Sunday, October 31, 2010

Where Is Shoulder Pain In Ectopic Pregnancy

Family Parish October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010
XXIIIrd Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings
Sunday: 11.22 to 12.2 Sap, Sal 144; 2 Th 1.11-2, 2, Lk 19: 1-10

readings of "All Saints": Rev. 7,2-4.9-14, Ps 23, 1 Jn 3.1-3, Matthew 5.1-12a

L 'encounter with Christ

The external gesture of giving, as every human action, is inherently ambiguous. The gift of a man closed in on itself, completely turned to self-assertion is self-interest in disguise. The charity can be many times the coverage of exploitation, rather the means to continue. The gesture Instead of Zacchaeus, which returns four times to those who had cheated and gives half of its assets "to the poor", comes from a "conversion" within, a change of course, happened in the encounter with Jesus met the love and found to be loved, one becomes able to meet others. Looks at them with different eyes, not as subjects to be enjoyed, but as people to love. And that's because he can finally look at himself and his life through the eyes of those to whom he had done wrong. So even money changes direction: the gesture dell'arraffare replaces the act of giving for free. And so the money becomes a prey sign of communion. Christ, now the guest of Zacchaeus, illuminates and interprets this change in the sense of grace and liberation, "Today salvation has come to this house." Christ is truly the evangelization of all: rich and poor. His preference is for the poor, the latter: "He sent me to proclaim good news to the poor." "The salvation wrought by Christ is total and complete. That extends to the whole man and all men, including the release from sin and death and the gradual possession of all that is good and authentically human. The freedom brought by Christ is not only freedom "from" servitude internal and external conditions, but most of all freedom "to" be more, to love, to build peace and communion with God and with men brothers. " The evangelization of the rich exploiters courageous involve the denunciation of their situation and the appeal to a real conversion. Even the rich can become citizens of the kingdom, provided they like Zacchaeus.

The Holiness of God and the sanctity of human

At first, the Bible reserves for Jehovah, the title of "Holy," a word that then had a meaning very close to that of 'sacred' God is' 'Other', so transcendent and so far that the man non può pensare di partecipare alla sua vita. Davanti alla sua santità l’uomo non può provare che rispetto e timore. In una religione di salvezza come quella d’Israele, Dio doveva comunicare la sua santità al popolo, il quale diviene esso pure «altro», manifestando nella sua vita quotidiana, e soprattutto nel suo culto, un comportamento diverso da quello di altri popoli. Ma per attuare questa santità alla quale Dio lo chiamava, il popolo eletto non aveva altro che mezzi legali e pratiche di purificazione esteriore. Gli uomini più impegnati presero ben presto coscienza della insufficienza di tali mezzi, e cercarono la «purezza di cuore» capace di farli partecipi della vita di Dio. Essi posero la loro speranza in a holiness that would be communicated directly from God This longing is fulfilled in Christ, he radiates the holiness of God rests upon him "the Spirit of holiness, and he claims the title of" saint. " In fact it is to sanctify the whole of humanity. Jesus Christ, who became "Sir, it sends its holiness to the Church through the sacraments that bring life to the man of God This doctrine was so alive in the early centuries, the church members did not hesitate to call themselves" saints " and the Church itself was called the "communion of saints." This expression, which are still in the creed has its origins in the Eucharistic Assembly, during which "the saints participate in the "holy things." Christian holiness is, therefore, as a participation in the life of God, which is realized by the means which the Church offers us, especially through the sacraments. Holiness is not the result of human effort that attempts to reach God with his strength, it is a gift of God's divine initiative and human response.

week from October 31 to November 7

Sunday, October 31

• 16.30, the Temple Mount Grisa Marian rosary and expectations of the pastoral year at Mary Mother and Queen. It is an additional service provided by bus from Piazza Oberdan.
• Tonight we have moved to winter. The only change concerns the S. Evening Mass: weekdays, weekends and holidays will be at 18.00.

Monday, November 1 - Solemnity of All Saints
• The time of the Mass is the celebration: 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 and 18.00. • 15:30 pm
, S. Mass in the cemetery, led by the Bishop.

