In a society where tribal wars, armed conflicts, civil wars, disease, trafficking are on the agenda, the population reaches high levels of poverty that we in the West can not and even imagine the plight of children these areas is inextricably linked to this poverty.
poverty can not be quantified with a measure of income per capita gross domestic product and debt of the country. Poverty mainly evaluated through the analysis of elements "quality", as life expectancy, infant mortality and literacy rates. A well maintained by the poverty of the Western world who now lives on the shoulders of the third.
When we address the issue of globalization we must ask ourselves how this should be addressed above all we should analyze what all this speculation, perpetrated against the weakest, but never return anything, can be profitable in the long term. Today there are 225 individuals in the world possess one million dollars each, the sum of the income of 2 billion and a half of the poorest people on the planet. These represent 47% of the world and most of them are actors, authors and victims, the largest industry of all time: that of war.
poverty can not be quantified with a measure of income per capita gross domestic product and debt of the country. Poverty mainly evaluated through the analysis of elements "quality", as life expectancy, infant mortality and literacy rates. A well maintained by the poverty of the Western world who now lives on the shoulders of the third.
When we address the issue of globalization we must ask ourselves how this should be addressed above all we should analyze what all this speculation, perpetrated against the weakest, but never return anything, can be profitable in the long term. Today there are 225 individuals in the world possess one million dollars each, the sum of the income of 2 billion and a half of the poorest people on the planet. These represent 47% of the world and most of them are actors, authors and victims, the largest industry of all time: that of war.
In ages past armed conflicts were mainly triggered by the attempt to govern in an autocratic manner territory. With the increase in capacity to trade the human race has grown more reasons to be more "economic" as the control of gold resources and wealth. Today, at a time “globalizzata” è la motivazione energetica a spingere maggiormente l’innesco di un conflitto armato.
In ogni caso è sempre il connubio fra potere e ricchezza da un lato e povertà e degrado dall’altro che genera nell’uomo quel cinismo che permette di calpestare chiunque, donne e bambini compresi. E se molti passi sono stati compiuti nella stabilizzazione democratica dei governi, che permettono di ammortizzare le spinte individuali verso la ricerca del potere, molto però deve essere ancora fatto nel rapporto fra capitalismo e mercato internazionale, fra capitalismo e mondo povero.
Come il principio della cooperazione allo sviluppo dovrebbe imporre, sarebbe opportuno innanzitutto abandon the idea of \u200b\u200baid for its own sake, but that must and will necessarily give way to future plans that will enable poor people to create an economic and social development "from below", of emancipation, self-sustainable projects with micro-entrepreneurship. To achieve this it is necessary that governments, NGOs and all stakeholders involved in social as they realize the only way, the only pick that can break the vicious circle of poverty, is to defend the right to education and vocational training. Required
will then open up the international market, both for raw materials, and energy. This section would avoid the triggering of actions aimed at control of deposits and their distribution channels. One aspect that clearly impeded by the presence of numerous "signs" conflict of interest by local and international, and political exploitation by religious and not least by the interests of the military industry.
But if it is still utopian such a conversion you should at least require the signatory states of the cards and the application of international conventions protecting human rights. We have a moral duty to return the children to their rights. Not those rights imposed by the adult but, listening carefully, those expressed by the children themselves, so that we should no longer speak of "children's culture" but a "culture of childhood"
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles