Monday, February 28, 2011

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Virgin Galactic announces its first contract in the world to send researchers into suborbital space on their flights

(Image, Credit Virgin Galactic)

SPACE NEWS: - not only for business tourism as a sub-orbital space flight, Virgin Galactic. The company of Sir Richard Branson has announced today that it has concluded the first contract in the world to fly into space scientists with the aim to perform scientific experiments.

The contract was signed between Virgin Galactic and the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) to conduct experiments in microgravity (biology, climate, astronomy).

SwRI has already "booked" two places for the next sub-orbital space flight, Virgin Galactic. The agreement providing for 6 more, for a total cost of 1.6 M USD.

SwRI is an independent nonprofit research and development in applied engineering and physical sciences. He has more than 3000 employees engaged in activities for both industrial and government customers.
addition to bringing and conduct scientific experiments developed internally SwRI also plans to assist other American scientific institutions who have no experience of space flight to create and fly their payload sub-orbital missions and their staff.

The words of George Whitesides, President and CEO of Virgin Galactic: "This agreement marks the enormous scientific potential of the Virgin spaceflight system. Virgin Galactic will be able to offer space flights to researchers that are unprecedented in frequency and cost ...".

It 's the turn of Dr.Alan Stern, associate vice president of SwRI's Space Division and former NASA Associate Administrator for Science: "We are very excited about SwRI this agreement. Initially, two of our payload specialists will fly with Virgin Galactic to conduct biomedical monitoring, image detection and atmospheric experiments in microgravity on planetary regolith ...".

Data Source, Virgin Galactic.

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Launch of a new Russian Glonass satellite, photos and video!

AREA NEWS : - recall the failed launch of the Russian last December of three Glonass-M satellites that have completed the constellation to provide global satellite navigation sevices.

This time things went as planned. Last Saturday it was successfully launched a new satellite Glonass-K from Russian Plesetsk space center on board a Soyuz-2.

Glonass-K has an operational lifetime of 10 years. It is able to send five navigation signals, four bands L1 and L2, and a bank in the "civilized" L3.

For global coverage, the Glonass constellation must have 24 operational satellites plus some backup.

Currently, Russia has 22.

A new launch three Glonass-M is expected later this year.

Below is the video of the launch

Pictures, Roscosmos credit.

Source data Ria Novosti .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133, docking to the ISS, the video!

(Image, credit NASA TV)

SPACE NEWS: - At 2:14 pm EST (20:14 eng) Yesterday the Space Shuttle Discovery STS- 133 has engaged the International Space Station. Two hours later took place the opening of access doors to the station.

After handshakes and welcoming ceremony are now started joint activities.

The Discovery Space Shuttle was the first to engage in a space station, MIR Russia in June 1998 on STS-91. Discovery was also the first to engage the International Space Station on STS-96, May 1999.

An hour before docking the Orbiter performed the operation 'backflip', nine minutes when the Shuttle has rotated 360 degrees to allow the station to resume astronuati high-resolution photos of the shuttle's heat shield American. The images are then analyzed to verify the integrity of the Orbiter.

Just the Shuttle Discovery was the first to perform this maneuver (STS-114), as part of security measures introduced after the Columbia tragedy.

Scheduled for tomorrow, the first of two extravehicular activities (EVA) provided by the mission. In the meantime, let us meet these spectacular video



Access Station

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Madam Alexander Dolls Craigs List

Family parish of February 27, 2011

domenica 27 febbraio 2011
VIIIa Domenica del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Is 49,14-15; Sal 61; 1 Cor 4,1-5; Mt 6,24-34

Dal vangelo secondo Matteo

In quel tempo Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Nessuno può servire due padroni, perché o odierà l’uno e amerà l’altro, oppure si affezionerà all’uno e disprezzerà l’altro. Non potete servire Dio e la ricchezza.
Perciò io vi I say do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, nor about your body, what you wear, maybe life is not worth more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Not much better than they are worth? And which of you, as you worry, can extend their lives even a little? And the dress, why do you bother? Observe how the lilies of the field neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. Now, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow flows into the oven, will not do much more to you, O ye of little faith?
Do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? ". Of all these things go in search of the pagans. Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need. Instead, try, first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its'.

Blessed are you, O Jesus, because every day you come to visit me and give me the goodness in your salvation.
With great mercy you lean on me and I'm taking care of my life,
avvelenata dalle ansie organizzative, dai bisogni indotti e dalle paure.
Con tenerezza infinita tu mi sussurri: "Non affannarti, non agitarti ... Guarda gli uccelli del cielo: non seminano, non mietono, non raccolgono nei granai,
eppure il Padre celeste si prende cura di loro e li nutre. Osserva lo splendore dei gigli dei campi: neppure Salomone vestiva così; è il Padre celeste che li veste. Ricorda che tu vali più di loro!".

È vero, Gesù, è la Provvidenza di Dio Padre la fonte di quella serenità e fiducia che tanto cerco. Tu che mi comandi di cercare prima di tutto il regno di Dio e la sua giustizia, liberami, ti prego, dalla frenesia dell'efficientismo e dalla ricerca affannosa material security.
Why, O Jesus, I care and I get upset when you know? You, you do not ever forget me. Increase my faith in you, is' that it is always firmly clinging to the only true wealth, which is your love.

Allow me, please, the heart of a child who, beyond all words, beyond any declaration of love, you know to be loved by you and does not hesitate even for a moment that your providence to my existing provision needs.
Teach me to put your feet every earthly concern, give me a heart free only to take care of you, your kingdom and your righteousness.
Forgive me all the time lost in vain calculations, during which I was deprived of your watchful eye, and I lost the certainty that your love will never fail.

Illumina, O Jesus, with the wisdom of the Gospel to my heart, to understand that my anxiety and agitation will arise from the contradictory things, by standing with your feet up two brackets: to serve you and seek security in tangible property, practice faith in God and entrust the future to "Mammon". Thank you, Jesus, so with your help, I see that every time I give absolute value to what is relative, I am regularly disappointed, though I believe that the accumulation of goods may saziarmi, I get an empty soul unbearable, if I seek joy in the possession, food fear of losing what I think is essential to happiness.
Help me bring all my desires under the guidance of your will.
Grant me the grace to be able to unite my heart with joy and give it to you, who are the Way, the Truth and the Life.

week from February 27 to March 6

Monday 28

• 15.30 in Oratorio "evening together" for the elderly

• Tuesday, 1 16.30, catechism for children and teens.

Thursday 3

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday 4

• At 20.30, in the hall with entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting for engaged couples preparing for marriage.

"Any Other"

I invite you to review the various proposals at the diocesan catechetical, educational and above all as regards the meeting with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, on 7 and 8 May in Aquileia and Mestre. In the folding back of the church you can find all the information needed to participate and support this great event.
Also on the table of the press, you can take the brochure that describes and explains how to support the church in Italy by signing the statement of income and CUD to the destination x 8 thousand.


Tuesday, March 8 at 16:00 in the hall of the Oratory, carnival for children.

Lenten Pilgrimage

Sunday, March 20, the second Sunday of Lent, there will be a Lenten pilgrimage to Chiampo. The participation fee is € 40.00, including the cost of the bus and lunch. Registrations in the sacristy or parish office.

Of Andrea, pastor

week of February 27 March 6

Sunday, February 27

8.30 - def.ti family Drius
- Salvador and family def.ti Sorbello
- Justo and family def.ti Sonce
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 18.00
def.ta Ada Petti - Alex
Benci - John Tampu

Monday, February 28

8.30 - Grace def.ta Tosolini
- Peter Savron
18.00 - for the souls in Purgatory

Tuesday, March 1

8.30 - Ernesto and family def.ti Tirelli
18.00 - def.ta News Furlani

Wednesday, March 2

ore 8.30 - Secondo l’intenzione dell’offerente
ore 18.00 - def.ta Wanda Pocecco

giovedì 3 marzo

ore 8.30 - Mario Lucchini
ore 18.00 - def.ta Elida Quarantotto
- def.ta Giovanna Valentini
- def.ta Giuseppina Lagreca

venerdì 4 marzo

ore 8.30 - Alighieri Bonetti
- def.ti Mario e Ada Petti
ore 18.00 - Antonino Franca
- Giacomo Dormio

sabato 5 marzo

ore 8.30 - Oddone
- def.ti Nella e Silvio Pelosi
ore 18.00 - def.ta Clementina Bon
- def.ti Antonio e Palmira Perossa

domenica 6 marzo

ore 8.30 - def.ta Edda Boscolo
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ta Annamaria Rizzian
- def.ti Eugenio, Elisa e Silvana
- Gino De Mattia
ore 18.00 - Mario Pes
- def.ti Valerio e Marianna Pistrini

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 mission began, the video spectacular!

