Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Genital Warts Can I Get On Kiss

Esempio di comunicazione strategica

Today I'm making up a story a bit 'slaughters, something that explores the depths of the human soul, the unexpected perversions that may result from a tormented psyche and unstable ... And given that our largest finance and policy experts continue to repeat che l'attuale crisi economica non è affatto reale, bensì solo psicologica, colgo la palla al balzo per ambientare uno psicotriller in un ambientazione very business!

Immaginiamo una situazione in cui il protagonista (che per ora chiamerò Mad Max) stia lavorando per una ditta che, nonostante gli enormi sforzi fatti da tutti i lavoratori, sta andando a rotoli a causa della cattiva gestione dei proprietari, i quali per mesi e mesi non si sono degnati di dare comunicazione alcuna ai dipendenti sullo stato reale delle cose e sui piani futuri.

Un'agonia di -boh, diciamo- quattro anni -mi sembra un periodo di tempo che possa giustificare una certa incazzatura, no?- durante i quali il nostro Mad è stato trattato come a beast of burden, including overwork is not recognized, various casseintegrazioni, salaries in fits and starts, accusations of all kinds ( your negativity is damaging the company , if you do not agree that the door is , and do not break boxes etc etc), as more money was diverted into the pockets of the owners or new supersupermanagers the great titles and a few facts.

Now Mad joined their colleagues in their first real strike, finally forcing the sole purpose of the Management to share key information. Knowing, then, if and when the ax will fall on the heads of workers.
Days of stress anxiety and panic passed a word to wait outside the gates of the company, while we witness the sad procession of colleagues who bring out the boxes where they sadly packed their belongings, pending the final ruling in the company of a thousand questions and a more depressing the other: but when we will know what they decided? sell? escape? and meanwhile, as I pay the mortgage? what to eat for dinner? no money to spend as I do my duty as a citizen and run the economy?

Then psychodrama, Mad start to feel a great pain in the liver combined with a growing desire for bad language, but still tries to restrain himself, to trust in the ethics of employers, There will be so dry because of the greedy & Industrial, but they can not understand that their decisions now no longer depends on only the greater or lesser prosperity of their bank account, but also the health (physical and mental) of all their employees! ! "On the not so mica are assholes! (Oh fuck, I said shit, oh shit, I said fuck oh fuck's sake, I said shit ... Noooooo ....)"

Nothing to be done, the china is now irreversible, the mental balance of our hero begins to crumble!

Finally, the moment of maximum anxiety, there comes a sign! For the first time an exponent of the Department sends a written communication officer to all employees. You hear a frantic rustling of paper, a ticking trembling on the keyboard, reads all holding our breath. The letter begins with words that already presage the tragedy: "with great regret ..." (well at least the end they are human, they realize what they are doing and pass it displease) "... I must tell you that in these days of strikes has been stolen laptop from his office of the CEO . (casserole dish, you see that they now use is that they must excuse to suspend the negotiations under way again!) We are each of us responsible for our PC and it is a personal problem. (so what? Cazziatone AD careless?) It 'still very sad to think that we can not always trust everyone. (eh?? Mica mica're suggesting?) If "by mistake" any of us (U.S. ABOUT?) had taken the PC, please return it and we thank you from now on on behalf of all. "

cccccerto And I ERROR I shove a PC on the stock exchange (ah, that careless), then strike all day and when I go home and sadly I start to put things on shelves that I taken away from my desk maybe-ex-TOH I realize that there is a pc, who knows what is done inside, who can be??
very plausible hypothesis! In their infinite subtlety (which gave us so many proofs and shining in recent years) that the Directorate will be immediately ruled out the crazy idea that it was just one of them to move (like the time he was no longer the product to display all pitted by hand, which they would have aroused the greed of some dependent on the questionable taste and then it was discovered to have been given to a major customer ... bad thing as Alzheimer's!)
Strange that have not been touched by the suspect,
slightly pissed off as we are, being accused of theft from those who do not pay the salary and is about to throw in the road (dopo aver messo in salvo il bottino) potrebbe suscitare reazioni ostili... Brutta cosa l'arroganza quando si unisce alla stupidità!

