In past centuries, Italy was the cradle of art and culture thanks to the patronage of the Church, kings, lords, aristocrats, landowners. Their foresight and financial support to writers, painters, sculptors, musicians allowed to increase their prestige in the eyes of Europe and the world. Not only that, he sent a legacy of immeasurable value to the Italian people. A moral and material assets to be exploited but only to preserve, restore, defend. A base on which to grow the set of activities ranging from creative design industry that still maintain the value of Made in Italy brand around the world.
Purtroppo però, complice la recente crisi economica e l’attuale abitudine “culturale” italiana ad emarginare chi possessore di talento, anche nel campo dell’arte e della cultura stiamo assistendo, come nelle altre discipline, ad una vera e propria fuga di talenti artistici verso centri di formazione esteri.
In Italia ormai conservatori, scuole d'arte ed accademie sono in seria difficoltà per il marginale sostegno economico da parte di Governo ed istituzioni territoriali. Il personale è insufficiente alla gestione degli Istituti: il Metropolitan Museum di New York ha più addetti scientifico-culturali di tutti i musei d'Italia messi insieme e per ventisei soprintendenze esistono solo trecento storici dell'arte that focus in Florence and Rome, exposing much of the country. Few local people to participate actively in the cataloging of national cultural heritage so that it is estimated that public property is surveyed one fifth. And to make matters worse the cuts to the Fund for the Performing Arts will damage an industry that employs about 200,000 workers.
therefore be a greater commitment on the heritage and artistic and cultural training. It is unthinkable that they are invested only forty million euro to the maintenance of works of art in front of a tourism culture "that leads each year in Italy thirty million tourists one of the cornerstones potentially more effective for the recovery of our country.
But the positive effects seem to be not just economic. A search of the Norwegian University shows that active participation in art and culture to defend the best mood and depression. Professor Holmen and his colleagues have worked with a sample of 50,000 subjects. The results showed as a hobby "intellectuals" (painting, music, reading ...) improve the stability and psychological well-being rather than the successes at work or an increase in economic welfare.
At this point, however - and especially after the "tragic" result of the televoting Festival Sanremo Italian Song - one wonders whether it is appropriate to take immediate and serious steps to combat the "depression" that affects the Italian population now fasting for at least 20 years of culture.
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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