Family Parish February 13, 2011 Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Sir 15.15-20, Psalm 118, 1 Cor 2.6 to 10, from 5.17 to 37 Mt
Gospel Matthew
At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the prophets: I am not come to abolish but to fulfill them. In truth I tell you, until you have passed the heavens and the earth, it will not by law even an iota or a sign, until all is accomplished. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these precepts, however minimal, and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. Who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that the ancients were told, "Do not kill", and whoever murders will be brought to trial. But I say to every one who is angry with his brother will be judged. And whoever says to his brother, stupid, it will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, 'You fool, shall be in hell fire. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and there ti ricordi che tuo fratello ha qualche cosa contro di te, lascia lì il tuo dono davanti all'altare e và prima a riconciliarti con il tuo fratello e poi torna ad offrire il tuo dono. Mettiti presto d'accordo con il tuo avversario mentre sei per via con lui, perché l'avversario non ti consegni al giudice e il giudice alla guardia e tu venga gettato in prigione. In verità ti dico: non uscirai di là finché tu non abbia pagato fino all'ultimo spicciolo! Avete inteso che fu detto: "Non commettere adulterio"; ma io vi dico: chiunque guarda una donna per desiderarla, ha già commesso adulterio con lei nel suo cuore. Se il tuo occhio destro ti è occasione di scandalo, càvalo e gettalo via da te: conviene che perisca uno dei tuoi membri, piuttosto che tutto il tuo corpo venga gettato nella Geenna. E se la tua mano destra ti è occasione di scandalo, tàgliala e gettala via da te: conviene che perisca uno dei tuoi membri, piuttosto che tutto il tuo corpo vada a finire nella Geenna. Fu pure detto: "Chi ripudia la propria moglie, le dia l'atto di ripudio"; ma io vi dico: chiunque ripudia sua moglie, eccetto il caso di concubinato, la espone all'adulterio e chiunque sposa una ripudiata, commette adulterio. Avete anche inteso che fu detto agli antichi: "Non spergiurare, ma adempi con il Signore i tuoi giuramenti; ma io vi dico: non giurate affatto: né per il cielo, perché è il trono di Dio; né per la terra, perché è lo sgabello per his feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king. Do not swear by your head, because you do not have the power to make one hair white or black. Let your speech be yes, yes, no, no more than this comes from evil ".
From the mountain, where thou, O Jesus, you have proclaimed the new law of the kingdom of God, are rolled down words rough and heavy as boulders. A heavy thud dry and the water of the pond of my mediocrity and hypocrisy has been followed by tremors and unusual took to boil. Those yours "but I tell you ..." rocked my respectability and my certainties, my comfortable accommodation and my laborious compromise. Those your words mark the transition from the legalism of the law of love, by respecting the tradition of the old to the new Justice of the Kingdom. It is the madness of the cross which triumphs over common sense, risk is the exciting adventure of your gospel that won human wisdom. Those your words do not abolish the law but they are the fulfillment of the supreme perfection of love, a love whose only measure is to have no measure. Those your "but", or Jesus, sealed with a thud in the pond of my habits and my honesty cheap, have dropped the mask that hid my true face, tore off the bandages that covered my hypocrisy and have come to light sores. Così sono stato costretto a guardare le mie mani e ho scoperto che erano macchiate dal sangue dei fratelli, perché si può uccidere anche con la lingua. Quelle tue parole mi hanno fatto comprendere che ogni volta che mi sono accostato all'altare senza aver prima perdonato il fratello sono stato un profanatore del tempio. Quelle tue parole mi hanno fatto scoprire che i pensieri, anche quelli più reconditi, sporcano. Ti confesso, o Gesù, che sono spaventato vedendo come tu conosci tutte le pieghe del mio cuore e metti a nudo i miei sentimenti, le mie debolezze e le mie paure. Però, in fondo in fondo, sono contento di essere conosciuto da te in questo modo, perché so che tu sei mio amico e mi vuoi bene fino al punto da morire in croce. “Avete heard it said ... ". Yes, O Jesus, I have heard too many things, I've heard too many false teachers, I learned too many tricks, because the Gospel does not disturb my sleep. Help me not to be afraid of your gospel, to surrender unconditionally to the newness of your love. Forgive me, Lord, to defend my false calm, I tried to tame and soften your words. Your "but" I opposed my "but", the "but" of mediocrity and of the calculations, "but" the pettiness of my fear of going all the way, the "but" what I call preclude "prudence" and "healthy realism". O Jesus, You are the light of the world, enlightens, please, the dark corners of my heart with the splendor of your word, give me a clear vision of my misery with a great trust in your mercy. I do not trust in my strength, but in your goodness and the gift of your Spirit. Open to me the joy of your truth, for love and love to accomplish even the smallest commandment of thy law. Fa 'that my soul is pervaded by endless and unlimited of the Father, "which makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust." Fa 'that really cares about the welfare of others and the continuing disappointments do not make me fall indifferent or' hostility. The certainty that God and his love are the greatest evil, myself and others, give me the strength to love always.
week from February 13 to February 20
Sunday 13
• During S. 10:00 am Mass, I remember the wedding anniversary. We will celebrate all the couples who in 2011 celebrate 35, 40, 45, 50 and subsequent years of marriage. Followed by a toast in the living room oratory.
Monday 14
• 15:30 pm, in Oratory "afternoon together" for the elderly
Tuesday 15
• At 16.30, catechism classes for children and teens.
Wednesday 16
• At the end of S. 18:00 am Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.
Thursday 17
• 9.00 am, meeting of the S. Vincent parish.
• At 18.00, the Secular Franciscan Order meeting.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Friday 18
• At 20.30, in the hall with entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting for engaged couples preparing for marriage.
Saturday 19
• In the afternoon, meeting the boys.
Fra Andrew, pastor
week from February 13 to February 20
Sunday, February 13
8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Mario Gildo Drius
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Catherine and Michael
18.00 - Pasquale Palmiero
Monday, February 14
8.30 - def.ta Giuseppina Scabar
18.00 - Pasquale Palmiero
- def.ta Olga Peric
Tuesday 15 February
8.30 - Giovanni Mastrangelo
- Maria def.ta
- Corrado
18.00 - Carmine Capasso (obitus)
Wednesday, February 16
8.30 - def.ti Attilio and Amelia
Petronio - According to the offeror's intentions
18.00 - for the souls in Purgatory
Thursday, February 17
hours 8.30 - def.ti Spartacus and Marino Auteri
- def.ti Amedeo and Giuseppina
18.00 - Hilary Zennaro
- def.te Laura and Livia
Friday, February 18
8.30 - Massimo of Blacks
- def.ti Michele, Michelina, and Angela Amedeo
Lucchi Easter
18.00 - Mimi def.ta Borzì
- James Dormio
Saturday, February 19
8.30 - Juliet def.ta Antonini
18.00 - Benito
Barbaro - def.ta Filomena Carvo
Sunday, February 20
8.30 - def.ti Antonio and Antonia Tirelli
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 am - def.ti Anita and Joseph Current
- Francesco Luppi
18.00 - Ferruccio Furlani
Who wants to help and support the parish in the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management , can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord be the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.