Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Letter For A Babyshower

The truth about the economic crisis

"Dear Sirs, due to the failure of Lehman will not make its obligations BROTHERSle Lesar promises coupons and repaid the capital. "This statement came in milionidi savers in the world after the announcement of larger than bankruptcy in U.S. history. settembre2008 was 15. Some of us have been" woken up "with a cold shower, some have not understood anything, many do not know what happened and still cosapotrà succedere.Per understand the reasons for the current financial crisis èforse Lets proceed. Until a decade ago, anyone who wanted to get a mortgage was demonstrate possederele guarantees suitable to cover the amount.
In the U.S., however, in an increasingly open-minded, where everything is bought esi throws like dirt, people, families, businesses, Nonso most successful to ensure the coverage of goods materiali.Così debts with banks and financial institutions have had to find unsistema to keep alive the market most of their profit, the loan. Therefore, it was "invented" the split, the risk of mortgage occultamentodel: the bank granted a loan achi could not provide adequate guarantees issued contemporaneamentedei titles that sold on the market in order to cover dalrischio's insolvency. These securities, "filled" in debt, to be purchased were to be mixed with obbligazionistrutturate: the CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligations). Finaleè The result was that, years, pieces of debt, "spoiled" were virtuous abbinatia securities and sold on financial markets dell'interopianeta.
had been created the subprime mortgage. By authority of the supervisors, rating agencies and the banks themselves that avrebberodovuto monitor and assess the degree of risk of these prodottifinanziari have pretended not to see. Perhaps the pesanteconflitto of interest or for the power of money and those who possiede.In any case, these products are not seriously speculative maisto blocked. So much so that until the day before the bankruptcy, laLEHMAN BROTHERS was considered a reliable company! It is at this point comes the scoop: "financial engineering", because of circumvent the risk of these products, make Punta Credit Default Swaps or CDS. Chepermettono other financial products to transfer and credit risk relative to unatransazione between two parties.
Banks and other financial players, via the CDS, have each sold allapossibilità risks that U.S. citizens could not pay the mortgage ratedel. Insurance policies that is applied to the Marquises swap or sell securities. A parallel financial system, unreal, unsupervised, able to produce a new market of debt denarodai altri.Il title was therefore at greater risk rating dall'agenziadi reported that controlled the company that issued it, but heard udite.aveva una polizza assicurativa più costosa! Quindi, chiunquesapesse lavorare in questa assurda "finanza creativa", valutando iCDS dei titoli era in grado di capire il rischio e quindi l'affidabilitàdell'azienda che li emetteva.
Ma non solo, nessuno si è preso labriga di avvisare il consumatore. Perché? Forse perchè il volumedei CDS è passato in soli sette anni, da 2.000 a 45.000 miliardi didollari, una cifra paragonabile al PIL dell'intero pianeta? Certo, maanche perché l'enorme liquidità scaturita ha permesso il reinvestimentoin oro e petrolio o in materie prime alimentari: soldi natidal "nulla" si trasformavano per incanto in soldi sicuri e concreti!Un processo che ha causato, come we all know, the surge deiprezzi, the block of business, the distrust of banchee financial agencies, the failure of many companies selling more than sure this (especially the automobile factories, as laGeneral Motors) and the collapse of 100 million people under the sogliadella povertà.E we were told that it was China's fault! Meditate gente.meditate!

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is Readybrek Porridge Fatting

Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Millennium Development Goals

Representatives of 51 countries belonging to the United Nations since 10 December 1948 in Paris, following the tragedy of World War II approved the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which established, in 30 articles, the basic principles human dignity. For the first time were clarified the rights of every human being should be able to enjoy for the sole reason for being in the world, without discrimination of race, gender, culture, language and religion. Today, more and Dec. 10, but 60 years later we celebrate the anniversary of this important signature in an international context substantially different in some respects but still dramatic.
The latest report from the World Health Organization identifies poverty as a factor conditioning the social values \u200b\u200band how these affect the health and future of people. Not have adequate financial means to be more susceptible to disease, trafficking, slavery, to qulche become a victim in a period of his life. There are currently 1.2 billion people living on less than a dollar a day, while about half of the population survives on less than two dollars a day. According to data recently published by FAO, the UN agency for food in 2008 at the multitude of poor people have added another 40 million people who suffer from hunger, rising food prices, raising the overall balance of undernourished people worldwide to 963 million. Of these 907 million people live in developing countries, and 65% of them live in just seven countries: India, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia. In sub-Saharan Africa one in three is chronically hungry even here progress has been made: the percentage of undernourished people has increased from 34 percent in the period 1995-97 to 30 in the period 2003-2005.

