First Sunday of Advent Readings: Is 2.1 to 5, Ps 121, Rom 13.11-14; Mt 24.37-44
From the Gospel according to Matthew
In that time, Jesus told his disciples:
"How were the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and took her husband until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept all: so shall also the coming of Son of Man. Then two men in the field: one will be brought the other left off. Two women grinding at the mill: one will be taken away and the other left.
Watch therefore, for ye know on what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: if the householder had known at what hour of the night the thief, have watched and would not have let his house be broken. Therefore you also be ready for, hour you do not, is the Son of Man. "
Thank you, Jesus, so give me a chance to start with the whole Church a new journey of faith, enlightened by your grace.
path is essentially identical to that of the previous year, but is also a new path, because there are different situations where my faith will have to measure, especially different is my person.
Immediately call me to watch, I urge you to be ready, because the hour that I do not guess, you're coming.
With all my soul I pray thee, O Lord, scrollami off my torpor, open my sleepy eyes, warms my heart cold and numb.
not let sink in the swamp of consumerism, in the mists of laziness or selfishness in the mud.
beginning of this Advent I promise I'll try to meditate with more love your word resound so strongly in my life and push me on the path of 'waiting and hope. Deliver me from the guilty
myopia that makes living in a normal opaque and flat, so it's time to leave the surface of the skin lead to the existence, without addressing the hard work of passionate research, of 'careful listening and comparison with your true Word.
Fa 'who does not live by the day, is' I do not like being reduced to a wreck driven by the river of time, the inexorable passage.
How true and the Apostle's exhortation that the apostle Paul spoke to the Christian community of Rome: "Brothers, it is time to wake up, because our salvation is nearer than when we first believed."
Yes, it's time to "get out from sleep, it's time to abandon that lifestyle that keeps me from seeing what is happening deep in my life and the life of the Church and the world.
early years of the new liturgy want to commit to go all ' essential, in the middle of the day I put my relationship with you, O Jesus, who is constantly and one day you'll come in glory to judge the world and every person.
Fa 'that the desire of your presence, will not be stifled by grief and daily tasks.
Help me to always try to find time for you to listen with love to talk and celebrate your love. There is a risk, or Jesus, who lives in a normal opaque e piatta, fatta di azioni abituali che alimentano la vita fisica e sociale, senza tener conto di tutto il resto.
Questo per te è un errore madornale, una colpevole miopia.
Riservare attenzione a tutti gli aspetti della vita, è un obbligo, non un optional. Non posso vivere alla giornata, non devo ridurmi a un rottame che viene trascinato dal fiume del tempo che scorre inesorabile. Amen.
settimana dal 28 novembre al 5 dicembre
lunedì 29
• Ore 15.30, in Oratorio, “Pomeriggio Insieme” per gli anziani.
• Ore 20.30, incontro del Gruppo Giovani.
martedì 30
• At 16.30, in oratory, catechism classes for children and teens.
• A prayer for Father In Andrea's day.
Wednesday, December 1
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, catechesis for adults.
Thursday 2
• At the end of S. Evening Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for vocations.
• Friday, 3 hours 20.00, evidence of the choir singing for young people.
Saturday 4
• Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday, in memory and recall of the Mission Parish, will be present P. Federico con alcuni altri missionari: incontreranno i gruppi e animeranno le Ss. Messe.
• Nel pomeriggio, in Oratorio, “Laboratorio Creativo” per i bambini.
Prossimi appuntamenti
Mercoledì 8 dicembre, ci sarà la vendita di torte e dolci, il cui ricavato andrà a beneficio della S. Vincenzo parrocchiale. Chi desidera, può realizzare e donare i dolci che verranno venduti davanti alla Chiesa. Ogni dolce deve essere accompagnato da un foglietto che riporta gli ingredienti usati e portato in parrocchia nel pomeriggio di sabato. Per ogni altra informazione contattare i volontari della S. Vincenzo.
Domenica 12 dicembre, al termine della S. Messa delle 10.00, in Oratory, the second meeting for couples and families. Conclusion shared with a packed lunch. There is a baby-sitter.
Take from the table of the press the fold with the proposed liturgical, catechetical and educational programs for the season of Advent and the paper with the prayers to be recited in a family in this time in preparation for Christmas.
Of Andrea, pastor
week from November 28 to December 5
Sunday, November 28
8.30 - def.ti Michael and John Rozzo
10.00 - For assembly
11.30 - def.ti Beatrice and Lino Damiani
- Renato Zampa
18.00 - Luigi Coppola
lunedì 29 novembre
ore 8.30 - Claudio Montenesi
ore 18.00 - Gianni Prodan
martedì 30 novembre
ore 8.30 - Guido Zorzet
ore 18.00 - def.ti Andrea e Ottavio Querzola
- def.te Anita e Maria
mercoledì 1 dicembre
ore 8.30 - def.ta Novella Furlani
- Paolo Sardos
- Ernesto e defunti Famiglia Tirello
ore 18.00 - def.ti Fausto e Marino Zubin
giovedì 2 dicembre
ore 8.30 - Mario Benedetti
ore 18.00 - Rolando
venerdì 3 dicembre
ore 8.30 - Lucio Talamo
- def.ta Bianca Bendagli
ore 18.00 - def.ta Elida Quarantotto
sabato 4 dicembre
ore 8.30 - def.ti Eugenio, Elisabetta e Silvana
- def.ta Iside Bendagli
ore 18.00 - Antonio
domenica 5 dicembre
ore 8.30 - Oddone
ore 10.00 - Per l’assemblea
ore 11.30 - def.ti Gino e Maria Gnan
ore 18.00 - Nicolò Maniglia