Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can You Swim In A Pool During An Outbreak

February 6, 2011 January 30, 2011 Family Parish

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Zeph 2.3, 3, 12-13, Ps 145 1 Cor 1, 26-31, 5.1 to 12 Mt

From the Gospel according to Matthew

At that time, seeing the crowds, he went the mountain, he sat down and came to him and his disciples. He began to speak and taught them, saying
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God
Blessed are the persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you e, mentendo, diranno ogni sorta di male contro di voi per causa mia. Rallegratevi ed esultate, perché grande è la vostra ricompensa nei cieli».

O Gesù, mi sembra proprio di vederti, lì, seduto sulla montagna,
in mezzo ai tuoi discepoli, circondato da una folla immensa.
Tu pronunci parole meravigliose, che escono dalla ricchezza del tuo cuore:
"Beati voi poveri davanti a Dio ... ".

Lasciate che Dio vi colmi del suo amore!
Quando vi sentite addolorati, perché non c'è giustizia,
quando l'afflizione vi paralizza, ascoltate la grande promessa di Dio:
sarete consolati, sarete sfamati, vedrete Dio.
Quanta dolcezza nelle tue Beatitudes!
They fall like balm on the situations of distress,
soothe wounds, instill peace and consolation.

It's nice what you say, or Jesus, but the crudeness of reality
shakes me from this atmosphere of charm and
brings me to the depressing everyday.
I say, "No, can not be true." Many scholars and suspected
give voice to the doubts that I bounce in:
"Fine words, but in a world of dreams."
"With the beatitudes do not govern the nations."
"There is no development without conflict, there being no competition."

You see, Jesus, you consider "blessed" what I consider unhappy.
Blessed is the rich, the mighty, the honorable: that those who have, who can, who's counting.
Give yourself blessed the poor and lowly, the despised:
applies who has not, can not and does not count.

is a dramatic reversal of values,
why it's hard to believe the true Gospel of the Beatitudes.
Give me, I pray, the Holy Spirit, so that it can receive the gift of
your words of life which are medicine for my troubles, that heals the heart
truth from falsehood.
your disciples have understood what you
announced when they approached you, who entered into communion of life with you.

For here is not so much listen to your words, what
to feel your heart.
and from there, from your heart, that flowed to the beatitudes.
They tell us about your experience deeper
reveal your face as the Son of God

Help me, O Jesus, to understand that true happiness and contentment
You stand on the side of God's poor are blessed, because it is
blessed by God and loved by him, accepted in his kingdom.
The tenderness of God is indestructible, full of joy and well-being in situations where his presence is palpable, both in the nights of loneliness, when his love is just guessed, hoped, believed.

Fa 'the gospel of the Beatitudes will always remain for me "good news",
take me to see the world and life for yourself, O Jesus,

week from 30 January to 6 February

• Monday, 31 Hours 15.30, in Oratorio, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.

• Tuesday, 2001 At 16.30, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday, 2002 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, called Candlemas Day of Consecrated Life and

• At 18.00, S. Solemn Mass with procession to church.
• At the end of S. 18:00 am Mass, catechesis Youth and adults.

Thursday, 2003 S. Memory Biagio
• After the Holy Mass, blessing of the throat.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday, 2004 First Friday of the month
• 20:30 pm, at the hall entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting for engaged couples preparing for marriage. •
20.30, at the Parish Church of Zion, a meeting of the Bishop with all of the Deanery Pastoral Councils.

Saturday, 2005 • In the afternoon, at the Parish Church of SS Peter and Paul, Feast of Peace, organized by ACRI diocese.

Sunday, 2006 Day for Life

• In front of the Church, sale of primroses to support organizations that promote and safeguard the life. • At
S. Mass at 11.30 am, 16.00 pm •
dell'Ados presence, at the Parish of St. Rita, a meeting of Prayer for Families, chaired by the Bishop.

Day of the Sick
February 11 is the memory of the apparitions of Lourdes and celebrate the Feast of the Sick. In our Church, at 16.00, there will be a solemn celebration for all patients, presided over by our Bishop and animated dall'Unitalsi. The suffering people who want to participate e non hanno alcuna possibilità di trasporto, contattino gli uffici dell’Unitalsi.