But poverty can not be quantified by the simple measure of income per capita gross domestic product and debt of the country, among other in the West do not take into account the 'black' economy and the third sector. Poverty is mainly evaluated by analyzing elements of "quality", as life expectancy, infant mortality and literacy rates. E 'therefore necessary that the 60th anniversary della Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti umani spinga a mantenere gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio (Millennium Development Goals) delle Nazioni Unite , otto obiettivi che tutti i 191 stati membri dell'ONU si sono impegnati a raggiungere per l'anno 2015.
o 1.1 1. Sradicare la povertà estrema e la fame o 1.2 2. Garantire l'educazione primaria universale o 1.3 3. Promuovere la parità dei sessi e l'autonomia delle donne o 1.4 4. Ridurre la mortalità infantile o 1.5 5. Migliorare la salute materna o 1.6 6. Combattere l'HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases or 1.7 7. Ensure environmental sustainability or 1.8 8. Develop a global partnership for development, but to do this is to redefine the assistance measures and the need to rethink the overall development of our western world, who now lives on the shoulders of the third. We need to rethink a new relationship between capitalism and the poor world, and this involves first the identification of forms of co-cooperation programs. We must abandon the idea of \u200b\u200baid for its own sake, but you need to develop plans that will enable these cultures to evolve and break free, allowing alla popolazione di sostenersi autonomamente con progetti di microcredito e microimprenditorialità. Un popolo è infatti recettivo allo stimolo imprenditoriale solo se sono sviluppati i piani internazionali sul diritto all’istruzione e alla formazione professionale, che costituiscono per tutti gli esperti di scienze umane il grimaldello capace di interrompere il circolo vizioso della povertà.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
docente all'Università Cattolica di Milano

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Throat,neck And Head Hurt

The public waste

La recente crisi finanziaria sta mettendo in luce le contraddizioni della pubblica administration instead of serving people is often a slave to compromise and patronage that cover both the human and financial resources. It is now time that the Confesercenti indicates that there are poor money management and cumbersome procedures in almost all areas of the state system. It is now obvious malfunctions that involve a number of areas, from planning of human resources to get to services, public works, as in the army in health, transport or in the school.

these behaviors that produce a single, central figure of the damage, what commonly goes by the name of "waste." A situation that humiliates the part of the country's most dynamic business, creates despair and resignation in the people, causing the flight of people abroad, the toughest and most competitive. The final result is produced in the loss of resources, economic, physical, emotional and human loss that prevents Italy to invest in young people, for our children, for all of us.

And it is precisely the need to capitalize on the future that reducing the budget available for education generates controversy and disagreement. Currently in Italy we have a forecast of expenditure on education by 4.7% of GDP, against 5.8% of the average of developed countries (OECD report - Education at a Glance 2008), with funding above the European average for elementary schools (ottimo!), but hopelessly inadequate for high school and especially for the university ($ 8,026 per year per student, when the OECD average is $ 11,512). A situation compounded by the fact that with the decrease of the available money in the last five years the subjects in Italian universities increased by 50%, reaching the figure of 180,000, with some of the teachings of meaning absolutely inexplicable!

huge "bubble" that subtracts university resources to pay for research faculty and facilities. Immobility caused even Italian professors of their length, the resulting blockage of competitions and maladministration in the hands of university professors who have brought 20 out of 94 universities on the brink of bankruptcy and many others with serious debt. Not only are recent reports of cheating on tests for admission to universities, honorary degrees awarded to patronage, without a title won by the candidate or publications, professors investigated by prosecutors in several Italian cities to have helped their families.

The end result is that the ranking of Shanghai Jiao Tong University puts the best Italian universities in 164 th place, behind that of Hawaii, that graduates Italian earns only 27% in more than a diploma (compared to 86% of what they earn in the U.S.) so that you lose the human and economic resources to maintain adequate other services such as the excellent performance of middle school and primary schools. And yes ... we have nothing left to scrape from the bottom of the barrel, if we are to maintain stable our rights if we are to maintain adequate our lifestyle we just have to take a clear position on who to date has allowed our country to institutionalize the public waste, to turn garbage into our values, our talents, our well-being.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles