Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Zeph 2.3, 3, 12-13, Ps 145 1 Cor 1, 26-31, 5.1 to 12 Mt
From the Gospel according to Matthew
At that time, seeing the crowds, he went the mountain, he sat down and came to him and his disciples. He began to speak and taught them, saying
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God
Blessed are the persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you e, mentendo, diranno ogni sorta di male contro di voi per causa mia. Rallegratevi ed esultate, perché grande è la vostra ricompensa nei cieli».
O Gesù, mi sembra proprio di vederti, lì, seduto sulla montagna,
in mezzo ai tuoi discepoli, circondato da una folla immensa.
Tu pronunci parole meravigliose, che escono dalla ricchezza del tuo cuore:
"Beati voi poveri davanti a Dio ... ".
Lasciate che Dio vi colmi del suo amore!
Quando vi sentite addolorati, perché non c'è giustizia,
quando l'afflizione vi paralizza, ascoltate la grande promessa di Dio:
sarete consolati, sarete sfamati, vedrete Dio.
Quanta dolcezza nelle tue Beatitudes!
They fall like balm on the situations of distress,
soothe wounds, instill peace and consolation.
It's nice what you say, or Jesus, but the crudeness of reality
shakes me from this atmosphere of charm and
brings me to the depressing everyday.
I say, "No, can not be true." Many scholars and suspected
give voice to the doubts that I bounce in:
"Fine words, but in a world of dreams."
"With the beatitudes do not govern the nations."
"There is no development without conflict, there being no competition."
You see, Jesus, you consider "blessed" what I consider unhappy.
Blessed is the rich, the mighty, the honorable: that those who have, who can, who's counting.
Give yourself blessed the poor and lowly, the despised:
applies who has not, can not and does not count.
is a dramatic reversal of values,
why it's hard to believe the true Gospel of the Beatitudes.
Give me, I pray, the Holy Spirit, so that it can receive the gift of
your words of life which are medicine for my troubles, that heals the heart
truth from falsehood.
your disciples have understood what you
announced when they approached you, who entered into communion of life with you.
For here is not so much listen to your words, what
to feel your heart.
and from there, from your heart, that flowed to the beatitudes.
They tell us about your experience deeper
reveal your face as the Son of God
Help me, O Jesus, to understand that true happiness and contentment
You stand on the side of God's poor are blessed, because it is
blessed by God and loved by him, accepted in his kingdom.
The tenderness of God is indestructible, full of joy and well-being in situations where his presence is palpable, both in the nights of loneliness, when his love is just guessed, hoped, believed.
Fa 'the gospel of the Beatitudes will always remain for me "good news",
take me to see the world and life for yourself, O Jesus,
week from 30 January to 6 February
• Monday, 31 Hours 15.30, in Oratorio, "Afternoon Together" for the elderly.
• Tuesday, 2001 At 16.30, catechism classes for children and teens.
Wednesday, 2002 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, called Candlemas Day of Consecrated Life and
• At 18.00, S. Solemn Mass with procession to church.
• At the end of S. 18:00 am Mass, catechesis Youth and adults.
Thursday, 2003 S. Memory Biagio
• After the Holy Mass, blessing of the throat.
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Friday, 2004 First Friday of the month
• 20:30 pm, at the hall entrance from Piazzale Rosmini, meeting for engaged couples preparing for marriage. •
20.30, at the Parish Church of Zion, a meeting of the Bishop with all of the Deanery Pastoral Councils.
Saturday, 2005 • In the afternoon, at the Parish Church of SS Peter and Paul, Feast of Peace, organized by ACRI diocese.
Sunday, 2006 Day for Life
• In front of the Church, sale of primroses to support organizations that promote and safeguard the life. • At
S. Mass at 11.30 am, 16.00 pm •
dell'Ados presence, at the Parish of St. Rita, a meeting of Prayer for Families, chaired by the Bishop.
Day of the Sick
February 11 is the memory of the apparitions of Lourdes and celebrate the Feast of the Sick. In our Church, at 16.00, there will be a solemn celebration for all patients, presided over by our Bishop and animated dall'Unitalsi. The suffering people who want to participate e non hanno alcuna possibilità di trasporto, contattino gli uffici dell’Unitalsi.
Fra Andrea, parroco
settimana dal 30 gennaio al 6 febbraio
domenica 30 gennaio
ore 8.30 - Per le Anime del Purgatorio
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ta Mariella Corrente
ore 18.00 - def.ta Ada Turra
lunedì 31
ore 8.30 - Secondo le intenzioni dell’offerente
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pietro e Giovanna Zori
- def.ti Vilma e Giuseppe
- def.ti Novella e Renato Mezzena
martedì 1 febbraio
ore 8.30 - Domenico def.to Sponza
- def.to Ernesto and dead fam. Tirelli
18.00 - Renato def.to Suzzi
- News def.ta Furlani
- Palmiro def.to Olivo (obitus)
2 Wednesday 8.30 -
18.00 - def.ti Mario, Bruna and dead fam . Roccasalva
Thursday 3
8.30 - def.ta Antoinette Baitz
- John def.to Petretich
18.00 - Elida def.ta Forty
- def.ta Anna Antonini
Friday 8.30 am - Second the offeror's intentions
18.00 - def.to Paolo Bearz
- def.ti Ondina and Nicola Tedeschi
- def.to Luciano dead fam. Fabris
Saturday 5
8.30 - def.to Oddone
18.00 - def.te Gisella and Stefania Scherl
- Mario def.to Strudhoff
Sunday 6
8.30 - Giovanna def.ta Mervitz
10.00 - For 'assembly
11.30 am - def.ti Eugene, Elisa and Silvana
18.00 - According to the offeror's intentions
Who wants to help and support the Parish in ordinary and extraordinary expenses of maintenance and management, can use the postal order, which is on the table of the press, to make their offer. All my deepest and sincere gratitude for your attention and that the blessing of the Lord is the greatest reward for your generosity. Thanks.