Friday, December 24, 2010

The Last Blade Sprite

Family Parish

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Readings: Is 52.7-10, Ps 97 Heb 1.1 to 6; Jn 1:1-18

From the Gospel according to John

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ... In him was life and the life was the light of men, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness could not overpower ... Word was the true light that enlightens every man. It was in the world and the world was made through him, yet the world did not recognize him. He came to his and his people received him not. But to those who received him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name, who, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but by God they were created. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.


O Jesus, I've waited so your Christmas! I have been so busy in the preparations: the crib, the flowers on the altar, confessions, subsidies, homilies
... Now here I am, on this night, before your altar, filled with a call from a mysterious and intense nostalgia for you.

I carry in my heart, along with the burden of the weaknesses, expectations and hopes for a new life. I want to go in front of your baby crib, listen once again the message of that night that changed the history of the world and let themselves be infected by the joy of the angels and shepherds.
I adore you, Jesus, God made my child, and bless, the Saviour of the world. You are the Christ, the Son of God, you came into the world to defeat death and sheds light on life through the gospel. You are my hope and my joy, you only have parole di vita eterna, ai tuoi piedi depongo le mie lacrime e le mie speranze. Fammi uscire dalle nebbie del compromesso,
liberami dal fariseismo e dalla voglia di apparire, aiutami a vivere nella coerenza e nel pulito, anche se è faticoso.

Mio Dio, mio piccolo Dio, povero come l’amore, umile come la grotta in cui sei nato… Sei uno come me, sei entrato nella vita con il grido di ogni bambino che invoca attenzione e protezione…

Grazie, o Dio bambino, che vieni per diventare pane e vino, festa e vita per la mia inappagata ricerca di felicità. Grazie, o Dio bambino, perché con il Natale il tuo nome diventa sulle mie labbra un nome amato e il tuo volto è tenero come quello di un bambino a cui si guarda con occhi pieni di stupore.


Vorrei irrompere nelle vostre vite per portare a tutti gli auguri di un gioioso e sereno Natale, ricco di pace, consolazione e armonia nei vostri cuori, nelle vostre case e nelle vostre famiglie, ma mi permetto solo di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione per chiedere un aiuto. In questi ultimi mesi la Parrocchia ha affrontato numerose e consistenti spese dovute a lavori di manutenzione straordinaria (campanile; impianto di riscaldamento; messa a norma e sicurezza; tetto della Chiesa; servizi dell’Oratorio …). A ciò vanno aggiunte le ordinarie spese che una parrocchia come la nostra affronta quotidianamente e la cooperazione con la S. Vincenzo parrocchiale per aiutare i poveri della nostra comunità. Ecco perché mi permetto solamente di bussare alla porta della vostra attenzione, delle vostre possibilità e della vostra generosità per chiedere un aiuto e un sostegno per questa nostra comunità parrocchiale. Al centro della Chiesa c’è la cassetta delle offerte e sul tavolo della stampa i vaglia per chi vuole avere un documento fiscale. Agli uomini sfuggono tante cose, ma il Signore tiene conto perfino dell’umile bicchiere d’acqua che abbiamo donato a chi era assetato. A tutti la mia più profonda e sincera gratitudine per la vostra attenzione e che la benedizione del Signore sia la più grande ricompensa per la vostra generosità.

week from December 25 to January 2

Saturday 25
Solemnity of Christmas Time
S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.

Sunday 26 Sunday
S. Family
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.

Tuesday 28
• In the afternoon you can take the cribs for the preparation of the exhibition hall in the Oratory.

Thursday 30
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.

Friday, 31
• At 18.00, S. Thanksgiving Mass and singing of the Te Deum at the end of the calendar year.

Saturday, January 1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and
Day of Prayer for Peace
schedule S. Messe, just for today: 10.00-11.30-16.00-18.00.

Sunday Second Sunday after Christmas
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.