(Image, credit NASA TV)

NEWS ROOM: - ' The Shuttle has cleared the tower '! The Space Shuttle Discovery left yesterday from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida (KSC, Kennedy Space Center) for what is mission STS-133 supply the International Space Station.

A perfect launch, prodigious as you can see from the video below, though not without some 'Kind of.

The countdown was stopped because the T-5 minutes. A to a computer problem the Air Force Eastern Range (the agency responsible for security and tracking of all space launches in Florida) have raised concerns about a new delay, but it all worked out just on the edge of the launch window is available.

Here's the video

mission STS-133, initially planned for the day November 1, 2010, has suffered several delays. After a series of major repairs the large external tank and even after the replacement of one crew member here that the Discovery finally left for his last trip before the end of the space program Space Shuttle.

Andate alla sezione ' Shuttle ' del blog per sapere tutti i dettagli dei mesi scorsi, al seguente URL

Date un'occhiata anche al seguente video NASA che vuole essere un omaggio al Discovery, l'Orbiter che ha volato nello Spazio più di ogni altro con le sue 38 missioni e 352 giorni trascorsi in orbita per un totale di 5628 orbite effettuate.


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ATV-2 Johannes Kepler arrived on the International Space Station, docking of the video!

(Picture, credit ESA)

NEWS ROOM: - Engagement perfect! At 17:08 hours today, 24 February 2011 the Italian Johannes Kepler ATV-2, the second copy of the shuttle the European ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle), was attached to the form Zvedza the International Space Station after a trip started last Thursday by the European spaceport in Kourou in French Guyana .

The approach and docking of the ATV-2 occurred automatically, although monitored by the Control Centre in Toulouse and by astronauts aboard the station.
Below you have the video of the docking

great satisfaction in ESA where Simonetta di Pippo, Director for Human Spaceflight, said that with the docking of today "... Johannes Kepler proves to be a great example of the wave of innovation 'made in Europe'. We are ready as ever to enter an era of autonomy in ' space exploration. Thanks to its flexibility, we can think of a great variety of new spacecraft. ATV could evolve into a vehicle space can return to Earth [see here] to support future exploration missions and orbital infrastructure, transporting people and supplies into orbit ...".

In the next hours the astronauts aboard the ISS will open the door of ATV-2 and enter inside to "take over" the station and load 1760 kg of supplies (including food, clothes and various equipment.) will be pumped to 860 kg and 100 kg of propellant oxygen tanks inside the Zvezda module.

And after Japanese HTV-2, ATV-2 Europe is now the turn of the Americano Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 , leaving tonight at 22:50 (eng) from NASA Kennedy Space Center.

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-2 ATV approaching the International Space Station, the live video! Three years of

(Image, credit Feed ISS)

NEWS ROOM: - As you can see from the photo above the shuttle European ATV-2 Johannes Kepler is Approaching the International Space Station.

Ready to watch in the direct coupling? The appointment is at 16:15 (eng) today with the live video on the ESA website at the following URL

The docking is scheduled at 16:49.

is briefly what is happening now.

Refer to the following image.

(Image, credit ESA ATV Blog)

It all started when ATV-2 reaches the S-1 / 2 (39 km behind the ISS, 5 Km below) and put in "wait mode" waiting for the GO to begin the sequence of automatic rendezvous & docking.

Once the shuttle had GO muove progressivamente verso S0 e poi verso S1 (30 Km dietro, 5 km sotto). In questa fase inizia la navigazione GPS 'relativa', in cui vengono utilizzati i dati GPS letti dai ricevitori GPS sia di ATV-2 stesso che di ISS. Inoltre si attiva anche il collegamento radio di prossimità e la navetta può dialogare direttamente con la ISS.

(Immagine, credit ESA ATV Blog)
A partire dal punto S1 ATV-2 entra nello stato di "homing". A questo punto la navetta si muove mediante una serie di accensioni dei 4 propulsori, fino al punto S2 (-3,5 Km da ISS). Then turn on your outside lights. It also enabled the Russian radar system approach 'Kurs'.

