Today I'm making up a story a bit 'slaughters, something that explores the depths of the human soul, the unexpected perversions that may result from a tormented psyche and unstable ... And given that our largest finance and policy experts continue to repeat che l'attuale crisi economica non è affatto reale, bensì solo psicologica, colgo la palla al balzo per ambientare uno psicotriller in un ambientazione very business!
Immaginiamo una situazione in cui il protagonista (che per ora chiamerò Mad Max) stia lavorando per una ditta che, nonostante gli enormi sforzi fatti da tutti i lavoratori, sta andando a rotoli a causa della cattiva gestione dei proprietari, i quali per mesi e mesi non si sono degnati di dare comunicazione alcuna ai dipendenti sullo stato reale delle cose e sui piani futuri.
Un'agonia di -boh, diciamo- quattro anni -mi sembra un periodo di tempo che possa giustificare una certa incazzatura, no?- durante i quali il nostro Mad è stato trattato come a beast of burden, including overwork is not recognized, various casseintegrazioni, salaries in fits and starts, accusations of all kinds ( your negativity is damaging the company , if you do not agree that the door is , and do not break boxes etc etc), as more money was diverted into the pockets of the owners or new supersupermanagers the great titles and a few facts.
Now Mad joined their colleagues in their first real strike, finally forcing the sole purpose of the Management to share key information. Knowing, then, if and when the ax will fall on the heads of workers.
Days of stress anxiety and panic passed a word to wait outside the gates of the company, while we witness the sad procession of colleagues who bring out the boxes where they sadly packed their belongings, pending the final ruling in the company of a thousand questions and a more depressing the other: but when we will know what they decided? sell? escape? and meanwhile, as I pay the mortgage? what to eat for dinner? no money to spend as I do my duty as a citizen and run the economy?
Then psychodrama, Mad start to feel a great pain in the liver combined with a growing desire for bad language, but still tries to restrain himself, to trust in the ethics of employers, There will be so dry because of the greedy & Industrial, but they can not understand that their decisions now no longer depends on only the greater or lesser prosperity of their bank account, but also the health (physical and mental) of all their employees! ! "On the not so mica are assholes! (Oh fuck, I said shit, oh shit, I said fuck oh fuck's sake, I said shit ... Noooooo ....)"
Nothing to be done, the china is now irreversible, the mental balance of our hero begins to crumble!
Finally, the moment of maximum anxiety, there comes a sign! For the first time an exponent of the Department sends a written communication officer to all employees. You hear a frantic rustling of paper, a ticking trembling on the keyboard, reads all holding our breath. The letter begins with words that already presage the tragedy: "with great regret ..." (well at least the end they are human, they realize what they are doing and pass it displease) "... I must tell you that in these days of strikes has been stolen laptop from his office of the CEO . (casserole dish, you see that they now use is that they must excuse to suspend the negotiations under way again!) We are each of us responsible for our PC and it is a personal problem. (so what? Cazziatone AD careless?) It 'still very sad to think that we can not always trust everyone. (eh?? Mica mica're suggesting?) If "by mistake" any of us (U.S. ABOUT?) had taken the PC, please return it and we thank you from now on on behalf of all. "
cccccerto And I ERROR I shove a PC on the stock exchange (ah, that careless), then strike all day and when I go home and sadly I start to put things on shelves that I taken away from my desk maybe-ex-TOH I realize that there is a pc, who knows what is done inside, who can be??
very plausible hypothesis! In their infinite subtlety (which gave us so many proofs and shining in recent years) that the Directorate will be immediately ruled out the crazy idea that it was just one of them to move (like the time he was no longer the product to display all pitted by hand, which they would have aroused the greed of some dependent on the questionable taste and then it was discovered to have been given to a major customer ... bad thing as Alzheimer's!)
Strange that have not been touched by the suspect, slightly pissed off as we are, being accused of theft from those who do not pay the salary and is about to throw in the road (dopo aver messo in salvo il bottino) potrebbe suscitare reazioni ostili... Brutta cosa l'arroganza quando si unisce alla stupidità!
Considerazioni che attraversano il cervello del nostro eroe in una frazione di secondo, mentre un'emozione nasce irrefrenabile dalle sue viscere, sale su su per il gargarozzo ed esplode in una dichiarazione diretta, liberatoria e definitiva:
(voi, i vostri pc e le vostre pidocchiose comunicazioni)