Fra Andrea, parroco

settimana dal 30 gennaio al 6 febbraio

domenica 30 gennaio
ore 8.30 - Per le Anime del Purgatorio
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ta Mariella Corrente
ore 18.00 - def.ta Ada Turra

lunedì 31
ore 8.30 - Secondo le intenzioni dell’offerente
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pietro e Giovanna Zori
- def.ti Vilma e Giuseppe
- def.ti Novella e Renato Mezzena

martedì 1 febbraio
ore 8.30 - Domenico Sponza
- Ernesto and dead fam. Tirelli
18.00 - Renato Suzzi
- News def.ta Furlani
- Palmiro Olivo (obitus)

2 Wednesday 8.30 -
18.00 - def.ti Mario, Bruna and dead fam . Roccasalva

Thursday 3
8.30 - def.ta Antoinette Baitz
- John Petretich
18.00 - Elida def.ta Forty
- def.ta Anna Antonini

Friday 8.30 am - Second the offeror's intentions
18.00 - Paolo Bearz
- def.ti Ondina and Nicola Tedeschi
- Luciano dead fam. Fabris

Saturday 5
8.30 - Oddone
18.00 - def.te Gisella and Stefania Scherl
- Mario Strudhoff

Sunday 6
8.30 - Giovanna def.ta Mervitz
10.00 - For 'assembly
11.30 am - def.ti Eugene, Elisa and Silvana
18.00 - According to the offeror's intentions

Who wants to help and support the Parish in ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Varicose On Labia And Pregnancy

Family Parish Family

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Is 8.23 \u200b\u200bb - 9.3, Ps 26, 1 Cor 1.10 to 13. 17; Mt from 4.12 to 23

From the Gospel according to Matthew

When Jesus heard that John was arrested, he withdrew into Galilee, he left Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum by the sea in the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali, because it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah:
"Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the people! The people who lived in darkness have seen a great light for those who lived in the region and shadow of death light has arisen. "
From that time Jesus began to preach, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. As he walked along the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said unto them: Come after me, I will make you fishers of men. " And they immediately left their nets and followed him. Going further, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John, in the boat, along with their father Zebedee, repairing their nets, and he called them. And they immediately left the boat and their father and followed him.
Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people.

"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light."
In my life, O Jesus, I often see darkness, resistance, difficulty
unresolved tasks that accumulate
like mountains before me,
problems of relationships with people, loneliness, fatigue ...

In the midst of this everyday as dull light that illuminates the path,
your word reaches me: "Turn, the Kingdom of heaven is near."

O Jesus, for so many years get your sacraments, there are thousands of times
that, sitting at the table with you, I eat the bread of the Eucharist
and you get in my heart. Yet
directly reaches your invitation: "Turn!".
You do not ever get tired of asking for this change of heart and
of intelligence, vision and determination.
always you are the Emmanuel, God with us ", you're always turned to me and wait for me to talk to you.

That I love you and making you follow your own path.
"Turn - I repeat - the kingdom of heaven is already here. Do not you miss it?
not see how the action of God is great, beautiful
can not be foreseen or imagined completely?
Leave your lot, it retrieves the essential
as did Peter and Andrew, James and John "

Trapped in my selfishness, often puts together all my needs,
my expectations and my own pace.
Help me, O Jesus, I renew my personal relationship with you, because I convert
and choose you as the only Lord of my life.
Fa 'that you have ears that hear, eyes that watch you, follow you
feet, hands that raise your heart and cross
singing the wonders that you works for me.

Help me, Lord, to break the networks that are entangled,
to abandon prejudices and fears that prevent me
to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Fa 'that I too, like your apostles, left with joy all at once
to be with you and like you.
O Jesus, thou hast loved me and you gave your life for me, give me
to fall in love and live full of confidence in you.

week from January 23 to January 30

Sunday 23
• During S. 10:00 am Mass, the celebration of wedding anniversaries: celebrating the couples who in 2011 reminiscent of the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of marriage. At the end, exchange of greetings in the living room oratory.
• After exchanging greetings, meeting formazione e fraternità per coppie e famiglie. È garantito un servizio di baby-sitter.

lunedì 24
• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Alla sera, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 25
• Ore 16.30, catechismo per i bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 26
• Al termine della S. Messa delle ore 18.00, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 27
• Al termine della S. Messa delle ore 18.00, esposizione e adorazione del Ss. Sacramento.

venerdì 28
• Ore 20.30, presso il salone con entrata da P.le Rosmini, incontro per fidanzati in preparazione marriage.
• In the evening, tests of the choir singing for young people.