Tuesday, November 2 - Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
• The time of the Holy Mass is as follows: 8.30, 10.00 and 18.00.

Wednesday 3 - Feast of St. Giusto, the patron of Diocesi e della Città
• Ore 10.00, solenne celebrazione in Cattedrale.
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 4

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.
• Ore 20.30, Consiglio Pastorale Parrocchiale.

venerdì 5

• Ore 16.30, prove in Chiesa per i Cresimandi.
• Ore 20.30, incontro per i genitori dei Cresimandi.

sabato 6

• Nel pomeriggio, in Oratorio, “Laboratorio Creativo” per i bambini e, negli altri ambienti parrocchiali, incontro adolescenti e ragazzi del dopo-cresima e attività scout.

Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie

Domenica 14 novembre, inizia il cammino del Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie. Ci si ritrova in oratorio, dopo la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, per un momento di formazione, riflessione e preghiera insieme e si conclude con il pranzo al sacco. Possono partecipare sia le famiglie e le coppie giovani, come quelle più “mature”; con figli piccoli o già “sistemati”. L’incontro è rivolto non solo agli sposati, ma anche alle coppie di fatto che desiderano dare un senso cristiano alla loro unione. È garantito il servizio di baby-sitter.
Andrea, pastor

week from October 31 to November 7

Sunday, October 31

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Families Balbi and Spehar
18.00 - def.ta Lucia Piccini

Monday, November 1

8.30 - Ernesto dead and Family Tirelli
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Renato, Mario and Firmina
- Irma def.ta
18.00 - News def.ta Furlani
- Luciano Scabar

Tuesday, November 2

8.30 - Family def.ti Mullig
10.00 - 18.00
Bendagli def.ti Family - Family def.ti
Antonini - def.ti Novella, Rene, Charles and Mercedes

Wednesday, November 3

8.30 - Final . ta Elida Forty
- def.ti Ida and Joseph Suplina
18.00 - Free def.ti and Margaret Ruzzier
- Elio Climich

Thursday, November 4

8.30 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - Vittorio Gasparini
- Mario Giorgi
- def.ta Chiara Indrigo

Friday, November 5

8.30 - Anna def.ta
- Oddone
hours 18.00 - Mario Giraldi

sabato 6 novembre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Eugenio, Elisabetta e Silvana
- def.ta Maria Ierman
ore 18.00 - Giulio Babini

domenica 7 novembre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Giovanni e Giuseppina
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Francesco e Maria
- def.ta Francesca
ore 18.00 - def.ta Angelica Parenzan
- Vincenzo Indrigo

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Position Of Cervix 6 Days Before Period

Family Parish October 24, 2010

Domenica 24 ottobre 2010
Domenica XXX° del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Sir 35, 15-17.20-22 Sal 33; 2 Tm 4,6-8.16-18; Lc 18, 9-14

