Sunday, February 27, 2011

Xbox 360 Plug And Play Driver

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133, docking to the ISS, the video!

(Image, credit NASA TV)

SPACE NEWS: - At 2:14 pm EST (20:14 eng) Yesterday the Space Shuttle Discovery STS- 133 has engaged the International Space Station. Two hours later took place the opening of access doors to the station.

After handshakes and welcoming ceremony are now started joint activities.

The Discovery Space Shuttle was the first to engage in a space station, MIR Russia in June 1998 on STS-91. Discovery was also the first to engage the International Space Station on STS-96, May 1999.

An hour before docking the Orbiter performed the operation 'backflip', nine minutes when the Shuttle has rotated 360 degrees to allow the station to resume astronuati high-resolution photos of the shuttle's heat shield American. The images are then analyzed to verify the integrity of the Orbiter.

Just the Shuttle Discovery was the first to perform this maneuver (STS-114), as part of security measures introduced after the Columbia tragedy.

Scheduled for tomorrow, the first of two extravehicular activities (EVA) provided by the mission. In the meantime, let us meet these spectacular video



Access Station


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