the welfare of a state is only visible in the mirror that reflects our freedom and that of neighboring peoples.
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
"They between them and us, between us," this was the election slogan of Ehud Barak, Israeli Minister, who had centered his campaign around the idea of \u200b\u200bseparation between the Palestinian and Israeli . Today, a 9-meter-high wall separating the Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip) from Israel, but the escalation of violence and death on one side of the wall and the other puts the whole world on alert today. Decades of Israeli military occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and rocket attacks and Palestinians in Israel is the object of the extremists on both sides to destroy each other.
Massimiliano Fanni Canelles
"They between them and us, between us," this was the election slogan of Ehud Barak, Israeli Minister, who had centered his campaign around the idea of \u200b\u200bseparation between the Palestinian and Israeli . Today, a 9-meter-high wall separating the Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip) from Israel, but the escalation of violence and death on one side of the wall and the other puts the whole world on alert today. Decades of Israeli military occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and rocket attacks and Palestinians in Israel is the object of the extremists on both sides to destroy each other.
The Palestinians want to get rid of the occupier and his constant physical and psychological violence, the Israelis, in turn, want to get rid of the Palestinians they see as an impediment to the realization of a state coveted for millennia and can boast of being the only democracy in the Middle East nell'aera. Men, women and children sacrificed to an insane and inhuman logic, hatred, resentment and violence that plague today's increasingly moderate population only resource to the realization of peace in the land santa delle tre grandi religione monoteiste. Ma questo sistema, esasperando entrambe le popolazioni innalza ai vertici dei Governi i falchi utili alla strumentalizzazione del conflitto da parte dei fondamentalisti religiosi e politici.
Daniel Goldhagen, storico di fama mondiale afferma come l’islam politico guidato da Hamas stia mutando in nazismo il suo antisemitismo. “Le novemila parole della Carta di Hamas dipingono ebrei, israeliani e sionisti in modo manicheo, in conflitto non soltanto con i palestinesi, ma con l’islam. Le loro allucinazioni antisemite ricordano gli ideologi nazisti piĆ¹ estremi”. D’altro canto Jenny Tonge, appartenente British Liberal Democrat party, emphasizes the guilt of Israel have brought the Palestinians to the levels of third world by blocking supplies of raw materials and therefore the economy. Tonge accused the Israeli army had dropped out of school exams in Nablus, with the result of a generation of illiterate and unskilled Palestinians. Not only that, the great Israeli writer Grossman is expressed by criticizing the harsh tones 'and Israel racist attitude towards the Arab minority and accuses his government : "Extremist forces threaten the peace in the' whole region and perhaps in the world, but the primary responsibility for this is the most powerful and aggressive, namely Israel and its rulers. "
Just to give strength to the fringes moderate at this time the Egyptian government is launching a series of interviews with the two Palestinian factions (the extremists of Hamas and the moderate Fatah in order to resolve the crisis . Fatah - has reaffirmed the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas - "will not accept any new agreements and refuse dialogue with rivals until they do not" put an end to the coup, will be set to accept all international obligations and to hold elections assets ". The proposal that Abbas has the full backing of Washington and Brussels is to take control of the border crossing with Egypt, where it seems to enter the military supplies that arm the hand of Hamas. A proposal immediately rejected by Hamas, which by mid-June has control over the Strip and claim his share of authority on the crossing of Rafah.
The seriousness of the situation becomes abundantly clear when they are constantly being deleted and hidden bi-national and multi-cultural alternatives. a drama in which it becomes increasingly difficult to take the necessary steps to maintain the dignity of all people, ensuring autonomy, authority and prosperity. A key area for the major monotheistic religions, but also for stability in world politics in which only a bi-national state, could in future be a peaceful solution. Two people and a group of people that you could propose a mandatory period of custody in which Palestinian children would be parents to live with Israelis and Israeli children by Palestinian parents.
A provocation? Utopia? Perhaps if we believed in the Holy Land all things be done differently ....