Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cancerous Growth On The Tonsil

London Eye

If these days you are catapulted across the Channel for the event, business or love and, after visiting all the attractions of bustling London, you are looking for new prospects, you could go to the show "Myths and Fairytales " which opens from today until November 22. Entered in the

photomonth , ie the festival of photography in East London, the exhibition exposes the particular point of view of three artists on the myth, folklore and imagination. Our darling Francesca Tilio is part of the trio, with its picture in which reinterprets a masterpiece of French theater, " Les Bonnes" by Jean Genet. His unique style captures the intense contradictions and perversions that lead to tragedy when people confuse fiction and reality, dreams and desires. More information

also sull'immancabile librodifacce. Enjoy e. .. Eye: If you see a beautiful brunette with a camera pointing at you, smile!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Preparation H With Bio Dyne Sold In Mexico

Il giorno di dolore che uno ha

There are those days when life is so much carrion but also we give a big hand, and it happens almost always when in fact you were convinced that perhaps maybe you'll make it to sfangarla. Be careful, that's the time to fear when they begin to hope. Why just bullshit, you get distracted and you get your ass on the floor in the puddle, with the exhaustion that overcame you as a sudden and unstoppable retching, and slumps. Would you like to send all fuck off, go to bed and wake up in spring 2012, just to check if the Maya c'avevano reason. Someone does. Someone else left everything and fled to an atoll in Hawaii. I'm back home, I made a couple of frantic affairs came badly and left half, trying in vain to hold off the anxiety, then I skiantata on the couch and I gave self-pity throughout the evening.

Meanwhile, a part of me I like the railing mistreats Sergeant Hartman (bad spineless, pulled up and stop sfrignare, or I'll unscrew the head from the neck etc etc) because after having held out for so long I let debase trivial errors, avoidable, but above all self-inflicted!

Like, today I forgot to make an important call. Why? Well, I have a deluge of excuses why I have called the company rushed in to speak again and again and again precarissima fate of our work, a day after we were in garrison, while the bosses decide our fate, after the old days we had tried to work against all odds while chasing rumors and denials and accusations, and so now every day for two months. Because in the meantime, the stress level also increases the tensions between us, between departments considered elite and other populated by dead men walking who should have the decency to go to the slaughterhouse without breaking the boxes too. However, because when I get home find my personal problems that I can not relegate a corner in the meantime that system Rogne most urgent (is not true that ubi major minor cessat, no no, indeed, add up) ...

short, a brothel. Sommiamoci And the fact that today I was not even that well. Among all, I forgot di fare questa semplicissima telefonata per avvisare che non sarei andata ad un appuntamento. Quando ho richiamato, in ritardissimo, dall'altra parte della cornetta ho trovato la Siberia, gelida come il senso di colpa che mi strusciava da qualche parte giù, nelle mie sempre agitate viscere.

Ora, se c'è una cosa che m'ammazza, è il senso di colpa. Perchè posso nascondermi dietro a tutte le scuse che riesco a trovare, ma una parte di me sa benissimo che io mi sono dimenticata di fare quella telefonata perchè ho trascurato il fatto che delle persone stessero aspettando me. E non importa che io sia stressata e che abbia dei problemi (chi non ne ha? dai, su, quanto ci vuole a fare una telefonata?). Resta il fatto che mi sono Forgot to tell, I made a figure of crap, hath been the person who was waiting for me and probably rightly pissed me depennerà from the list of possible collaborators, thus precluding a series of contacts that could prove fruitful.

not the end of the world, I know, but it was one of those horrible moments where I find myself like a moron hoping to be able to go back, even just two hours, and put everything in place ...

After hours of complaining, however, are finally adivenuta the distillate of wisdom: Okay Serena, you've done a shit, is neither the first nor the last, unfortunately, in addition to the sincere apology that you have not already done recoverable so stop chew! The important thing is to have learned their lesson and remember it tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day so now get up and bring that ass beyond the obstacle, Serole ball! If God wanted you to pass effortlessly, you made you appear miraculous and the wings in the ass! You can move your ass down 'on the other hand, come on! (Word of Ross O'Hartman)

What can I say? Yes sir!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lumps By Last Rib? Tissue Fat?

Linux Day, sabato anche a Senigallia

these days is out Windows 7. We hope to have suffered a double-locked the door closed to keep her back!

jokes aside, I developed an allergy non tanto per i prodotti Microsoft (colpa anche di Vista, che mi sono ritrovata mio malgrado sul nuovo pc e mi sta facendo vedere i pixel verdi), quanto per la strategia commerciale che sta dietro di loro: lo strapotere di Bill & Co non si basa sull'oggettiva superiorità dei loro programmi, quanto sulla diffusione capillare e coercitiva per cui tu, semplice utente di computer che ne capisci poco o niente, vai a comperarti un normalissimo pc e il 98% di quelli in vendita ha già installata una delle tante versioni di Windows. Se ti è andata male, ti ritrovi con Vista.

