The tourism industry moves more than 5 billion people each year and provides employment to millions of workers (1 every 15 employees around the world). With the development of transport and communications, is set to grow exponentially over the next few decades, promoting further the mechanisms that lead to globalization.
These "numbers", it would be possible to create a truly responsible tourism, capable of supporting the least developed countries, a social and economic justice, training and education, culture, politics, thus improving the 'market access and living conditions of disadvantaged producers. But many organizations and environmental groups led state in tourism in this form a useful tool for integrating development policies and upholding the values \u200b\u200bof land in developed countries, primarily Italy. The centrality of the local host community and its right to be the protagonist, the interaction between this and the passengers, the environment, ecosystem and biodiversity, provide every opportunity to develop a territory hitherto almost unknown. And in a context of global economic crisis, this may represent tourism in Italy, an essential pillar of re-growth and development. Suffice it to say that Italy is in fourth place in tourism receipts in the ranking of the main countries of world, the second in Europe.
Various socio-economic studies try to analyze this phenomenon in terms of its actual feasibility, the need to reduce environmental impact, sustainable business. The collaboration between the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the Environment Programme (Environment Programme) United Nations and the International Ecotourism Society has allowed to analyze the past decade in several countries, including France, Spain, Germany, Great Britain , Canada and the United States, the proportions of the phenomenon. In the Italian market in 2002 was detected a total turnover of the tourism ecosolidale amounting to 2% of the total tourism market, with potential annual growth of 20%. If the prospect of growth will be confirmed in the coming years will be increasingly important to be able to distinguish between tour operators who really believe they can reduce inequalities among people with the help of sustainable and inclusive tour operators who seek only profit from a new market segment. And then, in the same manner in which we decide to purchase a second demonstration of corporate social responsibility that produces it, even in the choice of our journey or our holiday we will then select the honesty and human sensitivity and social of who has or who is always our responsibility presenta.Se di quello che avviene nel tempo in cui viviamo, è la collettività che spinge il mondo verso il baratro del profitto a discapito dei diritti umani o verso la sostenibilità ambientale ed economica per tutti i magnifici territori di questa terra. Ed allora muoviamoci, si ma intelligentemente, in modo che i nostri viaggi aiutino lo sviluppo e la crescita nostra e dei popoli che visitiamo.
di Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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