La fede sorgente di una vita nuova

Nella parabola ci sono due modi di concepire l’uomo e il suo rapporto con Dio. La preghiera del fariseo è un rendimento di grazie a Dio. Solo apparente però. In realtà è un pretesto per lodare se stesso e non Dio, compiacersi di sé per la mancanza di ogni peccato e per il merito delle buone opere, in forza delle quali si ritiene giustificato ed «esige» da Dio la ricompensa. La preghiera del fariseo non è preghiera, anzi è l’opposto.
Il pubblicano invece è «nella verità»: è consapevole della sua colpa e di non avere meriti davanti a Dio. Chiede grazia. La sua è vera preghiera.
Perciò behind the two characters of the parable we can see the opposition between two types of justice: the man who believes it can be realized with the perfect fulfillment of the law and that God grants the sinner who recognizes that and convert. The theme of the Pauline justification by faith is already outlined in this parable.
The Christian is really a man justified by faith in Jesus Christ, who is both the gift of the Father and substantial man among men who have built the only human response is pleasing to God
E ' This is why faith in Jesus saves. In fact, Jesus inaugurated the kingdom in his person of the Father which fulfilled the destiny of man. For him, as for his brothers, Jesus demands absolute surrender implies that loyalty to the condition of creature: the waiver is to the death and, if necessary, until his death on the cross. And 'the savior of the world that speaks well.
How can this man who drove up to the last consequences of the revelation of the human condition at the same time proclaiming himself the savior of humanity? To this question there is only one answer: this man really is the Son of God, God so loved the world that he gave his only Son for it, and at the same time he is a man among men, and his loyalty creature is, identity, una fedeltà filiale. La risposta attiva di questo uomo raggiunge perfettamente l’iniziativa divina a salvezza.
L’unione a Cristo ci rende capaci della stessa «fedeltà filiale» fino alla croce.
L’uomo è «giustificato» perché la fede in Cristo gli dà accesso al Padre in qualità di figlio adottivo. La salvezza è dono divino, diventa nell’uomo sorgente di una attività filiale in cui si compie oltre ogni misura la fedeltà alla nuova legge dell’amore.
Paolo, l’araldo della giustificazione mediante la fede, è anche il grande testimone della vita nuova che sboccia dalla fede in Cristo. Ormai vecchio, in carcere, in attesa della condanna a morte, riflette sulla sua vita (seconda lettura). La sua esperienza di Cristo si conclude con un fallimento umano: tutti lo hanno abbandonato, nessuno in giudizio lo ha difeso. Ma egli ha «conservato la fede», ha gareggiato per Cristo ed è rimasto fedele fino alla mèta. La sua speranza lo conduce alla certezza della «ricompensa» che riceverà da Cristo per la sua vita di dedizione e di amore sull’esempio di Gesù.
Oggi la sufficienza farisaica non è più l’osservanza di una legge, ma prende altri nomi.
In molti c’è la convinzione che l’uomo possa salvarsi come uomo facendo appello unicamente alle sue risorse. L’uomo salva l’uomo mediante la scienza, la politica, l’arte...
E 'therefore more necessary than ever for Christians to proclaim Christ as the savior of the world. The salvation he brings is not antagonistic to human salvation. Indeed leads to fulfillment. With the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, they show the need of divine intervention on human life, are put under the action of God present with his spirit, and they obtained the privileged experience of justification by faith in Jesus Christ. Must therefore be constantly vigilant to not participate in the sacraments with self-righteous spirit.

week from October 24 to October 31

Sunday 24

• At the end of S. 10:00 am Mass, the rite of the Scout promise.

Monday 25

• 15:30 pm in the Hall of the Oratory, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.

Tuesday 26

• At 16.30, in oratory, parish catechism.

Wednesday 27

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday 28

• 15:30 pm, a meeting of Catholic Parish. • After
S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday 30

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.

Sunday 31

• On the night between Saturday and Sunday, we move from summer to winter: the clocks are moved back one hour. The only change concerns the S. Evening Mass: on working days than in those weekends and holidays will be at 18.00.

Pastoral Council Parish

Thursday, November 4, at 20:30, at the parish hall, with entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council.


renew the invitation to all to offer some 'of their time, skills and generosity for the management and the life of the parish community. Parish life need a great commitment to collaboration and cooperation, but also offers a number of areas of inclusion and participation. Just a little 'time and good will ... and the Lord knows how to reward those who give with joy. Thanks.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 24 to October 31

Sunday, October 24

8.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 19.00
def.ta Nidia Giusti - def. to Louis Baiz

Monday, October 25

8.30 - Corrado
19.00 - Welcome
def.ta Maria - Louis Baiz
Tuesday, October 26

8.30 - Ezio Longo
- Peter Bendagli
19.00 - John Pieri (obitus)
- Louis Baiz

Wednesday, October 27

8.30 - Antonio Servello
- def.ti
Claudio and John 19:00 - Bruno Redolfi
- Louis Baiz

Thursday, October 28

8.30 - 19.00
def.ta Maria Vidal - def. Caramel to Tiberon
- Aldo Canzutti
- Louis Baiz

Friday, October 29

8.30 - def.ta Annamaria Rizzian
- In def.ti and Silvio Suplina
19.00 - def. to Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 30

