Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Uhaul For A Queen Bed?

-2 ATV approaching the International Space Station, the live video! Three years of

(Image, credit Feed ISS)

NEWS ROOM: - As you can see from the photo above the shuttle European ATV-2 Johannes Kepler is Approaching the International Space Station.

Ready to watch in the direct coupling? The appointment is at 16:15 (eng) today with the live video on the ESA website at the following URL

The docking is scheduled at 16:49.

is briefly what is happening now.

Refer to the following image.

(Image, credit ESA ATV Blog)

It all started when ATV-2 reaches the S-1 / 2 (39 km behind the ISS, 5 Km below) and put in "wait mode" waiting for the GO to begin the sequence of automatic rendezvous & docking.

Once the shuttle had GO muove progressivamente verso S0 e poi verso S1 (30 Km dietro, 5 km sotto). In questa fase inizia la navigazione GPS 'relativa', in cui vengono utilizzati i dati GPS letti dai ricevitori GPS sia di ATV-2 stesso che di ISS. Inoltre si attiva anche il collegamento radio di prossimità e la navetta può dialogare direttamente con la ISS.

(Immagine, credit ESA ATV Blog)
A partire dal punto S1 ATV-2 entra nello stato di "homing". A questo punto la navetta si muove mediante una serie di accensioni dei 4 propulsori, fino al punto S2 (-3,5 Km da ISS). Then turn on your outside lights. It also enabled the Russian radar system approach 'Kurs'.

After ATV-2 moves progressively in sections S3, S4 and S41. A S3 (-249 m) are activated and Videometro telegoniometro the final guide.

Point S41, at 11 meters from the station is reached at about 16:40.

And finally do not forget the live video the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 , scheduled to launch tonight at 22:50 (eng) .


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