Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sore Tongue And Pineapple

Il Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity sul bordo del cratere Santa Maria

(Immagine, credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona)
NEWS SPAZIO :- Nel Gennaio scorso avevamo lasciato il Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity sul bordo occidentale del cratere Santa Maria, come potete constatare dal precedente post

Ebbene, dopo tre mesi di analisi delle rocce che ha incontrato il piccolo rover è quasi pronto a riprendere il proprio cammino verso il grande cratere Endeavour .

But Mars' orbit, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter experiment with telescopic camera HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) Opportunity has photographed in this wonderful picture (see the arrow).

The photo above was taken on March 1, 2011 (2524 ° Sol, or Martian day into the mission) and "Oppy" was extending its robotic arm to take pictures from a close rock named "Ruiz Garcia."

In the top are clearly distinguishable traces left by the rover to the west on their way to the crater Santa Maria, whose diameter is about 90 meters.

From the surface, the view is very different. Here, at the same location as Ruiz Garcia was taken on the same day by the hazard-avoidance camera front of the robot.

(Image, credit JPL-NASA)

And here we have the details of Garcia captured by the Microscopic Imager (see it on top of the robotic arm in the photo above)
(Image, credit JPL-NASA)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yahoo Canadian Finance Portfolio

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133, oggi il ritorno a casa

(Immagine, credit NASA)

NEWS SPAZIO :- Ormai ci siamo. Oggi si concluderà l'ultima missione della navetta spaziale Discovery, di ritorno dalla Stazione Spaziale International.

The landing at NASA Kennedy Space Center is scheduled at 11:57 am EST (17:57 eng).

End so the STS-133 began last February 24, 2011 after a long series of postponements. mission ended with the greatest of success and major activities on the Station.

For more details on the program's mission STS-133 went below

and to know everything that happened during the mission, go to the section ' Shuttle ' of the blog

I propose two beautiful video. The first movie shows us the American shuttle during flight Day 12 after the separation from the International Space Station and on the way home

The second video is on the last press conference of the crew Discovery held yesterday

Then, all ready to live to see the last landing of Discovery? The links are to NASA TV NASA TV in HD and .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make Scallops On A Hibachi Grill

Tracce di vita extraterrestre? Le bufale dei media ufficiali!

(Image, Journal of Cosmology credit)

SPACE NEWS: - I keep talking about the news concerning the alleged discovery of traces of life inside of meteorites by a NASA scientist. Here is the post dedicated

I talk to still get in guardia da una certa stampa di mezzo mondo che (come al solito purtroppo) non aspettava altro per tuffarsi a capofitto in questa notizia per creare lo scoop della vita extraterrestre.

Rimaniamo in casa nostra ed andiamo a vedere una storica testata giornalistica.
Sul sito web de La Stampa troneggia questo bel titolone

Leggendo l'articolo salta subito all'occhio che la vicenda è descritta COME SE fosse stato now all shown. The contents are presented as fact and not as an assertion that wait for confirmation or refutation by the scientific community. Starting from the title.

Excerpts from "significant"

"Astrobiology [...] discovered forms of life ..."

"The fossils were discovered in three meteorites ..."

clarify immediately. There is still no confirmation of the scientific community. In addition, the title written in this way suggests that NASA to communicate the presence of fossil life in meteorites. Nothing could be further from the truth.
a minimum of research by the author would certainly led to discover what is the position of NASA (described in my post above), absolutely balanced and "scientifically-correct".

In short, what I have read in La Stampa is not the product of a healthy desire to inform, rather than the usual result towards making scoop. And this, again, is NOT science.

So I would say that this article deserves to come right in the blog section dedicated to "Authoritative oversights."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ice Skating Date What Should I Wear

Tracce di vita extraterrestre all°interno di antichi meteoriti? Forse, o forse no!

NEWS ROOM: - Are you much talked about news that runs the network for days, under which a NASA scientist have found evidence of the presence of traces of extraterrestrial life in meteorites! Big stuff, no? Let's see the details.

all begins with an article published online in the Journal of Cosmology, here

written by Richard B . Hoover, a scientist from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville (Alabama). Hoover

This article claims to have found fossil evidence of terrestrial bacteria within some type CI1 carbonaceous chondrite meteorites found in 800 in France and Tanzania.
Analysis by Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) of the internal structure of these meteorites have shown the presence of long and complex filaments. You see them in pictures of this post.