Father Andrew, Father, Father Vittorio and Gildo turn to the most dear and loving wishes for a happy and holy Christmas. As Christ came into the world in simplicity and poverty of cave of Bethlehem, to, today and forever, to be reborn in our daily lives to illuminate our lives with its light, warm with his love, fill it with His peace.
born Jesus is joy for all, consolation for those who are lonely, comfort for those in grief support for those who live in situations of crisis; courage for those who are in despair; mercy for those who are crushed by his own sin.
All the hope and prayer that Christ, born in the world, become the true light that enlightens the heart and mind of every person who seeks it and to respond to his infinite love.
Bring all your loved ones and especially to the lonely, elderly and sick our hope and remembrance in prayer.

Visit the crib erected in the crypt and the exhibition of nativity scenes will be made by Tuesday, December 28 in Oratory. During the celebrations, has suspended the visit of the crib in the Crypt.

The brothers of Our Lady of the Sea

week from December 25 to January 2

Saturday 25th 10.00 - 11.30 For the assembly
- def.ti News and Angelo Ferruccio
16.00 - 18.00 Corrado - def. Family Limoncino you

Sunday 26 8.30 - def.ti Francesco and Francesca
10.00 - For the assembly
ore 11.30 - Antonio Onofrio
- Vittorio Coronica
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pasquale e Laura

lunedì 27
ore 8.30 - Gildo Milocco
- def.ti Filippo e Maria
ore 18.00 - Salvatore Cipressi
- def.ti Alba ed Enzo Arculeo
- def.ti Tano, Francesco e Mariolina

martedì 28
ore 8.30 - Vittorio Hlaca
- def.ti Antonio, Palmira e Antonia
ore 18.00 - Stelio

mercoledì 29
ore 8.30 -
ore 18.00 - def.ti Giuseppe, Rosa, Jose ed Emilia Trento

giovedì 30
ore 8.30 - Roberto Scherli
ore 18.00 - Def.te Francesco and Luigi Antonini
- Marcella def.ta Visintin (obitus)

Friday 31
8.30 - def.ta Francesca Leone
18.00 - def.ti Vascotto
Bruno Lucia - def.ti Family Bettaccini

Saturday 10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ta Maddalena Cirone
16.00 - for the souls in Purgatory
18.00 - def.ta News Furlani

2 hours 8.30 - Italo Sartini
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.ti Doro and Lidia De Rinaldini
18.00 - Renato Suzzi

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Six People Sit At A Circular Table

December 25, 2010 December 19, 2010 Family Parish

Sunday December 19, 2010

Fourth Sunday of Advent Readings: Isaiah 7.10 to 14, Ps 23, Rom 1.1 to 7, from 1.18 to 24 Mt

From the Gospel according to Matthew

So it was generated Jesus Christ: His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child through the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, because he was a righteous man and did not want to accuse her publicly, she thought of her away secretly.
But while he was considering these things, behold, an angel appeared in his dream the Lord and said: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. In fact the baby is born in lei viene dallo Spirito Santo; ella darà alla luce un figlio e tu lo chiamerai Gesù: egli infatti salverà il suo popolo dai suoi peccati».
Tutto questo è avvenuto perché si compisse ciò che era stato detto dal Signore per mezzo del profeta: «Ecco, la vergine concepirà e darà alla luce un figlio: a lui sarà dato il nome di Emmanuele», che significa “Dio con noi”.
Quando si destò dal sonno, Giuseppe fece come gli aveva ordinato l’angelo del Signore e prese con sé la sua sposa.


La tua venuta, o Gesù, non avviene nella quiete.
C'è scontro tra il tuo irrompere nella vita e i miei progetti e le mie visuali.
Tu sei l'altro, il diverso. Lo avevi detto per bocca del profeta Isaia: "I miei pensieri non sono i vostri pensieri, le vostre vie non sono le mie vie.
Quanto il cielo sovrasta la terra, tanto le mie vie sovrastano le vostre vie,
i miei pensieri sovrastano i vostri pensieri" (Is 55,8-9).

