9-14

La fede sorgente di una vita nuova

Nella parabola ci sono due modi di concepire l’uomo e il suo rapporto con Dio. La preghiera del fariseo è un rendimento di grazie a Dio. Solo apparente però. In realtà è un pretesto per lodare se stesso e non Dio, compiacersi di sé per la mancanza di ogni peccato e per il merito delle buone opere, in forza delle quali si ritiene giustificato ed «esige» da Dio la ricompensa. La preghiera del fariseo non è preghiera, anzi è l’opposto.
Il pubblicano invece è «nella verità»: è consapevole della sua colpa e di non avere meriti davanti a Dio. Chiede grazia. La sua è vera preghiera.
Perciò behind the two characters of the parable we can see the opposition between two types of justice: the man who believes it can be realized with the perfect fulfillment of the law and that God grants the sinner who recognizes that and convert. The theme of the Pauline justification by faith is already outlined in this parable.
The Christian is really a man justified by faith in Jesus Christ, who is both the gift of the Father and substantial man among men who have built the only human response is pleasing to God
E ' This is why faith in Jesus saves. In fact, Jesus inaugurated the kingdom in his person of the Father which fulfilled the destiny of man. For him, as for his brothers, Jesus demands absolute surrender implies that loyalty to the condition of creature: the waiver is to the death and, if necessary, until his death on the cross. And 'the savior of the world that speaks well.
How can this man who drove up to the last consequences of the revelation of the human condition at the same time proclaiming himself the savior of humanity? To this question there is only one answer: this man really is the Son of God, God so loved the world that he gave his only Son for it, and at the same time he is a man among men, and his loyalty creature is, identity, una fedeltà filiale. La risposta attiva di questo uomo raggiunge perfettamente l’iniziativa divina a salvezza.
L’unione a Cristo ci rende capaci della stessa «fedeltà filiale» fino alla croce.
L’uomo è «giustificato» perché la fede in Cristo gli dà accesso al Padre in qualità di figlio adottivo. La salvezza è dono divino, diventa nell’uomo sorgente di una attività filiale in cui si compie oltre ogni misura la fedeltà alla nuova legge dell’amore.
Paolo, l’araldo della giustificazione mediante la fede, è anche il grande testimone della vita nuova che sboccia dalla fede in Cristo. Ormai vecchio, in carcere, in attesa della condanna a morte, riflette sulla sua vita (seconda lettura). La sua esperienza di Cristo si conclude con un fallimento umano: tutti lo hanno abbandonato, nessuno in giudizio lo ha difeso. Ma egli ha «conservato la fede», ha gareggiato per Cristo ed è rimasto fedele fino alla mèta. La sua speranza lo conduce alla certezza della «ricompensa» che riceverà da Cristo per la sua vita di dedizione e di amore sull’esempio di Gesù.
Oggi la sufficienza farisaica non è più l’osservanza di una legge, ma prende altri nomi.
In molti c’è la convinzione che l’uomo possa salvarsi come uomo facendo appello unicamente alle sue risorse. L’uomo salva l’uomo mediante la scienza, la politica, l’arte...
E 'therefore more necessary than ever for Christians to proclaim Christ as the savior of the world. The salvation he brings is not antagonistic to human salvation. Indeed leads to fulfillment. With the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, they show the need of divine intervention on human life, are put under the action of God present with his spirit, and they obtained the privileged experience of justification by faith in Jesus Christ. Must therefore be constantly vigilant to not participate in the sacraments with self-righteous spirit.

week from October 24 to October 31

Sunday 24

• At the end of S. 10:00 am Mass, the rite of the Scout promise.

Monday 25

• 15:30 pm in the Hall of the Oratory, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.

Tuesday 26

• At 16.30, in oratory, parish catechism.

Wednesday 27

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday 28

• 15:30 pm, a meeting of Catholic Parish. • After
S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday 30

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.

Sunday 31

• On the night between Saturday and Sunday, we move from summer to winter: the clocks are moved back one hour. The only change concerns the S. Evening Mass: on working days than in those weekends and holidays will be at 18.00.

Pastoral Council Parish

Thursday, November 4, at 20:30, at the parish hall, with entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council.


renew the invitation to all to offer some 'of their time, skills and generosity for the management and the life of the parish community. Parish life need a great commitment to collaboration and cooperation, but also offers a number of areas of inclusion and participation. Just a little 'time and good will ... and the Lord knows how to reward those who give with joy. Thanks.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 24 to October 31

Sunday, October 24

8.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 19.00
def.ta Nidia Giusti - def. to Louis Baiz

Monday, October 25

8.30 - Corrado
19.00 - Welcome
def.ta Maria - Louis Baiz
Tuesday, October 26

8.30 - Ezio Longo
- Peter Bendagli
19.00 - John Pieri (obitus)
- Louis Baiz

Wednesday, October 27

8.30 - Antonio Servello
- def.ti
Claudio and John 19:00 - Bruno Redolfi
- Louis Baiz

Thursday, October 28

8.30 - 19.00
def.ta Maria Vidal - def. Caramel to Tiberon
- Aldo Canzutti
- Louis Baiz

Friday, October 29

8.30 - def.ta Annamaria Rizzian
- In def.ti and Silvio Suplina
19.00 - def. to Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 30

8.30 - Marco
19.00 - Ada def.ta Tura
- Louis Baiz

Sunday, October 31

8.30 -
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Famiglie Balbi e Spehar
ore 18.00 - def.ta Lucia Piccini


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