Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Is Garnier Light Fairness Face Wash

Family Parish of December 12, 2010

Domenica 12 dicembre 2010
Terza Domenica di Avvento
Letture: Is 35,1-6a. 8a.10; Sal 145; Gc 5,7-10; Mt 11,2-11

Dal vangelo secondo Matteo

In quel tempo, Giovanni, che era in carcere, avendo sentito parlare delle opere del Cristo, per mezzo dei suoi discepoli mandò a dirgli: «Sei tu colui che deve venire o dobbiamo aspettare un altro?». Gesù rispose loro: «Andate e riferite a Giovanni ciò che udite e vedete: I ciechi riacquistano la vista, gli zoppi camminano, i lebbrosi sono purificati, i sordi odono, i morti risuscitano, the poor have proclaimed the Gospel. And blessed is he who does not find me a source of scandal. " While they were leaving, Jesus began to speak to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go to see in the desert? A reed shaken by the wind? So, what did you go see? A man dressed in clothes of luxury? Here, those who wear luxury clothing are in kings' palaces! Well, what did you go see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, in fact, more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written: "Behold, before thee I send my messenger before you, he will prepare your way." Verily I say unto you, among those born of women there has been none greater than John il Battista; ma il più piccolo nel regno dei cieli è più grande di lui».


Giovanni Battista, il profeta dalle parole dure come sassi e taglienti come asce, non grida più né minaccia castighi.
Masticato dalla vita, spazzato via dall'arroganza del potere, nella buia prigione di Erode, si interroga: "Ho visto giusto? Ho fatto bene?".

Giovanni si aspettava che tu, o Gesù, saresti stato il più forte, avresti separato i giusti dai peccatori, giudicando tutti con severità.
E perché non divampasse l'ira di Dio, con tutte le sue forze aveva invitato il popolo a convertirsi e fare frutti degni di penitenza.
Tu, But when you started the mission, you had no fan to clean your yard or an ax to cut the roots of the tree fruitless, but sinners welcome you with love and mercy.
a true man of faith, John does not take these doubts in his heart.
sends you to say
"Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?"

You, Jesus, you are the Messiah, the Messenger of God, your work does not occur in
force that humiliates and crushes, but the love that heals and forgives.
you became a man, you came into our history
not to judge and punish, but to all life.
You are the Messiah, according to the heart of God, who "does not have the death the sinner, but he wants that he be converted and live "(cf. Ez 18:23).

Two thousand years later, the question is the same, even if the formula are men and women of different races and cultures.
sometimes emerges in my heart.
You know, Jesus, I am tempted to think that nothing has changed with your coming.
If you say that you are the King of the universe, the one true savior,
those who live near me, I consider dreamer dreamer.
Then, with hearts full of bitterness, I am tempted to declare:
"I was wrong, I have to wait for another savior."

Your reply, Jesus, is banal and disturbing fragile and heroic
"Be patient and do not despair. Watch the farmer, examines the history and life,
grasp the signs of the presence of the Kingdom: the blind see, the dumb speak, the lepers are cleansed
... ".
Yes, O Jesus, I too have seen the explosive power of the gospel,
I have seen people change, heal, see.
Wrinkle in corrupt world, and I discovered restless gestures of total gratuity, lives consumed in the gift and hope, tears of brotherhood in hell of loneliness and selfishness.
Is this the problem?
An inner myopia that prevents me from enjoying the hidden and subtle presence of God?

week from December 12 to December 19

domenica 12

• Durante la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, Seconda Tappa del Cammino Catechistico Parrocchiale: Consegna del Vangelo ai ragazzi del 2° anno di catechismo.
• Al termine della S. Messa delle 10.00, incontro per coppie e famiglie. Conclusione con pranzo al sacco condiviso in Oratorio. C’è il servizio di baby-sitter.

lunedì 13

• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 20.30, Centri d’Ascolto della Parola di Dio presso le famiglie: Prato, via Combi 12; Querzola, via De Amicis 2/1.
• Ore 20.30, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 14

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo per bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 15

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per gli adulti sulla Parola di Dio, tenuta dal parroco.

giovedì 16

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.
• Ore 20.30, Centro d’Ascolto della Parola di Dio presso la famiglia: Valentini, Via Romanin, 7.

sabato 18

• Ore 10.30, matrimonio di Giampaolo Scaramagli e Anna Crismani. Tanti auguri.
• Ore 12.30, in Oratorio, Christmas lunch for the assisted S. Vincent parish.
• 16.00 pm, in church, prayer meeting in preparation for Christmas for the children of the Catechism, along with their parents.

Sunday 19

• At 20.30, in the Church, "Palio of Christmas" festival of choirs of the district and the city will perform a Christmas concert.

• Who has withdrawn the card to the poll on our ward, it can put it out in the box at the center of the Church.
• In the sacristy is available to mark your calendar for the intentions of the Holy Mass for the year 2011. •
remember the change of time of the Holy Mass for the only Christmas Day and New Year's not 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 and 18.00, but 10.00, 11.30, 16.00 and 18.00.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from December 12 to December 19

Sunday, December 12

8.30 - def.ta Francesca Leone
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.te Catherine and Josephine
- def.te Sabina and Fernanda Bastiani
18.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano

Monday, December 13

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ta Mulig
Lucia - Lucia def.ta Piccini
18.00 - Final . ta Maria Di Simone
- def.ta Iolanda Mersic
- def.ta Lucia Milocco

Tuesday, December 14

8.30 - def.ti Claudio, and Antonio Wilhelmina

Torcello - Maria Pia def.ta Zerial
18.00 - def. you Natalia and Mark Coslovich

Wednesday, December 15

8.30 - def.ta
Maria - Giuseppe Polvara
18.00 - Antonio Bartolotta (obitus)

Thursday, December 16

hours 8.30 - Massimo Del Blacks
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino
18.00 - def.ti Iso and Angelo
Rates - def.ta Maria Trinca-Scherl

Friday, December 17

8.30 - 18.00 Aldo Orlandi - Norman Farndon
- def.te Nives and Derna
- def.ta Giuseppina D'Agostini

Saturday, December 18

8.30 - Louis Bajc
18.00 - Antonio

Sunday, December 19

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Roberto Vascotto
18.00 - Alessandro Fornasier


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