È una costante nella storia della salvezza: tutti coloro che collaborano con te
debbono superare questa crisi. Domenica scorsa Giovanni Battista si domandava: "Sei tu colui che deve venire o dobbiamo aspettare un altro?" Oggi tocca a Giuseppe superare le stesse difficoltà.

Tu, o Gesù, sei entrato nella sua vita in un modo inatteso,
imprevedibile, inimmaginabile. Quanti problemi in così poco tempo!
Giuseppe intuisce che quello che sta avvenendo è qualche cosa di misterioso
e umilmente si chiede quale sia il suo compito: da una parte non può avere Maria tutta per sé, dall'altra non può "giustamente" ripudiarla, non essendovi in lei alcuna colpa. Che cosa fare? Da uomo "giusto", qual è, non giudica secondo le apparenze; rifugge dalle prese di posizione: possono ferire, lacerare, umiliare. "Mentre sta pensando a queste cose" è raggiunto dalla parola di Dio che gli annuncia il mistero che si compie e gli indica le scelte da fare. L’ascolto diventa scelta, decisione concreta: "Giuseppe fece come gli aveva ordinato l'angelo". Con tutti i rischi che questo comporta, con all obstacles and dangers ahead. Without further explanation, no request for specific guarantees, without requiring a more conspicuous role.

In your logic, Jesus, do not serve the master and Nobel laureates
to be employees of salvation. You call people, simple people, real, available as Mary, like Joseph. They have changed their lives and oriented according to your host. Understand and carry out their vocation with loving fidelity: Joseph will be his father but not a parent, you will be mother and mother Maria.

O Jesus, if you into my life, I really celebrate your Christmas. Give me, please, a true faith, a faith that is embodied in everyday life, a faith that is translated in the works.
unexpected or painful situations in life are not tripping on my way, but become a growth opportunity.

You, Jesus, salvation does not build in the abstract, but through the concreteness of life. Give me wisdom and discernment, because I understand your desire, and implement it fully, overcoming doubts and concerns. Give me a faith that makes abandonment, obedience to your commandments, because only you have plans for peace.

week from December 19 to December 26

Sunday 19
• 20.00, in the Church, Christmas concert.

lunedì 20
• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 21.00, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 21

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo per bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 22
• Al termine della S. Messa serale, celebrazione del sacramento della confessione per giovani e adulti.

giovedì 23

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.

venerdì 24
• Orario Ss. Messe: 8.30 and 24.00. The Church will be opened at 23.30.

Saturday 25
Solemnity of Christmas

• Time changed the Holy Mass, just for today:
10:00 to 11:30 - 16.00 - 18.00.

Sunday 26 Feast of St.
• Timetable of Holy Mass usual: 8.30-10.00-11.30-18.00.


Father Andrew, Father, Father Vittorio and Gildo turn to the most dear and loving wishes for a happy and holy Christmas. As Christ came into the world in simplicity and poverty of the cave of Bethlehem, to, today and forever, to be reborn in our daily lives to illuminate our lives with its light, warm with his love, fill it with His peace.
born Jesus is joy for all, consolation for those who are lonely, comfort for those in grief support for those who live in situations of crisis; courage for those who are in despair; mercy for those who are crushed by his own sin.
All the hope and prayer that Christ, born in the world, become the true light that enlightens the heart and mind of every person who seeks it and to respond to his infinite love.

The brothers of Our Lady of the Sea

week from December 19 to December 26

Sunday, December 19

8.30 - Antonio Creglia
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Roberto Vascotto
18.00 - Alessandro Fornasier

Monday, December 20

8.30 - 18.00 Adriano Buzzi - def.ti and Ferruccio Maria Furlani
- Gildo Milocco

Tuesday, December 21

8.30 - def.ta Carolina Cap
18.00 - def.ti Albino and Fabio

Wednesday, December 22

8.30 - Andrea and Ottavio def.ti Querzola
18.00 - Mario Giorgi

Thursday, December 23

8.30 - Linda def.ta Zoch
18.00 - Gabriel and Renzo Benedetti def.ti

Friday, December 24

8.30 - def.ta Clara Rossi
- According to the intention of the tenderer
24.00 - S. Mass of the Nativity of the Lord

Saturday, December 25

10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti News and Angelo Ferruccio
16.00 - 18.00 Conrad - Family def.ti Limoncino

Sunday, December 26

8.30 - def.ti Francesco and Francesca
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 -
Onofrio Antonio - Vittorio Coronica
ore 18.00 - def.ti Pasquale e Laura

Saturday, December 11, 2010

2010 Impala On 24 Inch Rims

DISABILITY ': Inclusive education in human rights and victims of AIDS money

Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights specifies how important education is for each individual and how this should allow the development of personality and "the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. " Our legal system must therefore take into account these principles and recognize that a disabled person an absolute personal right designed to promote a suitable school placement. In Italy there are more than 160,000 students with disabilities certified by the local health services, compared to about 90,000 support teachers, 40,000 temporary workers. But according to analysis conducted by Centro Studi Erickson, there is an additional 15-20% of pupils who have difficulty learning and education. The controversy rained down on the minister Gelmini in relation to cuts to education have increased in intensity when you are not found traces of the problem of disability in the "urgent measures in education and universities' and as a result of a directive, 69, economically inadequate for "building initiatives of training and qualification of integration ': Less than € 64 per student and teacher to just over 96. In 2009, during a confrontation between officials and experts from the Ministry of Education and further to the participation of associations of persons with disabilities, have been drafted the guidelines, then spread to all schools. These collect a set of directives aimed at improving the integration of students with disabilities. Examines the constitutional evolution Italian law, the organization of the Regional School Office for optimizing use of resources, establishment of GLIRA (regional inter-institutional working groups), the need to acquire, by schools, legal status (L.59/97).
This is an important step to support a policy of inclusive education advanced, based also on the bio-psycho-social called ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health), encoded by the World Health Organization. It is a classification that focuses on the context in which you place the handicapped, to promote their involvement in social activities. But to achieve this goal it is necessary to facilitate teaching and enhance learning tools, and using new technologies. Students and families should therefore receive adequate training on the use of new information technologies. Pupils should be involved in the attention to the teaching materials, conduct of the class, the activities of reinforcement learning. And in the process of integration there must be participation by all teachers, even those in charge of the curriculum to pupils with disabilities, as a support teacher. The education of students with disabilities is always been a strength of our educational system.
The Italian school has always been a welcoming community where all pupils, irrespective of their functional diversity, have been able to experience personal growth and social development. But we must ask ourselves how it is possible that, in recent years, many parents of handicapped children, both physical and psychological, have been forced to recourse to the courts because they were entitled to enjoy the hours of support due. It is the task of this paper provide the reply, but those who justify certain behaviors in terms of cost reduction knows that the right of disabled people to school support is configured in our legal system, the fundamental human right, not compressible and not subject to relations with other interests, such as budget. A Massimiliano Fanni


How Is Garnier Light Fairness Face Wash

Family Parish of December 12, 2010

Domenica 12 dicembre 2010
Terza Domenica di Avvento
Letture: Is 35,1-6a. 8a.10; Sal 145; Gc 5,7-10; Mt 11,2-11

Dal vangelo secondo Matteo

In quel tempo, Giovanni, che era in carcere, avendo sentito parlare delle opere del Cristo, per mezzo dei suoi discepoli mandò a dirgli: «Sei tu colui che deve venire o dobbiamo aspettare un altro?». Gesù rispose loro: «Andate e riferite a Giovanni ciò che udite e vedete: I ciechi riacquistano la vista, gli zoppi camminano, i lebbrosi sono purificati, i sordi odono, i morti risuscitano, the poor have proclaimed the Gospel. And blessed is he who does not find me a source of scandal. " While they were leaving, Jesus began to speak to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go to see in the desert? A reed shaken by the wind? So, what did you go see? A man dressed in clothes of luxury? Here, those who wear luxury clothing are in kings' palaces! Well, what did you go see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, in fact, more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written: "Behold, before thee I send my messenger before you, he will prepare your way." Verily I say unto you, among those born of women there has been none greater than John il Battista; ma il più piccolo nel regno dei cieli è più grande di lui».