After ATV-2 moves progressively in sections S3, S4 and S41. A S3 (-249 m) are activated and Videometro telegoniometro the final guide.

Point S41, at 11 meters from the station is reached at about 16:40.

And finally do not forget the live video the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 , scheduled to launch tonight at 22:50 (eng) .

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Family Parish February 20, 2011

domenica 20 febbraio 2011
VIIa Domenica del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Lv 19,1-2.17-18; Sal 102; 1 Cor 3,16-23; Mt 5,38-48

Dal vangelo secondo Matteo

In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Avete inteso che fu detto: “Occhio per occhio e dente per dente”. Ma io vi dico di non opporvi al malvagio; anzi, se uno ti dà uno schiaffo sulla guancia destra, tu pórgigli anche l’altra, e a chi vuole portarti in tribunale e toglierti la tunica, tu lascia anche il mantello. E se uno ti costringerà ad accompagnarlo per un miglio, tu con lui fanne due. Da’ a chi ti chiede, e a chi desidera da te un prestito non voltare le spalle. Avete inteso che fu detto: “Amerai il tuo prossimo e odierai il tuo nemico”. Ma io vi dico: amate i vostri nemici e pregate per quelli che vi perseguitano, affinché siate figli del Padre vostro che è nei cieli; egli fa sorgere il suo sole sui cattivi e sui buoni, e fa piovere sui giusti e sugli ingiusti. Infatti, se amate quelli che vi amano, quale ricompensa do you have? Do not even the publicans? And if you greet your brethren only, what are you doing than others? Do not even pagans? You, therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. "

O Jesus, forgive me if I just can not follow you. Your words lead me to a height that gives me vertigo. I try to restrict their horizons, because I think that only in the narrow circle of those who love me I find safety and love and instead you brutally widen the space, because you want that love grows and expands to infinity. I believe that the instinct to protect my passionate person has an inalienable right and unrestricted and you affirm instead that this instinct is ambiguous and should be kept an eye on, but it does not become close to each other and violence calls received not more violence. I am perched in the rigid perimeter of justice, but you want to go beyond reason, beyond the question of who should take the first step. For you, it makes no sense to ask: "Whose turn is it?", Nor do I feel comfortable taking refuge behind the "not for me." How do you, O Jesus, not to react to the violent behavior of the evil and greedy? How do I get always to the benefit of others? But your speech, Jesus, and yet it expands it becomes more difficult for me to share and put into practice. You ask them to donate to my questioner, ask for love first, love always, to love even where I find hostility and rejection, of love even the enemy. No, Jesus, you can not love someone who is different from me, who does not have my own tastes, who does not share my ideas.

How can I love who is a source of constant misunderstanding and suffering, who is in front of me in a hostile attitude, who never misses a chance to hurt me with his fierce criticism and meticulous? How do I love the "cunning of the neighborhood, who is unfair, double agent by vocation, who proves to be friendly and smiling in front of me and then stabbed in the back? But all these questions and protests clash against your cross and dissolve like mist in the sun. How dare protest I who crucified with my sins? You love to have you uploaded of my suffering, you bore my pain, you left crush from my iniquity. Only through your wounds to find mercy from the Father. How far from your Gospel, Jesus! Will never convert me? I can not return evil for evil? Will I be able to "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good"?

Fa 'that my life is pervaded by endless and unlimited of the Father, "which makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust." Give me, O Jesus, a heart like yours, like that of the heavenly Father, loving tutti senza limitazione alcuna. Aiutami, o Gesù, a non accettare i bisticci senza fine, a disertare il gioco sterile delle ripicche, a non lasciarmi vincere dall'istinto di vendetta, ma sappia essere, con il mio comportamento, annunciatore di carità e di perdono. Se dovessi essere afferrato dallo scoraggiamento, perché l'impresa mi sembra disperata, allora concedimi il dono di contemplare la croce, che tu hai piantato nel cuore del mondo come una possibilità infinita di riconciliazione. E soprattutto fa' che non dimentichi mai che Dio e il suo amore sono più grandi della cattiveria mia e degli altri, e trovi in questa certezza la forza di amare sempre e comunque.

settimana dal 20 febbraio February 27,

Sunday 20 Monday 21

• 15.30 in Oratorio "evening together" for the elderly

Tuesday 22

• 16.30, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday 23 Thursday 24

• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic adults.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday 25

• 20:30 pm, at the hall entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting boyfriends in preparation for marriage.

Saturday 26

• In the afternoon, meeting the boys.

" Any Other"

I invite you to review the various proposals at the diocesan catechetical, educational and above all as regards the meeting with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, on 7 and 8 May in Aquileia and Mestre. In the folding back of the church you can find all the information needed to participate and support this great event.
Still on the press table, you can take the brochure that describes and explains how to support the church in Italy by signing in the tax return and CUD for the destination x 8 thousand.
the weekly "New Life" has a page with the note of celebration in our church on the Day of the Sick.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from February 20 to February 27

Sunday 20 February

8.30 - def.ti Antonio and Antonia Tirelli
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Anita and Joseph Current
- Francesco Luppi
18.00 - Ferruccio Furlani
Monday 21 February

8.30 - def.ti Vincent and Claudia Vailati
- Lina def.ta Mulic
18.00 - Antonio Vuga
- def.ta Palmira Perosso

Tuesday, February 22

8.30 - Rodolfo and def.ti Rudi
18.00 - def.ta Lydia Bucher
- According to the intention of the tenderer

Wednesday, February 23

8.30 - def.ti Ida and Joseph Suplina
18.00 - Bruno and deceased family Bartole

Thursday, February 24

8.30 - 18.00
Cominotti def.ti family - Maria and Angel Tea def.ti

Friday, February 25

8.30 - Corrado
18:00 - Flavio
Praised - James Dormio

Saturday, February 26th 8.30 - Anthony Longo
18.00 - According to the intention of the tenderer

Sunday, February 27

8.30 - def.ti family Drius
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
18.00 - Alex
Benci - John Tampu

Who wants to help and support the parish in the expenditure ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The Moon and the visible hand in his spectacular high resolution pictures of the LRO spacecraft

(Immagine, credit NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University)

NEWS SPAZIO :- Per due settimane durante il dicembre scorso la sonda americana Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) è rimasta posizionata con "i suoi occhi" puntati verso il basso (nadir). La LRO-Camera WAC (Wide Angle Camera) ha così ripreso uno dei più bei mosaici del lato visibile della Luna.

Sono così state scattate più di 1300 fotografie ad altissima risoluzione che composte insieme hanno dato le fantastiche immagini che vedete in questo post.

Below you identified the major lunar craters.

(Image, credit NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University)

WAC to map the entire lunar surface in about a month, in 7 lengths' wave. While all things small (it weighs just 900 grams and would hand all in one) is extremely powerful. You see below

(Image, credit M. Robinson)

Keep in mind that the length of the white arrow on the right side of the photo is only 15.5 cm.
Go directly to the following URL to zoom image of 24,000 x 24,000 pixels (resolution 145m/pixel)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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galaxy NGC 2841, fantastic images and video, by Hubble!

(Image, credit NASA, ESA, and Z. Levay (Hubble Heritage Team / STScI)

NEWS ROOM: - Forty-six million light years. Try to think of how far can such a distance, in space and time (later to calculate how many miles is).

Down the Hubble Space Telescope has captured this beautiful picture of the spiral galaxy NGC 2841 , belonging to the constellation Ursa Major.

The instrument used is the edge of a new camera 3 WFC (Wide Field Camera 3) , for a total exposure time of 2 hours, between 5 and 7 January 2010.

four different filters were used with wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to near-infrared through the visible band.

Click on the photo to see it at its full resolution. Below its url

There is also a great video

Now let's try to calculate how many kilometers are 46 million light years

46 million years light

= 46,000,000 x 365 days = light
46,000,000 x 365 x 24 hours = light
46,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 minutes = light
46,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 / 2 = light
46,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 km x 300,000 =

435,196,800,000,000,000,000 kilometers, that is a bit 'more of 435 billion billion miles.

From gasp, no?

Source data HubbleSite .

Monday, February 21, 2011

Whats A Intermediate Goal

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 ready to go, launch date confirmed!

(Image, credit NASA / Jack Pfaller)

NEWS ROOM: - was held on 18 February, the Flight Readiness Review (FRR), meeting Manager of NASA and various contractors in which been analyzed the status of the Space Shuttle Discovery ready to start declaring for the STS-133 supply the International Space Station.