La cosa non è irrimediabile, se Microsoft proprio non ti piace puoi cambiarlo, ma quanti si prendono la briga di formattare un pc nuovo To install a different operating system? I do not, for example, also because, once you do, you are still faced with many other programs or devices developed by or on behalf of Microsoft, which are not compatible with other software or operating system, and you are breaking into a sweat if you did not pay a pledge to the ubiquitous Bill (which in fact has been fined over and over again antitrust ).
In short, this is a monopoly. But if our

end user does not give anything to look for the best operating system (perhaps with Microsoft there is also good) and then he slams his freedom and the programmer (the comfortable to work without being forced to bow to the business strategies of Bill & Co.), I would consider other aspects: first, when begged a PC already filled with Microsoft programs and products, we pay more just because of the presence of these programs. It is not an expense inevitable: there are free alternatives, the so-called open source software.
In addition, some users' most savvy people know that Microsoft products are rigid, unalterable, non-transferable, and not very safe: for the latter, so I do not mean to bug or vulnerability to external attacks, as to whether that their source, their DNA information, is not available to the buyer so that it can not know what's inside ... A trivial example: if you have windows word 2000, type = rand (3,99) and see what comes out. Obviously it is a harmless joke program, but it clarifies the fact that we buyers really have no control and no power on what we bought.

against the excessive power of Microsoft, and to defend freedom of information, you can use the Linux operating system and related programs. What did different Linux? First of all, in fact, free (which often means also free, but in general must be taken in its broadest, philosophical, of the term): Linux is developed in accordance with four basic freedoms, which is to run the program for any purpose, to study it and modify it (without penalty nor copyright) to copy and distribute it, but also to improve and deploy the changes to make benefit to the community.

We had already discussed the advantages and the (temporary) disadvantages of Linux in an evening of Senigallia 2.0, here you can find two videos where the guys from the local Linux User Group tells us about the philosophy and functionality of free software. Now, in conjunction with the Linux Day 2009, will be available to anyone who is interested to know more, to explain that "Free Software is not merely a set of applications and technologies, but rather a cultural and economic paradigm: it is a model of software development focused on the free sharing of ideas and knowledge on cooperation between private and businesses, users and developers, with the aim of building a collective good, the software, the result of the joint work of multiple intelligences. "

SenaLUG The boys, in collaboration with the Municipality of Senigallia, await Saturday, October 24 in the meeting room of the local library (via Manni, 1)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Most Comfortable Slippers

Ma quanti eravamo alla manifestazione? Te lo dice Occhio di Lynce!

(photo Maddechè, The Plague of the Velvet )

And 'one of the great questions of our civilization, those who provoke a frenzy of hypotheses, most of the UFO , most of the crop circles and episodes of Voyager . But now even
Giacobbo will finally close at least an investigation, among the hundred thousand left to wander in suspense, with triumphant certainty: they have developed a program that can count the exact number of people present at a given event.

This is a system developed by the company Lynce and already tested in the latest anti-government demonstration in Spain (damn, lately always give us three times, that envy!). The idea is simple enough: take a helicopter, you fly over the area of \u200b\u200bthe event taking photos to high definition, complete with images taken from fixed locations, and you analyze a specific program that is able to numerically identify each participant.

Simple but probably costosetta: service, although I was born with the aim of giving value highly democratic expression of public opinion ( El Proyecto LYNCE quiere poner en valor la expresión pública de las opiniones ofreciendo rigor a la medición de los participantes en este tipo de actos públicos ), ha tariffe che variano a seconda della tipologia e della durata della manifestazione da esaminare, come pure la presenza di striscioni, spettatori eccetera.

Il margine di errore dichiarato è del 15%, che su grandi numeri può portare ad uno scarto importante, ma sicuramente resta più affidabile del simpatico gioco fra organizzatori e questura , che solitamente sparano numeri talmente discordi da lasciare storditi perfino i partecipanti. Chiediamo che questo metodo sia applicato a tutte le manifestazioni: lasciamoci contare bene, perchè noi contiamo! (argh, che chiusura infame, ma se solo fossi unagnoccolonacolossale potrebbero farne uno slogan per shampoo...)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can I Renew Drivers License In Different County

La Doppia Ora

Le 16.16: un'ora doppia, lo stesso numero che si ripete. Un momento magico in cui il tempo sembra duplicarsi, ed offrire la possibilità di lasciare da parte il tracciato della propria vita per addentrarsi in nuove strade, nuove possibilità. E' un attimo in cui tutto sembra possibile, e allora nasce l'impulso di esprimere un desiderio, come quando si vede una stella cadente, anche in coloro che non credono più ai miracoli.