8.30 - Marco
19.00 - Ada def.ta Tura
- Louis Baiz

Sunday, October 31

8.30 -
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Famiglie Balbi e Spehar
ore 18.00 - def.ta Lucia Piccini

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Can You Smoke Ciggs After Having Hernia Surgery

Family parish

Domenica 17 ottobre 2010
Domenica XXIX° del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Es 17, 8-13a; Sal 120; 2 Tm 3, 14-4, 2; Lc 18, 1-8

Pregare non è forzare Dio a fare la nostra volontà
La preghiera cristiana prima che parola implorante è silenzio profondo per ascoltare e accogliere in sé la parola di Dio. Le persone entrano in comunione ascoltandosi. Noi entriamo in comunione con Dio e ci disponiamo a fare la sua volontà ascoltandolo. Come la fede, anche la preghiera nasce dall'ascolto: è a vital response, but also verbal. This will take several forms: an act of thanksgiving, a contemplation full of admiration, a profession of faith, a declaration of commitment, a question. The prayer of petition is to recognize the limits of the human condition is to note that the total liberation and full self-realization does not depend solely on the man. Man can not save himself. Expressions of God 'all' own needs and desires and submit to its light, is to see if they are legitimate or not. The man is really what I demand, the requests are spontaneously say to God, and to explore and purify them. The prayer of petition is a sign of confidence in God when we are certain that it takes a person really well, with the spontaneity ask everything we need and that is good. St. John's defines faith as "believing in God's love for us." Well, the believer has such great confidence in his God, that he questions everything with ease and he gets back. The parable of the unjust judge and the widow's persistent calls to disarm without the need to pray, even though the late Lord and seems deaf to all our prayers. The subject of Jesus is simple: if an unjust judge eventually give in to the widow, as God is just listen to our cries for help. Christian prayer is not a call for immediate intervention of God, not is a magic formula that resolves the problems, but accepts and adheres to the freedom of God's patience and Elsewhere in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells us that God will give us not so much what we ask, but the Holy Spirit to understand the meaning of what we happen to be his witnesses. "If ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him." Prayer of Petition "exemplary" is that of Jesus in Gethsemane: "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me! Nevertheless not my will, but thine. " The believer does not want to 'bend' God to do His will, use it to fulfill their own desires, but to obtain the grace to conform his will to his. He knows what is really our own good. The prayer of petition, true, is a source of commitment to start doing what we ask. Praying for peace, urges us to commit ourselves to peace, pray for an end to suffering, leads to help those ... For this does not relieves man ever, even the more responsible. "Who do you pray first of all attentive to the word of God, to be available in faith to welcome the call that comes from him. Manifested at the same time hope for the future of God that prayer somehow anticipates and promotes. It also gives a witness of charity so is the close link between the one who prays to God finally took part in the life of the world, because they feel involved in everything that makes you the kingdom. In this way, prayer is the most significant act of Christian living. "

Catechesis for youth and adults, after the S. Mass on Wednesday evening
Catechesis for youth and adults on Wednesday evening, held by the monks, will address two issues. The first concern on the issue of faith, according to the development presented by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while the second will be biblical catechesis on the text of the Gospel passage of the Sundays of Advent and Lent.

weeks PARISH NOTICES from October 17 to October 24 Sunday, October 17

• Happy birthday and remembrance in prayer to the Father Gildo on his birthday.

Monday, October 18. •

15.30 in the Hall of the Oratory, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly

Tuesday, October 19

• 16.30, in oratory, parish catechism.

Wednesday, October 20

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday, October 21

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Saturday, October 23

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children, and in other environments parish meeting adolescents and young post-confirmation and scout activities.
• At 19.00, while S. Mass profession in the SFO Maura Casorati.