Giovanni Battista, il profeta dalle parole dure come sassi e taglienti come asce, non grida più né minaccia castighi.
Masticato dalla vita, spazzato via dall'arroganza del potere, nella buia prigione di Erode, si interroga: "Ho visto giusto? Ho fatto bene?".

Giovanni si aspettava che tu, o Gesù, saresti stato il più forte, avresti separato i giusti dai peccatori, giudicando tutti con severità.
E perché non divampasse l'ira di Dio, con tutte le sue forze aveva invitato il popolo a convertirsi e fare frutti degni di penitenza.
Tu, But when you started the mission, you had no fan to clean your yard or an ax to cut the roots of the tree fruitless, but sinners welcome you with love and mercy.
a true man of faith, John does not take these doubts in his heart.
sends you to say
"Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?"

You, Jesus, you are the Messiah, the Messenger of God, your work does not occur in
force that humiliates and crushes, but the love that heals and forgives.
you became a man, you came into our history
not to judge and punish, but to all life.
You are the Messiah, according to the heart of God, who "does not have the death the sinner, but he wants that he be converted and live "(cf. Ez 18:23).

Two thousand years later, the question is the same, even if the formula are men and women of different races and cultures.
sometimes emerges in my heart.
You know, Jesus, I am tempted to think that nothing has changed with your coming.
If you say that you are the King of the universe, the one true savior,
those who live near me, I consider dreamer dreamer.
Then, with hearts full of bitterness, I am tempted to declare:
"I was wrong, I have to wait for another savior."

Your reply, Jesus, is banal and disturbing fragile and heroic
"Be patient and do not despair. Watch the farmer, examines the history and life,
grasp the signs of the presence of the Kingdom: the blind see, the dumb speak, the lepers are cleansed
... ".
Yes, O Jesus, I too have seen the explosive power of the gospel,
I have seen people change, heal, see.
Wrinkle in corrupt world, and I discovered restless gestures of total gratuity, lives consumed in the gift and hope, tears of brotherhood in hell of loneliness and selfishness.
Is this the problem?
An inner myopia that prevents me from enjoying the hidden and subtle presence of God?

week from December 12 to December 19

domenica 12

• Durante la S. Messa delle ore 10.00, Seconda Tappa del Cammino Catechistico Parrocchiale: Consegna del Vangelo ai ragazzi del 2° anno di catechismo.
• Al termine della S. Messa delle 10.00, incontro per coppie e famiglie. Conclusione con pranzo al sacco condiviso in Oratorio. C’è il servizio di baby-sitter.

lunedì 13

• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 20.30, Centri d’Ascolto della Parola di Dio presso le famiglie: Prato, via Combi 12; Querzola, via De Amicis 2/1.
• Ore 20.30, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.

martedì 14

• Ore 16.30, in Oratorio, catechismo per bambini e ragazzi.

mercoledì 15

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, catechesi per gli adulti sulla Parola di Dio, tenuta dal parroco.

giovedì 16

• Al termine della S. Messa serale, adorazione del Ss. Sacramento e preghiera per le vocazioni.
• Ore 20.30, Centro d’Ascolto della Parola di Dio presso la famiglia: Valentini, Via Romanin, 7.

sabato 18

• Ore 10.30, matrimonio di Giampaolo Scaramagli e Anna Crismani. Tanti auguri.
• Ore 12.30, in Oratorio, Christmas lunch for the assisted S. Vincent parish.
• 16.00 pm, in church, prayer meeting in preparation for Christmas for the children of the Catechism, along with their parents.