The article is very long and detailed and is the invitation to the scientific community to analyze the results presented and comment on the discovery.

The whole thing seems really big. The hypothesis that most meteorites - the oldest - contain within them life size fossil suggests the fascinating theory that life could have spread almost everywhere in the universe.

But the scientific method requires an absolute rigor, especially when as in this case the implications are so large size.

Among other things, in an article published UniverseToday ( this ) citing a position of NASA in merito alla questione, eccola

Sostanzialmente l'Agenzia Spaziale Americana afferma di non poter supportare una posizione senza che questa venga esaminata da altri esperti. Relativamente all'articolo di Hoover, lo statement NASA continua dicendo che tale articolo era stato sottoposto nel 2007 all'International Journal of Astrobiology ed il processo di analisi non è ancora stato completato. E mi sembra una posizione assolutamente ragionevole.

Insomma, è ancora presto per dire qualcosa di definitivo. Aspettiamo di avere maggiori notizie CERTE!

Pictures, Journal of Cosmology credit.

Calories Lost During Diarrhea

Il saluto del Capitano Kirk allo Space Shuttle Discovery

NEWS ROOM: - What you see below is the message with which the crew of Space Shuttle Discovery STS -133 was awakened this morning at 3:23 am EST (09: 23 eng).

A special message played by William Shatner, the actor who played Captain James Kirk in the original Star Trek series, in the background with the theme of that show.

A tribute to the last flight of Discovery, " Space, the final frontier. These Have Been the voyages of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Her 30 year mission: To seek out new science. To build new outposts. To bring nations together on the final frontier. To boldly go, and do, what no spacecraft has done before .

"Space, the final frontier ..."

Male Triglyceride Levels

Space Shuttle Discovery, undock dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, rotta verso Terra!

(Picture , credit NASA TV)

SPACE NEWS: - At 13:00 hours today the Italian Space Shuttle Discovery undocked from the ISS at the end of his mission STS-133 started last February 24, 2011 .

Half an hour later the pilot of Discovery Eric Boe has made the classic "fly around" around the station to document the new configuration that includes the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) and External Logistics Carrier-4.

At 14:37 (Ita) Discovery has fired its engines to separate permanently from the ISS and to move towards the way home that will take him to land at Kennedy Space Center at 17: 58 on Wednesday 'next.

Below is acluni video. First, here is the greetings between the crews of Discovery and the ISS and the closing of the access between Station and Shuttle

Following the undocking of Discovery

and fly around


Painting Metal Fireplace Surround

Iniziata la missione del secondo prototipo dello spazioplano militare americano X-37B

(Image, credit ULA)

SPACE NEWS: - You remember the spaceplane the U.S. Air Force X-37B (the mini-shuttle U.S. military) and its first mission in which the first prototype of the spacecraft OTV-1 (Orbital Test Vehicle 1) has been seven months in orbit and then land themselves lo scorso Dicembre alla Vandenberg Air Force Base

Sabato scorso (5 Marzo 2011) è partito il secondo prototipo di X-37B, OTV-2 (Orbital Test Vehicle 2), sempre dallo Space Launch Complex-41 della Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

Il razzo vettore Atlas V 501 della ULA (United Launch Alliance) con a bordo OTV-2 è decollato alle ore 23:46 (ita) dopo un ritardo di un giorno causato dalle cattive condizioni del tempo.

X-37B è uno spazioplano senza equipaggio, uno shuttle in miniatura ma senza equipaggio, in grado di effettuare lunghe permanenze in orbita. Qui sotto trovate un po’ di information

This second mission is classified, are not known experiments that will be made. But even if these goals are secret information according to some Air Force general objective of the program is to develop a reliable and reusable spacecraft that will increase the U.S. space assets.
With the upcoming retirement of the Space Shuttle, the X-37B is currently the only American spacecraft to be able to return to low earth orbit experiments and do not rule out future use "civilian-scientific" X-37.