Sunday, October 24

• At the end of S. 10:00 am Mass, the rite of the Scout promise.

renew the invitation to all to offer some 'of their time, skills and generosity for the management and the life of the parish community.
It can work for the cleaning and decoration of the church, the leaders of the liturgy by singing and reading and ensure the presence and the opening of the Oratory, participation in parish catechesis and liturgical moments and the insertion in a specific way of training and human and Christian growth: Catechists, Secular Franciscan Order, Catholic Action, Adult, Youth Group, Teens and After-Confirmation, Scouts, Families Group and St. Vincent Parish, Parish life ...
need for a large commitment to collaboration and cooperation, but also offers a number of areas of inclusion and participation.
Just a little 'time and good will and the Lord ... ...
knows how to reward those who give with joy.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 17 to October 24

Sunday, October 17

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino

10.00 - For assembly

11.30 - def.ti Livia De Doro Rinaldini
- def.ti Andrea and Ottavio Querzola

19.00 - def.ti Josephine and Polidoro
- Louis Baiz

Monday, October 18

8.30 - def.ta Romilda Pretotto
- Luigi Bajc

19.00 - Massimo Del Blacks
- def.ta Anna
- Luigi Baiz

martedì 19 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Giampaolo e Fabio
- def.ti Luigi e Rodolfo

ore 19.00 - def.ta Laura Esperti
- Luigi Baiz

mercoledì 20 ottobre

ore 8.30 - Bruno
- Fredy Blincowe

ore 19.00 - Bernardo Nobile
- Ferruccio Furlani
- Luigi Baiz

giovedì 21 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Pietro e Gabriella Bartole

ore 19.00 - Giuseppe Lombardi
- Luigi Baiz

venerdì October 22

8.30 -
Marco Rosa - Domenico Bosio

19.00 - Osvaldo Gentile
- Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 23

8.30 - Catherine def.ta Sponza

19.00 - Family def.ti Trimboli
- Louis Baiz
- According to the intention of the tenderer

Sunday, October 24

8.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti

10.00 - For assembly

11.30 - def.ta Nidia Giusti

19.00 - Louis Baiz

Thursday, October 14, 2010

General Pituitary Gland

October 17, 2010 October 10, 2010 Family parish of St. Francis in 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010
XXVIII Anniversary of Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday
Reading: 2 Kings 5, 14-17, Ps 97, 2 Timothy 2: 8-13, Lk 17, 11-19

Faith is' giving thanks

The announcement of the kingdom of God is the proclamation of salvation made not only with words but with actions.
manifest the essentially voluntary, as they say in clear that salvation is not a human achievement but a gift of God and aim to kindle faith in the person of Jesus and to the burst of thanksgiving. The message of the readings for this Sunday is not a simple teaching on the moral duty of human gratitude. Naaman Siro switch from healing to faith: he longer recognizes no god but the God of Israel (first reading).
The leper of the gospel back "praising God with a loud voice." The miracle has opened his eyes to the meaning of the mission and person of Jesus He gives thanks to God not so much because his desire to heal has been met, but because he understands that God is present and active in Jesus Christ He acknowledges that is the Savior that God is present and active not only the health of the body but the total salvation of man. And that's faith. In Jesus he saw manifest the glory of God (Gospel). So
Luke concludes the story with the words of Jesus: "Get up and go ', your faith has saved you." Saved
not leprosy, but saved in the Christian sense of the word. Salvation from leprosy is just another sign of salvation.
thanksgiving is born of the leper healed so first of all by faith and not by the utility: it's free and joyous contemplation of God before the savior of love happiness health regained.
Only later includes the recognition, but not the simple kind thanks for a benefit received.
The gospel does not want to give us a lesson in etiquette but wants to tell us that Thanksgiving is the basic attitude of the man who in faith has discovered that his salvation comes only by God in Christ. If
human gratitude and thanksgiving to God are not identical, it is also true that there is continuity between them.
When personal relationships are all based on profits and pleasure, it is hardly open to the contemplation of God's free Indeed, the utilitarian and self-centered mentality distorts religious acts. If we have lost the sense of free, if the actions we have the motive or the law in the hope of reward, most likely we can not have the experience of the Eucharist.
Today's man must discover the meaning of "received" to open at Thanksgiving.
The Eucharist is not so much a law to be observed to have a clear conscience, nor only the nourishment of the fellowship. But it is, as the term says, thanksgiving without other benefits, without any other purpose than itself: it is the joy that blossoms from the contemplation of God's great love, which arises from the discovery to be saved for free.