Sunday 19

• At 20.30, in the Church, "Palio of Christmas" festival of choirs of the district and the city will perform a Christmas concert.

• Who has withdrawn the card to the poll on our ward, it can put it out in the box at the center of the Church.
• In the sacristy is available to mark your calendar for the intentions of the Holy Mass for the year 2011. •
remember the change of time of the Holy Mass for the only Christmas Day and New Year's not 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 and 18.00, but 10.00, 11.30, 16.00 and 18.00.

Of Andrea, pastor

week from December 12 to December 19

Sunday, December 12

8.30 - def.ta Francesca Leone
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.te Catherine and Josephine
- def.te Sabina and Fernanda Bastiani
18.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano

Monday, December 13

8.30 - Rolando
- def.ta Mulig
Lucia - Lucia def.ta Piccini
18.00 - Final . ta Maria Di Simone
- def.ta Iolanda Mersic
- def.ta Lucia Milocco

Tuesday, December 14

8.30 - def.ti Claudio, and Antonio Wilhelmina

Torcello - Maria Pia def.ta Zerial
18.00 - def. you Natalia and Mark Coslovich

Wednesday, December 15

8.30 - def.ta
Maria - Giuseppe Polvara
18.00 - Antonio Bartolotta (obitus)

Thursday, December 16

hours 8.30 - Massimo Del Blacks
- def.ti Spartacus and Marino
18.00 - def.ti Iso and Angelo
Rates - def.ta Maria Trinca-Scherl

Friday, December 17

8.30 - 18.00 Aldo Orlandi - Norman Farndon
- def.te Nives and Derna
- def.ta Giuseppina D'Agostini

Saturday, December 18

8.30 - Louis Bajc
18.00 - Antonio

Sunday, December 19

8.30 -
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - Roberto Vascotto
18.00 - Alessandro Fornasier

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amplifiers Genesis Vs Kicker

Family Parish

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Second Sunday of Advent Readings: Isaiah 11.1-10, Ps 71, Rom 15.4-9, 3.1 to 12 Mt

From the Gospel according to Matthew

In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." For he is the one of whom had spoken by the prophet Isaiah when he said: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
... Seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father. "
Why I say that from these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you in water for repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. He holds the shovel and clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. "


O Jesus, together with the whole Church, I am continuing the journey of Advent. Sunday
your word has made me aware of the danger in letting him spend his life without realize your salvation, your child's smiling face of God.

Today invited me to go to John the Baptist, because it put me under his guidance. You have sent ahead to prepare your hearts to come. He claims to be the voice crying in the wilderness. His words are strong and scary, hard and aggressive, and shake my false peace.

John, I received on the banks of the Jordan, in the Judean Desert. And there, in the desert, there is no place for goods, friendships, role, they give me the illusion of solidity and security. John brings me back to basics, it makes me touch that only a poor creature, unable to subsist without a providential help and liberating. He shakes my indifference, my crumble fragile truth. "It is time - I cry, to remove the mask, and drop the illusions and honestly ask yourself who you really are. It is time to pave the way to welcome the God in your life always unexpected and always different. It is time for real change, a serious life choice. "

O Jesus, help me to do some 'of the desert in my life, taking away the superfluous and ephemeral. There are too many things that clutter my heart. There are words that profane the inner silence, dreams and desires are dictated by vanity. Fa 'unable to accept that your Word, which leads to hope
and floods the mind of unspeakable consolation. Oh, if only to blind eyes to the many dazzling images and false, I could discover the true image of myself and of others! So clear the road for all the obstacles that prevent you from being my God Then experience the joy of meeting you and all around me and I would flourish in a new world.