Questo weekend I went to see the first feature film by Giuseppe Capotondi , my fellow director, but for which I had never heard of it until his film was screened at the center of national and international level, with the warm welcome Critics and the prize last female interpreter Show International Film Festival in Venice.

Smuficchiando curious before I go to the movies, I discovered that I had actually already known and appreciated his special approach to film, which observes the anguished insecurity of human life outside attention, but never a stranger, in some of the music videos the most beautiful that I know (as Crystal Ball Keane ).

share the same view on the contradictions and feelings of people (which is combined with an increased sensitivity to light and photograph, and a taste for the psychological thriller for many critics described as "Hitchcockian") it is found The Double Time: a movie with talented actors (including the now famous Filippo Timi, actor and writer of great talent as well, in spite of himself, new sex-symbol of the Italian blogosphere ) than with their intense participation in the body and give credibility to a story that weaves meetings and loneliness, trust and disillusionment angoscia e speranza, in cui niente è come sembra e di cui mi rifiuto tassativamente di raccontare anche in minima parte la trama, altrimenti lo spettatore non riuscirebbe a partecipare alla ricerca di senso e significato che pervade la storia. Vi dirò solo che sembra un noir, sembra un horror, sembra una storia d'amore, e alla fine ti lascia con la sensazione che la vita è esattamente come descritta nel film, e che per viverla davvero ci vuole il coraggio, nonostante tutto, di restare umani.

Todo aquel que piense que la vida siempre es cruel,
tiene que saber que no es asi,
que tan solo hay momentos malos, y todo pasa.
Todo aquel que piense que esto nunca va a cambiar,
tiene que saber que no es asi, mal tiempo buena
this to my dear, y todo pasa.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Response To Turn Down Letter For Employment

Piccoli ritocchi

It 's a bit of time trying to put order in my life, but if indeed there is a higher power that guides us, obviously on my browser has loaded the maps wrong, or has a sense of' somewhat quirky humor ...

also walk my way a little 'trial and error, trying to avoid the hardest holes (ah Battisti, how many times I remove the hindrances metaphorical), but also leave fewer deaths and injuries as possible along the route. But every time I think I'm finally on track, a truck that comes out in full m'investe, pointing straight at me with blind predestination of fate. And I have regularly left the air bag at home ...

The same thing happens, more or less, when the antithesis of the geek tries to figure out how to edit your blog, to make things that go wrong (or to follow undefined itching for change, after all this concern has always the same root, no?) However, both in the blog as often happens in life to believe they have solved the problems, and instead find themselves faced with the fact that the last change has messed around more than before.

Ergo today, thanks laid off, loneliness (voluntary) and a beastly cold, I plugged in the house, I disconnected from my brain umanae story and I started hacking away at something less dangerous: the HTML of my blog!

Aware did not know nothing about CSS, HTML tags and anything else (ah, all those lost years back to literature and philosophy, damn my humanistic tendencies), I was assigned to San Google, patron self-taught, and I started to read instructions to create space by dragging columns to change templates. With very clear instructions that I found online, I must say that I enjoyed it enough, and I have blossomed between the synapses also some ideas for additions and changes to make in the next few days (but first I have to find a camera that image galleries free on line does not have my own taste). But I can not tell if the blog is now clearly legible, even to those who use browsers and different views from mine, or if they see it all Squaderno.

Appeals to mariners: how the new layout? It 's all in order or there are pieces of columns and pieces of banners that roam the wild for the monitor? Let me know if you like.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ideas For Wedding Seating Chart

Come capire quando è giunto il momento

to change jobs? Eh

know, now you think I'm faithful blog readers is becoming a bit monotonous, and c'avete absolutely right ... but what can I do if I have to worry about how to make the loaf, because unfortunately I was born heiress, I married a rich man, e non è probabile che io vinca al superenalotto (colpa mia che non ci gioco)? Lo so, lo so, Tvemonti mi guavdevebbe scvollando il capino, è tutto sbagliato e con un atteggiamento psicologico così negativo io stessa alimento la cvisi mondiale che s'impenna!!

Comunque, per coloro che hanno perso, stanno per, o hanno paura di perdere, il lavoro: cantiamo tutti insieme il mantra della crisi, che ci porterà fortuna!

" la crisi sta finendo, ma un anno se ne va,
sto per andare in cassa, lo sai che non mi va!
In ditta di colleghi non ce ne sono più,
è vuoto anche il parking lot, and miss you too.

The languid-bri-bride
burn like ice when I open my wallet '...
Pa-pa-pay me!
three months that I do not see more money!

is time for the rich people start to pay.
The crisis is ending, but a year goes !
I'm still broke, is not new ...
You already who will pay, but I think who?
The languid-bri-chills etc etc "

For rather lucky that we have a job (and, if hold tight), I submit that this movie, in a professional, will help you analyze your degree to work and see if it is time for you to find a new job.
Maybe on your own, which is less traumatic (trust).
Enjoy and good luck!