Cervelloni a Corinaldo
Are you tired of empty heads programs in the trash, and alleged that geeks do not even know how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe triangle ? After a lot of empty chatter, reviews of free celebrity spin doctors whose only gift is money, prurigginose disquisitions on sex of the angels (with a side of spicy photos) etc etc, finally coveted train your synapses with science, wrapped in a timeless beauty (and no cellulite)?
In this case, I invite you to turn off the television (in fact, turn it off, however, that do not miss anything) and slingshots in Corinth, wonderful medieval town home of saints, madmen, bloggers and pundits (some all four things together), where for the third time in two years, will gather over 40 brains (true) from around the world and share a great passion: mathematics.
fact, if you have not already evinced by the nonsense of clues tucked in the preceding paragraphs, from May 31 to June 4 will host a conference Corinaldo Scientific Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems in the Sciences ", organized by, among others, by Mark corinaldesissimo Lenci (brainy, crazy and bloggers, there is still time for holiness).
If you seem to Arabic numbers (ehhh well), you are an incurable humanist you prefer the history and mathematics, like me, no problem: In fact this year, during the symposium, there will be a conference open to the public, to be held Thursday, June 3 at 21:30 at the Great Hall of the City of Corinth. This year's theme: " Galileo and the Inquisition, Legend and Reality", with prof. Sandro Graffi, University of Bologna and a member of nientepopodimenoche 'Accademia dei Lincei , to highlight some surprising aspects of the investigations to the famous scientist process in 1633.
In short, there is something for all tastes and, especially, in the end no one will give you a report card for that, you're crazy, blogger, saints, brains or are just curious, join numerous.
here and here more information, here and here some information on previous editions
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wedding Comments For Cards Witty
Participation Civil
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

The world has not yet recovered from the financial disaster caused by subprime mortgages that Goldman Sachs, una delle piu grandi ed affermate banche d'affari del mondo, viene messa sotto inchiesta per speculazione. I titoli di stato della Grecia sono stati declassati a spazzatura, quasi una replica della crisi argentina di qualche anno fa. La nostra moneta, l'Euro, potrebbe crollare sotto il peso di altri Paesi a rischio, come Portogallo, Spagna, Irlanda. L'Unione Europea sta preparando un piano di aiuto ma ormai la mano pubblica potrebbe non essere più in grado di tamponare le falle della finanza mondiale. La politica - nonostante il conto pesantissimo che stiamo pagando – sembra incapace di "pensare".
Il rapporto tra bene comune ed interessi privati è totalmente sbilanciato. Finance and the real economy travel on roads is completely different and the capital no longer matches the people's work. At the expense, and will increasingly, civil servants, the small and medium businesses, services ... And will increase more and more poverty and social inequality. In Italy, however, the Third Sector - a universe of diverse non-profit organization, associations, NGOs, foundations, and social cooperation - is still able to respond to the needs of common citizens.
nonprofit organizations, which can not distribute the profit for the year and providing benefits to volunteering, are the ultimate expression of their territory and for years, driven not only the economy but also the activities of municipal, provincial and regional authorities. Cultural activities, social and humanitarian, will replace the public, unable to provide services such as listening centers, care for the sick and the elderly, education and training achievements, funding for research on rare diseases. For this reason, in recent decades, the state has passed some legislation - the law on voluntary, the rules of social promotion associations and social cooperatives, reorganization of local governments - which have helped to get out of the margins the Third Sector.
Oggi, le organizzazioni sociali devono essere riconosciute quali interlocutori autorevoli nell’offerta di servizi, nelle modalità di intervento, nel creare mercati di lavoro intermedi, nell’offerta di opportunità di impiego socialmente utili. C'è però incredulità, nel mondo del volontariato e del terzo settore, disappunto e preoccupazione su varie manovre restrittive avvenute recentemente, che sembrano voler limitare le potenzialità di questo fenomeno: l'impossibilità per le Onlus di volontariato di utilizzare come sostegno finanziario il sistema pubblicitario, la perdita o comunque riduzione delle agevolazioni postali, le proposte, per fortuna non andate in porto, di ridimensionare il 5 per mille. It seems that politics and government do not realize that their phases of economic recession, the Third Sector and the social economy and association constitute the only possible way to maintain the necessary services to the community. An indicator is invisible to the GDP, but substantial for the economy and, especially, for the welfare of the country
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
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