"We look forward to test the improvements we've introduced in the landing profile. The X-37B is truly a remarkable scientific achievement and aerospace industries" are the words of Lt. Col. Troy Giese, Program Manager of ' X-37B for the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office (who heads the Department of Defense program OTV).

Here's the video of the launch

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is Preparation H With Bio Dyne Sold In Mexico

Family Parish March 6, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Dt 11,18.26-28.32, Ps 30, Rom 3.21-25a .28, from 7.21 to 27 Mt

From the Gospel according to Matthew

At that time, Jesus told his disciples: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.
On that day many will say to me 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? And in thy name have we not cast out demons? And in thy name have we not done many miracles? But then I will declare to them: "I have never known. Depart from me, ye who work iniquity. "
then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
everyone who hears these words of mine and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man who built his house upon the sand. The rain fell, the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell and great was its fall. "

Your words, O Jesus, create in me a sense of embarrassment, because they seem
fatte apposta per raggelare i miei entusiasmi.
Fino a ora ho creduto di essere in perfetta comunione con te, perché predico il tuo vangelo, insegno ai ragazzi della catechesi che tu sei il Figlio di Dio,
e, amministrando il sacramento della riconciliazione, perdono i peccati nel tuo nome.
Oggi invece Tu mi dici che tutto questo non è sufficiente a farmi sentire tranquillo né mi da' diritto a entrare nel Regno dei cieli.
Mi sento, o Gesù, di essere come quello stolto che, dopo aver ammirato con orgoglio, la casa che si era costruita se la vede crollare rovinosamente sotto la furia dei venti e delle piogge; era senza solide fondamenta, costruita sulla sabbia.
Dopo tutta la vita passata nella tua Chiesa, l’ipotesi that could eventually be told that you do not know me at all scares me terribly.

Thank you, Jesus, for reminding me, even with harsh words, which will be neither to rescue the roundtables theological debate nor the accuracy of the formulas of faith, and least of all the proclamations
expressed in moments of emotional excitement wake of liturgies fascinating. Your ears are only sensitive to the word fraternal help and comfort, and your eyes shine with joy when they see me give a glass of cool water.

Help me, please, to practice your words so that my existence rests firmly on you, like the house that has its foundation on the rock. Let me understand che l'unico criterio valido per essere annoverato tra i tuoi discepoli è fare la volontà del Padre tuo, che è nei cieli.
Confessare solo con le labbra la fede non basta, proclamarti a parole Signore della vita non mi salva, cacciare i demoni nel tuo nome non costituisce un titolo di preferenza né mi colloca in un settore privilegiato. Solo se metto in pratica quello che hai insegnato riconosco veramente la tua signoria.

Liberami, o Gesù, dalle illusioni e dal pericolo di un autocompiacimento parolaio, costringimi ad essere onesto con me stesso, obbligami a rimuovere la facciata di perbenismo che mi sono costruito davanti agli uomini, fammi ritornare al cuore delle cose.
Perdonami per tutte le volte che, abbandonando concreteness, I fell in pompous emptiness of words, programs and projects, fragile and inconsistent as sand castles.
Keep me, Lord, from discouragement in the face of difficult situations, deliver me from fear of failure, is' who lives in a positive way the crisis with which you purify my heart and straighten my path.
Give me, please, the grace not to be arrogant and presumptuous preacher of your word, but a disciple who receives a simple and good heart, your Word and put it into practice.

week from March 6 to March 13

Monday 7

• 15.30 in Oratorio "afternoon together "for the elderly

Last Tuesday, 8 Carnival

• 16.00 pm in the Oratory hall, costume party for children.

Wednesday 9 Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent

• During the Holy Mass at 8.30 am and 18.00 of the Sign imposition of ashes. •
16.30, prayer meeting for children and teens and their parents with the Catechism of the Sign imposition of ashes.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, the parish catechesis for young people and adults.

Thursday 10

• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic Adults.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
• At 20.30, the parish pastoral council meeting

Friday 11

• 18.00 pm, Stations of the Cross in church.
• For all the Fridays of Lent, S. Mass is only in the morning at 8.30, while in the evening at 18.00 (19.00, summer time) there is the Via Crucis.

Brochure on "Visit of the Pope" and "x 8 thousand" on the table

printing leaflets are available about the visit of Pope Benedict XVI in Aquileia and Venice on 7 and 8 May and on the initiative and destination 8 x thousand to the Catholic Church in the various tax returns.