After careful analysis of the activities and tests carried out in recent weeks, the launch date was confirmed for Thursday 24th February at 4:50 PM EST (22:50 Italian time).

After intensive repairs to the large external tank and a change in the crew, the Discovery is now finally ready. Below is a description of the mission

Meanwhile, Discovery is expected at Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The countdown will begin next Monday at 21:00 Italian time.

Here is the YouTube video of the press conference of the FRR


Monday, February 14, 2011

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Family Parish February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Sir 15.15-20, Psalm 118, 1 Cor 2.6 to 10, from 5.17 to 37 Mt

Gospel Matthew

At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the prophets: I am not come to abolish but to fulfill them. In truth I tell you, until you have passed the heavens and the earth, it will not by law even an iota or a sign, until all is accomplished. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these precepts, however minimal, and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. Who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that the ancients were told, "Do not kill", and whoever murders will be brought to trial. But I say to every one who is angry with his brother will be judged. And whoever says to his brother, stupid, it will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, 'You fool, shall be in hell fire. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and there ti ricordi che tuo fratello ha qualche cosa contro di te, lascia lì il tuo dono davanti all'altare e và prima a riconciliarti con il tuo fratello e poi torna ad offrire il tuo dono. Mettiti presto d'accordo con il tuo avversario mentre sei per via con lui, perché l'avversario non ti consegni al giudice e il giudice alla guardia e tu venga gettato in prigione. In verità ti dico: non uscirai di là finché tu non abbia pagato fino all'ultimo spicciolo! Avete inteso che fu detto: "Non commettere adulterio"; ma io vi dico: chiunque guarda una donna per desiderarla, ha già commesso adulterio con lei nel suo cuore. Se il tuo occhio destro ti è occasione di scandalo, càvalo e gettalo via da te: conviene che perisca uno dei tuoi membri, piuttosto che tutto il tuo corpo venga gettato nella Geenna. E se la tua mano destra ti è occasione di scandalo, tàgliala e gettala via da te: conviene che perisca uno dei tuoi membri, piuttosto che tutto il tuo corpo vada a finire nella Geenna. Fu pure detto: "Chi ripudia la propria moglie, le dia l'atto di ripudio"; ma io vi dico: chiunque ripudia sua moglie, eccetto il caso di concubinato, la espone all'adulterio e chiunque sposa una ripudiata, commette adulterio. Avete anche inteso che fu detto agli antichi: "Non spergiurare, ma adempi con il Signore i tuoi giuramenti; ma io vi dico: non giurate affatto: né per il cielo, perché è il trono di Dio; né per la terra, perché è lo sgabello per his feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king. Do not swear by your head, because you do not have the power to make one hair white or black. Let your speech be yes, yes, no, no more than this comes from evil ".

From the mountain, where thou, O Jesus, you have proclaimed the new law of the kingdom of God, are rolled down words rough and heavy as boulders. A heavy thud dry and the water of the pond of my mediocrity and hypocrisy has been followed by tremors and unusual took to boil. Those yours "but I tell you ..." rocked my respectability and my certainties, my comfortable accommodation and my laborious compromise. Those your words mark the transition from the legalism of the law of love, by respecting the tradition of the old to the new Justice of the Kingdom. It is the madness of the cross which triumphs over common sense, risk is the exciting adventure of your gospel that won human wisdom. Those your words do not abolish the law but they are the fulfillment of the supreme perfection of love, a love whose only measure is to have no measure. Those your "but", or Jesus, sealed with a thud in the pond of my habits and my honesty cheap, have dropped the mask that hid my true face, tore off the bandages that covered my hypocrisy and have come to light sores. Così sono stato costretto a guardare le mie mani e ho scoperto che erano macchiate dal sangue dei fratelli, perché si può uccidere anche con la lingua. Quelle tue parole mi hanno fatto comprendere che ogni volta che mi sono accostato all'altare senza aver prima perdonato il fratello sono stato un profanatore del tempio. Quelle tue parole mi hanno fatto scoprire che i pensieri, anche quelli più reconditi, sporcano. Ti confesso, o Gesù, che sono spaventato vedendo come tu conosci tutte le pieghe del mio cuore e metti a nudo i miei sentimenti, le mie debolezze e le mie paure. Però, in fondo in fondo, sono contento di essere conosciuto da te in questo modo, perché so che tu sei mio amico e mi vuoi bene fino al punto da morire in croce. “Avete heard it said ... ". Yes, O Jesus, I have heard too many things, I've heard too many false teachers, I learned too many tricks, because the Gospel does not disturb my sleep. Help me not to be afraid of your gospel, to surrender unconditionally to the newness of your love. Forgive me, Lord, to defend my false calm, I tried to tame and soften your words. Your "but" I opposed my "but", the "but" of mediocrity and of the calculations, "but" the pettiness of my fear of going all the way, the "but" what I call preclude "prudence" and "healthy realism". O Jesus, You are the light of the world, enlightens, please, the dark corners of my heart with the splendor of your word, give me a clear vision of my misery with a great trust in your mercy. I do not trust in my strength, but in your goodness and the gift of your Spirit. Open to me the joy of your truth, for love and love to accomplish even the smallest commandment of thy law. Fa 'that my soul is pervaded by endless and unlimited of the Father, "which makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust." Fa 'that really cares about the welfare of others and the continuing disappointments do not make me fall indifferent or' hostility. The certainty that God and his love are the greatest evil, myself and others, give me the strength to love always.

