Friday, December 24, 2010

The Last Blade Sprite

Family Parish

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Readings: Is 52.7-10, Ps 97 Heb 1.1 to 6; Jn 1:1-18

From the Gospel according to John

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ... In him was life and the life was the light of men, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness could not overpower ... Word was the true light that enlightens every man. It was in the world and the world was made through him, yet the world did not recognize him. He came to his and his people received him not. But to those who received him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name, who, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but by God they were created. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.


O Jesus, I've waited so your Christmas! I have been so busy in the preparations: the crib, the flowers on the altar, confessions, subsidies, homilies
... Now here I am, on this night, before your altar, filled with a call from a mysterious and intense nostalgia for you.

I carry in my heart, along with the burden of the weaknesses, expectations and hopes for a new life. I want to go in front of your baby crib, listen once again the message of that night that changed the history of the world and let themselves be infected by the joy of the angels and shepherds.
I adore you, Jesus, God made my child, and bless, the Saviour of the world. You are the Christ, the Son of God, you came into the world to defeat death and sheds light on life through the gospel. You are my hope and my joy, you only have parole di vita eterna, ai tuoi piedi depongo le mie lacrime e le mie speranze. Fammi uscire dalle nebbie del compromesso,
liberami dal fariseismo e dalla voglia di apparire, aiutami a vivere nella coerenza e nel pulito, anche se è faticoso.

Mio Dio, mio piccolo Dio, povero come l’amore, umile come la grotta in cui sei nato… Sei uno come me, sei entrato nella vita con il grido di ogni bambino che invoca attenzione e protezione…

Grazie, o Dio bambino, che vieni per diventare pane e vino, festa e vita per la mia inappagata ricerca di felicità. Grazie, o Dio bambino, perché con il Natale il tuo nome diventa sulle mie labbra un nome amato e il tuo volto è tenero come quello di un bambino a cui si guarda con occhi pieni di stupore.


Vorrei irrompere nelle vostre vite per portare a tutti gli auguri di un gioioso e sereno Natale, ricco di pace, consolazione e armonia nei vostri cuori, nelle vostre case e nelle vostre famiglie, ma mi permetto solo di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione per chiedere un aiuto. In questi ultimi mesi la Parrocchia ha affrontato numerose e consistenti spese dovute a lavori di manutenzione straordinaria (campanile; impianto di riscaldamento; messa a norma e sicurezza; tetto della Chiesa; servizi dell’Oratorio …). A ciò vanno aggiunte le ordinarie spese che una parrocchia come la nostra affronta quotidianamente e la cooperazione con la S. Vincenzo parrocchiale per aiutare i poveri della nostra comunità. Ecco perché mi permetto solamente di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione, delle vostre possibilità e della vostra generosità per chiedere un aiuto e un sostegno per questa nostra comunità parrocchiale. Al centro della Chiesa c’è la cassetta delle offerte e sul tavolo della stampa i vaglia per chi vuole avere un documento fiscale. Agli uomini sfuggono tante cose, ma il Signore tiene conto perfino dell’umile bicchiere d’acqua che abbiamo donato a chi era assetato. A tutti la mia più profonda e sincera gratitudine per la vostra attenzione e che la benedizione del Signore sia la più grande ricompensa per la vostra generosità.

week from December 25 to January 2

Saturday 25
Solemnity of Christmas Time
S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.

Sunday 26 Sunday
S. Family
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.

Tuesday 28
• In the afternoon you can take the cribs for the preparation of the exhibition hall in the Oratory.

Thursday 30
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Friday, 31
• At 18.00, S. Thanksgiving Mass and singing of the Te Deum at the end of the calendar year.

Saturday, January 1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and
Day of Prayer for Peace
schedule S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.

Sunday Second Sunday after Christmas
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.


Father Andrew, Father, Father Vittorio and Gildo turn to the most dear and loving wishes for a happy and holy Christmas. As Christ came into the world in simplicity and poverty of cave of Bethlehem, to, today and forever, to be reborn in our daily lives to illuminate our lives with its light, warm with his love, fill it with His peace.
born Jesus is joy for all, consolation for those who are lonely, comfort for those in grief support for those who live in situations of crisis; courage for those who are in despair; mercy for those who are crushed by his own sin.
All the hope and prayer that Christ, born in the world, become the true light that enlightens the heart and mind of every person who seeks it and to respond to his infinite love.
Bring all your loved ones and especially to the lonely, elderly and sick our hope and remembrance in prayer.

Visit the crib erected in the crypt and the exhibition of nativity scenes will be made by Tuesday, December 28 in Oratory. During the celebrations, has suspended the visit of the crib in the Crypt.

The brothers of Our Lady of the Sea

week from December 25 to January 2

Saturday 25th 10.00 - 11.30 For the assembly
- def.ti News and Angelo Ferruccio
16.00 - 18.00 Corrado - def. Family Limoncino you

Sunday 26 8.30 - def.ti Francesco and Francesca
10.00 - For the assembly
ore 11.30 - Antonio Onofrio
- Vittorio Coronica
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pasquale e Laura

lunedì 27
ore 8.30 - Gildo Milocco
- def.ti Filippo e Maria
ore 18.00 - Salvatore Cipressi
- def.ti Alba ed Enzo Arculeo
- def.ti Tano, Francesco e Mariolina

martedì 28
ore 8.30 - Vittorio Hlaca
- def.ti Antonio, Palmira e Antonia
ore 18.00 - Stelio

mercoledì 29
ore 8.30 -
ore 18.00 - def.ti Giuseppe, Rosa, Jose ed Emilia Trento

giovedì 30
ore 8.30 - Roberto Scherli
ore 18.00 - Def.te Francesco and Luigi Antonini
- Marcella def.ta Visintin (obitus)

Friday 31
8.30 - def.ta Francesca Leone
18.00 - def.ti Vascotto
Bruno Lucia - def.ti Family Bettaccini

Saturday 10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ta Maddalena Cirone
16.00 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - def.ta News Furlani

2 hours 8.30 - Italo Sartini
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Doro and Lidia De Rinaldini
18.00 - Renato Suzzi


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