Lenten Pilgrimage

Sunday, March 20, the second Sunday of Lent, there will be a Lenten pilgrimage to Chiampo. The participation fee is € 40.00, including the cost of the bus and lunch. Registrations in the sacristy or parish office.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from March 6 to March 13

Sunday, March 6

8.30 - Edda def.ta Boscolo
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ta Annamaria Rizzian
- Eugene def.ti , Elisa e Silvana
- Gino De Mattia
ore 18.00 - Mario Pes
- def.ti Valerio e Marianna Pistrini

lunedì 7 marzo

ore 8.30 - Per le Anime del Purgatorio
- def.ti Argia e Salvatore
ore 18.00 - Orlando Imbrogno
- def.ta Maria Luisa Comar (obitus)

martedì 8 marzo

ore 8.30 - Achille
ore 18.00 - def.ti Fabio e Gabriella Albanese

mercoledì 9 marzo

ore 8.30 - def.ti Nicolò, Antonio e Pasqualina Nardone
ore 18.00 - def.ti Maria e Vincenzo Antonini

giovedì 10 marzo

ore 8.30 - Maria Pia def.ta Geriani
18.00 - Paolo Perosa

Friday, March 11

8.30 - def.ta Argia Battle
18.00 - Way of the Cross Church in

Saturday, March 12

hours 8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Joseph and Guido
- Elda def.ta Godina
18.00 - def.ti Francesco Furio and Oliva
- James Dormio
- Grace def.ta Pallini

Sunday, March 13

8.30 - Rolando
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Pellegrino and Mary Nardone
18:00 - Mauro Savron

Monday, March 14, at 18:00, S. Memorial Mass in
primo anniversario della morte di Padre Cherubino Tommasi

Pregheremo e ricorderemo P. Cherubino con una memoria particolare anche durante le Ss. Messe di domenica 13 marzo.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Aches, Stiff Neck, Sore Throat

Bellissimo Video del lancio dello Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 da un punto di osservazione spettacolare e non solo!

(Image, credit NASA)

NEWS SPAZIO :- Ecco un altro insolito e davvero spettacolare punto di vista per ammirare ancora una volta il lancio dello Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 avvenuto lo scorso 24 Febbraio 2011 .

Abbiamo già visto entusiasmanti video al riguardo. Oltre al filmato ufficiale della NASA

ed al fortunato video ripreso da un aereo di linea

vi propongo another wonderful movie, riding a SRB (Solid Rocket Booster)!

This video was filmed by six cameras mounted on board the solid rocket SRB. The view is absolutely unique, breathtaking!

And after the separation from the Shuttle SRB's can follow up to their landing waiting to be recovered.

Here's the video


Diffrent Typses Of Boobs

Sistema EGNOS European satellite, from now certified for the tasks of the Safety-of-Life

(Image, credit ESA)

SPACE NEWS: - The European EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) is an initiative of 'European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with the European Commission and Eurocontrol, the European body to our security' civil aviation.

This is the first of two phases that will lead to the creation of Galileo, the first European satellite tracking system entirely. Although it has had over the last few years many delays EGNOS is fully functional and completely free.

Below is a bit 'of information on EGNOS . html

The first test signal of EGNOS dates back to 2004. In pre-operation since 2006, the EGNOS service has been operational since 2009. Basically, it greatly improves the accuracy of the GPS signal tracking.

The news is that as of March 2, 2011, after an important process of certification and verification, EGNOS has been officially announced as available for critical services related to safety. In other words, the signal-of-Life Safety is to be available this week to aviation. One of the initial objectives of the project is to be a support for the stages of landing aircraft.

EGNOS signals have the guarantee from now - formally - to be extremely accurate and reliable to the levels required by international standards for civil aviation (International Civil Aviation Organization standards) for Europe adopted by Eurocontrol.

"Satellite Navigation Guidance", or guide based on satellite navigation not only horizontally but also vertically so as explained by Francisco Salabert Eurocontrol. "EGNOS Aviation offers the means to make vertical guidance approaches in smaller airports, where a standard system for precision landing is now economically feasible. Its introduction [EGNOS] will reduce delays, diversions and cancellations incoming and outgoing flights from these airports together to increase passenger safety. "

E 'now Eurocontrol task of coordinating the introduction of EGNOS in Europe.