Catechesis for youth and adults, after
S. Mass on Wednesday evening

Catechesis for youth and adults on Wednesday evening, held by the monks, will address two issues. The first concern on the issue of faith, according to the development presented by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while the second will be biblical catechesis on the text of the Gospel passage of the Sundays of Advent e Quaresima.

settimana dal 10 ottobre al 17 ottobre

lunedì 11 ottobre

• Ore 15.30, nel Salone dell’Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.

martedì 12 ottobre

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo parrocchiale.

mercoledì 13 ottobre

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 14 ottobre

• Ore 15.30, incontro dell’Azione Cattolica Adulti.
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.

sabato 16 ottobre

• Nel pomeriggio, in Oratorio, “Laboratorio Creativo” per i bambini.
• Nel pomeriggio, incontro adolescenti e ragazzi del dopo-cresima e attività scout.
• Ore 20.30, presso la Chiesa parrocchiale di S. Giacomo, Veglia Missionaria di Preghiera.

domenica 17 ottobre

• Tanti auguri e il ricordo nella preghiera a Padre Gildo nel giorno del suo compleanno.

All’inizio di questo nuovo anno pastorale, rinnoviamo l’invito a tutti per offrire un po’ del proprio tempo, capacità e generosità per la gestione e la vita della comunità parrocchiale.
Si può collaborare per la pulizia e il decoro della chiesa, per l’animazione delle liturgie con il canto e la lettura; garantire la presenza e l’apertura dell’Oratorio, la partecipazione alle catechesi e ai momenti liturgici parrocchiali e l’inserimento in un cammino specifico di formazione e crescita umana e cristiana: Catechisti, Ordine Francescano Secolare, Azione Cattolica Adulti, Gruppo Giovani, Adolescenti e Dopo-Cresima, Scout, Gruppo Famiglie e San Vincenzo Parrocchiale, …
La vita della Parrocchia necessità di un grande impegno nella collaborazione e cooperazione, ma anche offre numerosi ambiti di inserimento e partecipazione.
Basta un po’ di tempo e buona volontà e…
… il Signore sa come ricompensare chi dona con gioia.

Fra Andrea, parroco

settimana dal 10 ottobre al 17 ottobre

domenica 10 ottobre

ore 8.30 - Pietro Bendagli
- def.ti Paolo e Lucia Drius
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ta Marisa Ravalico
- def.ti Clemente e Rosa Giugonaz
ore 19.00 - Paolo Perosa
- Luigi Baiz

lunedì 11 ottobre

ore 8.30 - def.ti Carmela Guido and Giuseppe
19.00 - Marco Coslovich
- Louis Baiz

Tuesday, October 12

8.30 - Father Gabriele
19.00 - def.ti Antonio and Antonia
Tirelli - votive BV
del Pilar - Louis Baiz

Wednesday, October 13

8.30 - Rolando
- Alex Benci
19.00 - Louis Baiz

Thursday October 14

8.30 - Maria Pia def.ta Zerial
19.00 - Mario Lucchini
- Stefania def.ta Braini
- Louis Baiz

Friday, October 15

8.30 - Maria def.ta
19.00 -
Matthew Dumas - Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 16

8.30 - Theodore Novac
19.00 - def.ti Lucia Fiore
Cason - Pierina def.ta Bembich
- Louis Baiz
- for the souls in Purgatory

Sunday, October 17

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Livia De Doro Rinaldini
- def.ti Andrea and Ottavio Querzola
19.00 - def.ti Josephine and Polidoro
- Louis Baiz

Monday, October 11, 2010

How Is The Honda Pilot In The Snow

A new Italian Risorgimento

In 2011 Italy will celebrate its 150 years. Unitas An Italy in the Risorgimento, thanks to the diplomacy of Cavour, Garibaldi's courage and, above all, the work of Giuseppe Mazzini. Writer, thinker, politician, founded the Young Italy, a secret association founded with the intention of reaching the coveted national unity. Celebrations the anniversary is upon us. Since then, there have been many historical events. But they were also sacrificed many young lives in the wars of independence and conflicts worldwide. From the Kingdom of Italy is then passed to the Republic, a prosperous era that knew how to conduct a culturally and economically backward country to be part of the first industrial power in the world.

