The European Union, one of the richest regions in the world, has designated 2010 as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. This is to try to promote solidarity as a fundamental value and give security to the community at this time of world crisis.
The United Nations defines the concepts of poverty and wealth, and hence of development and underdevelopment, not by income, but according to the characteristics of existence: the average life expectancy, literacy, per capita income. These values \u200b\u200bform the Human Development Index (HDI), which expresses the degree of poverty. With this methodology, the United Nations consider the 55 countries with "high human development", 86 as a "medium human development" and 36 as a "low human development".
The Earth's population reached 6.8 billion people. Of these, 2 billion live comfortably, educated and receive health care. Two-thirds of them are concentrated in highly-developed countries. 5 billion people are, instead, concentrated in countries with developing medium and low. One and a half billion live in "absolute poverty", with less than a dollar a day. Another 2 billion to the $ 2 a day, but still can not meet basic needs such as nutrition, education, health. In this scenario, you identify 60% of people in Africa, Latin America 35% and 25% in Asia. Even in developed countries are found, however, pockets of poverty. This is called "relative poverty" and involves people living on less than half del reddito medio pro capite nazionale. Il 17% degli Europei dispone, infatti, di risorse limitate e non riesce a soddisfare le proprie necessità primarie. In Italia, 7 milioni di persone guadagnano meno di 500 euro al mese.
È un mondo diviso nettamente in due: un’elite dominante e benestante ed una massa di miliardi di persone disperate, spesso al servizio inconsapevole dei potenti. Esattamente come avveniva nel medioevo, anche se in un contesto territoriale più ampio, milioni di “servi della gleba” vengono sfruttati per mantenere alto il tenore di vita di noi “nobili moderni”. Nel nostro pianeta, il 20% della popolazione possiede l’86% delle ricchezze, e 63 milioni di persone ne concentrano su himself all the benefits. We Westerners eat alone most of what the world produces: 55% energy, 70% paper, 40% of the meat. The hotel also has 74% of cars in circulation and 55% of mobile working. E. .. die for this: millions of consumers in industrialized countries die because of the abundance seeking spasmodically (heart attack, cancer, diabetes). Abundance and riches that none of us will ever wear in the afterlife ...
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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