Source data ESA.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Does Carrot Oil Make You Tan And For How Long

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133, the second spacewalk EVA-2

(Immagine, credit NASA TV)

NEWS SPAZIO :- Si è svolta ieri la seconda ed ultima attività extraveicolare EVA-2 prevista dalla missione STS-133 dello Space Shuttle Discovery .

I due "spacewalker" impegnati sono stati ancora una volta Steve Bowen and Alvin Drew, protagonisti anche di EVA-1 .

Una piccola perdita nella tuta di Bowen riscontrata durante i controlli antecedenti all'EVA ha leggermente movimentato i preparativi. Una volta riparata, EVA-2 ha potuto iniziare. Erano le ore  10:42 a.m. EST (16:42 ita).

Drew has emptied the ammonia remaining in the pump that was replaced during EVA-1, which is now ready to return to Earth (in a future mission) to be analyzed.

Anchored to the station's robotic arm (SSRMS) Boewn recovered a LWAPA (Lightweight Adapter Plate Assembly) used to attack payload of experiments outside the European Columbus laboratory. LWAPA has moved to Discovery's cargo bay to be brought to Earth.

Meanwhile Drew has removed the insulation from the group of avionics Express Logistics Carrier-4 (ELC-4) and moved a sunshade on the lens of a camera located near ELC-4 itself (because it obscured the view).

Bowen has installed a Light Camera Pan and Tilt Assembly (CLPA) in robot Dextre and removed the insulation is not necessary.

Drew then installed a lamp in the CETA (Crew Equipment Translation Aid) and attacked an insulating to a line of flow of a valve in the radiator left side of the Truss.

Bowen finally mounted a camera lens cover to the coupling of the "elbow" of the robotic arm that will protect the SSRM slow erosion that could be caused by the jets produced by rocket thrust for future space vehicles that si agganceranno alla Stazione.

In totale EVA-2 è durata 6 ore e 14 minuti. Ecco il video

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dance Sponsorship Letters

Watch in HD space events live over the Internet, by NASA TV HD!

NEWS SPAZIO :- E' in pieno svolgimento la seconda "passeggiata spaziale" prevista dalla missione STS-133 dello Space Shuttle Discovery , trasmessa in diretta dal canale NASA TV (ve ne parlerò in un post dedicato non appena EVA-2 sarà terminata).

Sappiamo già come fare per vedere in diretta la maggior parte dei grandi eventi spaziali trasmessi live da NASA TV, basta andare on its website at the following address

From there, there are several arrangements for receiving the video stream.

A good news is that it has activated a new digital NASA TV channel that broadcasts in HD HD. You can see it here under

or direttamente su UStream, al seguente URL


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The International Space Station and Leonardo, a valuable extra room!

(Immagine, credit Nasa Television)

NEWS SPAZIO :- Nella giornata di ieri la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale ha visto l'installazione del modulo PMM (Permanent Multipurpose Module) Leonardo .

Adesso la nostra casa nello spazio ha "una stanza in più", preziosissimo volume per cargo e nuovi esperimenti scientifici. Leonardo era uno dei tre MPLM (Multi-Purpose Logistics Module) di costruzione italiana  (all'interno di un apposito accordo bilaterale con NASA) aggioranto per poter sostenere una lunga permanenza nello spazio.

Nella seguente pagina web relativa alla missione dello Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 trovate un po' di informazioni e link su Leonardo.

Nella sua Leonardo current configuration is equipped with a rack for scientific experiments as well as special facilities for the storage of material. E 'possible to conduct research on microgravity fluid physics, materials science, biology and biotechnology.

From Leonardo cargo bay of Space Shuttle Discovery was docked and taken from SSRMS, the station's robotic arm , and then placed in the door facing the ground module Unity (Node 1). The operation ended at 16:05 (eng).

Here's the video


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can Michael Bublé Speak French?

The launch of Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 by an incredible view

(Image, credit YouTube)

NEWS ROOM: - Thank you Jose for the reporting of an absolutely incredible video taken by an airplane flying over the skies of Florida.

