Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sore Tongue And Pineapple

Il Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity sul bordo del cratere Santa Maria

(Immagine, credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona)
NEWS SPAZIO :- Nel Gennaio scorso avevamo lasciato il Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity sul bordo occidentale del cratere Santa Maria, come potete constatare dal precedente post

Ebbene, dopo tre mesi di analisi delle rocce che ha incontrato il piccolo rover è quasi pronto a riprendere il proprio cammino verso il grande cratere Endeavour .

But Mars' orbit, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter experiment with telescopic camera HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) Opportunity has photographed in this wonderful picture (see the arrow).

The photo above was taken on March 1, 2011 (2524 ° Sol, or Martian day into the mission) and "Oppy" was extending its robotic arm to take pictures from a close rock named "Ruiz Garcia."

In the top are clearly distinguishable traces left by the rover to the west on their way to the crater Santa Maria, whose diameter is about 90 meters.

From the surface, the view is very different. Here, at the same location as Ruiz Garcia was taken on the same day by the hazard-avoidance camera front of the robot.

(Image, credit JPL-NASA)

And here we have the details of Garcia captured by the Microscopic Imager (see it on top of the robotic arm in the photo above)
(Image, credit JPL-NASA)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yahoo Canadian Finance Portfolio

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-133, oggi il ritorno a casa

(Immagine, credit NASA)

NEWS SPAZIO :- Ormai ci siamo. Oggi si concluderà l'ultima missione della navetta spaziale Discovery, di ritorno dalla Stazione Spaziale International.

The landing at NASA Kennedy Space Center is scheduled at 11:57 am EST (17:57 eng).

End so the STS-133 began last February 24, 2011 after a long series of postponements. mission ended with the greatest of success and major activities on the Station.

For more details on the program's mission STS-133 went below

and to know everything that happened during the mission, go to the section ' Shuttle ' of the blog

I propose two beautiful video. The first movie shows us the American shuttle during flight Day 12 after the separation from the International Space Station and on the way home

The second video is on the last press conference of the crew Discovery held yesterday

Then, all ready to live to see the last landing of Discovery? The links are to NASA TV NASA TV in HD and .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make Scallops On A Hibachi Grill

Tracce di vita extraterrestre? Le bufale dei media ufficiali!

(Image, Journal of Cosmology credit)

SPACE NEWS: - I keep talking about the news concerning the alleged discovery of traces of life inside of meteorites by a NASA scientist. Here is the post dedicated

I talk to still get in guardia da una certa stampa di mezzo mondo che (come al solito purtroppo) non aspettava altro per tuffarsi a capofitto in questa notizia per creare lo scoop della vita extraterrestre.

Rimaniamo in casa nostra ed andiamo a vedere una storica testata giornalistica.
Sul sito web de La Stampa troneggia questo bel titolone

Leggendo l'articolo salta subito all'occhio che la vicenda è descritta COME SE fosse stato now all shown. The contents are presented as fact and not as an assertion that wait for confirmation or refutation by the scientific community. Starting from the title.

Excerpts from "significant"

"Astrobiology [...] discovered forms of life ..."

"The fossils were discovered in three meteorites ..."

clarify immediately. There is still no confirmation of the scientific community. In addition, the title written in this way suggests that NASA to communicate the presence of fossil life in meteorites. Nothing could be further from the truth.
a minimum of research by the author would certainly led to discover what is the position of NASA (described in my post above), absolutely balanced and "scientifically-correct".

In short, what I have read in La Stampa is not the product of a healthy desire to inform, rather than the usual result towards making scoop. And this, again, is NOT science.

So I would say that this article deserves to come right in the blog section dedicated to "Authoritative oversights."