Considerazioni che attraversano il cervello del nostro eroe in una frazione di secondo, mentre un'emozione nasce irrefrenabile dalle sue viscere, sale su su per il gargarozzo ed esplode in una dichiarazione diretta, liberatoria e definitiva:

(voi, i vostri pc e le vostre pidocchiose comunicazioni)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Places To Get Dresses In Stuttgart

sempre in merito alle PMI locali

(cartoon Natangelo )

First I thank all those who are contributing to the debate about competitiveness of the much-praised Marche economic model, and I would add a couple of food for thought more personal this time: it seems to me that these family firms are born as little more than small craft shops. The whole family is involved and directly controls all stages of processing. Once the idea nock and / or the right product, get bigger without changing its structure. The mentality remains craft, so the boss (and family) controls everything, do not delegate anything, and therefore the greater the size of the company plus the normal course of business slows. And if you do not fit in the end s'incricca!

And even vaguely feudal mentality, so the family was surrounded by vassals-managers who, in most cases never make critical analysis for convenience or because a vassal must not contradict the feudal lord, otherwise exile. Men who never can take into account the demands of the workers often, though, to see the first signs of letting up. To give a practical example: I work in a department where they are operating strictly to comb all the knots of the company. If something the system does not work, we see it now. Neither management nor the management have never wanted to listen to our warning, and even analyze the discomfort of many of the workers now that emerged from all sides. In fact, we were branded as defeatist. Imagine now that we finally began to protest (and it took us four years before losing patience and take to the streets), employees have accused us of being responsible for the defeat ... As if a disaster of this magnitude could be caused 5-day strike!
We can not even taste the bitterness of "we told you so"!

Marches in SMEs, not just the general feeling is that the employee is nothing more than part of a mass of interchangeable and should be thankful for the honor of being accepted in such company, until the owners decide not to close or sell (I have created, I will decide the tide) with no thought for the workers, for whom would rather precise social responsibilities.
In part because these patrons, these families of industrialists, have no perception of the value of their employees do not realize that, as the company still managed to craft level, many orders fail to be completed by employees who, every time that the mechanism jams, put us a piece. For a minimum fee later, notwithstanding the great professional preparation, continuous effort, so much overtime provided free of charge, maximum flexibility to cover periods of closure during the holidays, and the praises of leaders, colleagues and clients. Nada, niet, nicht! In their eyes we are worth 0: better streamline "the company's first operational firing, give subcontract tasks (often without analyzing the costs first, and then found to pay them three times) and take yet another overpaid superdirigente, which just always say yes (regardless of whether they might have already had devastated other companies, and is always ready to recycle everywhere, because he has the resume with the right schools, the titles right, the right contacts ...)

addition, SMEs are not taken into account in any responsibility and reciprocity of the contract work. Why should we thank? For giving us a job (even when we were old enough to work and training contracts "attractive" to many other companies, and there was no crisis that increases the competition among the unemployed) and then removed for bringing this to their incompetence? ? Many thanks when someone "gives" something. Unlike the feudal world, the relationship between employee and company are regulated by a contract that is binding on both parties: the employee works to its full capacity, the company puts it in the best condition to perform his work and it pays regularly. I and my colleagues our contractual obligations we have always honored and thoroughly, even after the company had failed to fulfill, I believe that if someone deserves your thanks, well that is up to us.

The emperor has no clothes, but you can not say ...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Does Skoal Cause Cancer


Reported by eloquent Livefast , I made this psicotest based on the studies of Jung and later developments, and the result is: ENFJs, or temperament idealistic, kind teacher, but not too extrovert, intuitive, empathic!
Satisfactory, I would say;)

If you like the test pretty well chewed and English, non vi resta che cimentarvi!
Per altre informazioni e per decrittare le sigle, potete leggere qui .

