Sunday, May 17, 2009

Aggressive After Brain Anyeurysm


Quando incontrai Augusto Odone, lui mi chiese di prendere in mano il Comitato Italiano Mielina. Era stato lui a farlo nascere in Italia e in tutto il mondo. L’obiettivo era quello di continuare a promuovere la ricerca farmacologia per offrire una speranza ai bambini malati di adrenoleucodistrofia e ai loro genitori. Lorenzo era malato di una malattia rara e demielinizzante. Augusto aveva contribuito a combatterla “scoprendo” l’olio che prende il name of his son and still allows you to slow its progression.

accepted well aware of the difficulties in this field is the lack of "numbers" needed to obtain adequate funding dedicated to the development of medicines. An almost impossible challenge, against all laws of the market: get a huge amount of money necessary for the development of molecular medicines that will never bring the profit necessary to cover the cost of research and production and to involve the pharmaceutical industry, the only repositories of knowledge necessary to go from an idea to a product administration. In

help came the global economic crisis. He questioned certain rules of profit "at all costs" and led to the development of "Corporate Social Responsibility." Based on this new "ethical" business, the international community is now asking companies to take responsibility for the problems of adaptation and humanization derivantidalla their activities.
CEOs and managers of multinational companies should also begin to realize that the historical and current economic situation has led to new forms of entrepreneurship: often fueled by public money, they can collect the collaboration of entities universities, hospitals, the same industry, non-profit consortium. For the "business" of the drug, the objective must be to obtain an effective medicine to combat disease but little interest from the point of view.

What the industry "health" is still a problem with broad spectrum. The search for profit puts the moral and ethical questions. One wonders if the "attention disorder" (Add) and "hyperactivity (ADHD) have been crafted to achieve new market shares. It is assumed that scientific research should be driven by pharmaceutical interests which guide scientists. There is indignant the fact that millions of people can not afford the costs of therapy and do not have a state health system. You agree that, due to a patent or intellectual property, life-saving molecules have high costs and often inaccessible.

Certainly this is the time when "Big Pharma" (the giant accused of running cartels and interests that go beyond the welfare of the patient and whose profit exceeds that of the top 490 corporations combined) could dispel any gossip dedicating a small percentage of its profits to various children much less fortunate than us all.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Used Stand Alone Tubs

Works great for a great country

the last millennium, Italy was the scene of 30,000 earthquakes. These have resulted in 120,000 casualties and damage in the last century to 100 billion euro in the last 40 years. The high seismic risk of a large part of the national territory (45% in Italy), among the highest in Europe, however, depends not only on the frequency and intensity of earthquakes, but also by the vulnerability of the housing stock in Most regions of historical and artistic importance, but no guarantees in terms of seismic resistance.

A situation that would require some time a correct classification of the area (only recently defined and agreed) rules and appropriate legislation on earthquake risk in the municipalities. Only September 14, 2005, with severe delays on dozens of past earthquakes in the name of the 27 children who died in the dramatic collapse of the school of San Giuliano di Puglia, was launched the decree defines "technical standards for construction" in seismic areas . Finally, the legislature sets the rules for the safety of old buildings and new construction in the towns at risk.

But with Italian style, from that moment began the transitional phases, extensions, referrals to postpone the entry into force of the law, the latest being in February 2009, which refers to the whole in July 2010. Extensions which, thankfully, exclude strategic buildings such as schools and hospitals, but, given what happened at the hospital of the Eagle, however, have not been applied or, at least, have not been met. Currently only 14% of buildings in seismic zone is built with security policies, and if now begun to rule the new development in 20 years we would still have 82% of homes insecure. Action is therefore needed as soon as possible, not only on newly designed buildings, but also on the structures and ancient monuments.

is true that the costs of actions to secure the Italian heritage could be around 200 billion euro, but it is also true that all the technical and economical analysis show that intervening before the earthquake would generate a savings of at least 40-50% of the cost of a seismic event, not to mention the number of lives that would be saved in this way.

Moreover, as already outlined in the "House Plan" of the Government, the effort this could act as a push to market the building and not in crisis. So, given the possibility of harmonizing laws that allow the timing, procedures, capital and control in public procurement for the so-called "Great Works" as the bridge across the Strait, divert attention and funding on the part of a "Great Work of prevention" like that which would alleviate the Italian seismic risk, could be the real solution for the future of Italy and its citizens.

Massimiliano Fanni Canelles