Sunday, January 9, 2011

What Kind Of Paint To Use Inside Microwave

Parish Family Parish

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Readings: Is 42,1-4.6-7, Psalm 28, Acts 10.34-38; Mt 3 0.13 to 17

Gospel according to Matthew

At that time, Jesus was from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized by him. John tried to deter him, saying: "It's me that I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?". But Jesus answered him, "Leave it for now, why it makes sense that we fulfill all righteousness." So he let him do.
soon baptized, Jesus left the water: and lo, the heavens were opened for him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. And a voice from heaven saying, "This is my Son, the Beloved: in him I am well pleased."

Great was the astonishment of John, when the Jordan,
ti ha visto attendere il tuo turno per ricevere il battesimo di penitenza.
“Gesù, tu sei venuto qui da me?
Sono io che ho bisogno di essere battezzato da te!”.

Tu sei il Verbo che si è fatto carne, sei diventato uomo come noi.
Sei venuto a condividere la vita della gente,
a partecipare alle sue attese, senza pretendere alcun privilegio.
Per questo con decisione hai replicato al grande profeta:
“Lascia fare per ora, perché conviene che si adempia ogni giustizia”.
È il progetto di Dio che deve compiersi.
E lui non ha scelto la strada della potenza, dell’efficacia e dell’esercizio della forza, ma la via dimessa della condivisione, dell’amore e della misericordia.
Sei venuto per fare la volontà del Padre e nessuno ostacolo ti fermerà.
La tua vita sarà simile a quella di tutti, segnata dalla fatica e dalla povertà,
dalle situazioni di dolore e di ingiustizia.
Tu sei il “Servo di Dio”, il suo eletto;
annuncerai la buona notizia del Vangelo, nelle case e per le strade,
in riva al lago e nelle sinagoghe, nei luoghi dove la gente vive e lavora.
Non giudicherai né condannerai, ma donerai misericordia e perdono.
Dimostrerai delicatezza e rispetto verso ogni forma di vita,
compassione verso ogni debolezza e fragilità.
Non distruggerai né butterai la canna incrinata,
supplies of oil the wick that is going to go out.
Nothing will stop your love, your love disarming and disarmed.

The Father sees all this, welcomes and solemnly declares:
"You are my Son, my beloved, in you I am well pleased."
Now the sky could open up, you can now get the Holy Spirit
and associates, once and for all, heaven and earth,
the abode of God and the world of men.

On the day of baptism the heavens opened for me
And the Spirit has laid on me and made me an adopted son.
You, God, I've looked at me and smiled
was reflected in me the beauty of your face.
Give me
always your help, Lord, why
how to identify and enjoy this wonderful
dignity so as not to upset me never face the features of your Father.


Who wants to help and support the parish in the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer.
All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.

week from January 9 to January 16

domenica 9
Festa del Battesimo del Signore
• Durante la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, celebrazione del Battesimo e ricordo di tutti i battesimi del 2010.

lunedì 10
• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.

martedì 11
• Ore 16.30, catechismo per i bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 12
• Al termine della S. Messa delle ore 18.00, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 13
• Ore 16.00, incontro dell’Azione Cattolica Parrocchiale.
• Al termine della S. 18:00 am Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Saturday 15
• In the afternoon, activities for children and post-confirmation.

would also like to thank all those who in recent weeks of the Christmas season have expressed their solidarity and best wishes to the community of friars and the parish have expressed their affection and attention with gestures of generosity. Heartfelt thanks to all those who donated time and energy to the great success of all liturgical and parish activities. Thanks.

Dating engaged in preparation for marriage

Friday, January 21, at 20.30 at the den Entry from Piazzale Rosmini, there will be the first of the meetings for engaged couples in marriage preparation.

Anniversaries of Marriage and Family Group

Sunday, January 23, while S. 10:00 am Mass, the celebration of wedding anniversaries (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30). At the end, exchange of greetings in the oratory hall meeting and the family group among

Andrea, pastor

week from January 9 to January 16

Sunday, January 9

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Mary and Joseph Fresco
hours 18.00 - def.ta Giuseppina Benvegnù

lunedì 10 gennaio

ore 8.30 - def.ti Ugo e Cecilia Zamuner
ore 18.00 - def.ta Firmina Suzzi
- Paolo Perosa
- Antonio Calici

martedì 11 gennaio

ore 8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Giuseppe e Guido
ore 18.00 - Luca Kirchmayer
- Franco Percoco

mercoledì 12 gennaio

ore 8.30 - def.ti Antonia e Ferdinando
- Mauro Giardirri
ore 18.00 - def.ti Paolo e Roberto Godina
- Silvano Calzi (obitus)
- Giorgio Zalateo (obitus)

giovedì 13 gennaio

8.30 - Ezio Rizzian
- Rolando
18.00 - Piergiorgio
Stefani - Emma def.ta Baldissera (obitus)

Friday, January 14

8.30 - 18.00
- Renato Pellegrini

Saturday, January 15

8.30 - 18.00
def.ta Maria - Strengths def.ta Marina

Sunday, January 16

8.30 - def.ti Marino Auteri and Spartacus
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 18.00


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