Buon divertimento

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Okay To Shower After Waxing


Ho trovato un sito facile facile carino carino dove anche una spastica come me può creare vignette :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

What Do I Need For Pub Golf?

In morte del modello industriale marchigiano

Avete presente il miracolo economico marchigiano?

Quello che ha spinto la nostra regione a lasciarsi alle spalle un retaggio di povertà contadina e arretratezza tecnologica per lanciare un modello industriale basato su un microcosmo di piccole ma agguerritissime imprese a conduzione familiare, che sfruttavano i "metalmezzadri" (In the brilliant definition of our illustrious countryman Fua ) without creating incurable wounds in the social and industrial plants in their areas without infrastructure, but also without fractures, ie without creating agglomerations that have upset the North. Small companies that have grown thanks to the foresight of the founders and the incredible passion for the work of the Marches (which Stakhanovism if playing on a par with the Chinese, and I say this from personal experience) and that, sneaking, they climbed the heights of market and the charts of well-being, coming to give jobs to thousands of people and open offices throughout Italy and then abroad. A model so

efficient to be studied and analysis that highlights the winning features: flexibility, and efficient organizational, entrepreneurial dynamism. A model that the Marches have become synonymous with excellence in many areas (from clothing to furniture, musical instruments from household goods, from shoes to electronics, yacht, etc.), and embodied by real industrial dynasties .

Well, forget it, is dead.

was already in crisis some years ago, with the new global economic scenario and the advance of mass production at low cost in developing countries. Our firms found themselves facing a dilemma: focus on quality craftsmanship, or try to defend, to increase their market share? The majority of employers chose the second route, abandoning the paternalistic relationship with its employees to take the road of relocation, cuts, restructuring, involving the increasing use of redundancies and / or laid off and the various social safety nets. According to the detailed dossier "SOS Brands" published today on Manifesto, which analyzes your current local crisis, "the study center in September CGIL announced that workers in layoffs (ordinary, extraordinary), in mobility or sottoposti a contratti di solidarietà, nei primi sei mesi dell'anno, sono passati da 20.060 a 36.930, l'84% in più ".

E non è ancora finita, presto a queste fredde percentuali si aggiungeranno altre unità, altre persone senza lavoro, per un motivo non ricollegabile ai meccanismi economici, bensì biologici. In questa situazione già problematica, molte ditte devono anche fare i conti con l'invecchiamento dei padri fondatori. Eh già, le nostre ditte sono nate più o meno tutte a cavallo degli anni 50/70, grazie alle intuizioni e alla volontà individuali dei vari patron che ora si ritrovano a dover fare (o aver già fatto) i conti con la vecchiaia e sora nostra morte corporale. The generational shift is pointed out by experts as one of the most critical for continuity of business , and there is a plethora of training and preparation. In vain.
Just the incredible tenacity and determination that led them to success now brings them to ruin, because the old owner did not know how to delegate authority and responsibilities over time based on an objective criterion of merit: typically, a company in the Marche-style family does not enter the bridge unless you have direct ties of blood or affection with the "clan", and at the decisions that matter are made solely by the owner until the health assist him, then go to his collaborators più stretti, che in genere sono fratelli, figli, cognati. Altrettando tipicamente, le seconde generazioni non sono in grado di raccogliere il testimone, perchè non hanno la necessaria preparazione, o perchè mai coinvolti prima nelle decisioni, oppure semplicemente non interessati (magari la ditta di famiglia si occupa di elettronica e invece i figli si interessano di moda, di cinema, di turismo eccetera). Niente di male in tutto questo, basterebbe avere l'umiltà e la generosità di riconoscere che, anche se la ditta è nata per volere dell'imprenditore, non è un giocattolo da usare a proprio piacimento e sussistono anzi delle precise responsabilità nei confronti di tutti quelli che ci lavorano.