Saturday 23
• In the afternoon, activities for children and post-confirmation. Sunday 30

• In the afternoon, and visit the youth group meeting at the monastery of cloistered Attimis.

Who wants to help and support the parish in the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer.
All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks. Among

Andrea, pastor

week from January 23 to January 30

Sunday, January 23

8.30 - def.ta Maria Giovanna Ipaviz
10.00 - For assembly
11:30 - Liberal Radesich
- def. ta scream Livia
18.00 - def.ti Savior and dearest

Monday, January 24

8.30 - Maria Pia def.ta Geriani
18:00 - Tuesday, January 25

8.30 - Corrado
- Claudio Torcello
18.00 - Ada def.ta Bucher

Wednesday, January 26

8.30 - 18.00
- Tullio Paliaga
- for the souls in Purgatory

Thursday, January 27

8.30 - Family def.ti Gibellato
18.00 - Gaetano Ippoliti
- def.ta Nives Tamburini

Friday, January 28

8.30 - 18.00
- Piero Benussi

Saturday, January 29

8.30 - 18.00
- def.ti Paul and Marisa Eagle

Sunday, January 30

8.30 - for the souls in Purgatory
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Mariella def.ta Current
18.00 - Ada def.ta Turra

Sunday, January 16, 2011

97 Bmw 328i Cover Valve

January 23, 2011 January 16, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Is 49, 3. 5-6, Ps 39, 1 Cor 1: 1-3, Jn 1, 29-34

From the Gospel according to John

In that time, John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Here the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is he of whom I said, "After me comes a man who is ahead of me because he existed before me." I do not know him, but I came baptizing in water, because he was manifested to Israel. "
John testified saying, "I contemplated the Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and remain upon him. I do not know him, but just the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me: "He upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descend and remain is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit." And I have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God. "

"I do not know him ..."
John, the greatest among those born of women,
confesses his inability to understand the mystery of yourself, O Jesus!
Because now you see? What has changed in him? John had announced

you as one who wields the ax
to cut the tree that bears no fruit;
you had presented to the crowds con in mano il ventilabro
per pulire l'aia e bruciare la pula in un fuoco inestinguibile.
Ma tu, o Gesù, non sei così!
Tu sei l'agnello di Dio, mite e umile;
tu porti l'amore dentro la malizia del mondo
e con la tua morte la distruggi e fai rifiorire la vita.

Giovanni inizia a conoscerti quando vede che il tuo essere Dio e Messia
risplende nella tua realtà di agnello sofferente che paga per gli altri.
Il grande profeta inizia a conoscerti quando impara ad accogliere la croce.
Abbandonati i sogni di potenza e di forza,
accetta la sua piccolezza, si fa da parte per lasciare interamente a te il posto.

"lo non lo conoscevo ... ":
ma ora vede con chiarezza e pieno di gioia ti rende testimonianza:
"Ecco l'agnello di Dio, colui che toglie il peccato del mondo!
Ecco colui che mi passa avanti, perché è prima di me.
Ecco chi battezza in Spirito Santo".

"lo non lo conoscevo ... ".
Quanto è terribilmente vero anche per me!
Dopo tanti anni, devo confessare che non sono stato ancora conquistato da te. Mi fido, ma fino a un certo punto. Mi abbandono a te, ma con riserva.
Sono come il solco di terra che, indurito dal gelo della superbia,
è incapace di accogliere il seme della tua Parola,
la sola che può far rifiorire la vita.

O Gesù, tu non hai le mie ripugnanze e non rifiuti i peccatori;
take me, please, with love and sit at table with me, a sinner

You said "are not healthy to need a doctor, but the sick."
are ill, or Jesus!
Deliver me from the profession of faith, which gives the presumption that you already know it all but takes away the joy and the wonder of believing.

Thank you, Jesus, for all those who have been in my life of John the Baptist, thanks for those who have given me a clear testimony of faith and I have shown you, as one teacher to follow, because you have the words
of eternal life. PARISH NOTICES

week from January 16 to January 23

Monday 17

• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Alla sera, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 18
• Ore 16.30, catechismo per i bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 19
• Al termine della S. Messa delle ore 18.00, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 20
• Al termine della S. Messa delle ore 18.00, esposizione e adorazione del Ss. Sacramento.

venerdì 21
• Ore 20.30, presso il salone con entrata da P.le Rosmini, ci sarà il primo degli incontri per fidanzati in preparazione marriage.
• In the evening, tests of the choir singing for young people.

Saturday 22
• In the afternoon, activities for children and post-confirmation.

Sunday 23
• During S. 10:00 am Mass, the celebration of wedding anniversaries: celebrating the couples who in 2011 celebrate the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of marriage. At the end, exchange of greetings in the living room oratory.
• After exchanging greetings, meeting the training and fellowship for couples and families. Guaranteed is a baby-sitter.

Who wants to help and support the parish in the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer.
All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from January 16 to January 23

Sunday 16 8.30 - def.ti Marino Auteri and Spartacus
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - def. you Maria, Pio and Nerina Paoletti

Monday 17 hours 8.30 - def.ta Maria Pelin
- Andrea Querzola
ore 18.00 - def.ti Biagio e Barbara Zingale
- def.ti Antonio, Rosa e Antonio Calici
- def.ta Irma Ippoliti

martedì 18
ore 8.30 -
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pietro e Pierina Potleca (obitus)

mercoledì 19
ore 8.30 - def.ta Angela Truzzi
ore 18.00 - Mario Lucchini
- def.ti Pasquale e Francesca Rizzitelli
- def.ta Nerina Rotta

giovedì 20
ore 8.30 - def.ti Famiglia Facchini
ore 18.00 - Ferruccio Furlani

venerdì 21
ore 8.30 - Per le Anime del Purgatorio
ore 18.00 - Antonino Mione (obitus)

Saturday 22 8.30 - Claudio Stenta
18.00 - P. From Theodore Cengio
- def.ta Benvegnù
Antonia - Antonia Matthew and def.ti

Sunday 23 8.30 - def.ta Maria Giovanna Ipaviz
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- Liberal Radesich
18.00 - def.ti Savior and dearest

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What Kind Of Paint To Use Inside Microwave

Parish Family Parish

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Readings: Is 42,1-4.6-7, Psalm 28, Acts 10.34-38; Mt 3 0.13 to 17

Gospel according to Matthew

At that time, Jesus was from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized by him. John tried to deter him, saying: "It's me that I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?". But Jesus answered him, "Leave it for now, why it makes sense that we fulfill all righteousness." So he let him do.
soon baptized, Jesus left the water: and lo, the heavens were opened for him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. And a voice from heaven saying, "This is my Son, the Beloved: in him I am well pleased."

Great was the astonishment of John, when the Jordan,
ti ha visto attendere il tuo turno per ricevere il battesimo di penitenza.
“Gesù, tu sei venuto qui da me?
Sono io che ho bisogno di essere battezzato da te!”.

Tu sei il Verbo che si è fatto carne, sei diventato uomo come noi.
Sei venuto a condividere la vita della gente,
a partecipare alle sue attese, senza pretendere alcun privilegio.
Per questo con decisione hai replicato al grande profeta:
“Lascia fare per ora, perché conviene che si adempia ogni giustizia”.
È il progetto di Dio che deve compiersi.
E lui non ha scelto la strada della potenza, dell’efficacia e dell’esercizio della forza, ma la via dimessa della condivisione, dell’amore e della misericordia.
Sei venuto per fare la volontà del Padre e nessuno ostacolo ti fermerà.
La tua vita sarà simile a quella di tutti, segnata dalla fatica e dalla povertà,
dalle situazioni di dolore e di ingiustizia.
Tu sei il “Servo di Dio”, il suo eletto;
annuncerai la buona notizia del Vangelo, nelle case e per le strade,
in riva al lago e nelle sinagoghe, nei luoghi dove la gente vive e lavora.
Non giudicherai né condannerai, ma donerai misericordia e perdono.
Dimostrerai delicatezza e rispetto verso ogni forma di vita,
compassione verso ogni debolezza e fragilità.
Non distruggerai né butterai la canna incrinata,
supplies of oil the wick that is going to go out.
Nothing will stop your love, your love disarming and disarmed.

The Father sees all this, welcomes and solemnly declares:
"You are my Son, my beloved, in you I am well pleased."
Now the sky could open up, you can now get the Holy Spirit
and associates, once and for all, heaven and earth,
the abode of God and the world of men.

