Thursday, April 29, 2010

Unblocked School Game


Whenever the radio is this song, wondering what had puzzled the humming of familiar ... then I had an epiphany! It 's the original guitar, which is similar to that of Coldplay's Yellow . The similarities end there, of course, or maybe not: both are basically love songs, seen by the person who offers it and to those who fear him, in a time where love is so difficult.

And then, just the thing for us, Ciccio.
Thank you for being by my side, not expecting anything, not even when I can love me.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How To Make A Working Spinning Crank

ridere ridere ridere ancora

I noticed that many people are surprised and have mixed reactions when it pulls out a certain irony in dealing with or tell the little and big pains that chronically troubled crashed into our mortal destiny!

On the one hand, the humor on certain topics is considered inappropriate, unseemly, almost a lack of respect for themselves or who is going through the same path "with a very different spirit." In short, taking as motto the warning "Risus abundat stultorum in hours" (cram i post con qualche citazione latina ad hoc fa figo assai!), alcuni credono che ridere delle proprie sventure sia sintomo di superficialità oppure scarso discernimento. Generalmente ti guardano con compatimento o supremo sdegno e se ne vanno scrollando la serissima testolina.

Altri invece ne sottolineano il lato positivo, addirittura quasi eroico, come se prendersi un po' in giro nonostante i lagrimotti appesi alle ciglia sia segno di stoico coraggio e superiore levatura morale. Solitamente in questa categoria rientrano gli amici che, si sa, tendono sempre a vedere le cose col filtro rosa dell'affetto.

In realtà, forse c'è una spiegazione più semplice.
Ad esempio, per quanto mi riguarda, I laugh (and laugh) at me, my bad luck and my disasters simply because it makes me feel better. It helps me put things in perspective, to generalize, looking away from scratching staff (even if it burns) and focus instead on the universal elements, collective, which demystify the experience by making it easy to find private details comedians. A little 'how to make a disastrous tumble in the middle of a square crowded with people and, although the scraped knee hurts and makes you proud to implement a remedial seppuku, look through the eyes of others is easier than you laugh.
The knee is still bad, but at least seppuku is averted! Sure

But that laughter can be dangerous! For example, I remember some nights for dinner with my parents who wanted to listen in silence to the news (which at that time still gave real news and not gossip or communicated to the system), and most of our parents asked for silence and composure and the more I My two sisters could hear the laughter that we pinched the throat and it tickled my nose. We tried to resist, we strive to be serious, thinking how it would be angry & b but for our lack of discipline ("So, what does it cost to be good for 10 minutes ???"). All useless enough eye contact for a moment and were peals of laughter, one and three. Uncontrollable. Unexplained. Imprudent! It just seemed that everything had calmed down ... a corner of a lip quiver, a puff, look down from the head and laughing like crazy.

I never understood what pushed us to endanger the peace of the family (and sometimes even our bitter buttocks) for those absolutely insane laughter. Must be more or less what happened to this burglar, who has made himself known in the act by the owners because he was unable to detain a laugh hearing a joke ....
Poraccio, I laughed when I heard the news on the radio (datatissima was in the end, the news is not the radio) and still can not help but giggle guffaw c'avranno imagining what the police and cell mates.

short, the dilemma remains: laughing is good or is it foolish? Everyone feels free to decide for himself. However, if you are neither criminals nor neurosurgeons nor librarians forget proverbs jinx and let go with a fat laugh whenever you can, considering that its beneficial qualities for health and even beauty are now scientifically proven ( I talked too long ago there ). And remember that the laughs are best done together!

Monday, April 5, 2010

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new feudal lords and serfs

In 2000, 189 Heads of State and government signed the Millennium Declaration. They pledged to release all persons from "abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty" and to "make the right to development a reality for every individual. "The goal is still far away: the world economic crisis and rising commodity prices have weakened the improvements that occurred between 1990 and 2005 (the period when the number of people below the threshold of absolute poverty had declined from 1.8 billion to 1.4 billion) increase in the price of food and fuel prices has caused a new increase in the number of deaths by starvation (from 16% to 17%), mainly children .

