(Image, credit ESA)
SPACE NEWS: - The European EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) is an initiative of 'European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with the European Commission and Eurocontrol, the European body to our security' civil aviation.
This is the first of two phases that will lead to the creation of Galileo, the first European satellite tracking system entirely. Although it has had over the last few years many delays EGNOS is fully functional and completely free.
Below is a bit 'of information on EGNOS
http://newsspazio.blogspot.com/2008/05/aspettando-galileo-introduzione-ad_06 . html
The first test signal of EGNOS dates back to 2004. In pre-operation since 2006, the EGNOS service has been operational since 2009. Basically, it greatly improves the accuracy of the GPS signal tracking.
The news is that as of March 2, 2011, after an important process of certification and verification, EGNOS has been officially announced as available for critical services related to safety. In other words, the signal-of-Life Safety is to be available this week to aviation. One of the initial objectives of the project is to be a support for the stages of landing aircraft.
EGNOS signals have the guarantee from now - formally - to be extremely accurate and reliable to the levels required by international standards for civil aviation (International Civil Aviation Organization standards) for Europe adopted by Eurocontrol.
"Satellite Navigation Guidance", or guide based on satellite navigation not only horizontally but also vertically so as explained by Francisco Salabert Eurocontrol. "EGNOS Aviation offers the means to make vertical guidance approaches in smaller airports, where a standard system for precision landing is now economically feasible. Its introduction [EGNOS] will reduce delays, diversions and cancellations incoming and outgoing flights from these airports together to increase passenger safety. "
E 'now Eurocontrol task of coordinating the introduction of EGNOS in Europe.
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