ridere ridere ridere ancora I noticed that many people are surprised and have mixed reactions when it pulls out a certain irony in dealing with or tell the little and big pains that chronically troubled crashed into our mortal destiny!
On the one hand, the humor on certain topics is considered inappropriate, unseemly, almost a lack of respect for themselves or who is going through the same path "with a very different spirit." In short, taking as motto the warning "Risus abundat stultorum in hours" (cram i post con qualche citazione latina ad hoc fa figo assai!), alcuni credono che ridere delle proprie sventure sia sintomo di superficialità oppure scarso discernimento. Generalmente ti guardano con compatimento o supremo sdegno e se ne vanno scrollando la serissima testolina.
Altri invece ne sottolineano il lato positivo, addirittura quasi eroico, come se prendersi un po' in giro nonostante i lagrimotti appesi alle ciglia sia segno di stoico coraggio e superiore levatura morale. Solitamente in questa categoria rientrano gli amici che, si sa, tendono sempre a vedere le cose col filtro rosa dell'affetto.
In realtà, forse c'è una spiegazione più semplice.
Ad esempio, per quanto mi riguarda, I laugh (and laugh) at me, my bad luck and my disasters simply because it makes me feel better. It helps me put things in perspective, to generalize, looking away from scratching staff (even if it burns) and focus instead on the universal elements, collective, which demystify the experience by making it easy to find private details comedians. A little 'how to make a disastrous tumble in the middle of a square crowded with people and, although the scraped knee hurts and makes you proud to implement a remedial seppuku, look through the eyes of others is easier than you laugh.
The knee is still bad, but at least seppuku is averted! Sure
But that laughter can be dangerous! For example, I remember some nights for dinner with my parents who wanted to listen in silence to the news (which at that time still gave real news and not gossip or communicated to the system), and most of our parents asked for silence and composure and the more I My two sisters could hear the laughter that we pinched the throat and it tickled my nose. We tried to resist, we strive to be serious, thinking how it would be angry & b but for our lack of discipline ("So, what does it cost to be good for 10 minutes ???"). All useless enough eye contact for a moment and were peals of laughter, one and three. Uncontrollable. Unexplained. Imprudent! It just seemed that everything had calmed down ... a corner of a lip quiver, a puff, look down from the head and laughing like crazy.
I never understood what pushed us to endanger the peace of the family (and sometimes even our bitter buttocks) for those absolutely insane laughter. Must be more or less what happened to this
burglar, who has made himself known in the act by the owners because he was unable to detain a laugh hearing a joke ....
Poraccio, I laughed when I heard the news on the radio (datatissima was in the end, the news is not the radio) and still can not help but giggle guffaw c'avranno imagining what the police and cell mates.
short, the dilemma remains: laughing is good or is it foolish? Everyone feels free to decide for himself. However, if you are neither criminals nor neurosurgeons nor librarians forget
proverbs jinx and let go with a fat laugh whenever you can, considering that its beneficial qualities for health
and even beauty
are now scientifically proven ( I talked too long ago there
). And remember that the laughs are best done together!