O Lord, let me dream with the Prophet Isaiah, let me see the wolf grazes with the lamb, swords beaten into plowshares, dirt changed to white. Let me dream, because you and with you I begin to realize that these new heavens and new earth, that you want to give us. For this you give me the time of Advent, the time of waiting, not for watching, but because it operates so that the dream becomes everyday reality and the utopian history.

improve our District

for several years, the parish is working with the "Micro Project Areas" and the "Good Practices, non-profit organization, to create, promote and organize gatherings, meetings, parties and help people in our ward of St. Vito, also trying to activate the areas and projects to improve the quality of life. For better work and propose something concrete is a questionnaire, which is in the table of the press. It is a simple sheet to fill out, anonymously and without ulterior motives. You can fill it here or take it home and then back to church in the box at the center of the Church, or seek help from professionals outside the Church.

weeks from December 5 to December 12

Sunday 5

• A memory and recall of the Mission Parish, will be P. Federico with some other missionaries: the groups will meet Holy Mass and enlivening.

• Monday, 6 hours 15.30, "Afternoon Together" to the elderly, Oratorio, with the Missionaries. •
20.30, Centers Listening to the Word of God in the family: Viviani, via Goineo, 5; Dean, Piazzale Rosmini, 7.

Tuesday 7

• At 16.30, in oratory, catechism classes for children and teens.

Wednesday 8 - Immaculate Conception
• Timetable of Holy Mass: 8:30 to 10:00 - 11.30 - 18.00.
• Sale of cakes and sweets. Those who wish may make and donate the sweets to be sold before the Church for the benefit of S. Vincent parish. Each must have a sweet piece of paper with writings and brought the ingredients used in the parish Tuesday afternoon. For further information contact the volunteers of the St. Vincenzo.
• 11.30 am, Adhesion of Catholic party.

Thursday 9

• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.
• 16.00 pm, a meeting of Catholic Parish. •
20.30, Center for Attention to the Word of God in the family: Spizzamiglio, via Combi, 22, IV fl

Friday 10 • h. 20.00, evidence of the choir singing for young people.

Saturday 11

• In the afternoon, in Oratorio, "Creative Workshop" for children and activities for kids.

Sunday 12

• During S. 10:00 am Mass, Catechetical Second Step of the Way Parrocchiale: Consegna del Vangelo ai ragazzi del 2° anno di catechismo.
• Al termine della S. Messa delle 10.00, in Oratorio, secondo incontro per coppie e famiglie. Conclusione con pranzo al sacco condiviso. C’è il servizio di baby-sitter.

Prendete dal tavolo della stampa il programma per l’Avvento, le preghiere da recitare in famiglia e il giornale Vita Nuova.

Fra Andrea, parroco

settimana dal 5 dicembre al 12 dicembre

domenica 5 dicembre

ore 8.30 - Oddone
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Gino e Maria Gnan
18.00 - Nicholas handle

Monday, December 6

8.30 - Nicholas Deponte
18.00 - Giuseppe Barbaro

Tuesday, December 7

8.30 - Orazio
Leone - According to the intention of the tenderer
18.00 - def.ti Lucia and Angela Madrussani
- Angelina def.ta

Wednesday, December 8

8.30 - Maria def.ta
10.00 - For ' Assembly
11.30 - def.ti Armida and Guido Suzzi
18:00 - Thursday, December 9

8.30 - Matilda Cappeccino
- def.ti Family Cominotti
18.00 - Antonio

Friday, December 10

8.30 - def.ta White Bendagli
18.00 - Paolo Perosa
- Antonio and Nina def.ti

Saturday, December 11

8.30 - def.ti Carmela, Joseph and Guido
18.00 - Bruna def.ta Peresan
- Marco Coslovich
- Luciano Nacuz

Sunday, December 12

8.30 - def. ta Francesca Leone
10.00 - 11.30 am For the assembly
- def.te Catherine and Josephine
- def.te Sabina and Fernanda Bastiani
18.00 - Beatrice def.ta dell'Antoniano