Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chicken Breast And Corkscrew Pasta

Italian Graffiti

I have an ambivalent relationship with graffiti: on the one hand, I loved the designs (I do not I can not even give a 3D appearance to the man with the usual head-to-wire balloon and the body), while I have a genuine dislike for tag (one that covers every inch of wall with an acronym is not an artist, only graphomaniac a sad and obsessive-compulsive disorder) as well as the various dedications and invective. In short, subject to human empathy for the suffering of others, at the end of me and the other 6 billion people there could care less if an anonymous Pinco Pallino believes that X or Y is an asshole a p. .. escort : dear Pinco, marker or spray the spring, Arm yourself with courage and resolve it among yourselves!

But about a month or so , during my long coming and going from work, I am passionate a sad story that is slowly unraveling by dint of various inscriptions on the walls and walls of the city in a refinery. And 'all started on the wall of a building, where the shift Pinco confessed that he led his friend to smoke in order to split from the girl. What struck me were not nor the huge letters of the inscription, nor 's impressive percentage of grammatical errors per word, nor the undoubted health message (yes, the dangers of smoking. ..). What I did was slow down the closure: " she will never know ". O lei è ancora più analfabeta dello scrivano, oppure si è trasferita, altrimenti -ho pensato- la città con la raffineria dentro non è sterminata, c'è il rischio che qualcuno degli indigeni capisca di chi si sta parlando.

Detto fatto: da quella volta, ogni giorno i muretti si arricchiscono con un nuovo capitolo della saga, che ora conta apporti da ben tre calligrafie diverse. Si è partiti con un minaccioso " dove sei, tombeur de femme , culo stretto? " presumibilmente autografo del del fumatore passivo alquanto incazzato, che ha costretto l'incauto e ormai braccato Pinco a completare la sua confessione con details scattered throughout the city, through which reconstructs a story that would be the envy of the writers Bruttifool : did smoke on the Board of his parents who did not take kindly to her , then as if nothing had gone to the mountains , smoked and fell with the scooter in the port , was just 17 years and has lost everything (Ed. : even the motor, of course), why did you do that? you were my best friend ... so on

Each time, the new graffiti attributable Pinch ends with the phrase " she will never know " Now I'm not sure a fine psychologist, but if one wants to keep a secret is not to be mica to write on the walls, which makes me think that the scribe, rather than a granite certainty, but is animated by the hope that she learns everything, and that his catharsis can finally take place! Pathos Ah, ah psychodrama! If it were not for the fierce sgrammaticature that tickle my cynicism, the story may arouse the emotions of the monologue of Lady Macbeth. After all, this is an archetypal drama: friendship betrayed the secret revealed, the public expiation of guilt! Now every

mattina percorro il mio itinerario con occhi nuovi, bramosa di leggere il nuovo capitolo graffittaro . L'unico dubbio è se la storia arriverà a conclusione prima che io perda il lavoro, cosa prevista più o meno per fine mese. Quasi quasi, prendo un pennarello ed inizio a chiedergli dettagli per raggiungere l'epilogo più in fretta. E poi, ovviamente, vissero tutti felici e contenti!


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