The subject is the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 occurred last Friday, February 24 , taken just one point of view of all privileged - and some would even say lucky, no? - In addition to rare.


Bellissimo, affascinante! Quanti di noi avrebbero voluto essere a bordo di quell'aereo?

Nel frattempo sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale sono da poco terminate le operazioni di installazione del nuovo modulo Permanent Multipurpose Module o PMM, l'ex-MPLM Leonardo .

Inoltre i Manager di missione hanno preso la decisione di estendere di un giorno la permanenza del Discovery sulla Stazione, principalmente per continuare a preparare Leonardo. Il rientro dello Shuttle avverrà quindi il giorno 8 Marzo 2011 con atterraggio previsto alle ore 11:36 a.m. EST (17:36 ita).

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Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133, the first spacewalk EVA-1

(Image, credit NASA TV)

NEWS ROOM: - Come to the International Space Station, which was held yesterday the first extravehicular activity (EVA-1) provided for the mission of Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 , the 154 is dedicated to the ISS.

EVA-1 began at 16:46 (eng) and lasted 6 hours and 34 minutes. The two protagonists were astronauts Alvin Drew, in his first EVA, and Steve Bowen, a veteran at its 6th "space walk".

The first task undertaken was to install an extension a power cable (J612), which goes from node 1 to the Quest Airlock Unity and provides backup power to the node 3 Tranquillity. The extension was necessary because of the upcoming installation of the PMM Permanent Multipurpose Module (MPLM Leonardo ex) that would make it impossible to access the cable.

Assisted by the station's robotic arm (SSRMS) the two EVA astronauts then installed a new pump for the ammonia the External Stowage Platform 2, outside the Quest airlock. The old pump (not working from 2010) will be recovered later. It 'was then installed a security system in case of need excretes ammonia remaining in the space (the pump).

Still, Bowen and Alvin have installed a wedge into the right side of the truss by removing a camera from the Express Logistics Carrier-4 to make room for subsequent installations.

Alvin Bowen and then added two extensions to the Mobile Transporter rails, so that it can move along the length of the truss and reach all relevant sites with the CETA (Crew Equipment Translation Aid).

The last activity was the opening and filling a metal cylinder "with the vacuum of space" as part of an initiative Space Agency Japanese JAXA called "Message in a Bottle." The cylinder will be returned to Earth and is exposed to the public.

Here you have a video describing the activities of EVA-1

just found a video of EVA-1 will add it.

Here's the video that summarizes EVA-1


Monday, February 28, 2011

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Virgin Galactic announces its first contract in the world to send researchers into suborbital space on their flights

(Image, Credit Virgin Galactic)

SPACE NEWS: - not only for business tourism as a sub-orbital space flight, Virgin Galactic. The company of Sir Richard Branson has announced today that it has concluded the first contract in the world to fly into space scientists with the aim to perform scientific experiments.

The contract was signed between Virgin Galactic and the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) to conduct experiments in microgravity (biology, climate, astronomy).

SwRI has already "booked" two places for the next sub-orbital space flight, Virgin Galactic. The agreement providing for 6 more, for a total cost of 1.6 M USD.

SwRI is an independent nonprofit research and development in applied engineering and physical sciences. He has more than 3000 employees engaged in activities for both industrial and government customers.
addition to bringing and conduct scientific experiments developed internally SwRI also plans to assist other American scientific institutions who have no experience of space flight to create and fly their payload sub-orbital missions and their staff.

The words of George Whitesides, President and CEO of Virgin Galactic: "This agreement marks the enormous scientific potential of the Virgin spaceflight system. Virgin Galactic will be able to offer space flights to researchers that are unprecedented in frequency and cost ...".

It 's the turn of Dr.Alan Stern, associate vice president of SwRI's Space Division and former NASA Associate Administrator for Science: "We are very excited about SwRI this agreement. Initially, two of our payload specialists will fly with Virgin Galactic to conduct biomedical monitoring, image detection and atmospheric experiments in microgravity on planetary regolith ...".

Data Source, Virgin Galactic.

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Launch of a new Russian Glonass satellite, photos and video!

AREA NEWS : - recall the failed launch of the Russian last December of three Glonass-M satellites that have completed the constellation to provide global satellite navigation sevices.