The European Union, one of the richest regions in the world, has designated 2010 as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. This is to try to promote solidarity as a fundamental value and give security to the community at this time of world crisis.
The United Nations defines the concepts of poverty and wealth, and hence of development and underdevelopment, not by income, but according to the characteristics of existence: the average life expectancy, literacy, per capita income. These values \u200b\u200bform the Human Development Index (HDI), which expresses the degree of poverty. With this methodology, the United Nations consider the 55 countries with "high human development", 86 as a "medium human development" and 36 as a "low human development".
The Earth's population reached 6.8 billion people. Of these, 2 billion live comfortably, educated and receive health care. Two-thirds of them are concentrated in highly-developed countries. 5 billion people are, instead, concentrated in countries with developing medium and low. One and a half billion live in "absolute poverty", with less than a dollar a day. Another 2 billion to the $ 2 a day, but still can not meet basic needs such as nutrition, education, health. In this scenario, you identify 60% of people in Africa, Latin America 35% and 25% in Asia. Even in developed countries are found, however, pockets of poverty. This is called "relative poverty" and involves people living on less than half del reddito medio pro capite nazionale. Il 17% degli Europei dispone, infatti, di risorse limitate e non riesce a soddisfare le proprie necessità primarie. In Italia, 7 milioni di persone guadagnano meno di 500 euro al mese.
È un mondo diviso nettamente in due: un’elite dominante e benestante ed una massa di miliardi di persone disperate, spesso al servizio inconsapevole dei potenti. Esattamente come avveniva nel medioevo, anche se in un contesto territoriale più ampio, milioni di “servi della gleba” vengono sfruttati per mantenere alto il tenore di vita di noi “nobili moderni”. Nel nostro pianeta, il 20% della popolazione possiede l’86% delle ricchezze, e 63 milioni di persone ne concentrano su himself all the benefits. We Westerners eat alone most of what the world produces: 55% energy, 70% paper, 40% of the meat. The hotel also has 74% of cars in circulation and 55% of mobile working. E. .. die for this: millions of consumers in industrialized countries die because of the abundance seeking spasmodically (heart attack, cancer, diabetes). Abundance and riches that none of us will ever wear in the afterlife ...

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Soul Eater Love Doujinshi

Made in Italy

In past centuries, Italy was the cradle of art and culture thanks to the patronage of the Church, kings, lords, aristocrats, landowners. Their foresight and financial support to writers, painters, sculptors, musicians allowed to increase their prestige in the eyes of Europe and the world. Not only that, he sent a legacy of immeasurable value to the Italian people. A moral and material assets to be exploited but only to preserve, restore, defend. A base on which to grow the set of activities ranging from creative design industry that still maintain the value of Made in Italy brand around the world.
Purtroppo però, complice la recente crisi economica e l’attuale abitudine “culturale” italiana ad emarginare chi possessore di talento, anche nel campo dell’arte e della cultura stiamo assistendo, come nelle altre discipline, ad una vera e propria fuga di talenti artistici verso centri di formazione esteri.
In Italia ormai conservatori, scuole d'arte ed accademie sono in seria difficoltà per il marginale sostegno economico da parte di Governo ed istituzioni territoriali. Il personale è insufficiente alla gestione degli Istituti: il Metropolitan Museum di New York ha più addetti scientifico-culturali di tutti i musei d'Italia messi insieme e per ventisei soprintendenze esistono solo trecento storici dell'arte that focus in Florence and Rome, exposing much of the country. Few local people to participate actively in the cataloging of national cultural heritage so that it is estimated that public property is surveyed one fifth. And to make matters worse the cuts to the Fund for the Performing Arts will damage an industry that employs about 200,000 workers.
therefore be a greater commitment on the heritage and artistic and cultural training. It is unthinkable that they are invested only forty million euro to the maintenance of works of art in front of a tourism culture "that leads each year in Italy thirty million tourists one of the cornerstones potentially more effective for the recovery of our country.
But the positive effects seem to be not just economic. A search of the Norwegian University shows that active participation in art and culture to defend the best mood and depression. Professor Holmen and his colleagues have worked with a sample of 50,000 subjects. The results showed as a hobby "intellectuals" (painting, music, reading ...) improve the stability and psychological well-being rather than the successes at work or an increase in economic welfare.
At this point, however - and especially after the "tragic" result of the televoting Festival Sanremo Italian Song - one wonders whether it is appropriate to take immediate and serious steps to combat the "depression" that affects the Italian population now fasting for at least 20 years of culture.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Design A Dress Online Free -game