On the day of baptism the heavens opened for me
And the Spirit has laid on me and made me an adopted son.
You, God, I've looked at me and smiled
was reflected in me the beauty of your face.
Give me
always your help, Lord, why
how to identify and enjoy this wonderful
dignity so as not to upset me never face the features of your Father.


Who wants to help and support the parish in the ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer.
All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.

week from January 9 to January 16

domenica 9
Festa del Battesimo del Signore
• Durante la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, celebrazione del Battesimo e ricordo di tutti i battesimi del 2010.

lunedì 10
• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.

martedì 11
• Ore 16.30, catechismo per i bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 12
• Al termine della S. Messa delle ore 18.00, catechesi per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 13
• Ore 16.00, incontro dell’Azione Cattolica Parrocchiale.
• Al termine della S. 18:00 am Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Saturday 15
• In the afternoon, activities for children and post-confirmation.

would also like to thank all those who in recent weeks of the Christmas season have expressed their solidarity and best wishes to the community of friars and the parish have expressed their affection and attention with gestures of generosity. Heartfelt thanks to all those who donated time and energy to the great success of all liturgical and parish activities. Thanks.

Dating engaged in preparation for marriage

Friday, January 21, at 20.30 at the den Entry from Piazzale Rosmini, there will be the first of the meetings for engaged couples in marriage preparation.

Anniversaries of Marriage and Family Group

Sunday, January 23, while S. 10:00 am Mass, the celebration of wedding anniversaries (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30). At the end, exchange of greetings in the oratory hall meeting and the family group among

Andrea, pastor

week from January 9 to January 16

Sunday, January 9

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Mary and Joseph Fresco
hours 18.00 - def.ta Giuseppina Benvegnù

lunedì 10 gennaio

ore 8.30 - def.ti Ugo e Cecilia Zamuner
ore 18.00 - def.ta Firmina Suzzi
- Paolo Perosa
- Antonio Calici

martedì 11 gennaio

ore 8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Giuseppe e Guido
ore 18.00 - Luca Kirchmayer
- Franco Percoco

mercoledì 12 gennaio

ore 8.30 - def.ti Antonia e Ferdinando
- Mauro Giardirri
ore 18.00 - def.ti Paolo e Roberto Godina
- Silvano Calzi (obitus)
- Giorgio Zalateo (obitus)

giovedì 13 gennaio

8.30 - Ezio Rizzian
- Rolando
18.00 - Piergiorgio
Stefani - Emma def.ta Baldissera (obitus)

Friday, January 14

8.30 - 18.00
- Renato Pellegrini

Saturday, January 15

8.30 - 18.00
def.ta Maria - Strengths def.ta Marina

Sunday, January 16

8.30 - def.ti Marino Auteri and Spartacus
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 18.00

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Should I Buy An Audi Tt

January 9, 2010 January 2, 2011 Family Parish

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Readings Jan. 1.: 6.22 to 27 nm, Ps 66, Gal 4:4-7, Lk 2.16-21 Reading
Sun Jan. 2. Sir 24,1-4.8-12, Psalm 147, Ephesians 1,3-6.15-18; Jn 1:1-18

From the Gospel according to Luke

At that time, the shepherds went without delay, and found Mary and Joseph and the Babe lying in the manger. And after seeing him, told what the child had been told. All those who heard it wondered at those things from their pastors. Maria, meanwhile, kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as they were told. When eight days were completed for circumcised, he was named Jesus, was called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. Good


O Jesus, a new year has begun! I, too, full of confidence and hope, I expected that it would introduce midnight. But with the speed of lightning that flickers from one end of heaven, my joy and desire for better days were assaulted by fears, anxieties and fears. Wars that never end, terrorist attacks, more and more devastating, that spared nothing and nobody, natural disasters are terrifying impact the daily nourishment of my fears. Who shall deliver me from the evils sempre in agguato? Dove troverò la forza di guardare in avanti e accogliere la nuova carovana di giorni come un dono e non come un rischio?
Maria, tua Madre, mi incoraggia e mi indica te, o Gesù. Tu sei l’Emmanuele, il Dio con noi. Tu sei il riflesso del volto benedicente del Padre, che si china propizio su di me. Ti è stato dato il nome Gesù, che significa: “Dio salva”.
Dio salva: ecco la garanzia più sicura nei giorni, lieti o tristi, che attraverserò nel nuovo anno. Dio salva! Certo, la sua opera di salvezza non è magica, non mi toglie dalla storia di questo tempo ne mi sottrae alla mia fatica di uomo; non mi libera dalla malattia e dalla sofferenza né mi impedisce di conoscere
failure and bankruptcy.
But God save me from evil and meanness, the evils that threaten to take root within myself and become dangerous for my existence. God save me from the resignation from feeling stronger than evil good, and death more powerful than life, hate love winning. Your death and resurrection, Jesus, declares emphatically that nothing can stop the love of God and his plan for peace and justice, will become a living reality and comforting for all its children.
with the smiling face of God the Father, printed in my heart, I can look with amazement at my life and begin the new year as if they boarded a bright sull'aurora mattino. Con te a fianco, o Gesù, sotto lo sguardo materno di Maria, posso presentarmi alla porta del futuro con il cuore vestito di speranza e con le mani aperte al fratello. È bello cominciare con te il nuovo anno e costruire con te la civiltà dell’amore.


Vorrei irrompere nelle vostre vite per portare a tutti gli auguri di un gioioso e sereno Natale, ricco di pace, consolazione e armonia nei vostri cuori, nelle vostre case e nelle vostre famiglie, ma mi permetto solo di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione per chiedere un aiuto. In questi ultimi mesi la Parrocchia ha affrontato numerose e consistenti spese dovute a lavori di manutenzione straordinaria (campanile; heating, retrofitting and security; roof of the Church of the Oratory services ...). This adds to the ordinary expenses of a parish like ours faces daily and cooperation with S. Vincent parish to help the poor of our community. That's why I would only knock on the door of your attention, your generosity and your ability to ask for help and support on this, our parish community. At the center of the church is the offering box on the table and print the money for those who want a receipt. Men are beyond many things, but the Lord takes into account even the humble cup of water that we gave to those who were thirsty. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity.

week from January 1 to January 9

a Saturday

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and
Day of Prayer for Peace
schedule S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.


Second Sunday after Christmas
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.

Tuesday 4
• At 20.30, the Oratory in the cinema, a concert of instrumental and vocal Christmas music

Thursday 6 Epiphany of the Lord

• At 15.00, the Oratory in film, instrumental concert organized by Ados.
• At 17.00, in the Church, Christmas concert of the group "Auricorale Hands", directed by Monica Cesar. • The
S. 18:00 am Mass will be postponed for about ten minutes.

Sunday 9

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
• During S. 10:00 am Mass, the celebration of Baptism and the memory of all the baptisms 2010.

Christmas and Thanksgiving

Father Andrew, Father, Father Vittorio and Gildo thank all those who have expressed closeness and affection with greetings, signs and gestures of concern and generosity, and referring to each of the most loving and good wishes for a peaceful and joyous 2011.
also sincerely thank all those who in these days of festivities have donated time and energy for all liturgical and parish activities. Thanks.

Visit the crib erected in the crypt and the exhibition of nativity scenes in the hall of the Oratory.

The brothers of Our Lady of the Sea

week from January 1 to January 9

Saturday, January 1

10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 16.00
def.ta Maddalena Cirone - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - def.ta News Furlani

Sunday, January 2

8.30 - Italo Sartini
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Doro and Lidia De Rinaldini
- def.ti Eugene, Elisa and Silvana
18.00 - Renato Suzzi

Monday, January 3

8.30 - According to the intention of the tenderer
- def.ti Augustine and Luigia
18.00 - Elida def.ta Forty
- def.ti Edwin White and Renzo Bundi

Tuesday, January 4

8.30 - Ezzelino Marin
- def.ti Maria and Silvio Schiener
18:00 - Anna Maria Trinca def.ta

Wednesday, January 5

8.30 - def. Oddone to
18.00 - def.ta Carmen Simonetti

Thursday, January 6

8.30 - Joan and Peter def.ti
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - 18.00

Friday 7 January

8.30 - Ernesto and Family def.ti Tirelli
18.00 - Luciano Bosso

Saturday, January 8

8.30 -
18:00 - Dario Cavazzon

Sunday, January 9

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Mary and Joseph Fresco
18.00 -