Come nelle antiche tragedie greche, la hubris originaria del fondatore causa il collasso dell'intera comunità: al ritiro del vecchio patron i "clan" imprenditoriali si sfasciano sotto la spinta dei contrasti interni, con gli attori che non riescono a trovare una linea comune e spesso cercano solo di accaparrarsi quanto più possibile, e le ditte, indebolite da delocalizzazioni e tagli, prima o poi si paralizzano per la mancanza di direttive chiare e infine chiudono oppure vengono assorbite da multinazionali o cordate di altri imprenditori, a cui magari preme solamente tenere il marchio, il know-how, ma non hanno alcun interesse nel salvaguardare posti di lavoro.

Molte sono le soluzioni proposte dagli analisti. Sono ignorante in materia and so I'm not ruling on the economy, but I'm living from this situation and I personally believe that the disorganization of our firms, born as small craft and have adapted to new levels never achieved, is one of the most underrated. In fact, all talk about global economic recession, but I, for example, I have a desk full of mail orders and overflowing with requests from customers all over the world, yet we are one step away from closing, perhaps the worst enemy of small Marches and medium enterprises lies in their genes.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chicken Breast And Corkscrew Pasta

Italian Graffiti

I have an ambivalent relationship with graffiti: on the one hand, I loved the designs (I do not I can not even give a 3D appearance to the man with the usual head-to-wire balloon and the body), while I have a genuine dislike for tag (one that covers every inch of wall with an acronym is not an artist, only graphomaniac a sad and obsessive-compulsive disorder) as well as the various dedications and invective. In short, subject to human empathy for the suffering of others, at the end of me and the other 6 billion people there could care less if an anonymous Pinco Pallino believes that X or Y is an asshole a p. .. escort : dear Pinco, marker or spray the spring, Arm yourself with courage and resolve it among yourselves!

But about a month or so , during my long coming and going from work, I am passionate a sad story that is slowly unraveling by dint of various inscriptions on the walls and walls of the city in a refinery. And 'all started on the wall of a building, where the shift Pinco confessed that he led his friend to smoke in order to split from the girl. What struck me were not nor the huge letters of the inscription, nor 's impressive percentage of grammatical errors per word, nor the undoubted health message (yes, the dangers of smoking. ..). What I did was slow down the closure: " she will never know ". O lei è ancora più analfabeta dello scrivano, oppure si è trasferita, altrimenti -ho pensato- la città con la raffineria dentro non è sterminata, c'è il rischio che qualcuno degli indigeni capisca di chi si sta parlando.

Detto fatto: da quella volta, ogni giorno i muretti si arricchiscono con un nuovo capitolo della saga, che ora conta apporti da ben tre calligrafie diverse. Si è partiti con un minaccioso " dove sei, tombeur de femme , culo stretto? " presumibilmente autografo del del fumatore passivo alquanto incazzato, che ha costretto l'incauto e ormai braccato Pinco a completare la sua confessione con details scattered throughout the city, through which reconstructs a story that would be the envy of the writers Bruttifool : did smoke on the Board of his parents who did not take kindly to her , then as if nothing had gone to the mountains , smoked and fell with the scooter in the port , was just 17 years and has lost everything (Ed. : even the motor, of course), why did you do that? you were my best friend ... so on

Each time, the new graffiti attributable Pinch ends with the phrase " she will never know " Now I'm not sure a fine psychologist, but if one wants to keep a secret is not to be mica to write on the walls, which makes me think that the scribe, rather than a granite certainty, but is animated by the hope that she learns everything, and that his catharsis can finally take place! Pathos Ah, ah psychodrama! If it were not for the fierce sgrammaticature that tickle my cynicism, the story may arouse the emotions of the monologue of Lady Macbeth. After all, this is an archetypal drama: friendship betrayed the secret revealed, the public expiation of guilt! Now every

mattina percorro il mio itinerario con occhi nuovi, bramosa di leggere il nuovo capitolo graffittaro . L'unico dubbio è se la storia arriverà a conclusione prima che io perda il lavoro, cosa prevista più o meno per fine mese. Quasi quasi, prendo un pennarello ed inizio a chiedergli dettagli per raggiungere l'epilogo più in fretta. E poi, ovviamente, vissero tutti felici e contenti!