This time things went as planned. Last Saturday it was successfully launched a new satellite Glonass-K from Russian Plesetsk space center on board a Soyuz-2.

Glonass-K has an operational lifetime of 10 years. It is able to send five navigation signals, four bands L1 and L2, and a bank in the "civilized" L3.

For global coverage, the Glonass constellation must have 24 operational satellites plus some backup.

Currently, Russia has 22.

A new launch three Glonass-M is expected later this year.

Below is the video of the launch

Pictures, Roscosmos credit.

Source data Ria Novosti .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133, docking to the ISS, the video!

(Image, credit NASA TV)

SPACE NEWS: - At 2:14 pm EST (20:14 eng) Yesterday the Space Shuttle Discovery STS- 133 has engaged the International Space Station. Two hours later took place the opening of access doors to the station.

After handshakes and welcoming ceremony are now started joint activities.

The Discovery Space Shuttle was the first to engage in a space station, MIR Russia in June 1998 on STS-91. Discovery was also the first to engage the International Space Station on STS-96, May 1999.

An hour before docking the Orbiter performed the operation 'backflip', nine minutes when the Shuttle has rotated 360 degrees to allow the station to resume astronuati high-resolution photos of the shuttle's heat shield American. The images are then analyzed to verify the integrity of the Orbiter.

Just the Shuttle Discovery was the first to perform this maneuver (STS-114), as part of security measures introduced after the Columbia tragedy.

Scheduled for tomorrow, the first of two extravehicular activities (EVA) provided by the mission. In the meantime, let us meet these spectacular video



Access Station

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Madam Alexander Dolls Craigs List

Family parish of February 27, 2011

domenica 27 febbraio 2011
VIIIa Domenica del Tempo Ordinario
Letture: Is 49,14-15; Sal 61; 1 Cor 4,1-5; Mt 6,24-34

Dal vangelo secondo Matteo

In quel tempo Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Nessuno può servire due padroni, perché o odierà l’uno e amerà l’altro, oppure si affezionerà all’uno e disprezzerà l’altro. Non potete servire Dio e la ricchezza.
Perciò io vi I say do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, nor about your body, what you wear, maybe life is not worth more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Not much better than they are worth? And which of you, as you worry, can extend their lives even a little? And the dress, why do you bother? Observe how the lilies of the field neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. Now, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow flows into the oven, will not do much more to you, O ye of little faith?
Do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? ". Of all these things go in search of the pagans. Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need. Instead, try, first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its'.

Blessed are you, O Jesus, because every day you come to visit me and give me the goodness in your salvation.
With great mercy you lean on me and I'm taking care of my life,
avvelenata dalle ansie organizzative, dai bisogni indotti e dalle paure.
Con tenerezza infinita tu mi sussurri: "Non affannarti, non agitarti ... Guarda gli uccelli del cielo: non seminano, non mietono, non raccolgono nei granai,
eppure il Padre celeste si prende cura di loro e li nutre. Osserva lo splendore dei gigli dei campi: neppure Salomone vestiva così; è il Padre celeste che li veste. Ricorda che tu vali più di loro!".

È vero, Gesù, è la Provvidenza di Dio Padre la fonte di quella serenità e fiducia che tanto cerco. Tu che mi comandi di cercare prima di tutto il regno di Dio e la sua giustizia, liberami, ti prego, dalla frenesia dell'efficientismo e dalla ricerca affannosa material security.
Why, O Jesus, I care and I get upset when you know? You, you do not ever forget me. Increase my faith in you, is' that it is always firmly clinging to the only true wealth, which is your love.

Allow me, please, the heart of a child who, beyond all words, beyond any declaration of love, you know to be loved by you and does not hesitate even for a moment that your providence to my existing provision needs.
Teach me to put your feet every earthly concern, give me a heart free only to take care of you, your kingdom and your righteousness.
Forgive me all the time lost in vain calculations, during which I was deprived of your watchful eye, and I lost the certainty that your love will never fail.

