Friday, June 26, 2009

Api Fungus Cure Reviews

is easier to break an atom than a prejudice (Albert Einstein)

Le componenti che caratterizzano ognuno di noi, quali età, sesso, razza, qualità, difetti, credo religioso, convinzioni politiche, ecc..... identificano la nostra posizione sociale personale and always carry a cost when you decide to publicly defend its value. Price is more expensive than the less socially accepted. Although sexual orientation within these parameters, and being more tied to the image of the physical, is also intrinsically involved in prejudices, taboos and suspicions.

In our society, the sexual act is still loaded with negative meanings. Although the cultural evolution of the postwar period has seen the empowerment of women and greater freedom of manners, sex, seen as an act, especially in the moral-religious-it is difficult to untie Objective procreation. And yet in too many cases is used as the control or possession of woman by man.

Write and talk about sex in these terms is therefore still difficult and "risky." Therefore, it becomes almost impossible to discuss homosexuality, as in the popular imagination almost no one can untie this sexual practices "against nature".

prejudices and social and cultural resistance to the gay condition, however, are a strong stimulus to homophobia, attitudes of rejection, and ban discrimination. Affect the social fabric, the family, institutions, work groups religious and sports, but, above all, the damage evolution and self-esteem of a teen attracted to individuals of the same sex. These, forced to play forward their own fantasies and impulses, people will secretly "similar" to share their emotions, in a secrecy that facilitates the use of drugs and alcohol, leads to promiscuity and prostitution, AIDS increases the risk .

The modern social culture must be set to the tolerance and acceptance of others, regardless of personal characteristics. In analogy to religious belief and political affiliation, sexual orientation should not even be discriminatory. In the case of homosexuality, however, is faced with the problem and isolating it from the religion-which, in the past and in today's extremism, we are justified extermination and ethnic cleansing by the example-both historical and in 'Ancient Greece and Rome were violated basic principles of human rights and can not justify anything based on these cultures. "

So what? Then it would be enough to analyze the situation from the one point of view is real and not manipulated: love. A deep feeling, which approaches the origin of being, that becomes one with soul. The feeling that it should never be disconnected from sex and its applications.

But love is challenged by frequent promiscuous homosexuality. A phenomenon attributable to illegal immigrants, which almost always develops and cares about issues, moral and ethical engagement in harm to individuals and third parties such as partners and, above all, natural and adoptive children.

For this reason, it becomes a priority legal recognition of the dignity of the individual with sexual orientation tended toward the same sex. As an individual or as part of a couple. Probably, however, the company should address the protection and enhancement di tutte le diversità. Questo potrebbe forse essere il primo passo per impedire le tante, troppe discriminazioni di cui gli individui diversi continuano ad essere vittime.

di Massimiliano Fanni Canelles


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