XXIIIrd Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings
Sunday: 11.22 to 12.2 Sap, Sal 144; 2 Th 1.11-2, 2, Lk 19: 1-10
readings of "All Saints": Rev. 7,2-4.9-14, Ps 23, 1 Jn 3.1-3, Matthew 5.1-12a
L 'encounter with Christ
The external gesture of giving, as every human action, is inherently ambiguous. The gift of a man closed in on itself, completely turned to self-assertion is self-interest in disguise. The charity can be many times the coverage of exploitation, rather the means to continue. The gesture Instead of Zacchaeus, which returns four times to those who had cheated and gives half of its assets "to the poor", comes from a "conversion" within, a change of course, happened in the encounter with Jesus met the love and found to be loved, one becomes able to meet others. Looks at them with different eyes, not as subjects to be enjoyed, but as people to love. And that's because he can finally look at himself and his life through the eyes of those to whom he had done wrong. So even money changes direction: the gesture dell'arraffare replaces the act of giving for free. And so the money becomes a prey sign of communion. Christ, now the guest of Zacchaeus, illuminates and interprets this change in the sense of grace and liberation, "Today salvation has come to this house." Christ is truly the evangelization of all: rich and poor. His preference is for the poor, the latter: "He sent me to proclaim good news to the poor." "The salvation wrought by Christ is total and complete. That extends to the whole man and all men, including the release from sin and death and the gradual possession of all that is good and authentically human. The freedom brought by Christ is not only freedom "from" servitude internal and external conditions, but most of all freedom "to" be more, to love, to build peace and communion with God and with men brothers. " The evangelization of the rich exploiters courageous involve the denunciation of their situation and the appeal to a real conversion. Even the rich can become citizens of the kingdom, provided they like Zacchaeus.
The Holiness of God and the sanctity of human
At first, the Bible reserves for Jehovah, the title of "Holy," a word that then had a meaning very close to that of 'sacred' God is' 'Other', so transcendent and so far that the man non può pensare di partecipare alla sua vita. Davanti alla sua santità l’uomo non può provare che rispetto e timore. In una religione di salvezza come quella d’Israele, Dio doveva comunicare la sua santità al popolo, il quale diviene esso pure «altro», manifestando nella sua vita quotidiana, e soprattutto nel suo culto, un comportamento diverso da quello di altri popoli. Ma per attuare questa santità alla quale Dio lo chiamava, il popolo eletto non aveva altro che mezzi legali e pratiche di purificazione esteriore. Gli uomini più impegnati presero ben presto coscienza della insufficienza di tali mezzi, e cercarono la «purezza di cuore» capace di farli partecipi della vita di Dio. Essi posero la loro speranza in a holiness that would be communicated directly from God This longing is fulfilled in Christ, he radiates the holiness of God rests upon him "the Spirit of holiness, and he claims the title of" saint. " In fact it is to sanctify the whole of humanity. Jesus Christ, who became "Sir, it sends its holiness to the Church through the sacraments that bring life to the man of God This doctrine was so alive in the early centuries, the church members did not hesitate to call themselves" saints " and the Church itself was called the "communion of saints." This expression, which are still in the creed has its origins in the Eucharistic Assembly, during which "the saints participate in the "holy things." Christian holiness is, therefore, as a participation in the life of God, which is realized by the means which the Church offers us, especially through the sacraments. Holiness is not the result of human effort that attempts to reach God with his strength, it is a gift of God's divine initiative and human response.
week from October 31 to November 7
Sunday, October 31
• 16.30, the Temple Mount Grisa Marian rosary and expectations of the pastoral year at Mary Mother and Queen. It is an additional service provided by bus from Piazza Oberdan.
• Tonight we have moved to winter. The only change concerns the S. Evening Mass: weekdays, weekends and holidays will be at 18.00.
Monday, November 1 - Solemnity of All Saints
• The time of the Mass is the celebration: 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 and 18.00. • 15:30 pm
, S. Mass in the cemetery, led by the Bishop.
Tuesday, November 2 - Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
• The time of the Holy Mass is as follows: 8.30, 10.00 and 18.00.
Wednesday 3 - Feast of St. Giusto, the patron of Diocesi e della Città
• Ore 10.00, solenne celebrazione in Cattedrale.
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per giovani e adulti.
giovedì 4
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.
• Ore 20.30, Consiglio Pastorale Parrocchiale.
venerdì 5
• Ore 16.30, prove in Chiesa per i Cresimandi.
• Ore 20.30, incontro per i genitori dei Cresimandi.
sabato 6
• Nel pomeriggio, in Oratorio, “Laboratorio Creativo” per i bambini e, negli altri ambienti parrocchiali, incontro adolescenti e ragazzi del dopo-cresima e attività scout.
Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie
Domenica 14 novembre, inizia il cammino del Gruppo Coppie e Famiglie. Ci si ritrova in oratorio, dopo la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, per un momento di formazione, riflessione e preghiera insieme e si conclude con il pranzo al sacco. Possono partecipare sia le famiglie e le coppie giovani, come quelle più “mature”; con figli piccoli o già “sistemati”. L’incontro è rivolto non solo agli sposati, ma anche alle coppie di fatto che desiderano dare un senso cristiano alla loro unione. È garantito il servizio di baby-sitter.
Andrea, pastor
week from October 31 to November 7
Sunday, October 31
8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Families Balbi and Spehar
18.00 - def.ta Lucia Piccini
Monday, November 1
8.30 - Ernesto def.to dead and Family Tirelli
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Renato, Mario and Firmina
- Irma def.ta
18.00 - News def.ta Furlani
- Luciano def.to Scabar
Tuesday, November 2
8.30 - Family def.ti Mullig
10.00 - 18.00
Bendagli def.ti Family - Family def.ti
Antonini - def.ti Novella, Rene, Charles and Mercedes
Wednesday, November 3
8.30 - Final . ta Elida Forty
- def.ti Ida and Joseph Suplina
18.00 - Free def.ti and Margaret Ruzzier
- Elio def.to Climich
Thursday, November 4
8.30 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - def.to Vittorio Gasparini
- def.to Mario Giorgi
- def.ta Chiara Indrigo
Friday, November 5
8.30 - Anna def.ta
- def.to Oddone
hours 18.00 - def.to Mario Giraldi
sabato 6 novembre
ore 8.30 - def.ti Eugenio, Elisabetta e Silvana
- def.ta Maria Ierman
ore 18.00 - def.to Giulio Babini
domenica 7 novembre
ore 8.30 - def.ti Giovanni e Giuseppina
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Francesco e Maria
- def.ta Francesca
ore 18.00 - def.ta Angelica Parenzan
- def.to Vincenzo Indrigo