Illumina, O Jesus, with the wisdom of the Gospel to my heart, to understand that my anxiety and agitation will arise from the contradictory things, by standing with your feet up two brackets: to serve you and seek security in tangible property, practice faith in God and entrust the future to "Mammon". Thank you, Jesus, so with your help, I see that every time I give absolute value to what is relative, I am regularly disappointed, though I believe that the accumulation of goods may saziarmi, I get an empty soul unbearable, if I seek joy in the possession, food fear of losing what I think is essential to happiness.
Help me bring all my desires under the guidance of your will.
Grant me the grace to be able to unite my heart with joy and give it to you, who are the Way, the Truth and the Life.

week from February 27 to March 6

Monday 28

• 15.30 in Oratorio "evening together" for the elderly

• Tuesday, 1 16.30, catechism for children and teens.

Thursday 3

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday 4

• At 20.30, in the hall with entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting for engaged couples preparing for marriage.

"Any Other"

I invite you to review the various proposals at the diocesan catechetical, educational and above all as regards the meeting with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, on 7 and 8 May in Aquileia and Mestre. In the folding back of the church you can find all the information needed to participate and support this great event.
Also on the table of the press, you can take the brochure that describes and explains how to support the church in Italy by signing the statement of income and CUD to the destination x 8 thousand.


Tuesday, March 8 at 16:00 in the hall of the Oratory, carnival for children.

Lenten Pilgrimage

Sunday, March 20, the second Sunday of Lent, there will be a Lenten pilgrimage to Chiampo. The participation fee is € 40.00, including the cost of the bus and lunch. Registrations in the sacristy or parish office.

Of Andrea, pastor

week of February 27 March 6

Sunday, February 27

8.30 - def.ti family Drius
- Salvador and family def.ti Sorbello
- Justo and family def.ti Sonce
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 18.00
def.ta Ada Petti - Alex
Benci - John Tampu

Monday, February 28

8.30 - Grace def.ta Tosolini
- Peter Savron
18.00 - for the souls in Purgatory

Tuesday, March 1

8.30 - Ernesto and family def.ti Tirelli
18.00 - def.ta News Furlani

Wednesday, March 2

ore 8.30 - Secondo l’intenzione dell’offerente
ore 18.00 - def.ta Wanda Pocecco

giovedì 3 marzo

ore 8.30 - Mario Lucchini
ore 18.00 - def.ta Elida Quarantotto
- def.ta Giovanna Valentini
- def.ta Giuseppina Lagreca

venerdì 4 marzo

ore 8.30 - Alighieri Bonetti
- def.ti Mario e Ada Petti
ore 18.00 - Antonino Franca
- Giacomo Dormio

sabato 5 marzo

ore 8.30 - Oddone
- def.ti Nella e Silvio Pelosi
ore 18.00 - def.ta Clementina Bon
- def.ti Antonio e Palmira Perossa

domenica 6 marzo

ore 8.30 - def.ta Edda Boscolo
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ta Annamaria Rizzian
- def.ti Eugenio, Elisa e Silvana
- Gino De Mattia
ore 18.00 - Mario Pes
- def.ti Valerio e Marianna Pistrini

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hair Solon Sinks Ontario

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133 mission began, the video spectacular!

(Image, credit NASA TV)

NEWS ROOM: - ' The Shuttle has cleared the tower '! The Space Shuttle Discovery left yesterday from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida (KSC, Kennedy Space Center) for what is mission STS-133 supply the International Space Station.

A perfect launch, prodigious as you can see from the video below, though not without some 'Kind of.

The countdown was stopped because the T-5 minutes. A to a computer problem the Air Force Eastern Range (the agency responsible for security and tracking of all space launches in Florida) have raised concerns about a new delay, but it all worked out just on the edge of the launch window is available.

Here's the video

mission STS-133, initially planned for the day November 1, 2010, has suffered several delays. After a series of major repairs the large external tank and even after the replacement of one crew member here that the Discovery finally left for his last trip before the end of the space program Space Shuttle.

Andate alla sezione ' Shuttle ' del blog per sapere tutti i dettagli dei mesi scorsi, al seguente URL

Date un'occhiata anche al seguente video NASA che vuole essere un omaggio al Discovery, l'Orbiter che ha volato nello Spazio più di ogni altro con le sue 38 missioni e 352 giorni trascorsi in orbita per un totale di 5628 orbite effettuate.
