Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hair Solon Sinks Ontario

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 mission began, the video spectacular!

(Image, credit NASA TV)

NEWS ROOM: - ' The Shuttle has cleared the tower '! The Space Shuttle Discovery left yesterday from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida (KSC, Kennedy Space Center) for what is mission STS-133 supply the International Space Station.

A perfect launch, prodigious as you can see from the video below, though not without some 'Kind of.

The countdown was stopped because the T-5 minutes. A to a computer problem the Air Force Eastern Range (the agency responsible for security and tracking of all space launches in Florida) have raised concerns about a new delay, but it all worked out just on the edge of the launch window is available.

Here's the video

mission STS-133, initially planned for the day November 1, 2010, has suffered several delays. After a series of major repairs the large external tank and even after the replacement of one crew member here that the Discovery finally left for his last trip before the end of the space program Space Shuttle.

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Date un'occhiata anche al seguente video NASA che vuole essere un omaggio al Discovery, l'Orbiter che ha volato nello Spazio piĆ¹ di ogni altro con le sue 38 missioni e 352 giorni trascorsi in orbita per un totale di 5628 orbite effettuate.



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