A path is also characterized by setbacks and defeats, as the years of lead. Massacres and terrorism reached its peak with the assassination of one of the finest statesmen of which Italy has ever received: Aldo Moro. There followed the era of corruption and fall of the First Republic. But the institutions were not ready to change the template removal.

Today, politics is still trying to develop a constructive "bipolar." Too bad this is identified only with who is in favor of Berlusconi, and with whom he opposes. Nothing else. The ideals, policy proposals, the reality of institutional projects have been replaced with the only media tussle, the decadence of the style, trying to bring down the enemy at any cost. All this thanks to a radio-television distorts reality and makes breakthrough in a population now unable to think. The national problems are reduced to trying to understand if Berlusconi is guilty or not prescribed in the crimes, whether or not Fini has a home in Monaco, who may have donated the house to Scajola. Or, if Bertolaso \u200b\u200bis involved in the procurement of reconstruction or how it could revive the P2, in fact, the P3. It runs well, including D'Addario and Dell'Utri, in a frenzied whirlwind that hides the real problems: school, research, new technologies, health, transport, not to speak of meritocracy and protection of talents.

Of course, as these political handlers for the public depositories of the trust our election as well as administrators of the taxes we pay, these aspects are important. But what is disconcerting is that we do not realize that this product is - consciously or unconsciously - from full vacuum to navigate and political institutions.

In any country of this world shall submit to the characters within it questionable, if not real criminals. In democratic countries is the elective system and administrative structure that must deal with this. Who is able to produce to the people is, who wants to treat only their own personal interests to be at home, "dismissed" by the people in the next election. If the people are not able to act and react, perhaps in the country means that there is more democracy. We must therefore ask ourselves whether or not we are at this level. But if the political decay had destroyed democracy achieved by the sacrifice of millions of Italians, so be it, then, a new Renaissance. Ben is a new Mazzini.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Monday, October 4, 2010

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Island Def Jam In La Internship

Family Parish Family Parish 26/09/2010 03/10/2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010
° of Sunday XXVII in Ordinary Time Readings
Sunday: Ab 1.2 to 3, 2, 2-4, Ps 94, 2 Tim 1,6-8.13-14 , Lk 17, 5-10
Reads S. Francis, Sir 50, 1.3 to 7; Ps 15; Gal 6.14 to 18, from 11.25 to 30 Mt

conversion to Christ by a joyful and carefree youth, Francis takes literally the words of the Gospel and makes his life a poor imitation of Jesus and all intent on doing the will of the Father. In a turnaround that shape and that "Christ took the final seal," as Dante (Paradiso, 11, v.107): "bear the stigmata of Passion in his body "(cf. Gal 6:17). Francis moves away from the ancient and traditional conception of monastic life. He creates a "fraternity" in which Francis is more than a rule, a way of life. The form of holiness lived by Francesco has spread throughout the world and unites all those who put the spirit above the letter first and love of justice. His missionary work, preaching the gospel of peace and well went to the heart of peoples and social classes, often at war with each other. Few men have had so much influence in the society of their time and beyond, as Francis. His optimistic view of creation expressed in the Canticle of Brother Sun, his love for 'madonna Poverty, its evangelical spirit and inherently dynamic and innovative reformer in full adherence to the Church, are living messages for today's world. With St. Catherine of Siena is the main patron of Italy.


Prayer before the Crucifix

O high and glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart
Give me right faith, certain hope, perfect charity and profound humility. Give me, O Lord, wisdom and discernment to make your true and holy will. Amen.