The man who lived in the future

The international scientific community continues to publish reports that highlight the risks to which we are exposing the Earth, our home: the greenhouse gas emissions alter the climate because of their global warming potential (Global Warming Potential, GWP), industrial pollution, urban, agricultural, military, is responsible of chemical contamination and particulate matter and poisons from the food, air and water, the relationship is unstable resources / waste, with the gradual reduction of the rise in the first seconds, in order to the world's energy needs, nuclear and alternative sources eco-friendly can not replace fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal). But in an analysis on the future of our planet, the element that creates the greatest alarm is the relentless population growth. From 10 million people in the Neolithic period, has reached one billion in 1800. Over the past 100 years, the population rose from 1.6000000000 to 6,000,000,000 and is growing by 80 million every year. It is mainly in developing countries to record a real population explosion, with high birth rates and declining mortality as a result of improved health. In 2050, global population could double, reaching to 10-12 billion. Today, nearly 40% of people aged under 20, and of these, 85% live in developing countries. Missing work, lack the resources, there is no access to education. Just "population growth in the world's poorest can be a source of conflict and terrorism" (Population Institute). The future, therefore, very complex. The political world are called to one of the most difficult challenges in human history . At the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change climatici, si è parlato di clima e ambiente, ma anche di controllo demografico quale soluzione ai problemi del pianeta. Cinicamente, si è persino accennato a come una pianificazione familiare ed il controllo delle nascite possa essere considerato uno “strumento primario nella migliore strategia di riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio”. Va però evidenziato che il 50% delle emissioni di anidride carbonica è opera del mezzo miliardo di persone più ricche del pianeta, che popolano l'area nella quale la crescita è a zero; che il tasso di natalità diminuisce in proporzione al livello di istruzione e partecipazione delle donne alla vita sociale, come avviene negli Stati occidentali; che i Paesi industrializzati continuano a saccheggiare developing countries, and that the income of the 500 richest people exceeds that of the 416 million poorest. It is therefore obvious that as long as we fail to redistribute wealth and well-being more equitably so that we can not even 1 million of those 416 is organized to revolt against the system. And unless that humanity is not so foolish as to re-elect an elite determined to remove those "inferior" in modern gas chambers, the society of developed countries will never be the same. Professor Oliver Curry, evolution theorist at the London School of Economics, assumes a strict division of humanity into two races future, according to distinct physical characteristics and genetiche precise (una fondata sulla superiorità genetica e un sottoproletariato inferiore che mantiene l’elite dominante). Risulta impressionante l’analogia con “L'uomo che visse nel futuro”, un film di fantascienza del 1960 tratto dal romanzo di H. G. Wells "La macchina del tempo" (1895). Nel racconto l protagonista viaggiando nel futuro trova un mondo distrutto dalle guerre con uomini che vivono in superficie ignavi e senza sentimenti e un popolo sotterraneo di uomini deformi e antropofagi. Al suo ritorno sceglie tre soli libri di storia e cultura umana (volutamente non specificati) e ritorna nel futuro per tentare di sviluppare una nuova civiltà basata su regole diverse. Chissà se il genere umano potrà mai avere realmente this possibility.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles