Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is It Safe To Take Lorazepam After Drinking

Family Parish February 20, 2011

domenica 20 febbraio 2011
VIIa Domenica del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Lv 19,1-2.17-18; Sal 102; 1 Cor 3,16-23; Mt 5,38-48

Dal vangelo secondo Matteo

In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Avete inteso che fu detto: “Occhio per occhio e dente per dente”. Ma io vi dico di non opporvi al malvagio; anzi, se uno ti dà uno schiaffo sulla guancia destra, tu pórgigli anche l’altra, e a chi vuole portarti in tribunale e toglierti la tunica, tu lascia anche il mantello. E se uno ti costringerà ad accompagnarlo per un miglio, tu con lui fanne due. Da’ a chi ti chiede, e a chi desidera da te un prestito non voltare le spalle. Avete inteso che fu detto: “Amerai il tuo prossimo e odierai il tuo nemico”. Ma io vi dico: amate i vostri nemici e pregate per quelli che vi perseguitano, affinché siate figli del Padre vostro che è nei cieli; egli fa sorgere il suo sole sui cattivi e sui buoni, e fa piovere sui giusti e sugli ingiusti. Infatti, se amate quelli che vi amano, quale ricompensa do you have? Do not even the publicans? And if you greet your brethren only, what are you doing than others? Do not even pagans? You, therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. "

O Jesus, forgive me if I just can not follow you. Your words lead me to a height that gives me vertigo. I try to restrict their horizons, because I think that only in the narrow circle of those who love me I find safety and love and instead you brutally widen the space, because you want that love grows and expands to infinity. I believe that the instinct to protect my passionate person has an inalienable right and unrestricted and you affirm instead that this instinct is ambiguous and should be kept an eye on, but it does not become close to each other and violence calls received not more violence. I am perched in the rigid perimeter of justice, but you want to go beyond reason, beyond the question of who should take the first step. For you, it makes no sense to ask: "Whose turn is it?", Nor do I feel comfortable taking refuge behind the "not for me." How do you, O Jesus, not to react to the violent behavior of the evil and greedy? How do I get always to the benefit of others? But your speech, Jesus, and yet it expands it becomes more difficult for me to share and put into practice. You ask them to donate to my questioner, ask for love first, love always, to love even where I find hostility and rejection, of love even the enemy. No, Jesus, you can not love someone who is different from me, who does not have my own tastes, who does not share my ideas.

How can I love who is a source of constant misunderstanding and suffering, who is in front of me in a hostile attitude, who never misses a chance to hurt me with his fierce criticism and meticulous? How do I love the "cunning of the neighborhood, who is unfair, double agent by vocation, who proves to be friendly and smiling in front of me and then stabbed in the back? But all these questions and protests clash against your cross and dissolve like mist in the sun. How dare protest I who crucified with my sins? You love to have you uploaded of my suffering, you bore my pain, you left crush from my iniquity. Only through your wounds to find mercy from the Father. How far from your Gospel, Jesus! Will never convert me? I can not return evil for evil? Will I be able to "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good"?

Fa 'that my life is pervaded by endless and unlimited of the Father, "which makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust." Give me, O Jesus, a heart like yours, like that of the heavenly Father, loving tutti senza limitazione alcuna. Aiutami, o Gesù, a non accettare i bisticci senza fine, a disertare il gioco sterile delle ripicche, a non lasciarmi vincere dall'istinto di vendetta, ma sappia essere, con il mio comportamento, annunciatore di carità e di perdono. Se dovessi essere afferrato dallo scoraggiamento, perché l'impresa mi sembra disperata, allora concedimi il dono di contemplare la croce, che tu hai piantato nel cuore del mondo come una possibilità infinita di riconciliazione. E soprattutto fa' che non dimentichi mai che Dio e il suo amore sono più grandi della cattiveria mia e degli altri, e trovi in questa certezza la forza di amare sempre e comunque.

settimana dal 20 febbraio February 27,

Sunday 20 Monday 21

• 15.30 in Oratorio "evening together" for the elderly

Tuesday 22

• 16.30, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday 23 Thursday 24

• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic adults.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday 25

• 20:30 pm, at the hall entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting boyfriends in preparation for marriage.

Saturday 26

• In the afternoon, meeting the boys.

" Any Other"

I invite you to review the various proposals at the diocesan catechetical, educational and above all as regards the meeting with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, on 7 and 8 May in Aquileia and Mestre. In the folding back of the church you can find all the information needed to participate and support this great event.
Still on the press table, you can take the brochure that describes and explains how to support the church in Italy by signing in the tax return and CUD for the destination x 8 thousand.
the weekly "New Life" has a page with the note of celebration in our church on the Day of the Sick.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from February 20 to February 27

Sunday 20 February

8.30 - def.ti Antonio and Antonia Tirelli
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Anita and Joseph Current
- Francesco Luppi
18.00 - Ferruccio Furlani
Monday 21 February

8.30 - def.ti Vincent and Claudia Vailati
- Lina def.ta Mulic
18.00 - Antonio Vuga
- def.ta Palmira Perosso

Tuesday, February 22

8.30 - Rodolfo and def.ti Rudi
18.00 - def.ta Lydia Bucher
- According to the intention of the tenderer

Wednesday, February 23

8.30 - def.ti Ida and Joseph Suplina
18.00 - Bruno and deceased family Bartole

Thursday, February 24

8.30 - 18.00
Cominotti def.ti family - Maria and Angel Tea def.ti

Friday, February 25

8.30 - Corrado
18:00 - Flavio
Praised - James Dormio

Saturday, February 26th 8.30 - Anthony Longo
18.00 - According to the intention of the tenderer

Sunday, February 27

8.30 - def.ti family Drius
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
18.00 - Alex
Benci - John Tampu

Who wants to help and support the parish in the expenditure ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.


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