Praises of God Most High

You are holy, Lord God only, who work miracles. You are strong. You are great. You are very high. You are king Almighty, thou Holy Father, King of heaven and earth. You are Three and One, Lord God of gods, You are good, all good, supreme good, Lord God living and true. You are love, charity. You are wisdom. You are humility. You are patient. You are beauty. You are gentleness. You are safe. You are quiet. You are joy and gladness. You are our hope. You are justice. You are temperance. You are all our riches enough. You are beauty. You are gentleness. You are a protector. You are our guardian and defender. You are the fortress. You are cool. You are our hope. You are our faith. You are our charity. You are our full sweetness. You are our eternal life, Great and wonderful Lord, God Almighty, Merciful Saviour.

Greetings to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Hail Lady, Holy Queen, Holy Mother of God, Mary, who art the Virgin made Church

elected by the most holy and heavenly Father, who has anointed you
together with his most holy beloved Son and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, where you was and is all fullness of grace and every good.

Ave, his palace, hail, his tabernacle, hail, his home.
Ave, his attire, hail, his handmaid, hail, his mother.

and greet all you holy virtues,
for grace and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit come infused into the hearts of the faithful believers to unbelievers because God makes them.

Preghiera "Absorbeat"

Rapisca, ti prego, o Signore,
l'ardente e dolce forza del tuo amore la mente mia
da tutte le cose che sono sotto il cielo, perché io muoia per amore dell'amor tuo, come tu ti sei degnato morire per amore dell'amor mio.

settimana dal 3 ottobre al 10 ottobre

domenica 3 settembre
• Ore 16.00, in Cattedrale, assemblea diocesana, in preparazione al Sinodo Diocesano. È invitato in modo particolare il Consiglio Pastorale Parrocchiale.

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, celebrazione della “Memoria del Transito di San Francesco d’Assisi”.

lunedì 4 ottobre
Solennità di San Francesco

• Ore 12.00, sul piazzale antistante la Chiesa, benedizione degli animali.
• Ore 15.30, nel Salone dell’Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 19.00, S. Messa solenne.

martedì 5 settembre
• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo parrocchiale.
• Ore 20.30, nel salone con entrata da P.le Rosmini, incontro con i genitori i cui figli frequentano il catechismo parrocchiale.

mercoledì 6 settembre
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 7 settembre
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.

sabato 9 ottobre
• Nel pomeriggio, incontro dei ragazzi del dopo-cresima.

In occasione della solennità del nostro Padre San Francesco, auguro a tutti i più cari e fraterni auguri a nome della famiglia dei frati: fra Vittorio, fra Gildo, fra Lorenzo e il sottoscritto.
In modo particolare, che l’augurio di Pace nel Signore, sia benedizione per le Sorelle Francescane del Vangelo, per i membri dell’Ordine Francescano Secolare ma anche per tutti coloro che guardano a San Francesco con ammirazione and devotion, as well as the whole parish community.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from October 3 to October 10

Sunday, October 3 8:30 am - According to the intention of the tenderer
10.00 - For assembly
11:30 - Adriano Parenzan
- Marcello
- Manuel
19.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano
- Louis Baiz

Monday, October 4
8.30 - def.te Francesca Fanni
- Raffaele Altomare
19.00 - Antonio Fantini
- Louis Baiz

Tuesday, October 5
8.30 - Oddone
- According to the intention of the tenderer
19:00 - Maria Pia def.ta Margherita (obitus)
- def.ta Chiara Longo
- Louis Baiz

Wednesday, October 6
8.30 - Lorenzo de Lorenzi
19.00 - Family def.ti Cominotti
- Louis Baiz

Thursday, October 7
8.30 - Alberto Biloslavo
19.00 - George and Stephanie def.ti Glavina
- Louis Baiz

Friday, October 8
8.30 - Antonio Sestan
19.00 - Irene def.ta Sai (obitus)
- Louis Baiz

Saturday, October 9
8.30 - def.ta Concetta
Anania - According to the intention of the tenderer
19.00 - Anna def.ta
- def.ti Families and Sfreddo Ukmar
- Louis Baiz

Sunday, October 10
8.30 - Peter Bendagli
- def.ti Paul and Lucia Drius
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Marisa def.ta Ravalico
- def.ti Giugonaz
hours and Rosa Clemente 19:00 - Paolo Perosa
- Louis Baiz