week from February 13 to February 20

Sunday 13

• During S. 10:00 am Mass, I remember the wedding anniversary. We will celebrate all the couples who in 2011 celebrate 35, 40, 45, 50 and subsequent years of marriage. Followed by a toast in the living room oratory.

Monday 14

• 15:30 pm, in Oratory "afternoon together" for the elderly

Tuesday 15

• At 16.30, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday 16

• At the end of S. 18:00 am Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday 17

• 9.00 am, meeting of the S. Vincent parish.
• At 18.00, the Secular Franciscan Order meeting.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday 18

• At 20.30, in the hall with entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting for engaged couples preparing for marriage.

Saturday 19

• In the afternoon, meeting the boys.

Fra Andrew, pastor

week from February 13 to February 20

Sunday, February 13

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Mario Gildo Drius
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Catherine and Michael
18.00 - Pasquale Palmiero

Monday, February 14

8.30 - def.ta Giuseppina Scabar
18.00 - Pasquale Palmiero
- def.ta Olga Peric

Tuesday 15 February

8.30 - Giovanni Mastrangelo
- Maria def.ta
- Corrado
18.00 - Carmine Capasso (obitus)

Wednesday, February 16

8.30 - def.ti Attilio and Amelia
Petronio - According to the offeror's intentions
18.00 - for the souls in Purgatory

Thursday, February 17

hours 8.30 - def.ti Spartacus and Marino Auteri
- def.ti Amedeo and Giuseppina
18.00 - Hilary Zennaro
- def.te Laura and Livia

Friday, February 18

8.30 - Massimo of Blacks
- def.ti Michele, Michelina, and Angela Amedeo
Lucchi Easter
18.00 - Mimi def.ta Borzì
- James Dormio

Saturday, February 19

8.30 - Juliet def.ta Antonini
18.00 - Benito
Barbaro - def.ta Filomena Carvo

Sunday, February 20

8.30 - def.ti Antonio and Antonia Tirelli
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 am - def.ti Anita and Joseph Current
- Francesco Luppi
18.00 - Ferruccio Furlani

Who wants to help and support the parish in the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management , can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord be the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baby Footprint With Wings Tattoo

Family Parish

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Isaiah 58.7-10, Ps 111, 1 Cor 2.1 to 5; Mt 5:13-16

Gospel Matthew

At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be salted? A good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled by the people.
You are the light of the world can not be hidden is a city on a hill or turn on a lamp puts it under a bushel, but on the lamp, and so does light to all in the house. So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. "

You are the salt of the earth, are the ones who bring out
and retain what is good in the world, freeing it from all deposits
of evil and negativity. You are the light of the world, you're like a candle that is placed on the lamp stand to give light to all those who are at home.
You are a city set on a hill, directing and pointing the way
to all those who are in the valley. Do not you think, Jesus, to put excessive trust in us, your followers today?

You read in my heart, I know the doubts that assail.
You see I am tainted with weakness and fragility, making my way
slow and laborious,
sometimes I even take away the joy and the desire to come after you.

Once again, with infinite patience and gentleness, I repeat that I'm just a useless servant, are not and will never rise to the occasion.
is not for me to save the world or
I have to load all the weight on my shoulders.
Salvation is your work, the result of your death and resurrection.
The kingdom of God is a free gift and does not depend on the willingness
or exertion, but on God who has mercy " (Rom 2:16).

