Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Should I Buy An Audi Tt

January 9, 2010 January 2, 2011 Family Parish

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Readings Jan. 1.: 6.22 to 27 nm, Ps 66, Gal 4:4-7, Lk 2.16-21 Reading
Sun Jan. 2. Sir 24,1-4.8-12, Psalm 147, Ephesians 1,3-6.15-18; Jn 1:1-18

From the Gospel according to Luke

At that time, the shepherds went without delay, and found Mary and Joseph and the Babe lying in the manger. And after seeing him, told what the child had been told. All those who heard it wondered at those things from their pastors. Maria, meanwhile, kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they were told. When eight days were completed for circumcised, he was named Jesus, was called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. Good


O Jesus, a new year has begun! I, too, full of confidence and hope, I expected that it would introduce midnight. But with the speed of lightning that flickers from one end of heaven, my joy and desire for better days were assaulted by fears, anxieties and fears. Wars that never end, terrorist attacks, more and more devastating, that spared nothing and nobody, natural disasters are terrifying impact the daily nourishment of my fears. Who shall deliver me from the evils sempre in agguato? Dove troverò la forza di guardare in avanti e accogliere la nuova carovana di giorni come un dono e non come un rischio?
Maria, tua Madre, mi incoraggia e mi indica te, o Gesù. Tu sei l’Emmanuele, il Dio con noi. Tu sei il riflesso del volto benedicente del Padre, che si china propizio su di me. Ti è stato dato il nome Gesù, che significa: “Dio salva”.
Dio salva: ecco la garanzia più sicura nei giorni, lieti o tristi, che attraverserò nel nuovo anno. Dio salva! Certo, la sua opera di salvezza non è magica, non mi toglie dalla storia di questo tempo ne mi sottrae alla mia fatica di uomo; non mi libera dalla malattia e dalla sofferenza né mi impedisce di conoscere
failure and bankruptcy.
But God save me from evil and meanness, the evils that threaten to take root within myself and become dangerous for my existence. God save me from the resignation from feeling stronger than evil good, and death more powerful than life, hate love winning. Your death and resurrection, Jesus, declares emphatically that nothing can stop the love of God and his plan for peace and justice, will become a living reality and comforting for all its children.
with the smiling face of God the Father, printed in my heart, I can look with amazement at my life and begin the new year as if they boarded a bright sull'aurora mattino. Con te a fianco, o Gesù, sotto lo sguardo materno di Maria, posso presentarmi alla porta del futuro con il cuore vestito di speranza e con le mani aperte al fratello. È bello cominciare con te il nuovo anno e costruire con te la civiltà dell’amore.


Vorrei irrompere nelle vostre vite per portare a tutti gli auguri di un gioioso e sereno Natale, ricco di pace, consolazione e armonia nei vostri cuori, nelle vostre case e nelle vostre famiglie, ma mi permetto solo di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione per chiedere un aiuto. In questi ultimi mesi la Parrocchia ha affrontato numerose e consistenti spese dovute a lavori di manutenzione straordinaria (campanile; heating, retrofitting and security; roof of the Church of the Oratory services ...). This adds to the ordinary expenses of a parish like ours faces daily and cooperation with S. Vincent parish to help the poor of our community. That's why I would only knock on the door of your attention, your generosity and your ability to ask for help and support on this, our parish community. At the center of the church is the offering box on the table and print the money for those who want a receipt. Men are beyond many things, but the Lord takes into account even the humble cup of water that we gave to those who were thirsty. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity.

week from January 1 to January 9

a Saturday

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and
Day of Prayer for Peace
schedule S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.


Second Sunday after Christmas
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.

Tuesday 4
• At 20.30, the Oratory in the cinema, a concert of instrumental and vocal Christmas music

Thursday 6 Epiphany of the Lord

• At 15.00, the Oratory in film, instrumental concert organized by Ados.
• At 17.00, in the Church, Christmas concert of the group "Auricorale Hands", directed by Monica Cesar. • The
S. 18:00 am Mass will be postponed for about ten minutes.

Sunday 9

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
• During S. 10:00 am Mass, the celebration of Baptism and the memory of all the baptisms 2010.

Christmas and Thanksgiving

Father Andrew, Father, Father Vittorio and Gildo thank all those who have expressed closeness and affection with greetings, signs and gestures of concern and generosity, and referring to each of the most loving and good wishes for a peaceful and joyous 2011.
also sincerely thank all those who in these days of festivities have donated time and energy for all liturgical and parish activities. Thanks.

Visit the crib erected in the crypt and the exhibition of nativity scenes in the hall of the Oratory.

The brothers of Our Lady of the Sea

week from January 1 to January 9

Saturday, January 1

10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 16.00
def.ta Maddalena Cirone - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - def.ta News Furlani

Sunday, January 2

8.30 - Italo def.to Sartini
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Doro and Lidia De Rinaldini
- def.ti Eugene, Elisa and Silvana
18.00 - Renato def.to Suzzi

Monday, January 3

8.30 - According to the intention of the tenderer
- def.ti Augustine and Luigia
18.00 - Elida def.ta Forty
- def.ti Edwin White and Renzo Bundi

Tuesday, January 4

8.30 - def.to Ezzelino Marin
- def.ti Maria and Silvio Schiener
18:00 - Anna Maria Trinca def.ta

Wednesday, January 5

8.30 - def. Oddone to
18.00 - def.ta Carmen Simonetti

Thursday, January 6

8.30 - Joan and Peter def.ti
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 18.00

Friday 7 January

8.30 - def.to Ernesto and Family def.ti Tirelli
18.00 - Luciano def.to Bosso

Saturday, January 8

8.30 -
18:00 - Dario def.to Cavazzon

Sunday, January 9

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Mary and Joseph Fresco
18.00 -


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