Monday, March 7, 2011

Male Triglyceride Levels

Space Shuttle Discovery, undock dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, rotta verso Terra!

(Picture , credit NASA TV)

SPACE NEWS: - At 13:00 hours today the Italian Space Shuttle Discovery undocked from the ISS at the end of his mission STS-133 started last February 24, 2011 .

Half an hour later the pilot of Discovery Eric Boe has made the classic "fly around" around the station to document the new configuration that includes the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) and External Logistics Carrier-4.

At 14:37 (Ita) Discovery has fired its engines to separate permanently from the ISS and to move towards the way home that will take him to land at Kennedy Space Center at 17: 58 on Wednesday 'next.

Below is acluni video. First, here is the greetings between the crews of Discovery and the ISS and the closing of the access between Station and Shuttle

Following the undocking of Discovery

and fly around



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