You, Jesus, You are the true light that enlightens every man, I just have to reflect it.
I have to be like the moon, which shines its light, but
is illuminated by the sun.
Like the glass of a window, letting the sun's rays,
fills the house with light and heat, so I have to let
the light of God that the world will be filled.
O Jesus, help me to be your disciple, without bothering to look
or distressed because they are alone.

's true identity can not be hidden, even if it does nothing to be seen. A burning candle does not bother to enlighten, simply burn e, bruciando, illumina. Il vero problema è quello di essere acceso,
ossia essere innamorato di te,avvinto dalla tua presenza,
vivere da figlio di Dio e fratello tra fratelli, come hai fatto tu.

Perdonami, Signore, perché spesso non ti ho reso testimonianza,
ma ho nascosto la mia fede sotto il moggio dei miei opportunismi.
Quante volte sono stato come il sale che ha perso il suo sapore,
perché non ho accolto il messaggio delle tue beatitudini,
non sono stato povero, mite e puro di cuore,
non ho vissuto la mia vita in amore e umiltà.

Liberami dalla tentazione dei grossi numeri,
dei conteggi entusiastici delle folle.
Fa’ che non stia a lamentarmi se mi sembra
di essere solo a venire dietro a te,
se avverto la sensazione di non contare nulla,
di essere piccola, esigua minoranza.
Rendimi disponibile ad essere
il pizzico di sale che si perde nella pasta del mondo,
per dare senso e significato alla vita degli uomini;
la piccola luce che affronta l'oscurità della notte,
pur di rendere ragione della speranza che ho in te.

settimana dal 6 febbraio al 13 febbraio

domenica 6
Giornata per la vita
• Davanti la Chiesa, vendita di primule per sostenere le associazioni che promuovono e salvaguardano la vita.
• In S. Mass at 11.30 am, 16.00 pm •
dell'Ados presence, at the Parish of St. Rita, a meeting of Prayer for Families, chaired by the Bishop.

Monday, 7 pm •
15.30, in Oratorio, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.
• At 20.30, the youth group meeting.

• Tuesday, 8 16.30, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday 9
• At the end of S. 18:00 am Mass, catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday 10
• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Action Catholic Parish.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday 11
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of the Sick

• 16.00 pm in the Church, a solemn celebration for all patients, presided over by our Bishop and animated dall'Unitalsi. The sick and suffering people who want to participate and have no way of transport, offices contacting: UNITALSI. •
20.30, at the hall entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting engaged in preparation for marriage.

Saturday 12
• 10.00, the marriage of Elena and Andrea Rossitto Pin. Best wishes.
• In the afternoon retreat for catechists.

Sunday 13
• During S. 10:00 am Mass, I remember the wedding anniversary. They invited all the couples who in 2011 celebrate 35, 40, 45, 50 and subsequent years of marriage. Followed by a toast in the living room oratory.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from February 6 to February 13

Sunday 6
8.30 - Giovanna def.ta Mervitz
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Eugene, Elisa and Silvana
- def.te Sabina and Fernanda Bastiani
18.00 - According to the offeror's intentions

Monday 7
8.30 - Enzo Battaglia
18.00 - Elsa def.ta Ceran (obitus )
- Pino De Pozza
- News and Renato def.ti Mezzena

Tuesday, 8 8.30 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - Pierina def.ta Potleca (obitus)
- Peter Potleca
- Andrea Parma

Wednesday 9
8.30 -
18.00 - def.ti Mario, Hector and Michele Chemi
- Family def.ti Dean

Thursday 10
8.30 - final . ta Maria Pia Geriani
18.00 - Paolo Perosa
- Benito Saitta

Friday 11
8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Joseph and Guido
18.00 - def.ti Tully and Joseph Galante
- James Dormio
- Family def.ti Bottecchia

Saturday 12 8.30 - According to the intention of the tenderer
18.00 - def.ta Vittorio and deceased family
Merlini - Andrey Peric
- Lina def.ta Tiepolo

Sunday 13 8.30 - Rolando
- def.ti Mario Gildo Drius
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Catherine and Michael
18.00 - Pasquale Palmiero

Who wants to help and support the parish in the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.